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Finals, Christams, And a few more things

Mark William Tide


As if our life around this time of year isn't stressful enough with the weather(in some areas) and Christmas shopping and such we have finals. Okay first i hate you finals and i hate teachers that give them if your a teacher I'm sorry but i hate finals. I mean whats the point really. A big test to see if we learned and remember everything ever taught to us in one semester. First of some people hate test(me) and most of those people in turn do bad on big test(not me). Some people may be cruddy test takers but it by no means that they have no knowledge/understanding of the text and material. All finals do is stress us student out and some times it stresses some students out more then they already all, makes them lose sleep, and cause them to stay up for hours or spend time away from friends studying for a final. Lets get one thing straight if i didn't get what you taught 12 weeks ago what in the heck makes you think im gonna now the freaking material now 12 weeks after the fact and after ive learned new things. Lucky for me the only finals i have to really study for are Bio and Spanish but for the poor souls who are stressed about most or all of there finals may who ever you believe in have mercy on you, and good luck.

Christmas my favorite time of the year... when im not putting dents into my wallet and bank accounts or rushing out to buy those perfect or last minute gifts and returning gifts i hate or that someone already got for the person i bought it for. I would also enjoy it more if i didn't have to brave the cold, snow, and ice just to go get gifts and to visit family, I would also like it more if the week and a half to 2 weeks before it i wasn't stressed about finals then passing my finals then having to rush out to the store after i pass just to get a gift.

This time of year is happy one but before the 24-25 its filled with stress and people asking questions like why did it have to snow today? Why do you have to want the new ipod or that new best seller book? and the biggest question WHY IN THE HECK DO WE HAVE TO HAVE FINALS AND A WEEK OR SO BEFORE CHRISTMAS?

Christmas is a time of love, joy, happiness, giving and caring. So if you schools want to know how you can follow and share this spirit CANCEL FINALS or atleast move them until after Christmas break.


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Joe I'm in college after this summer and i might be going back to Ireland so i don't think it will be that bad plus it's not like I'm stupid and i have ways of dealing with stress

Although i noticed some of my spelling above was wrong lol

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What about those who really know all the material and don't want to waste our time on stupid projects and homework assignments? I was the first person in years to get a perfect score on the Honors Physics Final. I still got a B in the class, because I didn't care enough to do the homework.

I OBVIOUSLY know the material, why should I be penalized?

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What about those who really know all the material and don't want to waste our time on stupid projects and homework assignments? I was the first person in years to get a perfect score on the Honors Physics Final. I still got a B in the class, because I didn't care enough to do the homework.

I OBVIOUSLY know the material, why should I be penalized?

You remind me of my friend, who always half assed his homework and projects but always managed to set the curve in all of his AP classes.

Also, another question, how else will teachers gauge the degree to which you know the material if they didn't have final tests?

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What about those who really know all the material and don't want to waste our time on stupid projects and homework assignments? I was the first person in years to get a perfect score on the Honors Physics Final. I still got a B in the class, because I didn't care enough to do the homework.

I OBVIOUSLY know the material, why should I be penalized?

Alot of classes focus on the students initiative and drive in addition to their understanding of the material. Neither hard work or intelligence will get you far, this is the case in alot of undergraduate study, less so in graduate study.

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Finals have been easy so far. Only one left. Fortunately the teachers put the material that we actually learned this year instead of just putting standard stuff and putting random questions we 'should know'.

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Alot of classes focus on the students initiative and drive in addition to their understanding of the material. Neither hard work or intelligence will get you far, this is the case in alot of undergraduate study, less so in graduate study.

I understand, and I would actually believe in this value provided employers recognized it. They don't, though. School's competitive advantage is not teaching drive, or socialization, or any of that. It is getting you into a room and shoving as much information into your brain as possible, and making sure you know it.

Anyways, blogger was complaining specifically about the methods of learning material and how tests don't always measure it because some people are poor test-takers. But I'd say they are better than the alternative of numerous projects and homework assignments where students off load work on each other or straight up copy answers.

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i have a spanish final, tok final, and part of my film study final to do but the finals i took Wednesday were all A's and i feel good about the English essay i had today and the bio final i had so im not to worried i just dont like test and i was showing my views and what i see with fellow class mates and finals

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High school is hard.

I OBVIOUSLY know the material, why should I be penalized?

Because that's half the point of college. It's not just to teach you !@#$. If you get a college degree, the assumption is that you have gone through the all-nighters and studied for that extremely hard final and buckled down and finished that 15-page paper. That's part of the value of the degree to employers.

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Because that's half the point of college. It's not just to teach you !@#$. If you get a college degree, the assumption is that you have gone through the all-nighters and studied for that extremely hard final and buckled down and finished that 15-page paper. That's part of the value of the degree to employers.

Then schools should create actually challenging classes for people that do not need to do all-nighters and think 15 page papers on prison systems are a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Piling more work on ME in order to demonstrate I can actually do work is a waste of my time, and it's absolutely unfair that I should be penalized for the incompetence of other people while I spend my hours doing something PRODUCTIVE FOR ME.

Either way, like I said before, tests are perfectly valid measures of comprehension, which the OP disagrees with. Homework and projects do not adequately demonstrate comprehension of material. And I have my doubts that college really has this value to employers, because they demand massive amounts of things OTHER than college, too. Which is simply silly if college can adequately test your ability to do work.

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Finals before Christmas is nice though, a week where you have no class and most of your other obligations (clubs etc) cancel, so much free time and a few tests, then you get to go home and relax for a month with nothing to worry about.

I don't see your problem.

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