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Old Blood Line



It's been a fun six years and seven months, so I thought I might say good bye to some of you.

Firstly, to the Pirates of the Parrot Order, my first alliance. Shade0017 sure had a way to make the game sound like more than it was. I didn't realize this until he tried to recruit me to numerous 'roleplay' websites. Had I not met him, or the other Pirates back then, I probably wouldn't have stayed. My experiences as a pirate, cabin member, and Captain were some of the best in CN, despite the hardships. Truly, the PPO is a great community, and I'll always remember the whacky times we had.

To Lurunin, I apologize for bringing you into the game. haha :smug:

To SpliceVW, :wub: thanks for everything

To Alucard, :v: Now I see what you meant all those years.

To Spikes, probably the most loyal pirate to have ever graced our AA. :blush:

To XBloodX, USoN was a long time ago and I'll never forget how awesome you were to remain loyal to me. It's a hard thing in this game.

To general abmenaj, proud to have passed on my legacy to you. lol

To Jose, trolololololol :smug:

To Lanna, I shall be seeing you, my deary! Really, thank you for all the fun times!

To all other pirates... Stay swinging' ;)

Secondly, to the Knights of Ni!, which were some of my best friends in the game. I met you guys in 2007 and even though quite a few of the originals are gone, the times carry on. Since watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I've showed it to well over a score of people. lol

To Capt. Aloha, it's never too late to whip it into shape. :v:

To Ramon666, quit slacking! I remember back when you ran !@#$! I hope you're doing well and something better than teaching! haha

To FBI, nice to see you re-roll, and thanks for the service, President. ;)

To Sudovia, you were the hardest working Knight I'd ever met. Thank you for the service and the best of luck to you in the world!

To all other Knights no mentioned, thank you for the work. If it's something I've learned, even one person trying makes a huge difference.

Thirdly, to the MHA, who helped out the alliances I was in tremendously. I never really pursued much for myself with you guys, but for everyone I represented. You did however always make me feel welcome, and it was a great feeling. At the end of the day, nothing matter, because we wanted to whup the same ass. :smug:

To DoctorDoc, thanks for all the hilarious times! When you became Trium, you really looked to help out the KofN, and I truly appreciated that!

To Belari, you're hilarious! And I'm looking forward to more Tom. ;)

To Julia_Rose_Vicious, thank you for playing all of my requests! I'm not sure how much fun you had with those short talks, but they were a blast!

To all the other Harmless folk, thank you for the support. It really meant a lot to know allies like you who were always friendly and assertive.

To all three of the above alliances, there were some times where I might have ticked you off, or you annoyed me. There definitely was but I only had the success of whatever alliance I was in at the time at heart.

To everyone else, the best wishes! I want you to know, I don't harbor anything negative towards anyone. As a matter of fact, the game in general, I don't care about. I've found something new to me and I will pursue it until my end.

If you would like to just talk or anything, you may feel free to contact me via the below.

skype: nathanael.gosling

twitter: @dv4l

tumblr: oodlesofbacon.tumblr.com

deviantart: drege.deviantart.com

Farewell, Cyber Nations!


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IYIyTh, I did have a shoutout for a lot more people, including you and xR1... but I was like... let's just get it over with. Almost didn't even post this. lol

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