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My favorite comments from the TOP DoW



I just wanted to save a few of these. Always fun to look back on things said pre-war compared to post war.

The Order of the Paradox herein announces its entry into this conflict, with declarations of war on the forces of the Complaints and Grievances Union. We thank the Global Order of Darkness for trailblazing the trend of a “coalition-wide CB” entry into a war.

To our opponents: We agree with the New Polar Order's reasons for war against \m/, and we consider ourselves part of that particular side of the war. For our part, however, much our reason to enter this war lies in our desire to defeat those who have shown time and time again, in public and in private, that doing harm to us is high on their agenda---and that, indeed, they would take advantage of any advantageous opportunity to do so. This is a war they have brought upon themselves.

You've wanted us for a long time, this is your chance. Are you willing to fight a 6 month nuclear war? For your sake I hope so, we've been preparing for a doomsday since WoTC, I hope you have too.

Are you going to be willing to fight a six month long war when your entire side has been surrendered for 5?

Yes. And I'm speaking for all of TOP. Not that we will need it.

For everyone who's trying to tell us how we did this or that. Why bother? We're not going to step down. We declared and we are wiping the floor with CnG so far (perhaps it will change when CnG gets rest of the world to join in a fair fight against us).

We built our nations for exactly this scenario, perhaps brought on bit differently but same scenario none the less. We stat collected for a reason. Now we will make everyone eat their hats who called us cowards, stat collectors and incompetents.

Good luck to all who will fight us. Good luck to us. Have fun everybody. We sure will. And I'm going to look forward to seeing how exactly you manage to beat us. It's going to be interesting to see.

World vs TOP. - Draw

CnG, you would have declared on us anyway. Sorry we didn't walk into your trap as well. Why are you trying to e-lawyer your way out of it? You were set to declare war on us, why would we do it on your terms?

Why are you people so pissed at this declaration? I'm fairly confident you all wished to join this war, and i'm sure you all wished to do so kicking our stat collecting assess. Yes, this is a historically bad way to go into war (CN wise), but who gives a damn? We just made this game a !@#$ looad more interesting.

Get over yourselves.

Cry me a river.

DON'T. $%&@. WITH. US.


Stop your whining.

You want to fight then let's go.


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I say fight an eternal war and put some of those collected stats to good use. I'll meet you at the bottom :)

Falalalan. Get what you deserve CG.

I won't hold the tongue now. It's been extremely obvious that you(C&G) have wanted our action since Karma ended. Why? I don't know. All the crap about us not helping in the Karma war etc... which is so obviously propaganda and untrue. The time for lies is over. Fight with courage if you have any. And allude to us walking into a trap all you want. We know what the $%&@ we're doing. Bring it we'll see who wins.

You have no idea what you're about to walk into

You sure about that? :smug:

Bring your anger. It makes us strong.

I don't expect it to be long before MK pulls out their martyr card again. You all have been rearing for this for months. Now you will receive what you asked for, though not exactly as you would like.

Any victory against TOP would be a pyyrphic one at best. Preemptive strikes have been done in the past, we do this to win. You have wanted to fight us for so long, now leave the propaganda at the door and let's dance, fine gentlemen.

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Airme, you're a hypocrite. You called the last war the Blue Balls war cause you, CnG and co got boners waiting up everynight in hopes that you'd be able to get a shot at IRON and TOP. So now we're coming straight to CnG's doorstep. Your moral outrage here is laughable. Don't beg for a fight for months then cry bloody murder when you get punched square in the chin.

Okay, so now that that's out in the open... enjoy our stat collection, CnG. Toodles. :smug:

Time to use all these stats we've been collecting!

There's a reason we've collected all these stats...

I know this will be a fun war. Don't disappoint us CnG.

This is going to be fun. I hope your nukes are ready MK, I have some casualty stats to collect. :)

We try to make things simple and easy. Hope you enjoy the meal. :D

To war my brothers and sisters! Let's show them that a knight will stand and fight for the long haul.

Hey, we might have DoW'ed a bunch of people, but don't try to tell me that this won't be fun for everyone. :P

War for the hell of it. Isnt that what the other side is fighting for?

I get confused so easily...

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Do you think it is fair to say that TOP misread our "pokerface"?

I think we read yours alright, it's \m/ or NpO that surprised us.

Still, no problem. We didn't sign up for a war with CnG just to go off into the woods when the going gets tough.

These ones from Bob Janova I missed initially (was busy times). No idea who ticked him off and made him do the 180 on his initial position or decided it was all C&G's fault for not warning TOP that the other war was about to peace so please don't surprise pre-emptive attack us....lol

I have to say that I'm generally a fan of the coalition v coalition approach to war – i.e. if you enter a coalition war you can enter at any point on the opposing side. However, unless I'm missing something, C&G was not a part of the war, and in fact had strong ties to both sides making its entrance less than inevitable.

If you'd jumped on a combatant, say FOK or even Superfriends as a bloc, then this would be justified. However, it seems to me like you hve effectively done a GATO in GW2 and brought in a whole group of alliances which were not previously engaged.

It's unfortunate that you've been shafted by Polar's peace declaration (I bet you wish you'd delayed this another hour or two now!) but you've brought a lot of the trouble upon yourselves.

Enjoy the war, as I'm sure you will, and I hope to see you come intact out of the other end soon enough!

While this is probably true, it is still not a good idea to bring in an enemy force which may or may not have been going to enter against you, at least unless you can blitz them back to the stone age before they can react. TOP will remember Legion attacking them in GW3, or GATO's declaration on most of the Initiative in GW2, so I'm astonished that they decided to take the same route, instead of hitting someone who was already a part of the coalition (probably someone in SF other than GOD, who were the obvious bait). C&G would probably have counter-attacked, but don't forget that at least two of them (MK and GR) are also tied to Polar, so it wasn't a foregone conclusion.

Sup Nizzle. First C&G were crying because of war (which they weren't, but you don't seem to let facts get in the way of many of your recent posts) and now they are tyrants because they won't let your buddies walk away. Tsk tsk. I mean, this war was all good when you thought TOP was gonna win, amirite?

This makes me happy in my pants.

Good job TOP. Marching into the void. Now look at them all bawwing. I thought this is what you wanted?

(Exception to most of MK, who are welcoming this.)

Oh, the difference from the TPF war. Now no one wants TOP to play?

You know, had they declared on one member of CnG, they would have had effectively declared on all of them anyway. Right?

This is very funny and I have no idea how it didn't get sigged a bit more:

Give 'em hell, C&G. I've got some graves to dance on.

Quite the wild imagination you have there, TOP doesn't burn, they only inflict more and more damage to their enemies until no more enemies. :ph34r:

Edit: I do wish MK luck and hope they get out while they still can (if that is even an option still).


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I like the one about 6 months of nuclear war.

It's been 3 weeks and they lost 9 million NS already, considering they only have 7.5 million NS left I have no idea how they expect to be able to do that.

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I like the one about 6 months of nuclear war.

It's been 3 weeks and they lost 9 million NS already, considering they only have 7.5 million NS left I have no idea how they expect to be able to do that.

When confronted with that fact they start bragging about their huge warchests.

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I like the one about 6 months of nuclear war.

It's been 3 weeks and they lost 9 million NS already, considering they only have 7.5 million NS left I have no idea how they expect to be able to do that.

Because FAN kept all of their ns during vietFAN right? :rolleyes:

You guys have horrible knowledge of the game mechanics.

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