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[quote name='JerreyRough' timestamp='1300250108' post='2666201']
And another one pretends to bite the dust. You'll be back. Everyone eventually comes back.

...Unless they were a really awesome RP'er, then there is a good chance that they won't come back. See Subtleknifewielder.

Aww thanks,

inb4 ROTAVELE? RP? Two words that cant be used together.

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[quote name='JerreyRough' timestamp='1300250108' post='2666201']
And another one pretends to bite the dust. You'll be back. Everyone eventually comes back.

...Unless they were a really awesome RP'er, then there is a good chance that they won't come back. See Subtleknifewielder.
Yeah, sucks, really. Subtle was great.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300138057' post='2664912']
I'm going to be the dick who doesn't coddle. Your problems are entirely of your own making. You confuse IC and OOC and antagonize people on both levels. You basically re-roll and play the same nation over again when you got rolled in record time the first go around. If you wanted to keep playing the way you had, you would have gotten destroyed time and time again because you seem to seek out war and then try to play the victim when you get hit. Its a piss poor strategy and borders on the OOC misuse of re-rolling. You've shown a total lack of wanting to learn, improve, or change things. Your current style leads to you getting destroyed because you've committed yourself to committing aggressive action. You don't get to do what you want to do so you have to compromise. You don't want to compromise and learn from other people though. I see no reason to ask you not to leave or try to explain things away. Your problems are of your own making.

Be nice to Sum.. Kan.. King k... err.. Rotavele.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1300408377' post='2668515']
Guys we get the message, you don't like Rota. Do we really need to read it every day again?
I don't don't like Rota, I just don't like the way they were acting. However, there's a new nation, and a new chance to do things right.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1300428282' post='2668816']
I don't don't like Rota, I just don't like the way they were acting. However, there's a new nation, and a new chance to do things right.

Thanks for looking at both sides of the situation, KM

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