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An Introduction and Brief History



Greetings and welcome.

I decided to make this blog to give interested people an insight into GOONS. I am not sure how long I will continue it, but if there is sufficient interest, time permitting, I will keep it going.

What is a Goon, anyway?

Most simply a Goon is a member of the Something Awful Forums.

Less simply there are many, many kinds of Goons out there. Each subforum is practically its own self-contained community, some threads can practically be communities in and of themselves. There are quite literally hundreds of subforums. I claim residence in Games, Laissez's Faire, and a thread in Private Game Servers.

That said, there are many uniting factors which most, if not all goons share, I'll go into that if there is enough interest.

A Brief History of Goons and the CN Family of Browser Games


This is the very abridged version. There is a *lot* to say about what happened in the various spin-offs from the original CNGOONS, but I will limit that for now to the one I was most familiar with: The faction that resided on the moon.

This faction is very special to me, for it was a faction that I served in government in nearly from the founding of the alliance to its death. While the faction started as a spin-off of the original CNGOONS (the charter was ripped almost word for word, in fact), it quickly developed its own unique culture. If I recall, none of the government had ever had positions in CNGOONS. We had to play the diplomatic game constantly, or risk destruction. The exploits of earthbound CNGOONS put a gigantic target on our heads (in many ways more so than we have now, as the wounds were still very fresh then). We evolved diplomatically to adapt, but we still lost many wars, if only because we could not make up the time gap, as we had come on the scene reasonably late. In the end though, we persevered, and wound up dominating the game.

Of course, rather than have a GOONS dominated game on their hands, they decided to start a 'round two' of the game and close registration of the first round. Either way, that world is dead and gone, and it ended on a high note (for us anyway), and more importantly it helped develop our diplomatic skills.

After the lunar escapade was done, we moved on to Galava, which didn't really work out either, for a variety of reasons.

After all these factions died out, for a time there was nothing.

CNGOONS2: Electric Boogaloo

One day, out of the blue I received a message from my friend and sometimes mortal enemy, salithus. (salithus and I have a very long and colorful history, but I'm certainly not going to get into that here). He wanted to get GOONS back in CN. I agreed, I had wanted this for a long time, and had kept my nation up only for the hope of a return. Together (and with the writing help of Lamuella) we made it back. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't surprisingly hard either to get enough support to come back successfully. The lessons we had learned about diplomacy from the moon had served us well. Our government was largely people from the moon GOONS government.

Our real obstacle to returning came internally. The old CNGOONS government (not all of it, but a few rabid ones) chose to oppose us dramatically, declaring we had "undone all the good they did by disbanding", an argument that still makes no sense to me to this day. But we managed to survive their trolling of our recruitment threads, and got many new people interested in Cybernations, as well as a few returning veterans.

And then some other stuff happened, and here we are today, nearly a year later.

Anyway, please make comments suggesting what to cover next. There is a lot of ground to cover. Topics about my involvement with all this, the core differences between us and the original, what exactly happened on the moon, those sorts of things.


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Very interesting and insightful read.

I hear there's also a pretty large EVE Online group from the SA forums. Any truth to this?

Absolutely, Goonswarm is, or possibly, was, the largest Goon-run gaming group. At its peak it reached over 6 thousand members. They owned the best space in the game. Recently however, they lost all of their space due to a bill paying misshap. I myself am not in Goonswarm, but I have been playing eve for almost 6 years now. Goonswarm's exploits are well documented, and they have even has articles about them in the NYT. This is a time of crisis for them, having lost all their space they could totally explode like the old CNGOONS did or reform and try to take space elsewhere.

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Absolutely, Goonswarm is, or possibly, was, the largest Goon-run gaming group. At its peak it reached over 6 thousand members. They owned the best space in the game. Recently however, they lost all of their space due to a bill paying misshap. I myself am not in Goonswarm, but I have been playing eve for almost 6 years now. Goonswarm's exploits are well documented, and they have even has articles about them in the NYT. This is a time of crisis for them, having lost all their space they could totally explode like the old CNGOONS did or reform and try to take space elsewhere.

Didn't the Goonswarm take over EVE practically overnight? I have a friend who used to play EVE, and if I remember what he told me correctly, they took advantage of an opening that let them hold the majority of space in the game over the span of a few hours.

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Didn't the Goonswarm take over EVE practically overnight? I have a friend who used to play EVE, and if I remember what he told me correctly, they took advantage of an opening that let them hold the majority of space in the game over the span of a few hours.

That's a very large exaggeration, this is the current map of political EVE: http://go-dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png . Goonswarm owned Delve and Querious in the bottom left most recently. Hardly the majority of space, but the best space. They did take advantage of a top level defection of a director of the alliance who owned it though, he disbanded the alliance and allowed goonswarm to move in and claim all the space.

Ironically, goonswarm didn't even need a defection to lose all their space in that manner, they just had to forget to have somebody pay the bills.

After that though somebody did freak out and defect, but I haven't heard what came of it.

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DraGOONS was briefly revived before the admin there pulled the plug. However AD lead it, so what little success it had in the beginning didn't last very long. Maiknel and some others refused to just remove AD from power out of laziness, so no surprise the faction was a failure. AE GOONS are still alive and kicking in the new server, though. We're still establishing ourselves at the moment.

Mind covering how you ended up scoring a protectorate with both Orders, and why (after the UJW) you would approach them for it?

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Goons dominated that moon game for a long time. It certainly was a nice show. I'm looking forward to a seeing the GOONS here.

How cow! Nice seeing you again, long time no see.

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DraGOONS was briefly revived before the admin there pulled the plug. However AD lead it, so what little success it had in the beginning didn't last very long. Maiknel and some others refused to just remove AD from power out of laziness, so no surprise the faction was a failure. AE GOONS are still alive and kicking in the new server, though. We're still establishing ourselves at the moment.

Mind covering how you ended up scoring a protectorate with both Orders, and why (after the UJW) you would approach them for it?

Absolutely, I can make that my next post if there is enough interest.

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The old CNGOONS government (not all of it, but a few rabid ones) chose to oppose us dramatically, declaring we had "undone all the good they did by disbanding", an argument that still makes no sense to me to this day.

They also constantly made Alastor and Sara's attempts to keep Neutral Shoving going almost impossible with their constant porn attacks and you-know-who jokes. :/ Didn't make any sense to me, either.

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That's a very large exaggeration, this is the current map of political EVE: http://go-dl1.eve-files.com/media/corp/Verite/influence.png . Goonswarm owned Delve and Querious in the bottom left most recently. Hardly the majority of space, but the best space. They did take advantage of a top level defection of a director of the alliance who owned it though, he disbanded the alliance and allowed goonswarm to move in and claim all the space.

Ironically, goonswarm didn't even need a defection to lose all their space in that manner, they just had to forget to have somebody pay the bills.

After that though somebody did freak out and defect, but I haven't heard what came of it.

Nice to see a mostly harmless and the initiative there

But I doubt they have much to do with thier CN counterparts

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One world or none.

They were serious about that.

"My GOONS or no GOONS." Yeah they misunderstood the One world or none saying.

It was almost as if they couldn't have GOONS under their control, no one could.

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I have promised your alliance's destruction many times, and I was not mentioned. You will regret this.

Now Stewie go back to the table and eat your vegetables and please don't make me ask you again. World domination will just have to wait until tomorrow.

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How cow! Nice seeing you again, long time no see.

It's been too long. It's definitely good to see you again as well. We should fly in EVE sometime (Barrii) and see if we can get some good high five action going on here in CN.

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Now Stewie go back to the table and eat your vegetables and please don't make me ask you again. World domination will just have to wait until tomorrow.

You do not give me the respect I deserve. You will regret this.

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Absolutely, Goonswarm is, or possibly, was, the largest Goon-run gaming group. At its peak it reached over 6 thousand members. They owned the best space in the game. Recently however, they lost all of their space due to a bill paying misshap. I myself am not in Goonswarm, but I have been playing eve for almost 6 years now. Goonswarm's exploits are well documented, and they have even has articles about them in the NYT. This is a time of crisis for them, having lost all their space they could totally explode like the old CNGOONS did or reform and try to take space elsewhere.

Thanks for answering my semi-off topic response. :)

I asked because I'm looking into maybe trying out EVE and was looking for some friendly faces.

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