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ATTN Buyers: Tech Bonanza




Hey all you 3/50 jackasses I tricked into opening this blog: Stop jerking the market around with 3/50 deals, morons. What, you think people will stop selling tech if they stop getting the tiny bit of extra money? Your inflation isn't going to create more sellers, so you're still screwed, meanwhile you're clogging everything up and slowing down the delivery of what is available.


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There is an alternative to a lack of techsellers, it's on that menu thing to the left, it becomes a rational choice at some point unknown to me, I suspect the point is somewhere north of 10k infra.

Deleting your nation seems like a drastic response to a shortage of tech sellers.

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Deleting your nation seems like a drastic response to a shortage of tech sellers.

Life is not worth living without cheap tech and plentiful sellers, I don't think I can carry on.

And gawd, SimAnt! Get into the house and live forever.


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