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dear cn

Chief Savage Man


It's probably too much to ask but lets have an enjoyable war. This isn't an ideological war like the Bipolar war (the first portion at least) or Karma war and as such, it should not bring the vitriol and ideological blustering of those two wars. So instead of yelling about how PC and iFOK are cowards for not attacking one of their close friends' allies or whatever contrived arguments any of you can come up with, just enjoy the Christmas action. This goes for all of you.


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While Tromp does his best to translate FEAR's actions from "honouring the written word of a treaty" to "attacking other alliance's active protectorates" (which even NEW didn't do), it's hard to argue that this isn't an ideological war.

NEW didn't? Might want to explain that one.

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The only problem is the people losing this war aren't really having as much fun as the people winning. So they need something to make them feel like they won somewhat. To make this happen, they try to win the battle of words. That's the only reason you have arguing. It'll happen every war where there is a clear loser.

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It's still not an alliance. Come on, we both agree what NEW did was wrong, you don't really have to argue this point.

What does it matter whether the protectorate is an alliance?

The protection of that what we used to call DF was there, and that's the only thing important in this case. That was my point.

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What does it matter whether the protectorate is an alliance?

It's an important distinction to the Red Safari alliances, who all argued that it is impossible to unilaterally protect unaligned nations - you have to sign protectorate treaties with alliances.

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