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The Republic of Tanzania

Lord Zephyr

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It seems that communication from the Republic of Tanzanians government has ceased. While we regret that a government has fallen, in order to maintain security and order we of Grassy Plains N Such have moved to secure their territory from anarchy.

A small police force of 10,000 troops has been sent to Tanzania. They will monitor and police the populace until such a time that they can form a government for themselves again or they wish to join another nation.

OOC: Kevins last post here was around october 1st unless the search function is lying to me. Protectorate time.

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"Tanzania was once a Rebel Army protectorate and as Tanzania fell without outside provocation, it automatically went back to being a Rebel Army protectorate. This claim predates your own and we will enforce our ally's protectorate. This is tantamount to a declaration of war on Rebel Army."

A force of five thousand soldiers and two hundred tanks, a small portion of the troops on the Southeast border, rolled into Tanzania.

OOC: He's had this doctrine since shortly before I became Carthage last year, and I believe I notified you of this over PMs when we were discussing invading Tanzania anyway.

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1288615181' post='2498939']
"Tanzania was once a Rebel Army protectorate and as Tanzania fell without outside provocation, it will go back to being a Rebel Army protectorate. This claim predates your own and we will enforce our ally's protectorate."

A force of five thousand soldiers and two hundred tanks, a small portion of the troops on the Southeast border, rolled into Tanzania.

OOC: He's had this doctrine since shortly before I became Carthage last year, and I believe I notified you of this over PMs when we were discussing invading Tanzania anyway.

OOC: Sargun is indeed correct as per RA's doctrine the land returns to him. Also I am sure I posted in the world map thread somewhere that Tanzania needed to be removed. Meh.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288623842' post='2499007']
OOC: I'd post a statement backing up your take over of Tanzania, Zephyr, but I'll only do it if you really wanna pursue this further. Got a CB and everything :P

EDIT: Zephyr
OOC: I would like to actually. Unless Lavo posts in here that he wants it to remain his open protectorate I see no particular reason why I can't have it.

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[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1288649387' post='2499286']
OOC: I would like to actually. Unless Lavo posts in here that he wants it to remain his open protectorate I see no particular reason why I can't have it.

OOC: Because he's posted previously that he wants it to remain an open protectorate, and he has a protectorate doctrine, and doctrines are automatically enforced when a nation goes missing whether or not the nation acts on it. This is an IC issue, not OOC, but just know that technically it is Lavo's land for IC purposes.

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[color="#000080"]Transvaal would be keen to support the annexation of Tanzania by Grassy Plains over seeing the territory revert back to being a Rebel Army protectorate.

Typically demand for territory in Africa is minimal - so Rebel Army should decide to either outright incorporate the territory into their own nation or simply permit Grassy Plains to annex it.[/color]

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[quote name='Botha' timestamp='1288655871' post='2499378']
[color="#000080"]Transvaal would be keen to support the annexation of Tanzania by Grassy Plains over seeing the territory revert back to being a Rebel Army protectorate.

Typically demand for territory in Africa is minimal - so Rebel Army should decide to either outright incorporate the territory into their own nation or simply permit Grassy Plains to annex it.[/color]

"Demand for African territory may be minimal because none are willing to give up what they have or preserve what land there is."

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1288656359' post='2499389']"Demand for African territory may be minimal because none are willing to give up what they have or preserve what land there is."[/quote]

[color="#000080"]Our own experience is that demand has been less than the supply of land - as our three or four failed attempts at establishing independent nations in our Rhodesian provinces have shown. For the longest while, Tanzania and the former Sercan lands lay vacant and unwanted.[/color]

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"It is the position of the Union of Arctica that the fate of lands in Africa should be decided by African nations. In respect of the existing authority the RA claim over Tanzania, all reasonable inquiries should be made into the matter with RA authorities so a solution, palatable to all, can be arrived at. However, as the RA has proven to be a dormant and inactive giant when it comes to foreign affairs, if they are unable or unwilling to provide a response to such inquiries, then the people and governments Southeastern Africa should protect their own lands, instead of some far-off power. This we should all be able to agree on.

In the meantime, all parties involved should endeavor to keep their military forces out of the territory in question to avoid tension. Surely the people of Tanzania can restrain themselves from rioting while inquiries are made with the RA."

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1288615181' post='2498939']
"Tanzania was once a Rebel Army protectorate and as Tanzania fell without outside provocation, it automatically went back to being a Rebel Army protectorate. This claim predates your own and we will enforce our ally's protectorate. This is tantamount to a declaration of war on Rebel Army."

A force of five thousand soldiers and two hundred tanks, a small portion of the troops on the Southeast border, rolled into Tanzania.

OOC: He's had this doctrine since shortly before I became Carthage last year, and I believe I notified you of this over PMs when we were discussing invading Tanzania anyway.

[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1288649387' post='2499286']
OOC: I would like to actually. Unless Lavo posts in here that he wants it to remain his open protectorate I see no particular reason why I can't have it.

OOC: Roger that Zephyr o7


[i]"It is true, Tanzania was once a Rebel Army protectorate. Yet they allowed filth to fester and rot within the area, finally culminating an an infectious disease that attempted to subvert the GPn'S' very own sovereignty. The GPn'S has expressed a wish to maintain a protectorate over its own backyard, a region that the Rebel Army has no business being in in the first place. They have a right to ensure that the RA's recklessness or 'generosity' does not result in another invasion. Perhaps if they were not stretched as thinly as they are now, the recent East African War would not have happened.

We voice our support of the GPn'S' policing action of its immediate surroundings. It is contributing to the security of the region, which guarantee's Nodic interests in the vicinity, as well as its desire for peace. We STRONGLY suggest the Empire of the Twelve Gods stands down in this affair."

[/i]A number of Expeditionary Fleets have been created to deal with the current situation, due to its gravity. ALL Nodic military assets are being put on alert status- specifically:[i]

[/i][sub]OOC: Due to the limitations of IG ship numbers, each individual Strike Group will be called a fleet.[/sub][i]
1st Fleet of the Aviatrix: Leucosia

2nd Fleet of the Aviatrix: Peisinoe

[/i][u][b]3rd Fleet of the Aviatrix: Thelxiepeia

1st Fleet of the Exterminatrix: Charybdis

[/i][u][b]2nd Fleet of the Exterminatrix: Tiamat

[u][b]3rd Fleet of the Exterminatrix: Morgen[/b][/u][i]


The 1st Aviatrix and Exterminatrix fleets (two of them) would leave Lamu Naval Complex, located at the bottom of the Horn of Africa to assist in projecting GPn'S power into their policed zone by staging themselves near the coast (of the GPn'S). The 2nd Fleets would remain at Lamu. The 3rd Fleets would leave the Naval Complex at Tadjoura in an attempt to escape the bath tub that was the Red Sea. They would seek to position themselves a distance away from the Horn of Africa.

All Naval assets would observe complete discipline when contacting foreign forces. The Third Fleets would never yield to boarding action from the Novakians, however, as they left their port. All anti-torpedo ROV drones would be deployed from their hosts to detect any immediate undersea threats. While not appearing to be at full combat stance, their crews would be instructed assume it.

Air bases in potential 'Frontline' positions would be on full combat alert status, the designated stationary [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77405&view=findpost&p=2478678"]Point Defense[/url] units active and ready. Combat engineering teams would begin to disperse from their stationed bases and prepare for emergency placement of the entire inventory of the deployable Point Defense systems outlined in the Omega Imperium Doctrine via 5 ton crane trucks. The few operational 'Saviour' Experimental railgun firebases would remain in their undeployed (covered) stages - although any reports of hypersonic missile attacks would immediately warrant their upgrade to combat alert status.

Component sites of the Nodic [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77405&view=findpost&p=2086683"]DEW Network[/url] and other unaffiliated stationary and mobile radars would begin cyclic testing of their AD-MARS (Active Denial- Mission: Anti-Radiation Response) systems. In anticipation of Anti-Radiation missile attacks aimed at hindering or outright crippling Nodic search, track and fire-control assets.

The [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77405&view=findpost&p=2075911"]IWAn'SEAUP AshM launch Grid[/url] would be set to full combat alert status via passive electronic detection in the interim, as well as their own tests of the AD-MARS, as the 3rd Fleets depart their station. Upon notification of hostile Surface activity, all three stages would immediately ramp up their fire control systems to Active Detection and peripheral target acquisition modes from the friendly ships.

Ironically, all Land and Aviation assets under the NOD MILITANT COMMAND and the AIR MILITANT COMMAND would remain at 'pre-hostility' capacities, with the former performing its routine border surveillance, patrol and presence missions - the latter its standard Combat Air Patrols.

Of particular note, however, was the NAVAL MILITANT COMMAND's exclusion of its various [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2434454"]Hunter-killer staging Groups[/url]. With the exceptions of Group Gamma currently involved in a maritime surveillance mission near the currently brewing European War, and Groups Delta and Zeta, who were being ordered to prepare for all out nuclear war, all submarine task forces would remain at similar pre-hostility capacities as their land and airborne brethren.

Edited by Executive Minister
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"Quite simply, Rebel Army would prefer that the area revert to an RA Protectorate. However, assuming the RA Protectorate Laws are respected (OOC: Basically, it will be white space on the map/open to newbies), we would be more than happy to make the area a joint protectorate, or even entirely overseen by Grassy Plains N Such personnel. We await your reply."

OOC: If my last thread wasn't a sign, I'll make it clear now, I'm not dormant. Betting your %&@ on me being so is not a good idea.

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288665700' post='2499517']
"Quite simply, Rebel Army would prefer that the area revert to an RA Protectorate. However, assuming the RA Protectorate Laws are respected (OOC: Basically, it will be white space on the map/open to newbies), we would be more than happy to make the area a joint protectorate, or even entirely overseen by Grassy Plains N Such personnel. We await your reply."

OOC: If my last thread wasn't a sign, I'll make it clear now, I'm not dormant. Betting your %&@ on me being so is not a good idea.

Public To Rebel Army:
"While we do not doubt the prowess and reach of Rebel Army we are just a bit closer to Tanzania than you are. And while we understand your reasons for having the protectorates they way you have them, it has been shown that they either remain dormant, or the governments who do pop out of them are unstable. If we we're to take control of the Tanzanian territories we could ensure that there is a proven stable regime overseeing the populace. And if the people wish to rise up and form they're own nation then we will be happy to accommodate them, why wouldn't we when we came out of similar circumstances."

Private To NoN
"We thank you for your support in our endeavor. We can move our fleet to assist yours if need be. Sure feels nice to say that."

The entire fleet has been put on alert, just in case RA wants to skip the negotiation stage. The troops policing Tanzania will stay where they are for now to keep order until an agreement can be reached.

OOC: I've always been open to giving land away, its just nobody asks for it. Its not like theres a huge demand for land in Africa, and I kinda want something that you might be able to see next to say... The Empire of the Twelve Gods, that I might add owns half of the continent.

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The Aether Empire finds it a bit unnerving to have Grassy Plains so eager to hold onto the regions both north and south of our nation. If anyone should have right and ownership to this land, it would be the Aether Empire, as we were the ones who were just involved in the war that brought about that regimes end. We of course, cannot forget that this came about with much aid from the rest of Africa, but we chose to leave the peoples of this area to a future of their own choosing instead of leading an occupation of their lands, it seems a shame to do so now in the name of politics when they have done us no harm since.

OOC: Its open white space, why not just leave it to new players? Oh, and I'm not inactive from the forums completely, just digging pencils into my skin as I wait painfully for a MP T_T. Just ONE more cycle :D.

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1288805050' post='2500985']
The Aether Empire finds it a bit unnerving to have Grassy Plains so eager to hold onto the regions both north and south of our nation. If anyone should have right and ownership to this land, it would be the Aether Empire, as we were the ones who were just involved in the war that brought about that regimes end. We of course, cannot forget that this came about with much aid from the rest of Africa, but we chose to leave the peoples of this area to a future of their own choosing instead of leading an occupation of their lands, it seems a shame to do so now in the name of politics when they have done us no harm since.

OOC: Its open white space, why not just leave it to new players? Oh, and I'm not inactive from the forums completely, just digging pencils into my skin as I wait painfully for a MP T_T. Just ONE more cycle :D.
OOC: Because I'm an Imperialist at heart, just not ruthless in the acquisition of the land. Only patient. For the MP you should go back in time, join the NPO just before the war of Armageddon, and then you'll have most of a year under terms of surrender to stockpile money. Thats how I got mine :P

We understand Aether Empires concerns. If you wished you could take the land, but we have not seen you see you ever hungering for it. Otherwise you would have taken it after the war. It is true that the tanzanians have done no harm since the war, but it is also true since the war they have not shown that they wish to govern themselves anymore. If we do obtain this land and the people wish to form a government of their own they can, again this is how we formed so we have no objection to it.. And if you are concerned over the matter of security we'll be happy to have down in writing that we will not attack you. Besides, the last time someone attacked your nation for no particular reason they had the whole of Africa on them, including us. So unless our government changes hands to someone who is your enemy you have not to worry.

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[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1288738073' post='2500172']
Public To Rebel Army:
"While we do not doubt the prowess and reach of Rebel Army we are just a bit closer to Tanzania than you are. And while we understand your reasons for having the protectorates they way you have them, it has been shown that they either remain dormant, or the governments who do pop out of them are unstable. If we we're to take control of the Tanzanian territories we could ensure that there is a proven stable regime overseeing the populace. And if the people wish to rise up and form they're own nation then we will be happy to accommodate them, why wouldn't we when we came out of similar circumstances."
"Last time we checked, the Aether Empire is a fairly stable and respectable nation, as are Novak and Qatar-Bahrain. Historical precedent shows that Tanzania is the exception, not the rule, and should be treated as such. Furthermore, we bring into question your ability to properly monitor and supply the region as part of your nation, as you lack a direct land route to it and lack a notable merchant marine. As for your claims on allowing people to rise up, action means more than words. Many countries in recent history have gone into areas claiming they are doing so for the will of the people, only to shut down independence groups when it turns out that they do not fit the government's interest or world view. The laws governing RA Protectorates bypass this risk, by granting far more freedom and power to groups that seek self-autonomy, albeit the system is not perfect, as seen with the case of Tanzania. Regardless, we still will push our initial request, as we wish to do so in the interests of the inhabitants of Tanzania, and due to Rebel Army having a more powerful legal claim over the region than Grassy Plains N Such does."

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OOC: I realize this is OOC, and I realize the reason for this debate is IC, but I just want to get this straight because I've been wanting to say it for a while.

So, Sargun can own half of Africa, I realize a lot of this was from SoM going inactive, but he didn't have to make his protectorate a part of his land, which he did.

Sarah while awesome gets to "mop up the wastes"

Novak apparently gets some land in Southeast Asia(see new map update, not sure if thats correct or not as I couldn't find the IC post)

You get to own Egypt through Pakistan, Ecuador, and if I remember correctly Korea

Shadow owns more than a continent

And I can't have half of Tanzania... -_-

Ahem [/endrant]

[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288843451' post='2501556']
"Last time we checked, the Aether Empire is a fairly stable and respectable nation, as are Novak and Qatar-Bahrain. Historical precedent shows that Tanzania is the exception, not the rule, and should be treated as such. Furthermore, we bring into question your ability to properly monitor and supply the region as part of your nation, as you lack a direct land route to it and lack a notable merchant marine. As for your claims on allowing people to rise up, action means more than words. Many countries in recent history have gone into areas claiming they are doing so for the will of the people, only to shut down independence groups when it turns out that they do not fit the government's interest or world view. The laws governing RA Protectorates bypass this risk, by granting far more freedom and power to groups that seek self-autonomy, albeit the system is not perfect, as seen with the case of Tanzania. Regardless, we still will push our initial request, as we wish to do so in the interests of the inhabitants of Tanzania, and due to Rebel Army having a more powerful legal claim over the region than Grassy Plains N Such does."

"Of course, though in order to bring Novak to life another nation had to die *ooc:*cough* Mine *cough*/endooc*. And if the people really wanted to rise up and form their own nation they probably would have. But we have had no takers. Theres literally nobody in that country at the moment who wants to run a nation of their own. If there was we certainly would have heard from them by now. "Actions speak louder than words", true, but there is nobody willing to take the action so we can only offer words.

I have seen what its like to live in some of the protectorates of the world. I lived in one before I founded GPNS. In it slavery and oppression were rampant, but in secret. The overseeing forces could not see it to help us. No one dared to speak up until I came along, and it took the funding of my friend John Henry to insight the rebellion against the aristocrats who really owned the protectorate. With direct ownership we will be able to make sure the people are guaranteed rights that we were not.

We are open to policing the territory on our own of course, Aether empire is not our enemy and I'm sure they would be willing to let us send supplies through to the territory. We also have plenty of cargo ships to transport supplies as well. And I'm sure despite you're being so large and powerful sending supplies from Arabia to here is expensive, much more than it would be from GPnS to Tanzania. Legally you have more authority I suppose, but think, does really claiming ownership over a spot of land and have it sitting there squandering until a nation rises up, which may or may not happen, and when it does you have no idea what you will get. Or you could have a nation that you know is stable and you know is able to take care of its people own it. We wish you to thoroughly consider our offer of transferring ownership to us and all the advantages it will bring."

Edited by Lord Zephyr
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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1288843451' post='2501556']
"Last time we checked, the Aether Empire is a fairly stable and respectable nation, as are Novak and Qatar-Bahrain. Historical precedent shows that Tanzania is the exception, not the rule, and should be treated as such. Furthermore, we bring into question your ability to properly monitor and supply the region as part of your nation, as you lack a direct land route to it and lack a notable merchant marine. As for your claims on allowing people to rise up, action means more than words. Many countries in recent history have gone into areas claiming they are doing so for the will of the people, only to shut down independence groups when it turns out that they do not fit the government's interest or world view. The laws governing RA Protectorates bypass this risk, by granting far more freedom and power to groups that seek self-autonomy, albeit the system is not perfect, as seen with the case of Tanzania. Regardless, we still will push our initial request, as we wish to do so in the interests of the inhabitants of Tanzania, and due to Rebel Army having a more powerful legal claim over the region than Grassy Plains N Such does."
"Due to an obvious transmission error we have resent the message to Rebel Army in hopes that they reply swiftly so we can resolve this issue post haste."

OOC: Is there a point where I can just claim the land as my own already? Its been two weeks now :/ I understand busy, but :/

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[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1288844989' post='2501588']
"Of course, though in order to bring Novak to life another nation had to die *ooc:*cough* Mine *cough*/endooc*. And if the people really wanted to rise up and form their own nation they probably would have. But we have had no takers. Theres literally nobody in that country at the moment who wants to run a nation of their own. If there was we certainly would have heard from them by now. "Actions speak louder than words", true, but there is nobody willing to take the action so we can only offer words.

I have seen what its like to live in some of the protectorates of the world. I lived in one before I founded GPNS. In it slavery and oppression were rampant, but in secret. The overseeing forces could not see it to help us. No one dared to speak up until I came along, and it took the funding of my friend John Henry to insight the rebellion against the aristocrats who really owned the protectorate. With direct ownership we will be able to make sure the people are guaranteed rights that we were not.

We are open to policing the territory on our own of course, Aether empire is not our enemy and I'm sure they would be willing to let us send supplies through to the territory. We also have plenty of cargo ships to transport supplies as well. And I'm sure despite you're being so large and powerful sending supplies from Arabia to here is expensive, much more than it would be from GPnS to Tanzania. Legally you have more authority I suppose, but think, does really claiming ownership over a spot of land and have it sitting there squandering until a nation rises up, which may or may not happen, and when it does you have no idea what you will get. Or you could have a nation that you know is stable and you know is able to take care of its people own it. We wish you to thoroughly consider our offer of transferring ownership to us and all the advantages it will bring."
"You are ignoring the previous incarnations of Novak, which is what we were referring to. As for a lack of those willing to stand up and run the nation right away, this is natural and the [i]raison d'etre[/i] of RA Protectorates, to ensure safety and stability until that moment arises.

While I am sorry to hear about the plight of your past, this has not been the case in RA Protectorates, many of which have bordered Rebel Army itself. However, seeing as you are not willing to budge, we once again offer to have joint oversight over the region, whether it be part of GPnS proper or not."

OOC: Pestering me to post in the thread in the manner that you have is not going to make me post faster, and in fact, has made me delayed from posting longer. I mean I can understand if I was over a week late in posting, but you didn't even wait that long. :v:

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The Young Anarchists Club in the Aether Empire would like to know why everyone is so belligerently opposed to leaving Tanzania in it's current state of lacking a government. [B]"If the people wanted one, they would make one."[/B] is their official declaration in fact. Why not leave the state to enjoy a nice fertile period of anarchy and intervene if evidence of terrible violations of human rights actually occur, which (they will strongly note) there has been no evidence to support this as of yet.

This is a fact supported by the Aether Empire itself, which has noted a lack of border activity and decreased the threat level of Tanzania because of its lack of an organized military. [B]"Tanzania is a model demonstration of a region-wide, working, anarchistic system. While Tanzania may grow to produce a threat by some whack-job in the future, we imagine that this will only precipitate in the event that a government [I]does[/I] form and not during a period where government and hence a military are lacking all together."[/B] The Aether Empire also notes that it continues to trade with any working companies or individuals within Tanzania. Tanzanian notes, while un-backed by any nation itself, are still openly accepted and traded with the AE as long the government observes that the notes continue to hold value. There is even talk within the Aether Empire of forming a kind of "Unified African Currency" which would allow regions like this to easily function economically, even if they lack a functioning government. Such notes require development time however, to minimize the risk of a counterfeit currency explosion and an ensuing massive collapse of value in the notes themselves.

OOC: Guys, as much as I am most likely biased towards Zephyr in a major way, I must state that this wouldn't be seen in the best interests of the Aether Empire IC. Further more, doubly held or organization held protectorates are a pain for new players as they have to wait for multiple positive validations, with various people promising lands to others. Lavo's valiant step of leaving his protectorates as essentially white space for new players is one of the most positive moves I've seen in CNRP towards friendliness to new players - and I'm very happy about that. I exist because of that.

Furthermore, the region is strategically worthless to fight over. If this were the Congo (vast mountains, rivers, jungle and the potential for a dam so powerful that they would have to export the power to Europe or risk blowing out the grid for the continent) then. Yes. It has a tone of strategic and tactical value. But Tanzania? Unless you're exporting gazelles or finding a way to make the land incredibly fertile, it's just not worth fighting over. Great place to form a nation, not worth killing each other over.

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OOC: I agree on the value point. Although it isn't in my best interests to say this, I have utterly no intention to start or cause a war if I keep getting denied, as that would just end up killing people and screwing the area up. :v: Also, if I do end up running the protectorate with Zeph or whatnot, I'm still going to treat it as an RA Protectorate/white space on my end.

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