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Dranagg in the Netherlands


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OOC: Alright guys, this is getting rediculous. Kreig, stop posting 10 things in a row. Give time for Tahsir to reply. Also, please keep the OOC to a minimal..This RP is turning to a trash pile. :P

OOC: As soon as Tahsir joined it became one :awesome:

seriously though, :wub: Tahsir :wub:

Wish one of you guys would just nuke Tahsir and get this over with. If you want, you can bribe my rebels to do it

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OOC: As soon as Tahsir joined it became one :awesome:

seriously though, :wub: Tahsir :wub:

Wish one of you guys would just nuke Tahsir and get this over with. If you want, you can bribe my rebels to do it

OOC: Sure thing, mate B) Excellent idea !

**** TOP SECRET****

Finnish forces have been designated to land at Harlingen and use the port for unloading more troops- pressing on into Drenthe.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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OOC: Alright guys, this is getting rediculous. Kreig, stop posting 10 things in a row. Give time for Tahsir to reply. Also, please keep the OOC to a minimal..This RP is turning to a trash pile. :P

OOC: wait, didn't you move airborne forces into eastern utrecht? :excl: The city that deRaad is gassing and krieg artying?

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OOC: wait, didn't you move airborne forces into eastern utrecht? :excl: The city that deRaad is gassing and krieg artying?

OOC. There is a province of Utrecht and a city of Utrecht. We are shelling the city (and will be gassing tonight) and he landed in the province. Between Apeldoorn (Gelderland) and Amersfoort (Utrecht). We are controlling that area now. Next time when you invade a country- study it's geography.

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OOC: And everyone is getting on to me about OOC. New OOC thread created, please drop OOC here:


Let Tahsir post reactions to our movements, I understand the artillery not doing anything, however your forces have been getting hit by tons of airstrikes and what not..

Anyways, let him post reactions.

IC: Scouts are being send out to observe damage from artillery. Artillery temp. ceased until Scouts report back.

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OOC: Sure thing, mate B) Excellent idea !

"My lord, we can use this as a chance to test if the weapons work.. and we wouldn't even have to damage our own country!"

"Excellent idea, LeViathaN. Talk to the Dutch."

Secret IC to the Netherlands

We can offer nuclear assistance in your conflict.. we understand your plight.

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"My lord, we can use this as a chance to test if the weapons work.. and we wouldn't even have to damage our own country!"

"Excellent idea, LeViathaN. Talk to the Dutch."

Secret IC to the Netherlands

We can offer nuclear assistance in your conflict.. we understand your plight.

Secret IC Reply

(ONCE the dutch have relayed this message to us, consider this reply valid.)

General-Imperium Klauss:

"A nuke or two would help.."

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"My lord, we can use this as a chance to test if the weapons work.. and we wouldn't even have to damage our own country!"

"Excellent idea, LeViathaN. Talk to the Dutch."

Secret IC to the Netherlands

We can offer nuclear assistance in your conflict.. we understand your plight.


--- Messages forwarded to Allied High Command---

You are welcome to use nuclear weapons against his homeland. We thank you for your help.

The enemy destroyed our country and perhaps they should experience similar horrors.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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"My lord, we can use this as a chance to test if the weapons work.. and we wouldn't even have to damage our own country!"

"Excellent idea, LeViathaN. Talk to the Dutch."

Secret IC to the Netherlands

We can offer nuclear assistance in your conflict.. we understand your plight.


What's with the name LeViathaN. Why are LVN capitalised? Last I checked his character was dead. :P

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OOC: What's with the name LeViathaN. Why are LVN capitalised? Last I checked his character was dead. :P

OOC: :awesome:


--- Messages forwarded to Allied High Command---

You are welcome to use nuclear weapons against his homeland. We thank you for your help.

The enemy destroyed our country and perhaps they should experience similar horrors.

Your will be done. You will be contacted soon.

"A nuke or two would help.."

Give us coordinates and your will will be done.

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OOC: :awesome:

Your will be done. You will be contacted soon.

Give us coordinates and your will will be done.

"We are not fools, Rebels. We will not risk a backstab and have you launch at our cities.. I have forwarded a command to Krieg to boot all Defense systems operational. We will (per Intel and Tech sharing agreements) be linking into the CAU's new satillite system and will be making sure the missiles land where they are supposed to... For now, we will call off all allied troops and then proceed with Coords. We also with to have access to the mainframe guidance systems as a failsafe to assure no treachery is attempeted."

Secret IC Command:

All Allied troops are to immediatly cease fire and retreat far away from Western Netherlands as possible.

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"We are not fools, Rebels. We will not risk a backstab and have you launch at our cities.. I have forwarded a command to Krieg to boot all Defense systems operational. We will (per Intel and Tech sharing agreements) be linking into the CAU's new satillite system and will be making sure the missiles land where they are supposed to... For now, we will call off all allied troops and then proceed with Coords. We also with to have access to the mainframe guidance systems as a failsafe to assure no treachery is attempeted."

Safety first. When your coordinates are uploaded, we will fire. We await your orders.

Secret IC

"They're being cautious."

"Nothing wrong with that, LeViathaN. We're not here to attack Krieg: they are a favorable variable, not an enemy."

"Yes, my Lord."

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Safety first. When your coordinates are uploaded, we will fire. We await your orders.

Secret IC

"They're being cautious."

"Nothing wrong with that, LeViathaN. We're not here to attack Krieg: they are a favorable variable, not an enemy."

"Yes, my Lord."

Please link us to the Guidance systems now.

*Sends a computerized link to the Rebel systems, to be accepted or declined.*

*At the same time, Per our MDP and Tech and Intel Sharing agreements Krieg now is sharing Satillites with the CAU, and is montiering for missile launches.*

"Now, once you accept and allow us to monitor your systems, we will also be using satillites. Once we have full view and control over the situation to ensure our saftey, Coords will be uploaded.. Also, How many Missiles do you have for use?"

"Also, Afterwards we can discuss possible.. funds for helping your cause in your rebellion.. Obviously this is all to remain secret.. What the Emperor doesnt know cant hurt him.."

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Private in the 1st division:

General Eisner, We've been intercepting some long range In The Clear messages asking for coordinates of some kind.

General Eisner:

Coordinates? Thats odd. Maybe we can use that. Private, send this message to whoever is asking for coordinates

*Open Air Transmission*

51°59′N 5°55′E

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Please link us to the Guidance systems now.

*Sends a computerized link to the Rebel systems, to be accepted or declined.*

*At the same time, Per our MDP and Tech and Intel Sharing agreements Krieg now is sharing Satillites with the CAU, and is montiering for missile launches.*

"Now, once you accept and allow us to monitor your systems, we will also be using satillites. Once we have full view and control over the situation to ensure our saftey, Coords will be uploaded.. Also, How many Missiles do you have for use?"

"Also, Afterwards we can discuss possible.. funds for helping your cause in your rebellion.. Obviously this is all to remain secret.. What the Emperor doesnt know cant hurt him.."


Computerized link accepted.

Monitoring failsafe system uploaded.

"You have full view and control. If we find that you are aiming the missiles - we have two for use - at one of our allies instead of the coordinates then we will alter the missile in flight. Otherwise, you have full control."

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Private in the 1st division:

General Eisner, We've been intercepting some long range In The Clear messages asking for coordinates of some kind.

General Eisner:

Coordinates? Thats odd. Maybe we can use that. Private, send this message to whoever is asking for coordinates

*Open Air Transmission*

51°59′N 5°55′E

OOC: I call shens. Intercepting Secret IC messages. How?

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Computerized link accepted.

Monitoring failsafe system uploaded.

"You have full view and control. If we find that you are aiming the missiles - we have two for use - at one of our allies instead of the coordinates then we will alter the missile in flight. Otherwise, you have full control."

Top secret

140 W- 80 S

and 160 E- 80 S

Uploaded to Krieg's mainframe.

Target set in Antarctica.

Krieg Empires final Ultumanaum:

Surrender all forces immediatly. 2 minutes to confirm.

Edit: For IC reasons:

Missiles are using solid fuel. Systems active. Missiles have been stored and readied for launch.

EDIT Again >.>

QUOTE (Colerich Krieg @ Aug 25 2009, 02:03 PM) *

OOC: I call shens. Intercepting Secret IC messages. How?

There are alot of ways. In the US and Russian Armies, they have "electronic" units set aside for that sole purpose.

Well he could have at least RP'd that instead of magicly intercepting our message. OOC

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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