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Lessons of the Xiphosis Experiment




This article is best read while listening to the modern hegemony's


In explaining why GOD, Kronos and others felt it necessary to pretend that they were declaring war on a weaker alliance, GOD's leader, Xiphosis, suggested that he was conducting a social experiment. While the discovery -- that an alliance threatened with war will probably prepare for war -- wasn't overly surprising to those of with more than a week's worth of political experience or two brain cells to rub together, there were far more profound and unintended conclusions drawn from this 'fun' experiment.

Ultimately what it served to highlight was how monotonous normal life under the new regime has become. This was brought about by the contrast of sudden activity with the lack of it once the world returned to normal -- one can live in poverty while one remains unaware of the riches down the road; it is only contrast with the latter that demands recognition of the former.

Thus, what comes out of this experiment is not a statement on how fun and powerful and popular Xiphosis is, but rather a statement on the power-relations of our day -- a realisation of the stifling superstructure erected by the ruling alliances, and an intensifying of the reality that any alliance at any time could be destroyed by this ruling elite without cause.

This once again must be contrast against the aspirations of Karma, with its underlying narrative of making the world a more exciting and free-flowing place. The lesson to be taken from the Xiphosis Experiment, therefore, is the reaffirmation of the victory of an enhanced unipolarity, where there is no competition: only the powerful -- playing whimsical games and jokes on an international scale -- and the powerless -- sitting with their heads down, hoping not to end up a victim.


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In fairness to tC, I've got to say that their alleged suppression of free speech seemed to operate much more at the alliance level than the individual level. In other words, they might've singled out alliances that weren't willing to accept their rule, but an individual ruler could certainly call them out publically without getting ZI'd.

Since Karma took over I've been disappointed by some of the actions that have taken place by those in power. At the same time, these injustices seem much more chaotic - not a part of systematic consolidation of political control. And there has been considerable public backlash at times: look at the Athens-KoN situation, and Polaris unilaterally attacking \m/

So there are some elements of Karma that I think are living up to their lofty talk during the war. They just happen to be allied with elements from UJP 2.0. So I guess we'll see how that works out.

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I never got threatened with ZI, but I did have to apologize in an attempted humiliating way.

It's all relative. A paper cut is no less annoying now even if we broke our leg two years ago.

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In fairness to tC, I've got to say that their alleged suppression of free speech seemed to operate much more at the alliance level than the individual level. In other words, they might've singled out alliances that weren't willing to accept their rule, but an individual ruler could certainly call them out publically without getting ZI'd.

Since Karma took over I've been disappointed by some of the actions that have taken place by those in power. At the same time, these injustices seem much more chaotic - not a part of systematic consolidation of political control. And there has been considerable public backlash at times: look at the Athens-KoN situation, and Polaris unilaterally attacking \m/

So there are some elements of Karma that I think are living up to their lofty talk during the war. They just happen to be allied with elements from UJP 2.0. So I guess we'll see how that works out.

Up until IRON cleared its ZI lists quietly before the karma war, IRON had many more PZI/EZI/whatevers nations than NPO generally did at the time. Even then they were a far cry than what people like(d) to think they were - but it's not as if facts ever really matter in the face of overwhelming propaganda. Granted we probably didn't help that reputation by attempting to scare people away from vox by suggesting all who joined would be PZI.

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The last few years have for me, been an interesting lesson. Having been part of the whole tC gang myself I personally never really had a full view of the 'abuses' that we were responsible for, and to me I often felt that it was entirely exaggerated and at the end of the day without substance.

Now I take significantly more notice of the 'abuses' committed by SF/CNG. I suppose the harm is always more severe in the perspective of the victim than the victimizer. It would be nice to think that those running the current group had learned something from their own experience at the bottom , but I do wonder if they have yet to gain a full understanding of how greatly their own power and position blinds them.

Nations come and go from CN everyday, it has been a year and a half, it is time to collectively move past all of the ill feelings. Post karma was supposed to be a time of new beginnings. I have not seen NPO strike out for revenge, or try to harm any alliance for that matter. It is kind of silly that prejudice persists among some groups.

In either case nice write up Comrade :).

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