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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1289838421' post='2513623']
Unfortunately for the Irish no English assets nor citizens ever had come to Ireland in the first place.
OOC: No offense, but that's just ridiculous, considering you are next door neighbors...

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Wars over, there was enough time before the war began for people to realise what was going on and get the hell outta dodge. Apart from that, as I never RP'd anything in Ireland with civilians, It never happened. What does it matter anyway? this thread now has no use.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1289980777' post='2515775']
[b]Wars over, there was enough time before the war began for people to realise what was going on and get the hell outta dodge.[/b] A[i]part from that, as I never RP'd anything in Ireland with civilians, It never happened.[/i] What does it matter anyway? this thread now has no use.

First (in bold) you assume your characters did something (which wouldn't have been possible since all international flights would have been stopped in wartime as well as any other international travel) then (in italics) you say that since you never RP'd anything it didn't happen. Make up your mind. Fact of the matter is, Zoot is correct in stating he can ignore the large nation that borders his own and pretend that his citizens don't travel, have commercial interests, or otherwise communicate with the Kingdom of Ireland. Is it silly, stupid and petty? Yes, of course it is. But let Zoot and Cent have their lulz while the rest of us laugh at the idiocy of their RP.

This thread may not be of use to you, but it still is to me. I have RPs that were started in here to follow up on before a new thread is transitioned to.

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1290002556' post='2515862']
OOC: Yawoo, can you respond to our mexican submarine standoff? Now that the war's over i'm not expecting anything, but i intend to reuse the characters i described in my post later on.... i just don't want their existence to stay in limbo forever.

OOC: I intend to later tonight - I have your post and another few others to respond to and that should finish out the purpose of this thread, for me.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1290002423' post='2515861']
First (in bold) you assume your characters did something (which wouldn't have been possible since all international flights would have been stopped in wartime as well as any other international travel) then (in italics) you say that since you never RP'd anything it didn't happen. Make up your mind. Fact of the matter is, Zoot is correct in stating he can ignore the large nation that borders his own and pretend that his citizens don't travel, have commercial interests, or otherwise communicate with the Kingdom of Ireland. Is it silly, stupid and petty? Yes, of course it is. But let Zoot and Cent have their lulz while the rest of us laugh at the idiocy of their RP.

This thread may not be of use to you, but it still is to me. I have RPs that were started in here to follow up on before a new thread is transitioned to.

OOC: Actually considering the long period of hostile relations between Ireland and Athens, Athenian interests aimed at Asian markets rather than European ones and a dislike of North-Western Europe since the foundation of the Federation I think I'm pretty justified in saying Athens has no commercial interests in Ireland.

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1290008516' post='2515903']
OOC: Actually considering the long period of hostile relations between Ireland and Athens, Athenian interests aimed at Asian markets rather than European ones and a dislike of North-Western Europe since the foundation of the Federation I think I'm pretty justified in saying Athens has no commercial interests in Ireland.

The Kingdom of Ireland has only been around since October. Making this current incarnation of Ireland, only a year and a half old. Therefore, while your country may have hostile relations with Ireland in the past, it was not this Ireland. As I said though, perhaps your government didn't have relations - that's fair enough. But to say, that every single one of your citizens did not have any sort of relations with a large modern nation - is just silly.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1290009964' post='2515912']
OOC, Not quite what Cent said, but we have had no dealings either commercially et cetera because you rejected my offer when we had the meeting.

Your RP is even more silly than Cent's considering the proximity of our nations. Your government may not have official relations with the Kingdom, but to say your citizens have absolutely no relations, and don't travel, etc... to a nation that borders England... well, that's just bad RP plain and simple.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1290011190' post='2515921']
They had no reason too. No commerical buisiness, no money no visit.
OOC: That's a BS reasoning. Look at the United States and Canada, or any other modern nation that has another next to it - you will find economic ties. Carry on with your RP if you want, but it's just silly to say there is no economic ties, or travel, etc...

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1290011636' post='2515926']
Well there was no economic ties.
You said no, over and over again if you remember correctly.

Indeed, I said no to government-to-government economic ties. That is not what I'm talking about - you said there is no cooperation between our citizens, at any level including vacation-type travel. And that, my good man, is silly.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1290012071' post='2515938']
Well why would they go to Wales on Holiday dude?
Abroad is the way forward

Wales is abroad. So is Ireland. The point remains, to say your citizens had absolutely no investment in Irish businesses, didn't travel, etc... to the Kingdom of Ireland is crazy considering its proximity to England.

I'm done arguing - either you stick with your RP or you don't. I've said my piece on the matter.

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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1289261506' post='2506767']
[b]***Classified to Ireland***[/b]

Your submarine will be escorted through Slavorussian waters. Unfortunately due to the threat of nuclear war we may not be able to offer military support. To do so without parliament’s consent would certainly split the legislature and cause a great deal of instability which we cannot afford to deal with right now. Nevertheless Slavorussia will act as a safe haven for Irish exiles if necessary.
** Classified to Slavorussia **

With the end of hostilities and peace once more - the Kingdom of Ireland wishes to inquire with the Slavorussian government if they would be willing to sign an MDoAP with the Kingdom of Ireland. Regardless of your decision, the Kingdom will continue to hold the Salvorussian people in highest regards as the only European nation to stand by Ireland's side in its time of need. We thank you for escorting our submarine through your waters, and while we are in Slavorussia, it would be high time we established a formal embassy, no?

[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1289284439' post='2507492']
Yet the Nodic vessels would not fire. Instead, the Commanding Officer of the lead vessel under the Irish would receive a signal from his or her Underwater telephone, or UQC.

"Son of a !@#$%*! Sir! They came out of nowhere!"

Leon O'Donnel's head swiveled to the computer screens as his communications sailor shouted in surprise once more.

"Torpedo tubes are open sir! We're under attack!"

"Sound battlestations at once, get me tube..."

As the Admiral began to give his order to open the H.M.S. Strongbowe's torpedo tubes his underwater phone began to emit the sound of an incoming call. Glancing once more to his computer monitors and realizing his small wolfpack was outgunned and out numbered he could do nothing but give one last order before he picked up the phone. "Get one last prayer in boys, this is going to get rough."

With that the Admiral picked up his phone and said, "Admiral O'Donnel of the Irish submarine H.M.S. Strongbowe. With who am I communicating with?"

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1290038689' post='2516234']
** Classified to Slavorussia **

With the end of hostilities and peace once more - the Kingdom of Ireland wishes to inquire with the Slavorussian government if they would be willing to sign an MDoAP with the Kingdom of Ireland. Regardless of your decision, the Kingdom will continue to hold the Salvorussian people in highest regards as the only European nation to stand by Ireland's side in its time of need. We thank you for escorting our submarine through your waters, and while we are in Slavorussia, it would be high time we established a formal embassy, no?[/quote]

Classified reply

We have grossly misjudged England and Scotland. They’re aggressive and irrational and nearly destroyed Western Europe trying to make themselves more relevant. An alliance with between our two countries would be very important strategically for the maintenance of the balance of power in Europe.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1290038689' post='2516234']
With that the Admiral picked up his phone and said, "Admiral O'Donnel of the Irish submarine H.M.S. Strongbowe. With who am I communicating with?"

If the eyes on board the 'End' did not belong to either LTJG Holtmeier or Lt. CDR L'Héraut, then they were glued to console readings or Overhead OLED displays. All crews aboard the vessels comprising Group Gamma worked with a frenzied fervor that was only amplified by the harsh audio disciplinary actions implemented. Only the most urgent messages were allowed to be spoken, in addition from Commands given by both L'Héraut and her Second, Holtmeier.

"Distance: 500," a young voice declared, "...Orange, mark two... three Alpha."

Holtmeier grunted in her seat at the foot of L'Héraut's raised command chair, [i]"Standby for Anti-ship combat! Ten to Starboard! Lower bow to pitch angle fifteen!"

[/i]L'Héraut smirked, [i]I wonder what's got that girl constantly chomping at the bit?[/i] she wondered. Receiving confirmation from the Crewman, 2nd Class stationed at the Communications Operations Console, she picked up a plain telephonesque device on her arm rest and began transmitting over an Encrypted Communications link mirroring the International Search and Rescue channel. The Irish would be sent the appropriate Encryption keys prior to the actual coded message, but the actual transmission would be broadcast on an unmistakably known frequency to eliminate any chance that the vital information would not be received securely, and properly.

[b]<<This is the captain* of the [i]'End'[/i] speaking... Lieutenant Commander Catherine L'Héraut of the Nodic Militant Naval Command.>>[/b][sub](ooc: not rank, the nautical term)[/sub]

A few eyes peeked up at the Lt. CDR, only to be quickly averted as LTJG Holtmeier continued on with combat preparatory orders. The crew was forced to work at a feverish pace, ensuring that the quickly declared queue of orders was properly relayed to the rest of the Submarine. Glancing at the Nodic Battle.net, one could see the other attack submarines undergoing similar conditions.

[i]"Activate Active Countermeasures! Target the first two enemy warships with the Hauteclere[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size="3"][size="2"]s! I want torpedo tubes seven through ten loaded! Set the [/size][/size][/font]Naeglings' guidance systems to control pattern B! Target: Orange Alpha, seventeen through forty-two! Set firing angles at five points apart! Meanwhile!...Change course to Indigo, mark twenty Charlie! Maximum reactor output! Get ready to fire on my command!" [/i]

Smiling at the long string of orders, which the 'Jay Gee' gave with a single breath, L'Héraut continued.

[b]<<Admiral, do you read me?...... Our orders are clear. We are to operate in these international waters, unimpeded by vessels of ANY nation... If you continue to pursue your present approach vector, I am going to have to assume this to be a hostile act. Headquarters has tasked us with the destruction of any and all foreign vessels that enroach upon our immediate battle space. >>[/b]

She paused, so as to ensure the message's weight sank into the crew of the Irish vessels. Looking down, L'Héraut saw Holtmeier give an ominous and silent thumb's up. The moment had arrived, the actors assembled, and the final act about to play out.

[b]<<However... if your ship and its escorts now cease all combat operations and surrender, we will likewise halt the attack that is already underway. This IS your only warning. I personally guarantee the safety of your crews... I trust you will make the wise decision and will await a transmission of your current intentions... L'Héraut out. >>


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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1290054117' post='2516479']
Crazy Female Sub Captain talk

Admiral O'Donnel narrowed his eyes and glanced at his sub's computer screens. There was no doubt at all in his mind that any action other than agreeing was suicide. Nevertheless, he was Irish and as such didn't get bullied so easily.

"Lieutenant Commander, this is Admiral O'Donnel - it is actually a coincidence meeting you here today as the H.M.S. Strongbowe was on her way to present a deal to your government, one that is mutually beneficial. I'm afraid I can not allow you to escort my wolfpack as they are do back in Ireland now that the war has ended. I will, however, allow you to escort my ship, the H.M.S. Strongbowe to your country without causing problems. As a sign of good faith, my ship will surface and I will transfer aboard one of your subs for the duration of the journey. Over and out."

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1290631725' post='2522361']
"Lieutenant Commander, this is Admiral O'Donnel - it is actually a coincidence meeting you here today as the H.M.S. Strongbowe was on her way to present a deal to your government, one that is mutually beneficial. I'm afraid I can not allow you to escort my wolfpack as they are do back in Ireland now that the war has ended. I will, however, allow you to escort my ship, the H.M.S. Strongbowe to your country without causing problems. As a sign of good faith, my ship will surface and I will transfer aboard one of your subs for the duration of the journey. Over and out."

[i]"Is he serious?"[/i] a baffled Holtmeier called upwards towards L'Héraut, [i]"is he really that eager to meet his maker?!"

[/i]L'Héraut was just as puzzled as Holtmeier was. Nod had no previous dealings with Ireland, or Europe for that matter, besides the occasional snide remark. To hear O'Donnel insinuate that Group Gamma's inadvertent interception of the Strongbowe was little more than an unannounced arrival did little to recompense the crew of the End that a naval battle was about to take place. While the Irishman offered to surface and be taken into custody (board) by Nodic Vessels, the nonchalant nature of his refusal for the other vessels under his command to cease operations was most unsettling.

"Lieutentant Holtmeier, please!" L'Héraut turned to the young communications Crewman, 2nd Class, "Please raise Admiral Cauthorne on a secure connection."

L'Héraut heard a quiet, 'Aye! Aye! Ma'am' before the visage of a concerned Cauthorne was displayed on her overhead OLED display.

"Admiral, this is the projected course of the Irish vessels," L'Héraut talked over a transmitted 3-d Battlespace projection of the current units involved in the crisis.

[b]<<It is unfortunate that the Irishman has declined your most generous- and dare I say dangerous - offer of clemency, you have permission to engage... >>[/b]

"Admiral," L'Héraut objected, "do you think it would not be prudent to assess their 'mutually beneficial' offer and ensure that we are not slaughtering innocent men?"[b]

<<Do you believe him?>>[/b]

"I do believe that this incident did not occur during a time of open war between our respective nations... Even WE believe that one must not make enemies of potential frien-"

[i]"Commander L'Héraut!"[/i] Holtmeier cried out in an exasperated, almost disappointed tone. Ignoring this, the two senior Officers continued.

"-friends... I would humbly recommend that we take up the Irish's offer and accept their Admiral onboard, where we can converse. We need to stall for time, assess the situation more carefully."
<<*sigh* Yes... very well then, proceed. Ascend to the surface alongside the Strongbowe and signal for your vessels to drift alongside... the rest of Group Gamma will take holding pattern Omega around the rest of the Irish fleet. Until we determine their true intentions, we will not allow their departure.>>[/b]

OOC: And they send the message. Your turn, Yawoo, and quit playin' hard to get! :P

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The H.M.S. Strongbowe surfaced and proceeded to transfer Admiral O'Donnel to the Nodic ship. While the surfacing was ongoing, orders were sent to the rest of the Irish submarines from O'Donnel.

"Irish ships, this is Admiral O'Donnel. I will be transferring aboard the Nodic submarine for the duration of travel to their home country. The Strongbowe's command will pass to Captain McAlister, he will follow the Nodic fleet to their country. The rest of you, proceed back to Ireland - you will not be harmed by the Nodic ships along your way. Pass a message to Irish Naval Command in Belfast about the operation I've undertaken post haste. They will need to know as soon as I pass aboard to the Nodic submarine. God bless King Dinsmore, and the Kingdom of Ireland. Admiral O'Donnel over and out."

True to his word, O'Donnel would transfer over to the Nodic ship quietly, in his Naval dress uniform, medals on display, pistol and sword at his hip. He would carry his sea bag, flung over his shoulder with the rest of his personal belongings. As the Admiral departed to board the Nodic submarine, the rest of the Irish fleet sans Strongbowe would begin their journey back to Ireland. A message would be sent to Belfast.

[quote]Classified, Belfast Command.

Admiral O'Donnel has transferred aboard Nodic submarine near whale pack. Strongbowe will follow to Nod. Rest of fleet returning to Belfast. Plans moving smoothly. Out.[/quote]

Upon arriving on the Nodic submarine, the Admiral would draw his sword salute the commanding officer before introducing himself. "Madame, I am Admiral Leon O'Donnel of the Irish Naval Command, recently assigned to supervise the H.M.S. Strongbowe and her wolfpack. I offer my sword for the duration of this journey, as befitting my current situation." As he said this, O'Donnel would hold out both hands, his sword resting in his palms.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1291578883' post='2531104']
The H.M.S. Strongbowe surfaced and proceeded to transfer Admiral O'Donnel to the Nodic ship. While the surfacing was ongoing, orders were sent to the rest of the Irish submarines from O'Donnel.[/quote]
"Raise bow 45 degrees, 25 to starboard! Ascend to the surface alongside the Strongbowe!"[/i] ordered LTJG Holtmeier. As the Nodic vessel broke through the waves, she turned to look up at the Lt. CDR. L'Héraut, noticing Holtmeier's glare, responded with a question,

"Are we in contact with the Strongbowe?" her voice was Authoritarian, with a hint of warning, which elicited a quiet grunt from her subordinate.

[i]"Yes ma'am, as we speak, a smaller craft is debarking from the Irish vessel, presumably with the Irish Admiral onboard. Shall I send some armed personnel to esco-"[/i]

"Why are you so vehemently set against the Irish?" L'Héraut asked, with that same warning tone, interrupting the young LTJG.
"Ma'am, it is my duty as the acti-"[/i] she answered, only to be halted again.

"[i]Infact[/i], so against them that you see it prudent to question my every command...?" L'Héraut finished, letting her words linger in the air. She looked about the bridge of the [i]End[/i] as a roosting bird of prey would look at her brood. None of the women at the various consoles seemed to be paying their Officers' exchange any heed. Yet she could tell, with a smirk, that all were listening, rapt at attention while they busied themselves with their tasks.

Her musings interrupted by a loud sigh from the LTJG below her, L'Héraut looked down to see Holtmeier straight-backed, at attention, facing away from her superior.
"Commander L'Héraut," [/i]began Holtmeier, with all pomp and circumstance,[i] "you are in command of SSN- 07, the End, one of the most advanced and classified vessels under the command of the NMC. Few know of our vessel's capabilities and all Hunter-killer strike group locations are part of highly restricted information, as declared by our Executive Ministry. These Irish vessels deliberately, whether with good or ill intentions, intercepted our vessels against the strict directives of the NMC, which were to destroy all pursuers on the open seas without hesitation, lest our existence become known. These vessels, despite your rather compassionate command decision - have continued to disobey our orders and have belligerently left our battlespace. You are now allowing the direct transfer of foreign personnel onboard due to a simple request that should not have been allowed to be made in the first place. With all due respect, Commander, do you seriously think you should have given such permission to a foreign militant under these circumstances?"[/i]

L'Héraut raised an eyebrow, [i]The girl certainly has her gumption...[/i]

[i]"It is in my view that your actions are putting at risk all of the Executive Ministry's efforts to date,"[/i] she finished promptly.

Not skipping a beat, L'Héraut responded.

"I understand your concerns, Lieutenant Holtmeier," L'Héraut answered with a slight pause.

"But... in this situation I cannot just stand by and do nothing. I approved of this special case on my Authority."
"Are you 'sure', Commander?"[/i] was all Holtmeier responded with.

"As I have said before, the Irish and Nodic fleets were not, and are not currently at war. This is not a combat situation, Lieutenant. For our Nation's continued existence I believe the more friends we have behind us, the better."

Content with hearing no reply from her Second-in-Command, L'Héraut looked away from the back of Holtmeier's head to relay orders to her crew.
<<All hands, this is the captain. All personnel are to prepare for VIP boarding routines. I repeat, VIP boarding routines. I trust all of you will comply.>>[/b]

"Lieutenant Holtmeier, " L'Héraut once again turned focus to her subordinate. "This is all for the best... and you know how skilled the Irish are at repelling aggressors... a full on attack on the Irish squadron would prove most tragic for both parties involved, despite your expertise. I trust you understand?"

[i]"Yes, ma'am..."[/i] was all Holtmeier could bring herself to say.

"Irish ships, this is Admiral O'Donnel. I will be transferring aboard the Nodic submarine for the duration of travel to their home country. The Strongbowe's command will pass to Captain McAlister, he will follow the Nodic fleet to their country. The rest of you, proceed back to Ireland - you will not be harmed by the Nodic ships along your way. Pass a message to Irish Naval Command in Belfast about the operation I've undertaken post haste. They will need to know as soon as I pass aboard to the Nodic submarine. God bless King Dinsmore, and the Kingdom of Ireland. Admiral O'Donnel over and out."

At L'Héraut's and later on Cauthorne's insistance, the Nodic fleet would do nothing to hamper the departure of the Irish.

True to his word, O'Donnel would transfer over to the Nodic ship quietly, in his Naval dress uniform, medals on display, pistol and sword at his hip. He would carry his sea bag, flung over his shoulder with the rest of his personal belongings.[/quote]

The Irish Admiral would reach the [i]End[/i], only to be greeted with row upon row of Officers. All of the Officers stood at attention at the front of the assembly on the deck, their white and black tunics and skirts standing crisp against the light salty air and golden insignias gleaming in the gentle sun. Behind them would be all other non-essential enlisted sailors in their black formal tunics. As the Admiral approached, his craft departing back to the Strongbowe, L'Héraut, flanked by a begrudgingly silent Holtmeier stood forwards, to recieve Admiral O'Donnel, who would then be led down into the depths of the End, stopping at the bridge.

Upon arriving on the Nodic submarine, the Admiral would draw his sword salute the commanding officer before introducing himself. "Madame, I am Admiral Leon O'Donnel of the Irish Naval Command, recently assigned to supervise the H.M.S. Strongbowe and her wolfpack. I offer my sword for the duration of this journey, as befitting my current situation." As he said this, O'Donnel would hold out both hands, his sword resting in his palms.

Carefully accepting the ornamental weapon as one would an infant, L'Héraut would accept the sword.

"At long last, Admiral. My name is Catherine L'Héraut, Lieutenant Commander and captain of the SSN-07, the [i]End[/i]. Alongside me is Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Natalie Holtmeier, my Second-in-Command. I hereby accept your weapon, and formally declare the Strongbowe and its crew to be granted the utmost security and protection during our trek to Africa."

Motioning to Holtmeier's chair, L'Héraut invited O'Donnel to sit in the second-most prestigious spot upon the bridge of the End. Glancing at the Communication's officer, L'Héraut saw that the channel to Admiral Cauthorne remained silent, yet the [i]End[/i]'s transmitters were still activated.

[i]Cauthorne must have ordered her bridge to monitor O'Donnel's stay via one-way channel[/i]... she thought.

"Admiral, please, make yourself at home for the duration of our stay. If you wish to convene to me, finally, the nature of your encounter with us, please do not hesitate to ask. If you wish Lieutenant Holtmeier and myself would be humbled to meet with you in our Officer's mess."

Edited by Executive Minister
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