Re: Gramlins
So apparently GDA's little announcement has caused quite a stir. Given that our announcements rarely go for so many pages, I guess we should be flattered.
We at GDA had done tech deals with Grämlins often in the past. Given Grämlins recent war behavior, we felt that a statement of disapproval, as well as action, was necessary. You might or might not disagree with that. But really, this goes far beyond just Grämlins.
It's about the idea of surrender. Asking an alliance to completely decommission their military, before even bothering to give surrender terms is a tactic that is both brutal and dangerous. Sure, Gramlins could have simply used it to give white peace. But still, for a period of time, the fate of your alliance rested entirely in the hands of someone who is looking out for their own benefit. With traditional surrender terms, you at least have a chance to bargain for a good position for your alliance, and you have the option of backing out.
This tactic of unconditional surrender effectively takes two of the greatest tools of a surrendering alliance away. You don't like the terms? Too bad, you agreed to unconditionally surrender, and now you are backing out of that agreement. So now your alliance gets blitzed while undefended. I've heard people say that you could just simply buy military back. But still, it's a risky tactic. If your enemy is faster than you, you still get blasted. Not to mention, if part of the terms call for you to come down to DEFCON 5, guess what, unless it's after update, you are stuck in DEFCON 5 while you are attacked.
It isn't just about us being on the opposite side, and taking a shot at the "enemy". If any alliance tried to introduce such tactics in a similar situation, I would certainly push for some kind of expression of disapproval. Now Grämlins, has had a shot to make their case. Had the Grämlins leadership made some kind of clarifying statement early on, it might have helped their case. But right now, all I see is a belligerent alliance intent on making some kind of statement. Which is really sad, considering where they came from.
Now, I know that some of you out there, believe that we "former-hegemonists" as I have heard us called deserve this kind of treatment because of past crimes. All I have to say, I wasn't here for whatever happened in the past. My nation was barely six months old when the Karma War rolled around. All I know is what has happened now. And this new idea on surrender is not something I want to see become common, no matter what side of the treaty web you are on.
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