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Adventures in Parenting

Ashoka the Great


So the missus and I took the kid soff to McDonald's to get a McFlurry or two.

On the way back, my wife (who was driving) poked me in the leg and said, "What's Jack singing?"

It went something like this....

I get up every day.....it's a miracle I'm told....somehow I live to work....so I hit the road....

Don't shoot! I'm a maaaaaaaaan.

I could not have been a prouder parent than I was at that moment.

What the boy was singing.

By the way.....

He's five.


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I had the same moment of pride when when my boy started belting out verses from a certain classic


Of course, now that same 4 year old is constantly singing Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. Ugh. And by constantly, I mean (no exaggeration) about 15-20 times a day -- and this has been going on for months now. I've already told my wife that when we discover him dressed in drag at age 12 it will be her fault.


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That's awesome. :D

Hopefully the woman I marry (if I ever get married <_<) will not be too big a fan of the string of pop tarts there are out these days. Although I don't think I want my kid to be belting out "the laws of nature, the laws of man, this volatile paradox will never stand" at age 5 either :ph34r:

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Teach him some Dire Straits. Then you will have truly succeeded as a parent.

Except Money for Nothing, he's probably better off not learning one of the words in that song for a bit.

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