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Announcing Red Dawn


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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1298425375' post='2642251']
"The workers of USIT should take this speech and realize their freedoms are being violated. Even in Novak, political parties are allowed to exist to oppose the Party. In your country, your leader fears opposition from what the people want. If it is what you desire, go forth and rise up against the elite who say you cannot have a revolution for the people, to have a government of your choice. You will have my full support." - Ali Nasir Muhammad Husani, Deputy Chairman of the CCPN.

"I wasn't aware I didn't let my people choose political parties and vote for new and diverse representatives. We had our midterm congressional elections this year and my term ends in two years. I guess it was all a big conspiracy and the 75,000 people that voted were actually dreaming.
Any citizen of the CCPN that can make it to the United States will be offered Political Asylum from it's government."

-The President of The United States


David looked at Robert who had his jaw dropped. The president always gave respectful responses so Robert was surprised and confused. David took a sip of a coca-cola and said, "What? They didn't even use the correct acronym for our nation. 'USIT?' If they can't even get that right then why bother?"

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1298426188' post='2642277']
Any citizen of the CCPN that can make it to the United States will be offered Political Asylum from it's government."
Because I'm sure they'd rather live in your backwards, third world nation than in a modern, advanced country. Attempting to portray Novak as some kind of backwards totalitarian dictatorship in which the people are oppressed and would want to 'make it' to your country will do your argument no good and shows you have run out of actual points to make.

Oh dear, now that we've made our point your country is going to blacklist Xinyan and invite our citizens to your country for 'political asylum'.

Edited by dotCom
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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1298425375' post='2642251']
"The workers of USIT should take this speech and realize their freedoms are being violated. Even in Novak, political parties are allowed to exist to oppose the Party. In your country, your leader fears opposition from what the people want. If it is what you desire, go forth and rise up against the elite who say you cannot have a revolution for the people, to have a government of your choice. You will have my full support." - Ali Nasir Muhammad Husani, Deputy Chairman of the CCPN.

Private to the CCPN

Good sirs,

Where was your condemnation when Alaska's people were trampled on by the Communists, both foreigners in the URSR and UFE, and domestic terrorists? The will of the people and their democratically elected government didn't seem to matter much there, did it? Only the iron fist of Communism. And when Communism toppled the government, the people rose up, and so the Communists again went against the will of the people, and opposed a revolution against the Communists. Where was your revolutionary spirit then? The elitist communists, villains ignoring the will of the people of Alaska, who yearned for freedom, were not worth your contempt? Does having the same ideological brand exempt them from harsh words? Because these same crooks-- in Athens, in the UFE, in the URSR-- are sitting at the table of the Red Dawn, a group your nation is a signatory to, a group which pledges to inevitably violate the right of a people to choose who governs them, if anyone.

Your allies are the enemy of freedom, and anyone who aids them in their rape of lady liberty is too. I hope Novak comes to their senses and realizes the error they have made.


President Meyer
Federal Republic of America


Roooooooooboooot hooooouse!

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1298424814' post='2642236']
"A few years ago the founding fathers of The United States of The Islands established sovereignty, justice, freedom, and a Republic. A Republic that was founded on the principals of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. True Republics around the world - not the "People's Republics" that scatter the globe with misleading names - were founded under similar principals of Freedom and Democratic Republicanism.
In the name of justice I look not only to Republics but I also look to Constitutional Monarchies, Absolute Monarchies, Empires, and even Dictatorships. This is not an pocket-sized organization looking for world peace and prosperity. This is also not an organization looking to destroy Capitalism world wide, from what I know... What I understand it to be, and what it is easily seen to be, is a direct threat to any nation, small or large, strong or week, warm or cold that is not a Communist People's Republic or one with strong relations, or moving close, to one."

-Congressman Ron Paul of The United States of The Islands


"We in the Caspian Clique hope that citizens of USI, under this so-called guise of 'freedom and justice', see statements such as this as an attack on your political freedoms. We thought that republics and democracies welcomed political demonstrations, and open political thought, who says that this organization will promote violence? Revolution can be peaceful, it is usually when the people in power know they will [i]lose[/i] that power that then violence is initiated. We thought the will of the people was supposed to be what democracies and republics were based upon, they vote for their governments, can they not remove that government if they see fit?

In addition, the Caspian Clique condemns the addition of this organization to any so-called 'terrorist' list, as it has shown no inkling as to initiate terror anywhere on the globe as far as we have seen."

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1298495303' post='2643096']
"We in the Caspian Clique hope that citizens of USI, under this so-called guise of 'freedom and justice', see statements such as this as an attack on your political freedoms. We thought that republics and democracies welcomed political demonstrations, and open political thought, who says that this organization will promote violence? Revolution can be peaceful, it is usually when the people in power know they will [i]lose[/i] that power that then violence is initiated. We thought the will of the people was supposed to be what democracies and republics were based upon, they vote for their governments, can they not remove that government if they see fit?

In addition, the Caspian Clique condemns the addition of this organization to any so-called 'terrorist' list, as it has shown no inkling as to initiate terror anywhere on the globe as far as we have seen."

"I suppose we should agree with the Caspian Clique. Freedom is a threat to Freedom. They seem to be so sensible."
-Owen Wilson, Owner of Islands Farms

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1298505799' post='2643225']
"I suppose we should agree with the Caspian Clique. Freedom is a threat to Freedom. They seem to be so sensible."
-Owen Wilson, Owner of Islands Farms

Your pigs will bury you!

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[quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1298594929' post='2644278']
"We seek to know the reasons behind the Athens rejection. We have done nothing to prohibit the admission of our great nation into this pact."

"We are not convinced you are as socialist as you claim nor do we believe you will properly help the revolution spread."

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The news of the creation of the Red Dawn caused celebrations throughout the UFE as local governments organized pro-nationalistic rallies. Premeir Wei Hai, was the treaty's signatory for the UFE, was carried in portrait and picture frames through the streets as the people marched in support of the Socialist Revolution. His approval rating has hit an all time high.

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