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Your "tech raids" traditionally include full military attack options, no offer of peace to accept, and you strike in numbers to swamp targets until the are destroyed or beg for peace terms at the GOON mercy boards.

I just don't understand how a micro could possibly confuse this with a war?

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Your "tech raids" traditionally include full military attack options, no offer of peace to accept, and you strike in numbers to swamp targets until the are destroyed or beg for peace terms at the GOON mercy boards. I just don't understand how a micro could possibly confuse this with a war?

implying rotavele is a stranger to CN

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Your "tech raids" traditionally include full military attack options, no offer of peace to accept, and you strike in numbers to swamp targets until the are destroyed or beg for peace terms at the GOON mercy boards. I just don't understand how a micro could possibly confuse this with a war?
implying rotavele is a stranger to CN


A tech raid is a raid on a nation that is usually smaller than the attacker and is usually unaligned (not belonging to any alliance).


[hide] 1 Why do people tech raid?

2 When is it over?

3 What if it says its being destroyed and I'm not getting it?

4 What do tech raids consist of?

5 Support?

Why do people tech raid?

A tech raid is to steal the victims tech, land, or sometimes money, but mainly to steal technology.

When is it over?

Tech raids are usually given instant peace when the victim requests it, but people who are greedy or in desperate need of tech demand tech for peace.

What if it says its being destroyed and I'm not getting it?

After a nation has not collected taxes for 13 days the nation will no longer be able to be tech raided because it will instantly destroy the money,land,and tech instead of giving it to the attacker.

But they're only 7 days inactive!

After a nation has no soldiers (and therefore in anarchy) it will also stop giving out the tech, land, and money and start destroying it, when attacked.

What do tech raids consist of?

Tech raids are normally/usually only ground raids but when a cruise missile, nuclear weapon, or aircraft are fired the attacker usually returns fire in their defense.


Most alliances will not back you up in a tech raid unless another alliance is upset with you. The usual line is "Tech Raid at your own risk".

^ that's the commonly accepted view of what a tech raid is as per the wiki. It's also why some people will have trouble accepting GOONs raid policys as tech raids. Don't blame me, blame society for holding the common view point.

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No, actually, a Wiki article represents the view(s) only of its contributor(s). The conduct of any raider - whether a Goon or not - differing from your norms (or from a Wiki article's contributor(s)'s) doesn't make it any less of a raid.

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Now I realize that your initial point (before getting hung up on semantics) was that GGA/the Wiki article's author perhaps viewed it as alliance war due to our tactics. However, given that the GGAer/Wiki article's author was Rotavele, it's just as, if not more, likely that, due to our histories, (s)he attempted to simply spin the situation.

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Now I realize that your initial point (before getting hung up on semantics) was that GGA/the Wiki article's author perhaps viewed it as alliance war due to our tactics. However, given that the GGAer/Wiki article's author was Rotavele, it's just as, if not more, likely that, due to our histories, (s)he attempted to simply spin the situation.

What's GOONS number of members before it's considered an alliance?

My understanding is that the group got up to 19 members before disbanding. When I checked they at 16.

On the other hand, I did notice that the GOONS were peacing out as well - which I generally don't see in "tech raids" - so that made me think perhaps when the alliance reached a certain level of membership, GOONS stopped.

So what actually happened from GOONS perspective?

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Now I realize that your initial point (before getting hung up on semantics) was that GGA/the Wiki article's author perhaps viewed it as alliance war due to our tactics. However, given that the GGAer/Wiki article's author was Rotavele, it's just as, if not more, likely that, due to our histories, (s)he attempted to simply spin the situation.
What's GOONS number of members before it's considered an alliance?My understanding is that the group got up to 19 members before disbanding. When I checked they at 16. On the other hand, I did notice that the GOONS were peacing out as well - which I generally don't see in "tech raids" - so that made me think perhaps when the alliance reached a certain level of membership, GOONS stopped.So what actually happened from GOONS perspective?

GOONS generally raids from AAs of 15 members or less, but policy dictates that exceptions can be made (and were, in this instance).

Many of us Goons have no love for Rotavele and others that inhabited the GGA AA. Our attacks were vindicated by the fact that protection of the AA was not mentioned in any of their nation bios, on the OWF, or on the reported protector's - BioCorp's - Wiki page, and on GGA's BioCorp was mentioned as their protectorate (not the other way around). Furthermore, one of their Ministers, via in-game PM, confirmed that they were as of then unprotected. In other words the targets checked out and we commenced attacks on a raidable AA.

We peaced out because we're at war with CSN, as per our ally's request (which we honored), and need to be focusing on them, not on purely profitable targets. We'd have been far more disinclined if not involved in alliance war.

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