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I love NSO, but I dearly want to punch many of them in the face for being the alliance that kicked off the "we wont ask our allies to defend us, despite that they HAVE to by treaty, and its politically OK if they dont defend us because we didnt ask" era. It has warped and bastardized the meaning of mutual defense. The reason CnG doesnt suck, and the other side does? We took beatdowns for years with a smile on our faces, didnt e-lawyer out of commitments, because its all part of the game, and the cycle. The sphere at present that are using this 'Legion hasnt asked for help" tag-line are playing the "if we wait long enough, we can change the political climate:" game. The best way to change the political climate is man up, impress someone, and possibly get new friends out of the deal.

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I love NSO, but I dearly want to punch many of them in the face for being the alliance that kicked off the "we wont ask our allies to defend us, despite that they HAVE to by treaty, and its politically OK if they dont defend us because we didnt ask" era. It has warped and bastardized the meaning of mutual defense. The reason CnG doesnt suck, and the other side does? We took beatdowns for years with a smile on our faces, didnt e-lawyer out of commitments, because its all part of the game, and the cycle. The sphere at present that are using this 'Legion hasnt asked for help" tag-line are playing the "if we wait long enough, we can change the political climate:" game. The best way to change the political climate is man up, impress someone, and possibly get new friends out of the deal.

The "didn't ask for help line" shouldn't be a huge problem. It's why I write treaties to specifically require a request to make defense mandatory. Not everyone thinks like that or writes treaties like that, and I don't know what things are like between Legion and Polar, but I'm assuming they're both OK with it, Legion seems to be at the least. If you don't like that mindset, then don't write treaties like that or act like that, but you can't determine how other alliances choose to operate their foreign affairs, and no amount of complaining will change that.

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Part of the problem is also that people do not know how to build a strong alliance in game.

Traditional banks are out dated. I have no idea why people use peace mode for their large nations. The wave tactic yes, but to protect them? Those large nations should be out fighting and damaging the enemy as much as possible.

Alliances need to move past large infra high money making bank nations. Winning wars is about having the tech to deal out punishment. If you can build up your alliance tech quickly then you can be a major player.

I love NPO but they completely ignored what I suggested. (Now they'll say I was horrible, whatever).

Anyways, Unimatrix should have been assigned to have nations 1-80 only receive tech and nations 81-400~ be sending tech to nations 1-80. From June 1 to today October 7 those nations could have built up approximately 3,600 tech each or 288,000 total tech. Why can't NPO fight? Low tech from 1-80 when you compare them to Umbrella's 1-80. NPO would have a top tier 1-80 with all nations having 6,000+ tech by now. They didn't listen :shrugs:

Tech Banking Nations is the way to go. Get yourself an active lower tier to feed tech to your upper half and you'll be as strong as Umbrella. If your members are loyal then they should have no problem sending 250 or 300 tech every 10 days to the upper tier members in their alliance.

People don't activate treaties because they have failed at building their alliances. Have a great low tier and you can unleash your top tier during every war and not worry about them getting destroyed. When the war is over they will just back collect and begin rebuilding that tech quickly. The small Tech Banking Nations would stay at 3999 and just send tech every 10 days, build up whatever war chest they can, and buy wonders. As growth allows, they could be moved up to the top tier to be a tech receiving nation.

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Get yourself an active lower tier to feed tech to your upper half and you'll be as strong as Umbrella.

And then they can spend 4 months sending money to GOONS. The thrills of meganation warfare.

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