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BFF - Sentinel loss comparison

Starting from when FEAR entered the war: Full credit goes to Spaarlamp for the stat tracking. I simply borrowed this from our forums. Kudos to MXCA & GDA, who aren't doing too bad. UPN would appear to be doing alright, but it doesn't take into account loses before FEAR declared which were significant. Loses tend to slow down as things become disorganized, people can't declare new wars due to anarchy, people slip into peace mode, etc.



Just making a statement...

Greetings, Cyberverse. If you don't already know me, I am Canik. Grand Chancellor & a founder of FEAR. I joined Cybernations in between GWI and GWII. My first war was the Maroon War, where I fought for ICP. Then Great War II, where I fought for The League against NPO (before it was cool.) It was after The League's defeat that splinter alliances merged to created the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics. Hence the name. I am not the most outspoken person. I'm not a writer or a poet by any me



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