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Loki's Words of Wisdom Entry # 3

Malik Shabazz


Anybody remember when things were simpler? When there was no facebook, no cell phones, no internet. Just going outside and hanging out with your friends, then coming back inside and staying up all night to play video games? When you didn't have a worry in the world? When you didn't have to worry about what people thought about you, and you could just do what you wanted? I hate the reality of having to grow up, the reality that in a little more than eight years I'm going to have to pay bills. I remember how bad I wanted to grow up when I was a kid; now that I'm grown I realize how bad it sucks. Having to make all these complex decisions, having to be in constant worry. It sucks, plain and simple. For any younger players on here: Don't be in any hurry to grow up. Enjoy your youth while you still can, because before you know it; it's gone. You'll never get it back either.


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It's different for everybody. Some are happiest as kids, some are happiest as adults. Some have the best years of their lives when they retire, while some have them in high school.

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It's different for everybody. Some are happiest as kids, some are happiest as adults. Some have the best years of their lives when they retire, while some have them in high school.

It's funny because I loved my childhood and hated high school. So hopefully I'll be one of those cool old guys who can just sit back and enjoy life.

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Being an adult is awesome. You just happened to have reached the sucky crossroads between adult and childhood, which really sucks. It will get better.

Being a young adult is awesome because whilst yes you have to work and pay bills, that is you, doing it on your own, in your own way. Yes it is scary. Yes there are fears of unemployment, debt, death by giant squirrel. But at the end of the day, you can do what you like, when you like, and how you like. You get to decide what happens to you. Especially when your first paycheck and are independent of your parents.

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What? Being an adult is more of a pain in the ass than being a kid or a teenager? That is absolute !@#$%^&*! All you have worry about, as an adult, is labor and the bills, that is it! Teenagers have to worry about schoolwork, blending in society, the absolute headaches your own peers and your own parents causes, being commanded upon, seen and viewed as unimportant. If you are an adult raising children, then that is a different story, but if not, then I see no struggle to be an adult.

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I don't know about you but high school was easy as !@#$. Not to mention the whole "blending in with society" thing is !@#$%^&* because the cool kids in junior high are pregnant/fathers by the end of high school and the cool kids in high school are gonna be jobless five years from now, so being cool is the least of your worries (or should be)

Man, there's so much advice you should take from me Marin.

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What? Being an adult is more of a pain in the ass than being a kid or a teenager? That is absolute !@#$%^&*! All you have worry about, as an adult, is labor and the bills, that is it! Teenagers have to worry about schoolwork, blending in society, the absolute headaches your own peers and your own parents causes, being commanded upon, seen and viewed as unimportant. If you are an adult raising children, then that is a different story, but if not, then I see no struggle to be an adult.

It is also taking care of your family, finding a job, buying a car, having to pay back student loans if you take the college route (which will most likely take up your entire life) etc. While high school was probably some of the worst four years of my life, it's nothing compared to what comes after it. I agree with Neo Uruk (for once), being "cool" should be the least of your worries. Unfortunately I didn't realize that until after I graduated, as most of the "cool" kids either have kids or aren't doing squat with their lives. Me, I'm at the late teens/early young adult stage of trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Like I said enjoy your youth while you still have it, because after high school it's gone.

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Being an adult is awesome. You just happened to have reached the sucky crossroads between adult and childhood, which really sucks. It will get better.

Being a young adult is awesome because whilst yes you have to work and pay bills, that is you, doing it on your own, in your own way. Yes it is scary. Yes there are fears of unemployment, debt, death by giant squirrel. But at the end of the day, you can do what you like, when you like, and how you like. You get to decide what happens to you. Especially when your first paycheck and are independent of your parents.

While I like the whole independence aspect, what I hate is having to make all these decisions. Nobody ever said it would be easy, but like you said I guess it will get better.

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Maybe he has a planned out agreement with someone where he doesn't need bills; or will be living at a university for 8 years.

There are several options that do not mean he is a ten year old, and given the fact that he stated he is a young adult it seems unlikely.

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I'm 19...

I paid rent for my uni accomodation at 18 and started paying bills at 19 and now have a job at 21 (now 22). How is it going to take you 8 years to start paying them?
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I paid rent for my uni accomodation at 18 and started paying bills at 19 and now have a job at 21 (now 22). How is it going to take you 8 years to start paying them?

I was making an approximation, I'm in college and I live with my parents still.

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Ahahahahahaha. Ahahahahahaha. Hhhahahahahahahaha.

I can't even type a coherent response to you, Marin. I'm laughing at your naivety too hard.

Really? This is merely a post, I do not know what is so hilarious about a text -_- .

I don't know about you but high school was easy as !@#$. Not to mention the whole "blending in with society" thing is !@#$%^&* because the cool kids in junior high are pregnant/fathers by the end of high school and the cool kids in high school are gonna be jobless five years from now, so being cool is the least of your worries (or should be)

Man, there's so much advice you should take from me Marin.

I don't know about you but high school was easy as !@#$. Not to mention the whole "blending in with society" thing is !@#$%^&* because the cool kids in junior high are pregnant/fathers by the end of high school and the cool kids in high school are gonna be jobless five years from now, so being cool is the least of your worries (or should be)

Man, there's so much advice you should take from me Marin.

Yeah, Im about to turn sixteen, so maybe what I am speaking of is naivety, but the only worrying I see in andult is the bills and his/her own job (if the adult does not have a family).

It is also taking care of your family, finding a job, buying a car, having to pay back student loans if you take the college route (which will most likely take up your entire life) etc. While high school was probably some of the worst four years of my life, it's nothing compared to what comes after it. I agree with Neo Uruk (for once), being "cool" should be the least of your worries. Unfortunately I didn't realize that until after I graduated, as most of the "cool" kids either have kids or aren't doing squat with their lives. Me, I'm at the late teens/early young adult stage of trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Like I said enjoy your youth while you still have it, because after high school it's gone.

As I have said, if you're an adult whose had no children, I do not see the real struggle of the adult.

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As I have said, if you're an adult whose had no children, I do not see the real struggle of the adult.

LOL. Then you're in for a serious rude awakening once you graduate from High School.

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I was making an approximation, I'm in college and I live with my parents still.

So you estimate living at home until you are 27? That's probably part of the problem. You are not seizing the opportunity to get your independence but are old enough that you have full expectations and responsibility of an adult.

As for the difficulty of adult with children vs a teenager and the amount of worries, I have far more worry than when I was 16. I am however far happier than I was when I was 16.

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Not what I said at all. I meant to say within 6-8 years, because of college and everything after that. While a big lack of motivation on my part is a part of my problem, I also do not have the resources to live by myself; which is why I still live with my parents for now.

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Really? This is merely a post, I do not know what is so hilarious about a text -_- .

Yeah, Im about to turn sixteen, so maybe what I am speaking of is naivety, but the only worrying I see in andult is the bills and his/her own job (if the adult does not have a family).

As I have said, if you're an adult whose had no children, I do not see the real struggle of the adult.

You don't have to believe anybody here (they're all right), just write this down and read it again when you grow up. Just prepare to feel stupid.

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Loki, all I can say is wow. Your going to just stay at your parents house for 6-8 years? There's jobs out there, part time and full time. And THERE EVERYWHERE! Just because there isn't a help wanted sign doesn't mean theres not a job availible.

I live in a town of about 2500 people. Now there are 15-25 buisness' here ALONE! I assume you live in a somewhat populated area. If you can't find a job, you really have issues.

Here are some of the bigger companies that are always hiring:


Burger King



Best Buy

Start there, part Time work is not hard to find. If your to good for minumum wage (Which would pay the rent on a income based apartment) try:



I am sure part time jobs are availible there.

And, on pretty much every major college campus' there are hundreds of jobs availible. So yeah, Don't live with your parents and go into the real world.

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Loki, all I can say is wow. Your going to just stay at your parents house for 6-8 years? There's jobs out there, part time and full time. And THERE EVERYWHERE! Just because there isn't a help wanted sign doesn't mean theres not a job availible.

I live in a town of about 2500 people. Now there are 15-25 buisness' here ALONE! I assume you live in a somewhat populated area. If you can't find a job, you really have issues.

Here are some of the bigger companies that are always hiring:


Burger King



Best Buy

Start there, part Time work is not hard to find. If your to good for minumum wage (Which would pay the rent on a income based apartment) try:



I am sure part time jobs are availible there.

And, on pretty much every major college campus' there are hundreds of jobs availible. So yeah, Don't live with your parents and go into the real world.

McDonald's and Wal Mart are inexplicably not hiring where I live. Neither is Sonic. All jobs available here want experience, which I don't have. Therefore, I have to wait until I'm on a college campus to go look for a job.
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Not what I said at all. I meant to say within 6-8 years, because of college and everything after that. While a big lack of motivation on my part is a part of my problem, I also do not have the resources to live by myself; which is why I still live with my parents for now.

Why that long? Most degrees are 3-4 years. A few are 5 years. None of that explains why it would take you so long to leave home. If you are lacking motivation then go and find it. One thing I have found is that everyone finds a niche in life.

Here is a little lesson that I learned a very hard way. There is no such thing as adulthood. I have an adult job, I pay taxes, I pay bills, I go to adult conventions and deal with adult things. And I feel no different to when I was ten. There was no great flash of adulthood thrust upon me. And I wasted a long time before I realised that.

I realised this in a very brutal way. I was in the passenger seat of a car. I had borrowed my parents car and it was parked about two miles away and we were driving to get it. It was a foul night, the road was soaking wet. The car skidded on a corner and ran head on at 40mph into another car. I was the only person in that collision able to make it out of the car. I didn't have a clue what to do. I had even forgotten the number to call if you wanted an ambulance (999). It was the middle of the countryside in the middle of the night. Fortunately someone arrived in less than a minute who took control of the situation and started shouting at me to do things. And I was terrified, numb, unable to think...but I had no choice because those things needed doing.

And thats basically adulthood. You aren't going to get a flash of inspiration. There will be no magic transformation. You are just going to have to do things, and the difference between adulthood and childhood is you stop having a choice.

You say you don't have the resources to leave home? I get that. Nothing wrong with that. Getting through college with low debt is a smart option. But don't say that is not exactly that...an option. You are in college which means you are smart enough to get a job. You may not want to as it would detract time from your studies, and that may be the correct choice, but it is still there for you if you want to leave home.

Now at this point I bet at least someone reading this is thinking I am talking out my arse and jobs are hard to get etc etc. Well I don't know where you live but in my age in my place 20% are unemployed. Flipside is 80% employment. And I can tell you the difference between the 20% and the 80%. The 80% know what I have written above. They know you have no choice but to do things now. Those I know without jobs are not necessarily stupid (although some are) but they are those that either think they can't do things, or are the ones still waiting for mummy to come and put things right for them because they simply are not doing things for themselves.

You're an adult now. Do things. There is nothing else to it.

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