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Don't give up on society...



This day many years ago, when I first starting out in university, marked a very important day for me that I will never forget. Before I begin this isn't a lecture nor is it here to teach a lesson since I'm no person to discuss morals with others but what I do have is a story.

Many years ago I was in calculus, I personally, felt the class was very easy. Perhaps it was just me. Now we all know those in class that will go through any means necessary to find every way possible to get as many points as possible, in the easiest manner possible just to get through with a good grade - many of them cheat. We all witness this yet many are afraid to speak up and tell the teacher they are cheating for fear of being a "tattle tale" or being thought of as a jerk. I am no saint, far from it.

I will call fouls while playing basketball or even lie to get out of a rough situation, but honestly it has never occurred to me to cheat in my life. Cheating is pointless and some, not even most, of the time it catches up to you. Being religious, I'd rather cheat on my wife than cheat on myself and my classmates; it just never occurred to me. I came here and many did it. Some more discretely than others, and maybe only a few got caught. I had a feeling most teachers just didn't care, that they were just okay with letting it go and that those that cheated just didn't have it in them to study. I felt that cheaters do prosper and they will get away with things because the instructor's simply just don't care. Well on this day many years ago, I was wrong. Very, very wrong.

The previous class my friend saw someone cheating, a person notorious for cheating and not only that but also stealing. I have reasonable doubt to assume, from others, that this individual stole my expensive chemistry book, physics book and graphing calculator. Being poor and having no money to my name living with my uncle and relative family at the time, this was devastating. Having to work minimum wage open to close on weekends and a significant amount on Thursday's and Friday's showed how desperate I was to make tuition. Yet this person was born into a well to do family with a brilliant father who was a renowned scientist. Everyday it seemed he was showing his friends something new and exciting. Well apparently he bought a cell phone that could scan problems and show it to him whenever he felt like it. I noticed it, since he showed me. He copied the answers to my problems once when he didn't do his homework, he usually does his homework though and I'll get to it later.

Now back to the main story. At the beginning of class we're given quizzes to do. The teacher let's us keep the quizzes until the end of class if need be so long as we don't have any notebooks or anything on the table. When most hand in their quizzes, he resumes with class. Now the person in question sometimes kept his quiz until the end. He always used his cell phone. And why? He had a graphing calculator, hell maybe even mine!, on his desk. Anyways to top it off, he not only used his cell phone, but during class he'd use his notebook when no one was looking. My friend caught it, we also believe he stole my friend's calculator as well from others, and felt enough was enough. As the guy handed in his quiz at the end of class my friend came to the teacher right after and straight up told him, "[Name] was cheating." The teacher seemed a bit quiet about it. He said, "Cheating? Well this needs to be addressed. I don't know if I need to have everyone hand it in early or what, I know some need a longer time on the quizzes than others but if I need to I will make everyone turn it in at the same time most do to get on with class." Now originally I had intended to just ask the teacher a question and stay out of it, but I then said, "[Name] has a phone that can scan the problems and bring it up on his cell phone." The teacher all of a sudden took this into more consideration and said, "I will handle it."

Two days later we had class again. We had a bad semester. Many issues arised and it seemed like the teacher, who was very nice by nature and to other classes and was said to have never yelled in class, seemed to yell at us everyday. Asking there is just something about this class that is just.. off. Well one day he brought up a document that we have all seen before. The teacher exclaimed, "this is the most painful thing I've had to do so far." Some ditsy girl asked, "what is that?" The teacher said, "you should know it because you all signed it at the beginning of the year." The document entailed was something called the Pitt Promise.

He especially highlighted the section that said:

# I will commit myself to the pursuit of knowledge with personal integrity and academic honesty;

# I will respect the sanctity of the learning environment and avoid disruptive and deceitful behavior toward other members of the campus community;

And he said, "I am seeing cell phones out. Now is there an app you are using to get the answers? I know you're not texting someone and I know you're not using it as a calculator since you already have graphing calculators sitting on your desk. Now is it possible that some of you are scanning questions from the homework, (as the questions on the homework were exactly the same on the test, one question from each section) is it really possible that some of you are so deceitful that you would do such a thing?" Someone astutely remarked, "but who would take pictures of the questions on the homework and do that though? Seems like too much trouble, they're probably cheating through other means." The class laughed and the teacher merely shrugged sort of laughing saying, "I don't know, but is it not reasonable to assume that there is cheating going on when cell phones and calculators are out at the same time? I mean if some of you put in 20% of the effort you use getting around these things you can easily understand this material."

He then turned serious and in a very calm and respectful manner, unlike his usual yelling when people interrupted his class unfairly, said, "This hurts the most. Because I can deal with a lack of respect towards me. But please have the integrity to have that respect towards your classmates and to yourselves because this is at the very heart of your character."

We got on with class. The first thing we reviewed was the quiz. My friend who had told on the guy scored a 5/10 on the quiz, visibly upset. Whereas the guy who cheated scored a 9/10 and interrupted the teacher asking why he missed a point and felt he should get it back. The teacher simply replied, "just talk to me after class about that" as if it were nothing. My friend was very upset. How could he, who took the test honestly, be content with a 5/10 when a guy who cheated scored a 9/10 and was asking for points? He felt the teacher was a sell-out, I did. As if what he said meant absolutely nothing at all. I thought my friend was just going to storm out of the room in anger but he stuck around for something, he put up a problem on the board.

We usually have something called "board problems." Problems from the homework that the teacher designates to put on the board and then explain them to the class as to how we got that answer for bonus points. Now of course the guy who cheats always wants to steal the board problems. We had previously come to a consensus, as a class that if you do a board problem one day you don't do one a next since they were limited and to give others a chance. The guy lashed out saying, "that's not fair, no! I don't agree to that." And the matter was put to rest. Now my friend and I each put a problem on the board, yet the other guy decided to put up 3, the maximum you can put up, stealing points from others.

Now the teacher asked me to explain my problem, I did. Although I messed up the domain since I didn't read the question properly he still accepted it and said, "good." He then asked my friend who explained his question well and the teacher said, "good." Now it came time to ask the person who cheated how he got his answers. I thought he would get away with it, but the teacher did something I never expected and probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

Now the guy can't explain his problems. As was found out, he usually goes into the library and gets the solution's manual and copies it all word for word, letter by letter. So of course when it comes time to explain it, he makes stuff up to get through it having to get the teacher to explain it. The teacher usually allows it. Well not this day, not today. One of the problems involved exponential functions using half life. Now although I don't recall the problem, I do remember the particular issue in question which was so simple.

Now the guy had the ln(1/2) and then on the next line he all of a sudden had ln(-2). The teacher asked how we got it. The guy stuttered, "yeah well the 30 there and you take the log of the natural log." He was spouting nonsense for ten minutes, the teacher didn't let up. "No! How did you get ln(-2) from ln(1/2)?" He couldn't explain it. The teacher than said, "ln(1/2) is the same as the ln(1) - ln(2) through the property of the division of logarithms. The ln(1) is 0 therefore it's 0-ln(2) therefore it's ln(-2)."

I looked at my friend, he looked at me as if to say, "he got 'em" nodding our head's. People looked at us not knowing what had happened. My friend stood up stretching his arms, I thought he was going to do something but then sat back down.

He didn't continue on with the problem. He said, if some of you would be so deceitful as to copy and paste problems from the solution's manual at least have the decency to explain it properly. He then went on with class.

At the end of class the guy just bolted for the door not asking about the point he had lost on the quiz. My other friend, who had a point stolen by the guy via a board problem he got wrong talked to the teacher saying it's just not fair. He told the teacher, "he comes from a well to do family and gets to cheat yet myself who had it hard my whole life (his dad died when he was young) has to work for every damn thing!"

Thanking the teacher for catching him I looked on in awe. This was the single coolest and greatest thing I have ever seen. The way he approached the situation was so methodical and mathematical in its own right, it was truly amazing. I felt for awhile that cheaters do prosper and that teachers don't care. And for the most part it's true, yet that day I ran into a cheater who didn't prosper and a teacher who did care.

I agree society has become a muck of cheating and taking the easy road out. But no matter how bad it is, never give up on society and stay true to yourself and those around you.

/End rant


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I'm not even sure what your trying to argue in favor of.

I know. I've pointed that out to you, and the reason why you're unable to comprehend my point of view. Your constant use of the word 'snitch' demonstrates a clear lack of intellect on your part. Come back and talk to me after you've taken on adulthood.

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I know. I've pointed that out to you, and the reason why you're unable to comprehend my point of view. Your constant use of the word 'snitch' demonstrates a clear lack of intellect on your part. Come back and talk to me after you've taken on adulthood.

So you think everyone should be spying on each other and notifying authorites whenever anyone steps out of line and don't follow all the rules and regulations, I think I understand your point of view now. You favor a police state where nobody can trust each other, you consider those who would turn in their friends to please the state to be doing a noble deed. A twisted way of looking at things you have there, maybe when you reach adulthood your views will change after you've experienced life more.

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So you think everyone should be spying on each other and notifying authorites whenever anyone steps out of line and don't follow all the rules and regulations, I think I understand your point of view now. You favor a police state where nobody can trust each other, you consider those who would turn in their friends to please the state to be doing a noble deed. A twisted way of looking at things you have there, maybe when you reach adulthood your views will change after you've experienced life more.

Amazing how you're willing to put words in my mouth to make your arguments. It's also very clever to insult my age, as if you had any concept of how old I am. To any mature individual that happens upon this conversation, it'll be obvious to them which one of us is acting more juvenile.

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Amazing how you're willing to put words in my mouth to make your arguments. It's also very clever to insult my age, as if you had any concept of how old I am. To any mature individual that happens upon this conversation, it'll be obvious to them which one of us is acting more juvenile.

I'm not hiding my age and 23 years old, yet you insult my age first when you're obviously younger. You're probably middle school or high school I would guess from your viewpoints and posts, as it seems you don't have much knowledge to fall back on and mostly just throw insults and sarcasm around. If you think you're acting mature that only further proves you are very young and don't know how to act mature.

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I'm not hiding my age and 23 years old, yet you insult my age first when you're obviously younger. You're probably middle school or high school I would guess from your viewpoints and posts, seems you don't have much knowledge to fall back on and mostly just throw insults and sarcasm around. If you think you're acting mature that only further proves you are very young and don't know how to act mature.

I'm going to chuckle at this and leave it at that.

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itb Methrage tries to justify cheating and calls the male teacher a "she".

Being old doesn’t give you some special insight into life. Especially if what you learned is you take pleasure from seeing fellow students humiliated in front of others by a teacher and that kind of person is your idol. He should have been called aside but the teacher decided to have fun at his expense. Like most teachers they never leave the classroom and get a real job. They spend their lives talking to children and not dealing with adults in the workplace. Perhaps this is why they behave like spoilt children from time to time. Who would idolise them?

Your post reaks of a hidden agenda. Being an educator isn't a bad thing and doesn't necessarily mean you can't deal with adults. I've friends who have moved on to be successful doctors yet are miserable because they simply do not enjoy their job. They teacher didn't have fun at his expensive, he wanted to know whether or not he was truly cheating this entire time and found out. And the child needed to be humiliated if he went to such lengths to cheat.

But I tell you what, since you feel so passionately about teachers being useless and spoiled, stay home and try to educate yourself like an adult. Check back to me and tell me what your career is in another 4 or so years and then look for a job and have to explain why you don't have a degree.

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Your post reaks of a hidden agenda. Being an educator isn't a bad thing and doesn't necessarily mean you can't deal with adults. I've friends who have moved on to be successful doctors yet are miserable because they simply do not enjoy their job. They teacher didn't have fun at his expensive, he wanted to know whether or not he was truly cheating this entire time and found out. And the child needed to be humiliated if he went to such lengths to cheat.

The child needed to be humiliated. Is that right? An adult whos job it is to educate showing his students that public humiliation is a valid method in dealing with a situation. If you get the chance to humiliate a child on front of his/her peers you should do it with gusto. I have no hidden agenda I just don’t understand what there is to admire about an adult who humiliated a child on front of his peers. People who think they are moral think their actions are always justified because they are the moral police no matter what they do in the name of whats right. He was wrong and if my boss in work humilated me in front of my collegues no matter what I did I'd have him on front of HR in a heartbeat. He abused his position no matter what way you look at it.

But I tell you what, since you feel so passionately about teachers being useless and spoiled, stay home and try to educate yourself like an adult. Check back to me and tell me what your career is in another 4 or so years and then look for a job and have to explain why you don't have a degree.

People do it all the time its called Open University and its a perfectly respectable method of educating oneself. Its the course content and the grade you achieve not the teacher that gets you a job.

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Really? Okay let me amend that. Come to America and try that, see how far you get without a degree. You could receive a comprehensive education in how to eloquently say, "would you like fries with that?"

Also isn't it hilarious the student can do anything he wants but as soon as the teacher steps out of line, which he sure as hell didn't, it's all the teacher's fault? It's a messed up world we live in these days. :rolleyes:

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Really? Okay let me amend that. Come to America and try that, see how far you get without a degree. You could receive a comprehensive education in how to eloquently say, "would you like fries with that?"

Sounds like a problem with America rather than OU.

Also isn't it hilarious the student can do anything he wants but as soon as the teacher steps out of line, which he sure as hell didn't, it's all the teacher's fault? It's a messed up world we live in these days. :rolleyes:

One is an adult and one is a child. The child was wrong but the adult, knowing better and being at work was more wrong. Its a messed up "society" you want to save that thinks an adult and a child are mentally and emotionally at the same level. Is it any wonder bullying is openly accepted over there when teachers doing this makes them a hero. Personally I think soldiers and firemen are heroes not people who humiliate children.

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I wonder, Methrage, can you really be so dense as to not understand the fact that when a university tells an employer that a graduate has certain skills that they do not possess (in the form of a degree), that there is no net harm to anyone other than the cheater? Do you believe that it is fine in society if we have future doctors, engineers, and architects that lack the knowledge that their professional organizations say that they should have?

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Alterego, this is a university course and the student is an adult. It may help to read the whole story before commenting on it.

I read it end to end. He said starting out in University making the guy 16, 17 or 18 unless he was a mature student. Intentional humiliation by people in power no matter the age of the victim is pathetic and people who admire...well, no comment.

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I read it end to end. He said starting out in University making the guy 16, 17 or 18 unless he was a mature student. Intentional humiliation by people in power no matter the age of the victim is pathetic and people who admire...well, no comment.

Age of majority here is 18, which is also the starting age for our universities. But I agree with you here, the proper response to cheating isn't to humiliate the student; it's to initiate academic dishonesty procedures which at my school ended with expulsion. This student got lucky.

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I wonder, Methrage, can you really be so dense as to not understand the fact that when a university tells an employer that a graduate has certain skills that they do not possess (in the form of a degree), that there is no net harm to anyone other than the cheater? Do you believe that it is fine in society if we have future doctors, engineers, and architects that lack the knowledge that their professional organizations say that they should have?

Does it really make a huge difference if someone memorizes the answers before the test, then forgets them afterward instead of just bringing the answers with them and learning as they take the test? Either way I'm not saying cheating is good, but its none of the other class mates business if he's cheating, that's between him and the teacher. If he did it obviously enough that the teacher saw him he would of deserved punishment, but that she didn't see him and had to rely on the testimony of a classmate who could have immoral intentions is why she didn't do anything other than tighten up the rules, which I think was a good way for her to handle it.

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unlike with your theft scenario he isn't hurting anyone else

One could argue that he is defrauding anyone who goes on to hire him on the basis of the qualifications that he holds (which, after all, is the entire point of the qualification). They are losing resources purchasing something which is not as advertised.

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One could argue that he is defrauding anyone who goes on to hire him on the basis of the qualifications that he holds (which, after all, is the entire point of the qualification). They are losing resources purchasing something which is not as advertised.

Most classes have nothing to with your major and the employer should really be checking what skills you really have, depending on the type of college someone goes to they might know nothing about their major and just paid for the degree pretty much. There is no rule stating a college needs to teach someone a certain amount of stuff before they can give a degree to someone.

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Most classes have nothing to with your major and the employer should really be checking what skills you really have, depending on the type of college someone goes to they might know nothing about their major and just paid for the degree pretty much. There is no rule stating a college needs to teach someone a certain amount of stuff before they can give a degree to someone.

Yes, there are such rules, actually. That's why college programs are accredited.

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Yes, there are such rules, actually. That's why college programs are accredited.

Not all colleges are accredited, if a you go to one that isn't accredited you can still get a degree, although you can't transfer your credits to one that is.

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Not all colleges are accredited, if a you go to one that isn't accredited you can still get a degree, although you can't transfer your credits to one that is.

Yes, and you'll get a worthless degree if you go to a non-accredited school (unless it's a degree in religion), same as the "degrees" you can order based on your "life experiences" online. As for me, I expect my doctors to have passed their MCAT and my lawyers to have passed the state bar exam, and I wouldn't consider cheating on these exams to be in any way "just as valuable" as learning the skills their certifying organizations expect them to have.

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Yes, and you'll get a worthless degree if you go to a non-accredited school (unless it's a degree in religion), same as the "degrees" you can order based on your "life experiences" online. As for me, I expect my doctors to have passed their MCAT and my lawyers to have passed the state bar exam, and I wouldn't consider cheating on these exams to be in any way "just as valuable" as learning the skills their certifying organizations expect them to have.

Its up to the employer to check whether your degree is worth something and if you've actually learned any skills or if all the training will have to be on the job, also it would depend on the subject if it actually matters if you learn the stuff beyond passing the class. A lot of times its easy to get stuck with classes that don't have anything to do with your major and aren't any fun, for electives and other classes you aren't going to need to know the material once you pass and it doesn't really matter. If for example you cheat your way through trigonometry you're going to have a hard time with calculus and any other math classes that you might take after it, but if its a class where you need to memorize a bunch of artists and identify their artwork, you're not going to need to remember that if your degree has nothing to do with art.

Anyways the guy who cheated missed out on learning the material properly, but maybe he had good reason he couldn't study beforehand. Its not really anyone's business what he's doing except maybe the teacher and she doesn't need people giving her more to stress over by complaining over other people cheating.

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Its up to the employer to check whether your degree is worth something and if you've actually learned any skills or if all the training will have to be on the job, also it would depend on the subject if it actually matters if you learn the stuff beyond passing the class. A lot of times its easy to get stuck with classes that don't have anything to do with your major and aren't any fun, for electives and other classes you aren't going to need to know the material once you pass and it doesn't really matter. If for example you cheat your way through trigonometry you're going to have a hard time with calculus and any other math classes that you might take after it, but if its a class where you need to memorize a bunch of artists and identify their artwork, you're not going to need to remember that if your degree has nothing to do with art.

Anyways the guy who cheated missed out on learning the material properly, but maybe he had good reason he couldn't study beforehand. Its not really anyone's business what he's doing except maybe the teacher and she doesn't need people giving her more to stress over by complaining over other people cheating.

It's not my business if someone out there is taking actions that directly affect the value of the degree I expect to hold? I strongly disagree.

We've all had times when we didn't study as much as we wanted. I took the grade I deserved and moved on.

Finally, the idea that getting a degree is only about learning things in your major has 2500 years of precedent against it, and I don't know of any reputable school that subscribes to such a nearsighted view of education.

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Now the guy had the ln(1/2) and then on the next line he all of a sudden had ln(-2). The teacher asked how we got it. The guy stuttered, "yeah well the 30 there and you take the log of the natural log." He was spouting nonsense for ten minutes, the teacher didn't let up. "No! How did you get ln(-2) from ln(1/2)?" He couldn't explain it. The teacher than said, "ln(1/2) is the same as the ln(1) - ln(2) through the property of the division of logarithms. The ln(1) is 0 therefore it's 0-ln(2) therefore it's ln(-2)."

Sorry, the mathematician in me won't let me let this go. It's -ln(2), not ln(-2). Logarithms of negative numbers are complex.

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Being old doesn’t give you some special insight into life. Especially if what you learned is you take pleasure from seeing fellow students humiliated in front of others by a teacher and that kind of person is your idol. He should have been called aside but the teacher decided to have fun at his expense. Like most teachers they never leave the classroom and get a real job. They spend their lives talking to children and not dealing with adults in the workplace. Perhaps this is why they behave like spoilt children from time to time. Who would idolise them?

So how old are you 21? 26?

It is a real job, and one that takes up much more time than the hours they get paid for. Grading and producing lesson plans are time consuming.

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Methrage you seem to lack something vital. Not sure what it is, but it makes you far less appealing as a person.

To endorse "finding an alternative way to succeed" is ridiculous. Using one's phone to pass a test, whether there are clear rules or no clear rules on the matter, is dishonourable and anyone would be right to get angry at a situation like this. I don't see how anyone can be jealous as you've said; it's not jealousy at all, it's standing up for what's right.

You seem like someone who would take "rules" word for word and find ways to work around them so you're not technically breaking them. Which makes sense as you praise this cheater's "creativity".

Somehow I doubt you'll get far in life with that mentality, and I don't sympathise with you one bit.

By the way, the teacher is male. How many times do you need to be told? Maybe read the OP.

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