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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299080715' post='2649608']
Jia smirked to himself, the rhetoric was exactly where he had wanted it. Now it was time to get serious.

"We can be as tactful or rude as we want, it should not make an iota of difference. This is about proving a principle, and today the Islamo-fascists are proving it. That is the fundamental incompatibility between their system of government and the rest of the world's sovereignty. What are they threatening war over? Our forces fighting the Ottoman's? No. Our forces occupying territory? No. They are threatening war over a series of statements with absolutely no material value. They are threatening war because we are expressing our view of atheism in the same vociferous manner that they express Islam. Do words offend? Yes. But that is not an excuse to threaten war.

Fundamentally the international system is one which is based on a system of state sovereignty. It is the right for one state to do as it pleases within the confines of its own territory, barring the absolutely egregious like genocide. Certainly we can all agree that the most basic of these rights is the right to free expression even if it offends another nation. It is only when a nation commits a material offense as a result of that expression that in a civilized world order others may take action. This is not the case here. The threat of violence is based only on one thing: they got their feelings hurt by someone exercising freedom of speech. Well that is tough.

IF their perversion of Islam cannot coexist with the rest of the world, without the rest of the world bending over backwards and censoring not what it does but merely what it says, than that version of Islam is incompatible with Civilization. We will not bow to terrorism or religious extremism. If they wish to fight over words because they forgot stick and stones will break their bones but words won't hurt them, we will fight with sticks and stones and more. The ball remains in their court not ours."

"There will be no apology. You will learn to live with the rest of the international system, you will learn that some will hold opinions that offend you and that is just tough !@#$%*^. If you choose to go to war with us because we have opinion that offend you, we will squash you. If you choose to grow up and act responsibly like Muslim states such as Novak and Maghreb which have entered the 21st Century, this war will end. It is YOUR choice whether or not you can peacefully coexist with the rest of the world, but we are not going to make the international system.

For all the chants of Death to Athens, Death to Novak, Death to Britain, Death to Zionism, where did Rebel Army, the Athenian Federation, Great Britain, or Novak declare war? None of them did. They condemned the rhetoric, but they tolerated it. They recognized that other nations were able to say what they want, and while it was disturbing and preparations to defend should be made, none of them took action to initiate war. If you cannot do the same attack us. It will be an aggressive act and you will be defeated. I have no desire to wait. If Islam's goal is to subjugate the rest of the world to its will, come get us right now. Restrict our speech, muzzle our culture, destroy equal rights of women, and whatever else your 1400 year old book says you can do. Come try it this day! We draw the line, accept the sovereignty of other nations or come at us with your swords drawn."

You may try to hide behind the mask of rhetoric as you wish, but you have directly insulted our religion in word & action for no reason other than to incite the remainder of the Muslim community to some type of conflict because you are obviously well aware what your actions mean to Islam & they are inexcusable, they were not exercised randomly nor with any ounce of innocence.
We chanted death to no one, now you are trying to justify what you have just done & you cannot. If you do not respect our beliefs, keep your mouths shut about them. We happen to believe in Allah & you have disgraced His, His prophet, & our religion. If there exists no respect among nations we will all burn- surely you first; but realize this is not a matter of sovereignty, you made a serious attack & we ask again that you rescind your disrespectful statements & actions toward Islam for you have assaulted it in whole only when a minority has up to now been involved in this war.

[center]You may think this is funny or cute. It is not. You are not.[/center]

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I do not need to believe or show deference to any religion to live in peace with them. The UFE exists in peace with the Minilla Islands, Kingdom of Cochin, Novak, Maghreb, and Rebel Army, which make up the vast majority of the World's Islamic Population. There exists zero instances of violence in these areas. All of them have joined the rest of the secular world, and many of them have vibrant cultures where Islam exists side by side its contemporary. A citizen could go in the streets of Islamabad, Jakarta, Damascus, and yes even Mecca itself and shout that Mohammad was a tentacle monster who raped puppies and be protected by a basic adherence to law and a mature civil society. A politician such as myself could deliver a message that completely offended the sensibilities of these nations and the threat of war would not exist over words alone! Stop trying to hide behind the cloak of religious persecution, its not religious persecution thats the problem. Nobody in this coalition persecutes any muslims whether they be in Arabia or Malaysia. The problem which exists right here is YOUR extremism.

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Wait, you're still going to push?
At the risk of reiteration. . .
United Federation of the EastÂ’s continued carelessness is threatening to debilitate the coalitionÂ’s Ottoman victory
Angry mobs street mobs donÂ’t need to be incited further
Why making a tense situation worse? To prove a point?
[size="4"][b]With [i]“friends”[/i] like you Britain doesn’t need enemies![/b][/size]
UFE will be responsible for everyone who dies because this madness

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Great Britain must insist that the Generalissimo cease this campaign.
The UFE, along with every single one of Britains allies, involved in this war or not, are held in highest respect of the King. Each entitled to their own opinions, regardless of how it reflects on Great Britain.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299089708' post='2649742']Great Britain must insist that the Generalissimo cease this campaign.[/quote]Generalissimo has long neen missing in Arctic waters, while searching for Queen Cybil who had vanished in Arctic waters, and long presumed dead.
I'm sorry you had to find out like this. . .

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299089708' post='2649742']The UFE, along with every single one of Britains allies, involved in this war or not, are held in highest respect of the King.
Each entitled to their own opinions, regardless of how it reflects on Great Britain.[/quote]Some of us actually take the lives of British soldiers into consideration, good men who don't need to get caught in the crossfire of religious hatred instigated by a certain irresponsible foreign leader. This coalition’s victory is far too precious to be marred by that sort of antagonism.
Loose Lips Sink Ships!
A little discretion goes along way!

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We apologise for the misunderstanding, if it is not somebody who shares the same prestige as the Generalissimo, then who are you communicating on an international diplomatic cable?

Secondly, Great Britain takes the lives of its military forces of the utmost importance. We are in a war, lives are lost.
We must re-iterate, whoever you re, cease this campaign, you are also simply making the situation worse yourself by antagonising the UFE, now, your antagonising Great Britain.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299090917' post='2649756']. . .We must re-iterate, whoever you re, cease this campaign, you are also simply making the situation worse yourself by antagonising the UFE. . .[/quote]Yet the United Federation of the East continues to antagonize certain peoples. . .

LetÂ’s put this in pictures

This is Britain, who fights for freedom

This is the result of careless words

Why canÂ’t we be a little more more careful with our dialog?

Edited by Generalissimo
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[size="2"][color="#4B0082"] [center][font="Times New Roman"]The Roman people are in support of this valiant campaign against radical & barbaric states. Fearless, to the fringes & off the edge of the civilized world to answer the call to war by tyrants, we applaud you & when we stabilize our legions should fight alongside you until victory or death is upon us. This is one battle in the war for the fate of Africa, if not the world.

Official Notice,
[i]Senatus Populusque[/i][/font][/center][/color][/size]

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299091907' post='2649776']Then that is OUR concern not yours stranger.[/quote]All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers
Local wars have global consequences therefore it is everyone’s concern
Less abstractly this involves everyone with an interest in the African continent

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299091907' post='2649776']We once more ask you to stop with your campaign of slander.[/quote]Slander cannot destroy an honest man - when the flood recedes the rock is there

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"The Chinese have once again insulted Islam. This is beyond disrespect. UFE, have you ever once thought that you invaded a region, destroyed all but our faith in Allah, then spit on that? You have a ticking time bomb here, and throwing grenades next to it will not help."

The millions of protestors had not eaten in a near week. They sat outside Abidjan, chanting, praying and fasting. Now, signs to release the wrongly imprisoned Tagruato exectuvies sprung up amongst the crowd, and the given by Cochin would not be accepted by citizens. The only being fed were children, the eldery and the sick. All others refused food.

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United Federation of the East’s position is clear, don’t be supprised when people respond negatively to their jingoism.
You’re not them and don’t have to bear the blame of their folly.

OOC [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299096873' post='2649851']General your getting boring now.[/quote]Politics is usually boring

Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men
Courage and hope for the future

Then old men make the peace, and the vices of peace are the vices of old men
Mistrust and caution

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299113896' post='2650182']
"Britain, Athens, Maine and Scotland. We give you your final warning. Leave our lands, release Tagruato and rebuild our churhces. Failure to comply will result in an uprising. Get out of Africa, you rich, dirty pigs."
This message was confusing because there were in-fact no soldiers from Maine in The Ottoman Republic.

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"Kiha Ottoman I is willing to offer himself as a prisoner trade. We will send you the King of the Republic for the return of Tagruato executives.

Furthermore, China is being inhumane in this war. Potential war crimes run rampant. The weapons the chinese use are unconventianal and disgusting."

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"What unconventional weapons are we using? We've used high explosives, kinetic energy, and thermobaric weapons all against military targets, and in manners which they were appropriate for. We've targeted enemy troop movements, airbases, and nuclear programs. All of these are allowed under the standard rules of engagement. There has been zero targeting of civilians. The only civilian deaths have occured when the other side deliberately placed civilians in harms way, as it continues to do by attempting to cloak combatents as civilians and using mass starvation of a population as a means to secure the release of corporate fat cats. We seriously question what exactly is going on in this country, and what human rights are being violated. Preparations are being made for ground incursions. The UFE will secure territory and invites the white cross to administer to areas once they have been pacified of armed resistance. These territories will be handed over to the Rebel Army for administration. The Rebel Army has the largest islamic population in the world, and the best human rights record in the world as well. Order and civilization will be restored. Those armed thugs can either surrender and get clemency or resist and bring further blood shed here. The choice is theirs alone."

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You can cut the bull !@#$ about independence. Your obvious obsession with the freedom of corporate executives at the price of your own citizens basic needs of survival is evidence enough that you're simply another corporate cleptocracy at heart seeking to use Islam and Nationalism to enrich yourselves till you move onto the next area of the world where you can exploit people. You've overplayed your weak hand and shown your true colors, might as well be honest now.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1299120680' post='2650486']
"We will never go back to the Rebel Army.

We will not allow your troops to cross our land!

Independence or death!"
One order of death it is. Would you like fries with that?

The comedians in Maine were on fire today.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299121121' post='2650512']
You can cut the bull !@#$ about independence. Your obvious obsession with the freedom of corporate executives at the price of your own citizens basic needs of survival is evidence enough that you're simply another corporate cleptocracy at heart seeking to use Islam and Nationalism to enrich yourselves till you move onto the next area of the world where you can exploit people. You've overplayed your weak hand and shown your true colors, might as well be honest now.
"This is from the Revolution itself. You shall perish. We have no other goals then to regain Tagruato and restore Ivory Coast."

"As for Maine, they one day will die."

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