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Disbandment, moralism and some leader



Ladies and gentlemen,

I was never a real blogger, or someone who needed to share his thoughts with the outside world. Today though, something came to my attention, which I need to ventilate to the rest of the world.

As you all know, my alliance is at war with several alliances (who's alliance isn't at this point in time). Some of us want to come to an understanding regarding peace, cessation of hostilities and so on. My alliance, myself and of course a lot of other people are against terms, may it be monetary, may it be physical as in destroying improvements, wonders, military etc. A plain no re-entry clause will do.

It's hard enough to come to an understanding between opposing parties, even if one is the obvious loser. Now enter a third party who fights on 'our' side, and is frustrating peace talks by only wanting one thing: disbandment of the alliance we're both fighting.

Now here my frustration starts. One thing is that this way it's impossible for us to get peace, white peace to be precise, the only thing we'll go for. The other thing is that I hate the fact that some people want to make the game impossible to play for others. If they don't have it their way, there will be no way at all.

How can you be such an utter @#$*@$#, and still think you hold the moral high ground? We're talking about forcing an alliance into disbanding here – an alliance which merely came to the defense of their long time allies. Sure, we aren't friends, but why make life impossible for each other?

I know these ramblings might seem futile. I'm sure people will laugh about it, think I'm a puss of some sort. At least I can go to sleep at night knowing I'm fighting a clean fight and don't bully others into deleting their nations to escape some !@#$%^&* ulterior motives.

erikz of Twinte

ps.: I'm asking you to be lenient towards me about my (probably obvious) spelling or grammar mistakes. ;)

ps two: Misfit nations; please contact me about the reps I'm going to pay for the Knights of Hyrule. You promised you to contact me but haven't done so yet.


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lawlz at CptGodzilla trying to deflect. while "no re-entry clause" is a term, it is still basically white peace since no other actual terms are being enforced. it is far more of a white peace than if you asked for reps, decoms, or any such. a no re-entry clause is almost usually expected as a standard clause nowadays. particularly if the war is still ongoing.

also, i agree with most here in that going for disbandment should be barred from CN. those asking it should get shunned to ensure they do not have the capability of demanding it.

as for staying in the war, if all alliances left GOD on the battlefield alone, pretty sure that GOD could not force a disbandment of UPN on their own particularly if UPN's allies stay in to continue to fight. at some point, just being an ally of an alliance asking for disbandment is not enough. ya'll should have the balls to leave them on the battlefield to stand up for your own morals especially if GOD does not respect their own allies or friends enough to listen.

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lawlz at CptGodzilla trying to deflect. while "no re-entry clause" is a term, it is still basically white peace since no other actual terms are being enforced. it is far more of a white peace than if you asked for reps, decoms, or any such. a no re-entry clause is almost usually expected as a standard clause nowadays. particularly if the war is still ongoing.

also, i agree with most here in that going for disbandment should be barred from CN. those asking it should get shunned to ensure they do not have the capability of demanding it.

as for staying in the war, if all alliances left GOD on the battlefield alone, pretty sure that GOD could not force a disbandment of UPN on their own particularly if UPN's allies stay in to continue to fight. at some point, just being an ally of an alliance asking for disbandment is not enough. ya'll should have the balls to leave them on the battlefield to stand up for your own morals especially if GOD does not respect their own allies or friends enough to listen.

So if you are ever on the winning side of a war, you don't plan on enforcing a no re-entry clause?

that's good to know.

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So if you are ever on the winning side of a war, you don't plan on enforcing a no re-entry clause?

that's good to know.

Ah no re-entry clause might be a term, but it's nothing compared to ruining someones economy, destroying improvements and wonders or forcing a community to dissolve because of some dickhead's ego.

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Ah no re-entry clause might be a term, but it's nothing compared to ruining someones economy, destroying improvements and wonders or forcing a community to dissolve because of some dickhead's ego.

A term is a term and being someone who is against terms, you should also be against no re-entry clauses.

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A term is a term and being someone who is against terms, you should also be against no re-entry clauses.

Its clear we differ in opinion here, I think a no re-entry clause is something that secures your allies and yourselves, because it prevents an alliance from hopping in and out of war when it suits them. The alliance which signs the clause isn't hurt in any way (economically, military or any other way.

Anyways, I was writing this blog because someone is trying to play some sort of evil overlord-admin here, which is very wrong.

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Its clear we differ in opinion here, I think a no re-entry clause is something that secures your allies and yourselves, because it prevents an alliance from hopping in and out of war when it suits them. The alliance which signs the clause isn't hurt in any way (economically, military or any other way.

Anyways, I was writing this blog because someone is trying to play some sort of evil overlord-admin here, which is very wrong.

I mean, you obviously hate what GOD is doing in this war. We are so terrible because we have given out white peace to our only targets this war. GATO received white peace with no clause dealing with re-entry after about 1-2 weeks of war, and Flying Hellfish United rexeived white peace with a no re-entry clause.

We are so immoral compared to your view of CN, it's just disgusting.

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I mean, you obviously hate what GOD is doing in this war. We are so terrible because we have given out white peace to our only targets this war. GATO received white peace with no clause dealing with re-entry after about 1-2 weeks of war, and Flying Hellfish United rexeived white peace with a no re-entry clause.

We are so immoral compared to your view of CN, it's just disgusting.

Lol, twist it anyway you want, you know as well as I do that there is no reasoning with Xiph about giving UPN white peace.

The GATO and FHU peace agreements are normal yes, but they do not in any way cancel out what Xiph is trying to pull on UPN.

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Lol, twist it anyway you want, you know as well as I do that there is no reasoning with Xiph about giving UPN white peace.

The GATO and FHU peace agreements are normal yes, but they do not in any way cancel out what Xiph is trying to pull on UPN.

Kinda hard to give an alliance white peace when we aren't even at war

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I'm fairly certain Godzilla knows GOD and UPN are at war. I mean, I just had a good time fighting against him and Eggplant -- maybe last week or so? Good guys to war with, I thought.

But on topic, good blog entry, though I remain unsure as to whether disbandment is the goal. I'd like to chat with Xiph about it, for even a minute or two, but he can be extremely difficult to track down.

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So if you are ever on the winning side of a war, you don't plan on enforcing a no re-entry clause?

that's good to know.

now that is some amazing mental gymnastics. where did i ever come remotely close to stating that? it is good to see that you continue to deflect instead of actually arguing a damn thing.

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now that is some amazing mental gymnastics. where did i ever come remotely close to stating that? it is good to see that you continue to deflect instead of actually arguing a damn thing.

He's arguing the fact that you think re-entry terms, along with all other terms, are bad. Terms are just another fact of CN life. If they don't want terms tell them not to surrender. Surrender isn't "Hey I'll give up this obviously losing fight but only if i pick and choose what happens to me afterwords."

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He's arguing the fact that you think re-entry terms, along with all other terms, are bad. Terms are just another fact of CN life. If they don't want terms tell them not to surrender. Surrender isn't "Hey I'll give up this obviously losing fight but only if i pick and choose what happens to me afterwords."

well if that was what i was arguing, he would be on to something.

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Does anyone outside of GOD want to forcefully disband UPN? If they insist on it people should leave them to fight the war alone like was done to Gremlins.

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Does anyone outside of GOD want to forcefully disband UPN? If they insist on it people should leave them to fight the war alone like was done to Gremlins.

The problem here is that GOD is far larger (about 2 1/3 times the ns) than UPN while Gre was smaller than IRON, especially after people started leaving en masse.

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You can't see any because you have a typo in your search string - you typed out "Global Order of Darknesss" - an extra 's'.

The corrected link is: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=Global%20Order%20of%20Darkness&anyallexact=exact

Stop trying to be cute. You aren't. You're just being wilfully dishonest.

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