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[b]Military Parades and Speeches in Xinyan City[/b]

[b]XINYAN CITY, XINYAN REPUBLIC[/b]-- Throughout the days between November 29 and December 1, 2010, the Xinyan government held a city-wide celebration in which military parades and political speeches were the main events. Vast crowds gathered on the sidewalks as soldiers of the [url="http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/6269/chinesej.jpg"]Guómín Jūn[/url] marched through the streets, bearing the flags of the Xinyan Republic and the Wǔzhuāng Bùduì. Following the soldiers were the [url="http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/6210/tanksp.jpg"]First Armoured Division[/url], consisting of the Type-88 Main Battle Tank and Msta Self-Propelled Artillery guns. Meanwhile, Sukhoi Su-30s of the First Air Squadron flew overhead, representing the strength of the Guójiā Kōngjūn. The purpose of the military show was to bolster public nationalism and faith in their nation's strength, as well as a display of Xinyan's power to other nations.

Attending the event were President Wu Zen Jiang, Director of the Military General Mai Kai Li, and Director of Foreign Affairs Deputy Colonel Wei An Ling, as well as Director of the Guómín Jūn Colonel Feng Chao, all of whom but the latter spoke at the parades.

"The Xinyan Republic has overcome the very difficult stage of establishing a nation after independence is granted," President Wu Zen Jiang said in her speech to the immense crowds that gathered around the podium she stood at. "When New Barag Right Banner was in the first stages of the independence movement, there were no major cities; the largest residential areas were merely mid-size towns at best. And now, we have the great honour and privilege of gathering here in a large, developing city that grows more and more every day with the effort of every Xinyan citizen. Someday this will be a city in which leaders across the world will be proud to gather in, a city that will lead the world as a centre of technology, economy, and international power."

President Wu Zen Jiang speaks to the vast crowds gathered in Xinyan City[/i]

[b]Political Concern Over Current Government Dismissed as "Radical and Ludicrous"[/b]

Political analysts have expressed concerns over the fact that President Wu Zen Jiang, who had been president of the provisional government, has yet to hold actual elections for the offices in government. In response, President Jiang stated that at the moment the Xinyan Republic "still has much to work on and develop" and that she did not believe that elections would do more than hinder this progress for the time being. The president, as well as the cabinet of the Republic, dismissed claims that President Jiang planned to hold onto power indefinitely as "radical and ludicrous". Director of Education Commander Ku Fei stated that the current government was "only planning to remain in power until the Republic is fully set and prepared to hold elections". Director of Foreign Affairs Deputy Colonel Wei An Ling was quoted to have spoken similarly, mirroring Commander Fei's statement. "At this point, Xinyan is still asserting itself in the world," Deputy Colonel An Ling said in an interview with agents of the Xinyan Tongxunshe. "To have a sudden change of policy now will only damage what progress we have made."

Some analysts, however, are not so convinced.

"Our concern is that President Jiang does not plan to relinquish power at all," political analyst Wang Liu said while speaking with agents of the press. "We fear that the Xinyan Republic may begin to slide down the path of authoritarianism and dictatorship if this continues."

A report with more information concerning Wang Liu's involvement with the anti-independence movement, as well as suspected connections with the crime group the Triads, will be upcoming.

OOC: Feel free to comment IC.

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[b]Nuclear Power Plant Explodes in Inner Mongolia[/b]

The explosion of a nuclear power plant in Inner Mongolia has caused alarm and concern throughout the Republic. The explosion is reported to have been one of the most destructive peacetime nuclear incidents in the past few years. Specific death tolls are unknown, but Xinyan analysts estimate that the potential death toll is astronomical, considering the power plant was placed in the centre of a town in the north of Inner Mongolia. The Kingdom of Cochin, Greater Korean Federation, and Zargathia have all mobilised to distribute humanitarian aid to the affected area, as well as aid in the radiation cleanup. Controversy arose in Xinyan and abroad over the decision of Inner Mongolia to blame the accident on Zargathia's uranium, claiming that the uranium provided was enriched and weapon grade and demanding that "Zargathia, in line with our openness, fully disclose how they have such dangerous uranium, which was most likely used as part of nuclear weapons". Zargathia later provided evidence that they did not have sufficient capabilities to enrich uranium, and that the uranium in question had been provided by "qualified Australian technicians". Representatives from Inner Mongolia and Zargathia were unavailable for comment.

Many people are deeply distressed by the incident due to Xinyan Republic's relative proximity to Inner Mongolia, but government officials have assured the people that the explosion and its aftereffects are still too distant to have an effect on Xinyan itself. The incident also sparked debate over nuclear power, with government officers and representatives assuring the public that the Xinyan Republic could handle nuclear power far more efficiently than Inner Mongolia apparently could.

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[b]Terrorist Attack On Greater Korean Federation Fails[/b]

Yesterday the government of the Greater Korean Federation released a statement concerning what is believed to be an attempted terrorist attack. A civilian airliner, believed to have originated in the Dandong district of Zargathia, was reported to have made an attempt to crash into a nuclear reactor in Yongbyon. The Korean military shot the plane down, preventing the suspected terrorist attack, but significant concern has been brought to the matter of the origins of the terrorists in question. According to the Korean announcement, research carried out on the plane "showed that the aircraft was of Mongolian government origin".

The Greater Korean Federation followed the announcement with a demand that the Mongolian authorities "explain this incident, or face military force"; they also called on their ally, the United Federation of the East, to aid them should military action be found necessary.

The attack has caused concern in the Republic due to its proximity to both the Greater Korean Federation and Mongolia. Earlier today President Wu Zen Jiang released a statement in which she described the attempt as a "foolish and under-handed attempt to undermine security and peace in East Asia". Though she assured the public the Xinyan Republic had little to fear from terrorists, whether Mongolian or elsewhere, President Jiang also stated that "the Xinyan military stands ready to defend Xinyan and Asian security if another such attack occurs".

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OOC: Actually, that would 'just' be Mongolia, Inner Mongolia is a province of Zargathia ^^;


*** Private to Xinyan Republic ***

"There is no need for concern. Though the act of a nuclear explosion is worrying in itself, the explosion was located in the southwest of Mongolia, in Bayankhongor province. Given the location of the Khangai and Khentii Mountains to the north and northeast of the affected area, we expect the fallout to be well contained by this geographic barrier. Given that the explosion took place at ground level, our experts are not expecting any fallout to reach your nation. If you wish however, we could station a team of experts at your southwestern border with radiation detection equipment?"

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[quote name='Amyante' timestamp='1291331456' post='2528307']
OOC: Actually, that would 'just' be Mongolia, Inner Mongolia is a province of Zargathia ^^;


*** Private to Xinyan Republic ***

"There is no need for concern. Though the act of a nuclear explosion is worrying in itself, the explosion was located in the southwest of Mongolia, in Bayankhongor province. Given the location of the Khangai and Khentii Mountains to the north and northeast of the affected area, we expect the fallout to be well contained by this geographic barrier. Given that the explosion took place at ground level, our experts are not expecting any fallout to reach your nation. If you wish however, we could station a team of experts at your southwestern border with radiation detection equipment?"
[b]Classified Government Reply[/b]

Thank you, but as of now we do not believe it is a serious concern, as said the said nuclear explosion occurred too distant from Xinyan--and, as you have pointed out, there are many natural barriers. Thank you for the offer, however.

-President Wu Zen Jiang

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1291347811' post='2528680']
Slight correction to the report on the attempted terrorist attack: Dandong is in Zargathia, not Korea.


Any and all newspapers and reports with the mistake printed were immediately recalled, and soon no one in the general populace seemed to recall that there had been such a mistake.
Suspected Terrorists Attempt to Enter Xinyan[/b]

The Xinyan government just released a report that detailed a number of Mongolian officers who attempted to flee their country into the Republic, and were apprehended at the border by the border military patrol. The officers, who were accompanied by a number of Australians, were captured and detained after they were discovered to be in possession of a number of nuclear fuel rods. They were kept in captivity for 24 hours, being searched and questioned, before being released to the Greater Korean Federation. The government commends the Border Military Patrol for preventing these suspected terrorists from fleeing into the Republic, and thus avoiding potential damage to Xinyan itself.

President Wu Zen Jiang gave little comment concerning the suspects, saying only that "we leave it to the Greater Korean Federation to determine if these men are responsible for the incident that occurred in Korea" and once again praised the military for its quick action in detaining the suspected terrorists.

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[b]Controversial Decision Over Capitol Punishment[/b]

The Xinyan public has been watching with great trepidation as President Wu Zen Jiang and the Xinyan Cabinet made the decision on whether or not to legalise the death penalty as a punishment. The issue had remained unresolved since Xinyan had gained independence, and suspense due to the long process of decision-making built up amongst the public.

Today, however, the cabinet finally came out with its decision. Vice President Zeng Tsung Tan reported to the Xinyan Tongxunshe that after much deliberation President Jiang and her Cabinet decided to legalise the death penalty. The decision caused an almost immediate uproar, as the civilian population began to debate and argue over the decision the Cabinet had come to. President Jiang, however, remained steadfast in this choice.

"We cannot afford the drain on finances and resources that keeping criminals in prison for life will bring," she said. "After all, are murderers, serial rapists, traitors, do these sort of people even deserve to continue to live at the cost of hard-earned tax-payers money?"

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*** Private to the Xinyan Republic ***

[quote]Dear President Jiang,

Word has recently reached our ears that your cabinet has voted in favor of the death penalty, where members of our government have put forward much the same arguments as we heard mentioned in the Vice President's speech.

In our case however, the ultimate vote came with a majority in favor of abolishing the death penalty. Heavy criminals -- the one commonly put to death -- would instead repay their debt to society by way of hard labor, and it was due to their efforts that our connections to the Inter Asia Rail Network were completed at a most satisfying pace. We believe that this acts as a suitable deterrent, and to the few that it doesn't... Well, let's just say there is always work to be done. Of course, we will not assume to dictate our internal policies upon yourself, but it is something worth considering.

On an unrelated note, should you be interested in connecting your railway to the express station at Manzhouli, we would be most willing to lend our assistance.


G. Baker
Infrastructure Investments Group[/quote]

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[quote name='Amyante' timestamp='1291420261' post='2529456']
*** Private to the Xinyan Republic ***

[quote]At the moment we do not possess the facilities to use death row inmates as labour. Needless to say many of those opposed to the death penalty were not squabbling over the petty 'moralities' of such a policy; rather they were arguing in favour of a labour policy. I myself would support such a policy, but Xinyan is still developing its own infrastructure, and thus we cannot yet implement such policies.

On another note, yes, a connection to Manzhouli would be beneficial, if Zargathia would like to have Manzhouli connected to the Xinyan city of Beyuan.

-President Wu Zen Jiang[/quote]

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*** Private to the Xinyan Republic ***

[quote]Dear President Jiang,

We might be able to gather some interested parties that would be willing to invest in a growing economy. We would be funding the rail from Manzhouli up to the Xinyan border, provided one of the construction companies attached to our group receives the contract for the remainder of the rail line. It would benefit us both.

Looking forward to your reply,

G. Baker
Infrastructure Investments Group[/quote]

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[b]Five Officers Under Colonel Feng Chao Tried for Treason[/b]

Five officers in the Guómín Jūn serving directly under the command of Colonel Feng Chao have been imprisoned on charges of treason according to a spokesperson for the Xinyan Wǔzhuāng Bùduì. The exact details have yet to be released by the military, but the spokesperson revealed that other officers of the Guómín Jūn, including Colonel Chao himself, are under suspicion of being involved. The Military Court, currently headed by Director of the Military General Cheng Nangjia himself, is currently preparing for the trial of the five officers, and it has been indicated the media will not be permitted to observe the proceedings.

When asked about the trial of the five officers and about the alleged treason, General Nangjia said only that "it is a matter of the highest national importance". The rest of the government, including President Wu Zen Jiang, has remained silent concerning the matter.

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[b]Protests In Xinyan City as Controversial Treason Trial Continues[/b]

A number of people were protesting in Xinyan City today over the ongoing trial of five officers of the Guómín Jūn currently being accused of treason against the Republic. Protestors expressed outrage over the confidentiality of the trial, including refusal by the Guofangbu (Department of National Defense) to give evidence of treason, or even specifics of what the five officers did. The military was called in to monitor the protests as government officers expressed concern that the protestors could grow violent. "When I arrived at Junction 4 [one of the hotspots of protestors] I was rather shocked by their behaviour," says Sergeant Wong Liu, whose squad was tasked with monitoring Junction 4's protest group. "They were unruly--like animals, screaming and shouting. I was genuinely afraid that any moment they would leap onto the tanks and start attacking soldiers and civilians."

In response to the protests, General Cheng Nangjia, Director of the Guofangbu, was quoted to have said "they will be allowed to continue as long as they remain peaceful in nature: should so much as a single civilian be injured by these wild protestors, the military will descend upon them with wrath. We will not allow civilians to be hurt by such uncivilised conflict mongers."

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[b]Protests in Xinyan City Explode into Violence[/b]

The controversial protests held throughout Xinyan City have been holding the entire nation in a tense suspense, as military and civilian groups expressed fear that the protests would become violent riots. Early last morning, at 10 AM of December 16, at Junction 4 where the protests were particularly intense, this fear was realised. Military officers and civilian witnesses say the protestors at Junction 4, who were being monitored by the military, had begun jeering at and taunting the soldiers, who became gradually more and more wary of the unruly protestors. This continued for two hours until just past ten, when a large rock struck one of the soldiers in the head, throwing the squads into a disarray. Protestors either began to flee the scene, recognising, perhaps, what was to follow. Others began to attack the soldiers as well. Because the troops managed to quell the violence without firing a shot, there was hope that perhaps the situation would stabilise.

This was not to happen, however. At noon today, at Junction 4, a new wave of civilians brandishing home-made weapons and molotov cocktails began to attack the soldiers. When one of the soldiers fell to the ground bleeding from the head, his comrades, realising the fatal situation they were in, were forced to open fire on the attackers. APCs and tanks were used to contain the riot within Sector B, Junction 4, but were forced to retaliate when the rioters began climbing over them. When the riot was finally quelled, the death toll was estimated at fourteen, not including Sergeant Wong Liu, a soldier who was killed in the fighting. In addition, fifty rioters in total were arrested and are currently imprisoned for disturbing the peace, assault, attacks on military personnel, and possession of deadly weapons.

[Footage would follow, depicting rioters attacking soldiers and attempting to climb over the APCs and tanks]

"It was a horrific scene," says Wang Liu, a noted political analyst who was reporting on the scene when the riot began. "But I don't believe the civilians were at fault here. The military should not have resorted to deadly force so quickly, especially bringing in tanks and APCs to quell the riot. If the military had not been present in the first place--if they had not been attempting to intimidate the protestors from their right to free speech--then I don't think this would have happened."

Colonel Feng Chao, Director of the Guómín Jūn and directly in charge of the forces stationed at Junction 4, was severe in his response to Wang Liu. "The military was not there to intimidate the protestors. We were there to protect the people. If the troops, who performed valiantly and within all perimetres, had not been present, I believe the rioters may have even turned on innocent bystanders. We are not talking about civilised people here--I was there, I saw them. I was reminded more of apes than people when I saw them jumping and yelling. They were probably only looking for an excuse to grow violent." When asked if he believed the situation could have been treated differently, Colonel Chao said that "the military did the only thing possible to stop the violence. Clearly, from the small scuffle that occurred before the horrendous burst of violence, we can see these people were not going to stop their ruthless violence until the military showed it was not going to let them go ahead with it."

Currently, Junction 4, and in particular Sector B, is cleared of rioters, but the scene is bleak. Soldiers continue to patrol the streets, and tanks and APCs are still blocking off the entrances and exits. Cars parked on the roadside and abandoned are burning at the streets, and the military claims they are still searching for bystanders who were caught in the fighting.

(will finish--have to go--feel free to comment IC, as always)

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"The United Federation of the East strongly reiterates its commitment to the Jia Doctrine." Official Statement from the foreign ministry.

SATINT and SIGINT would be increased in the area along with HUMINT assets and media reports about the evolving political situation. Preparations would be made to enforce the Jia Doctrine as necessary.

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Gou Shi relayed orders down the line and preparedness levels were stepped up remarkably. Troops and artillery positioned and the artillery pre-loaded hot shells. They were no longer in simple drill maneuvers. Shi watched at his command center as the feeds came in.. and dramatically increased his intake of green tea.

He began to micromanage assets insuring they were placed for optimal effects for an initial incursion and terrain sheltering while his intel assets were shielded but at optimal coverage zones. He looked to his Lieutenants, "I fear it is near time to put that which we have prepared for to use, gentlemen."

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292647091' post='2542313']
"The United Federation of the East strongly reiterates its commitment to the Jia Doctrine." Official Statement from the foreign ministry.
We warn the UFE to stay well away. This is Xinyan internal matters and we will not tolerate any attempt of the UFE to interfere with us dealing with a riot. This is [i][b]NOT [/b][/i]a rebellion.

OOC: I would greatly appreciate if you didn't use this as an opportunity to invade (not only because it's just a !@#$@#$ riot, christ). I have an internal RP plan that involves this, so kindly don't ruin it. I really don't want to have to change how I !@#$@#$ RP for fear of my RPs being used as petty reasons to invade me.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292684213' post='2542688']
The United Federation of the East does not recognize the excuse of "internal matters" when it comes to protecting the human rights of the Chinese people from abusive provincial governments.
The Xinyan Republic does not recognise the excuse of the 'Jia Doctrine' when it comes to thinly veiled imperialism.

This is not abuse of human rights. The UFE clearly has no understanding of the situation. This was the military doing its duty to put an end to the violent riot that arose in Junction 4. We will deal with this--in fact, we have already dealt with this. We warn the UFE again to stay well away; any attempts to use your 'Jia Doctrine' as an excuse for anything will not be taken well.

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"Your regime's reckless disregard for human rights and attempts to mask its brutality as law enforcement actions disgusts us. Provincial renegades to not make diktats to the United Federation of the East. Respect for human rights will be observed or their will be consequences." - Official Dispatch from NORCOM People's Liberation Army HQ, Beijing.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292697333' post='2542855']
"Your regime's reckless disregard for human rights and attempts to mask its brutality as law enforcement actions disgusts us. Provincial renegades to not make diktats to the United Federation of the East. Respect for human rights will be observed or [b]their will be consequences[/b]." - Official Dispatch from NORCOM People's Liberation Army HQ, Beijing.
We mask no brutality because there is none. We freely showed footage of the riots; of rioters attacking innocent bystanders and soldiers. Perhaps the UFE would allow the rioters to freely attack your civilians, but Xinyan will not. We refuse to be bullied by you, which is clearly what you are attempting to do here, especially since this 'dispatch' originated from your army's HQ. UFE has absolutely no right to meddle in our affairs and no business in Xinyan whatsoever.

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1292697564' post='2542862']
"The blatant violations made by these revisionist provincial leaders are disgusting. We support the UFE in their condemnation."

We are not 'provincial leaders'. The Xinyan Republic is an autonomous, sovereign nation.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1292698724' post='2542877']
"The People's Liberation Army is the army of all Chinese, not just those who currently live under the direct protection of the national government. It is absolutely its right."
No, it is not your right. Your PLA has absolutely no sway over the Xinyan people, for though they are ethnically Chinese, their nationality is and shall be Xinyan.

OOC: Will you please just leave it now. The thing is over, and I don't want my news thread full of this !@#$.

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