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Nations or Military–Industrial Complexes?

Juana La Loca



Nation (Webster 1913) The body of inhabitants of a country, united under an independent government of their own.

Military-Industrial Complex (Oxford Dictionary of Politics): Term coined by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to describe the powerful alliance of the military, government agencies, and corporations involved in the defence industry. Each sector has an interest, either financial or strategic, in expanding the government's arms budget.

Alliance (Webster 1828): The union between nations, contracted by compact, treaty or league.

Bloc (Random House Dictionary 2011): a group of nations that share common interests and usually act in concert in international affairs

One Cybernation = military, government agencies, and corporations involved in the defence industry.

Alliance = Nation under single government

Bloc= Alliance uniting "alliances" by compact, treaty, or league


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One Cybernation = military, government agencies, and corporations involved in the defence industry.

Alliance = Nation under single government

Bloc = Alliance uniting "alliances" by compact, treaty, or league

I guess this is the argument. A "cybernation" is a collection of local assets geared towards defence (rather than a nation in the traditional sense). While an alliance functions as a nation (multiple localities working together under one government), and a bloc functions as an alliance (multiple "nations" working together). This would make non-aligned nations equivalent to primitive tribes, which I suppose is the justification a "colonial power" would use to invade their territories in search of resources, til they learn to be civilized (join alliances). Did I get it? :P

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I agree with the point your making here...

Ive always thought about it like this

Single CN nation = State

Alliance = Nation made up of United States

Bloks / Treaty Partners = Alliance made up of unified allied Nations

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Ive always thought about it like this

Single CN nation = State

Alliance = Nation made up of United States

Bloks / Treaty Partners = Alliance made up of unified allied Nations

I guess this is the argument. A "cybernation" is a collection of local assets geared towards defence (rather than a nation in the traditional sense). While an alliance functions as a nation (multiple localities working together under one government), and a bloc functions as an alliance (multiple "nations" working together).

Depending on the alliance I believe either form could work, seeing a CN nation as a State in a union (Alliance/Allies) or seeing a CN Nation as a collection of assets in service toward the nation (Alliance)

It rather much depends on the sovereignty granted to the individual unit within the alliance; whether it is

Symmetric Federalism: one nation - one vote. Certain powers regarding nature of economy, military specialization, and/or trade are sovereign right of the individual state but military/security matters are under the aegis of centralized federal gov't which can override states rights if there is a conflict.


Asymmetric Federalism: some states are more equal than others. Different constituent states have different levels or autonomy. Most often seen as increased autonomy gained thru seniority/experience/contribution or in the reverse "probationing" a misbehaving state.


Federacy: one or several states considerably more independent than the majority of the state units.

The last is where I see it devolving into the majority of nations in an alliance being reduced to a set of resources and production assets (includes nation as a military unit) in service to the one or several more independent states who by and large set alliance policy.

This would make non-aligned nations equivalent to primitive tribes, which I suppose is the justification a "colonial power" would use to invade their territories in search of resources, til they learn to be civilized (join alliances). Did I get it?

Yahtzee! Well phrased and thank you for completing the analogy ~ my adderall had not kicked in at the time of posting. :awesome:

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I see the CN nations sort of just being a loose collection of a group of cities in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Everything else, high GRL, lame infra, lame tech, low collections and citizent count makes sense from there.

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