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[size="6"][b][u]Government Announce of Republique Du Fleuve[/u][/b][/size][/center]

We hereby apologize to Great Britain on the reasons of creating the Field Trip Incident in Britain. We have more birds to catch at the moment rather than Great Britain. This is an insight to end the current war. We apologize for everything else they want an apology as well.

High Priest: Rotavele

Minister of Economics and Finance: Desta Zuberi
Minister of International and Foreign Affairs: Kirabo Abena
Minister of National and Interal Affairs: Chausiku Atieno
Minister of Defence and Military Affairs: Paki Andile

Awotwi Refilwe
Masamba Masozi
Kofi Kato
Melisizwe Faraji
Lesedi Nthanda
Lungile Nia
Ekua Ime [/i]

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299037732' post='2649159']
This 'appology' does nothing and is little more than an attempt to escape the punishment that is due to you. Take what you have brought on yourself.

"Xinyang republic is not part of this war. The surrender terms were to apologize and we would be given peace. Stay on your side of the world, Infidel"

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299037773' post='2649160']
"Xinyang republic is not part of this war. The surrender terms were to apologize and we would be given peace. Stay on your side of the world, Infidel"
Two things.

One. We are the Xinyan Republic. Not the Xinyang republic.

And two. We will do as we like, and if we wish to comment on an event that does not necessarily involve us, we will. Call us infidels simply because our citizens are not foolish enough to fall under the deception of your religion's lies and war-mongering.

Edited by dotCom
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299038298' post='2649172']This is not unconditional surrender which the Brits have demanded for this unprovoked aggression. Please try again.[/quote][quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299038298' post='2649172']This is not unconditional surrender which the Brits have demanded for this unprovoked aggression. Please try again.[/quote][quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299037732' post='2649159']This 'appology' does nothing and is little more than an attempt to escape the punishment that is due to you. Take what you have brought on yourself.[/quote]It is ultimately the British's decision to accept or decline Republique Du Fleuve's apology.

Edited by Generalissimo
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You have humiliated Great Britain several times over wth your lies and propaganda.

We accept your apology, but we demand unconditional surrender.
Failure to surrender unconditionally will result in a forceful removal of your Government.

High Priest Rotavele will stand trial in a neutral Nation as part of the unconditional surrender, all other members of Government will be released without trial.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299077122' post='2649575']
You have humiliated Great Britain several times over wth your lies and propaganda.

We accept your apology, but we demand unconditional surrender.
Failure to surrender unconditionally will result in a forceful removal of your Government.

High Priest Rotavele will stand trial in a neutral Nation as part of the unconditional surrender, all other members of Government will be released without trial.

"Unconditional surrender means theres no conditions. We will accept the Unconditional Surrender."

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For the record, unconditional surrender means you submit fully to the Coaltion. It means you dont name the terms of your own surrender. It means we decide what happens to your Government.

Please confirm unconditional surrender.

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"Once again the british lie claiming we are the liars. We had 'One more chance' to appologize and end the blood shed, the British wouldnt even meet in Athens, their ally, to try and conduct peace. This is a war on the muslim world if anything"

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Yes, we lied, like you lied.

We have humiliated you politically, and militarily.

Uncondtional surrender is the only surrender that will be accepted by the King and the Coaltion.

Take it or leave it.
Make sure you chose the right one, because if you reject this demand, we will destroy you utterly. Your Government will hang its heads in shame for having affiliated itself with High Priest Rotavele, your people will hang their heads in shame for having a pathetic excuse of a Government.
The Continant of Africa will hang its head in shame for having spawned such a rhetoric spouting, dishonest religious zealot like High Priest Rotavele whos only wish is to see the extermination of all non muslims nations on this Earth.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299081386' post='2649622']
Yes, we lied, like you lied.

We have humiliated you politically, and militarily.

Uncondtional surrender is the only surrender that will be accepted by the King and the Coaltion.

Take it or leave it.
Make sure you chose the right one, because if you reject this demand, we will destroy you utterly. Your Government will hang its heads in shame for having affiliated itself with High Priest Rotavele, your people will hang their heads in shame for having a pathetic excuse of a Government.
The Continant of Africa will hang its head in shame for having spawned such a rhetoric spouting, dishonest religious zealot like High Priest Rotavele whos only wish is to see the extermination of all non muslims nations on this Earth.

Once again putting words into my mouth, Your the one who declared war on Islam and now you claim we want to see all non-muslims dead? Who was the one who has human rights violations against them? Who has sent 40,000 soldiers into a Muslim Nation and got declared war upon them because of it? Not high Priest Rotavele, Not the Ottoman Republic, but yes, you.

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Our statement stands.
We wont get into a verbal battle with you.
Either unconditionally surrender, or fight your war against Britain with your soldiers like you always promised.
Im waiting for this grand extermiantion of the British, im waiting for this diplomatic talk with bullets you keep promising.

You are full of !@#$%^&*, either make up on your threats and fight, or surrender. Its simple really.
Either way, you will lose.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299082599' post='2649638']
Our statement stands.
We wont get into a verbal battle with you.
Either unconditionally surrender, or fight your war against Britain with your soldiers like you always promised.
Im waiting for this grand extermiantion of the British, im waiting for this diplomatic talk with bullets you keep promising.

You are full of !@#$%^&*, either make up on your threats and fight, or surrender. Its simple really.
Either way, you will lose.

"There you have it, English only want bloodshed. They will get it. We are in a win-win situation. We win the war or we go to paradise with our god allah. You cannot win in this battle for my happiness. "
Rotavele laughs

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