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Just making a statement...




Greetings, Cyberverse. If you don't already know me, I am Canik. Grand Chancellor & a founder of FEAR. I joined Cybernations in between GWI and GWII. My first war was the Maroon War, where I fought for ICP. Then Great War II, where I fought for The League against NPO (before it was cool.) It was after The League's defeat that splinter alliances merged to created the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics. Hence the name.

I am not the most outspoken person. I'm not a writer or a poet by any means. I am usually blunt and to the point. I have little interest in small talk. Don't worry, I won't be blogging often. :P

Concerning the War; First, I'd like to say it is both an honor to fight alongside brave souls and good friends, and to fight against such formidable foes.

If you question why FEAR entered the war, you only need to look at our treaties. We did enter through Optional Aggression via TORN, but the entire war is Optional Aggression. As far as we're concerned, entering to "defend" TORN would not have been any more or less honorable. We were going to enter the war for our allies eventually and that's all there was to it. Maybe we were a little over-zealous about it, but after being held back for a week while TPF was attacked, and then again in the NpO - \m/ war, we were sick and tired of sitting and watching. Inevitable war is inevitable.

Concerning the Joint Statement; I can't speak for the rest of the signatories, but I can assure you that FEAR was not asking for peace, nor were we trying to insult CnG. We simply did not see how offering peace could be a bad thing. Obviously, strategically you want to get as many opposing alliances (and individual nations) out of the war as possible. We did not realize a portion of the signatories were about to surrender. We earnestly do support light surrender terms, but it also could play to long-term strategy. If and when we surrender, we are willing to accept reasonable terms. We are not against terms completely, just crippling terms. That value won't change win or lose, neither will our commitment to our allies.

Concerning my Blog; You are free to reply with your opinion. I may answer questions concerning issues discussed in the blog. I will not answer anything off-topic, and if you have anything serious to discuss I would suggest using private messages or IRC to contact me.

Thank you all for your time, and enjoy the war. :awesome:


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The white peace statement/offer of you and yours was laughable, for a couple of reasons, of which the most important one is "losers do not dictate peace terms".

In any case, I doubt the war will last that long anymore. Peace is good for all. :P

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The white peace statement/offer of you and yours was laughable, for a couple of reasons, of which the most important one is "losers do not dictate peace terms".

In any case, I doubt the war will last that long anymore. Peace is good for all. :P

Maybe some were hoping to dictate peace terms, but that was not the intention of most of the signatories. You have to consider this was in the works days before it was announced, at the time we still had enough alliances, if we got some more surrenders, maybe we would've had a chance in the long run. It still may have been laughable, but we were trying to win a war we weren't overly worried about whether or not our enemies would like it. If we weren't going to try everything we could to win then we might as well have surrendered on day 1.

It was epic fail though, I do agree with you there. If you don't agree about the intent, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Or you can nuke me. :)

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I think the peace statement was a good idea that was mistimed. Had it been a few days earlier, before the direction of the war became so clear, it would have been more effective. I don't regret putting Zenith's signature on it, but I do regret that the timing pretty much ruined the effect and made us look weak.

I do agree with the sentiment though, as there are lots of little alliances caught underfoot of the larger ones who would be better off taking peace instead of being destroyed out of obligation.

Those that trolled the announcement most heavily are also the sort of arrogant fools that gloat in victory, and nobody really likes those sorts.

Also, hi.

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Wasn't the direction of the war clear from the moment the CF started (NpO pulling out)? :unsure:

What can I say? We're a stubborn bunch. We don't resign ourselves to defeat so easily. :P

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