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DoW on the Ottomans


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George Vi Tania, ruler of Chunian kingdom in the center of Africa heard about the nation of Ottoman's threatening the stability of Africa by antagonizing nations on other continents these actions done by the Ottoman must be stopped and quelled before Africa is thrown into even more chaos. George Vi Tania made his speech to the people in Chunia and the other nations in Africa today.

"People of Chunia and the people in Africa. It has came too my attention today that, the nation of Ottoman in West Africa has been antagonizing nations of the other continents which threatens Africa's stability and if they are allowed to continue their ways. I'm afraid that all of Africa is doomed to be threatened by, foreign nations once again so I say to my allies and people why should we let them do as we please while we suffer through their idiotic choices. I say we should rise up and defeat the Ottoman Republic and remove them from West Africa, making Africa's stability safe again! but my nation will not move until our allies decide on what to do about Ottoman. But my nation will still have the declaration of war placed on the lowly nation of Ottoman.

Chunia is now on Defcon 2, military forces infantry and armor divisions are place on the borders fighter squadrons are being prepared and fueled.

1st and 2nd Chunian infantry divisions are placed near the borders of Chunia.

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"This declaration of war horribly violates the treaty your nation has signed! You have stabbed us in the back. We will wipe your nation from the maps!"

"Tagruato has been temporarily closed for the duration of this war, along with all its assets, foreign or not."


The Telex Supercarrier, loaded with aircraft, launched along with the rest of the navy, aside from the submairnes, to bombard the coast of Chunai.

The Tagruato satellite immediately zoomed in on Chunai, searching for key military points.

All infrantry and reserves were immediately called to action and sent to the bords and Abidjan.

Defcon has been lowered to one. Abidjan is under high alert and anti aircraft and artillery batteries, along with approximately 10,000 soldiers, would be guarding the high-important city. The Royal Family was evacuated to a small poor village for safety.

Tagruato CEOs would also be evacuated to various tiny unnoticable villages.

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Chunia is only looking for the bests of the African people, and the Ottomans wish to threaten those best's. You are the real criminal in all this not us, we are just taking rightful action.

Chunian Raptor Air squadron has deployed two F-22 Raptor jets which will be escorting two Tupolev Tu-160 bombers towards the Ottoman fleet nearing the coast of Chunia, they will fire when targeted ships are on site.

The Tupolev's will proceed to fire Raduga Kh-55 cruise missiles, at targeted ships. Raptors shall defend the Tupolev bombers from any anti-aircraft.

As for the coast shall be fortified, and shall be prepared for siege.The 3rd and 4th armies shall prepare to defend the coast at all costs, one hundred and fifty M109 howitzer shall be used to fire artillery at the the incoming ships coming towards the beach head.Anti air torrents are placed around the coast and in the mainland.

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With growing relations with the Freedom Association, the United States was set on a state of military alert in the event that they became involved in the conflict.

10 fighters were scrambled over the Island and two were scrambled over the Western Isles. The President and his Cabinet were taken to a undisclosed location which is currently unknown.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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OoC: Myships arent coming near the beachhead, just off the coast to attack coastal cities. And I hope to god you have landing ships, as the only other way to get to my country would be marching through Rebel Army protectorates.


"The Republic's airspace is a no-fly zone. Any non-civilian planes caught in the air will be immediately shot down. As for airliners and cargo planes: they must be grounded or flown out of airspace in 1 hour. If there is no nearby airstrip please contact command and we will escort your aircarft out of our airspace. ANY cargo, military or civilian ships that are not owned by the Ottoman military will be given 1 hour to leave, aside from any vessels Britain has stationed. If you do not exit the 20 mile coastal space within this hour, your ship will be contacted. If we recieve no response or a suspicious answer, we will sink you. Allies of the Republic must first contact them before entering airspace or sea territory. All borders are closed."


Upon detection of the Tupolevs, the 10 F-04 "Reaper" Stealth Fighters stationed on the Telex Supercarrier would immediately launched to intercept any bombers. If by any low chance that the stealth fighters would somehow fail their mission, the Hudson Class Missile Frigates would most likely take down the survivors.

The "Wolf" division split into two seperate command groups, Alpha Wolf and Beta Wolf. Alpha Wolf immediately secured inner Abidjan while Beta Wolf would surround the city. Tiger and Alpha Divisions would set up coastal defenses while the remaining six divisions would pile behind them, making any advances into the Ottoman Republic very difficult.

The remaining ten fighters were scrambled over the Republic. ALL ground vehicles would immediately take coastal defenses, going a maximum 100 miles deep.


The one tiny tactical nuclear weapon was loaded into a Virginia Class Submarine, which was sent off into the Atlantic Ocean. If, by any chance, the Republic began to lose the war, this missile would launch and destroy a segment of the capital city. As for now, the submarine would merely float deep in the sea, waiting. Two other Ohio Class submarines, ONS Garfield and ONS Stranger, would each be loaded with one VX bomb. All Seawolf class submarines would be armed with dozens of v5 TTWCS. ALl submarines were barred from attacking the country until given authorization.

The Tagruato Satellite began snapping pictures of the capital of Chunai, looking for areas that show high industrial activity.

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The Peoples' Republic of Africa announces its neutrality from the conflict and wishes not to support either side at this time.


With war declared between two of the Peoples' Republic of Africa's neighbors, the southern and eastern borders of the country have been put under heightened readiness, and have additional soldiers stationed along the borders.

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The two F-22 Raptors, picked up warning's on their RWR's the Raptors took quick action to finding the enemy. Their radars picked up stealth fighters within the Vincenty and gave the Tupolevs the signal to lay low until the stealth fighters were destroyed, the Raptors started too attack by first firing 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder's towards the stealth fighters.As the Tupolevs continued as ordered and that order was too destroy the enemy ships and too get as close to them as they can along with the selected cruise missiles they have which were 6 × Raduga Kh-55 cruise missiles. They carried 12× Raduga Kh-15 short-range nuclear missiles which would be activated when reached to their designated targets or when they are activated by the pilot when necessary, meaning they would kamikaze any enemy ship no matter the cost and activate the short ranged nuclear missile upon those ships. They went at max speed and arrived, getting a not so good welcome after being shot at by enemy fighters trying to avoid from being shot down the first bomber took a insane amount of damage from the frigates and incoming fighters but could not make it all the way and fired six Raduga's towards the enemy fleet then was sent crashing into the water letting off a huge explosion from the missile inside it, the second tried its best to avoid being shot down but it seemed it was to late but before he would go down he fired a a short ranged nuclear missile towards a near by enemy frigate and then crashed into the sea after being shot down by the enemy.

*Very Classified*
The royal family was moved to the northern province of Chunian capital.

Edited by lutai
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[quote name='lutai' timestamp='1298695615' post='2645202']

The two F-22 Raptors, picked up warning's on their RWR's the Raptors took quick action to finding the enemy. Their radars picked up stealth fighters within the Vincenty and gave the Tupolevs the signal to lay low until the stealth fighters were destroyed, the Raptors started too attack by first firing 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder's towards the stealth fighters.As the Tupolevs continued as ordered and that order was too destroy the enemy ships and too get as close to them as they can along with the selected cruise missiles they have which were 6 × Raduga Kh-55 cruise missiles. They carried 12× Raduga Kh-15 short-range nuclear missiles which would be activated when reached to their designated targets or when they are activated by the pilot when necessary, meaning they would kamikaze any enemy ship no matter the cost and activate the short ranged nuclear missile upon those ships. They went at max speed and arrived, getting a not so good welcome after being shot at by enemy fighters trying to avoid from being shot down the first bomber took a insane amount of damage from the frigates and incoming fighters but could not make it all the way and fired six Raduga's towards the enemy fleet then was sent crashing into the water letting off a huge explosion from the missile inside it, the second tried its best to avoid being shot down but it seemed it was to late but before he would go down he fired a a short ranged nuclear missile towards a near by enemy frigate and then crashed into the sea after being shot down by the enemy.

*Very Classified*
The royal family was moved to the northern province of Chunian capital.

ummm... I imagine they are called stealth fighters for a reason

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OoC: Woah woah woah, your bomber flew right past 10 fighters a lot better than yours. You had 2 F-22s, and then you god-mod your bombers flying right into my ships before I even got a chance to post. Re-edit it. There is no way that could or would happen.

Furthermore, their stealth. They're not the easiest things to spot.

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[quote]To: The Ottoman Republic Government
From: Republique Du Fleuve Government
Subj: Defense

First off we would like to let you know that Chunia's membership was denied to The League. Second of all, The Republique would be more than happy to destroy and rid the map of The Kingdom of Chunia for attacking our Friend and Ally. We are fully prepared to defend The Ottoman Republic as soon as you say the word.

Republique Du Fleuve[/quote]

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The F-22's and the Tupolevs were destroyed by the unexpectedly, by the stealth fighters.The bombers seemed to have a bigger explosion than the F-22's due that they had a heavy explosive inside it that may have taken a enemy with it if it was too close to it.As for the Chunian coast, the Chunian army prepares for the invasion of the Ottoman fleet.

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Due to the close proximity of the explosions, eight of the ten fighters were immediately engulfed in flames and destroyed. The remaining two were nearly torn apart and made it halfway to the fleet before crashing into the ocean. The pilots were well respected, as they had fufilled their mission.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298697915' post='2645235']

The Ottoman Republic has offered a ceace-fire with Chunai. We ask for your forces to hold fire so we can sort out possible peace terms.

very well

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The British Army garrison near Abidjan was scrambled at the first sign of violence.

Almost as soon as it had started it ended.
Precautionary measures were taken and HMS Endeavor and HMS Hope, the two 42 destroyers were dispatched to operation with the Ivorian Fleet.

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Tunisia denounces this horrid display of aggression. We offer our nation as a neutral zone for a conference between these two feuding states: the Chunian kingdom & the Ottoman Republic. While we enjoy the recent peace, we should make the most out of it so that it exists as a lasting one. The unity of the African League is certain; we ask all of our league members to stand with us for a stable African peace.

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"The Caspian Clique expresses dismay at this recent strife in Africa, and do hope that these differences are settled, and with the utmost speed."


President, Caspian Clique

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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"The Union of Arctica denounces the aggression recently committed by Chunia on its African neighbor. By doing so, it has disturbed the harmony and order of the African continent and added a black stain to its history. The people of Chunia must be freed from its government by neighboring powers."

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