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The Not-So-Serene Republic

Imperator Azenquor

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[b]***Imperial Palace, Vauleyo-Buryatia***[/b]

In a secure room of the Imperial Palace, a tense meeting was underway. Imperator Pyotr, flanked by two Imperial Advisors, sat at the head of a conference table. Across from the Imperator sat three military officers. The first officer was the commander of the Organization of the Zodiac, Marshall Mikhail Karpov. Next to Marshall Karpov sat a rather uncomfortable General Bayar Khan, commander of the Vauleyo-Buryat People’s Air Force and finally was General Dmitri Pushkov of the People’s Army of Vauleyo-Buryatia.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, before Pyotr spoke:

[i]“General Pushkov, based on intelligence gathered by both OZ and the Military Intelligence Bureau have we been able to confirm the specifics of the plot against the throne?”[/i]

General Pushkov looked down for a moment before replying:

[i]“No your Majesty, we have only been able to confirm that several radical individuals inside of the Social Democratic Party fully support a coup d’etat against the monarchy. According to our sources, these radical individuals inside of the SDP have also gained the allegiance of at least three senior officers and a number of military divisions. The most alarming news, your Majesty, is that we have reason to believe that the Sygh-Varthys Division is among those that will support the radicals.”[/i]

Almost immediately, Marshall Karpov spoke:

[i]“Your Majesty. I have received a reliable report from one of my senior OZ Intelligence officers which states that the coup plotters will attempt to foster some kind of legitimacy for their actions. It may be presented to the public as a legal maneuver designed to foster more democracy.”[/i]

Pyotr rose from his seat and said in a quiet voice:

[i]“What if we struck preemptively?”[/i]

General Pushkov replied almost immediately:
[i]“How would we do so Your Majesty”[/i]

With a smile, Pyotr replied:
[i]“Simple…. Your intelligence agents have gathered vital information so far, we simply use the information to our benefit. Rather than waiting for a coup to occur, we act preemptively. We declare Martial Law and arrest members of the Social Democratic Party, as well as other potential suspects. With the combined might of the Organization of the Zodiac, and the majority of the Vauleyo-Buryatian Army we could go on the offensive before they have an opportunity to strike.”[/i]

[i]“Your Majesty, the sheer logistics of detaining such a large number of people at a time when the loyalty of even a small part of the military is in doubt could be catastrophic if not handled correctly. Plus, such a move would require the approval of the Courts and the Parliament which is dominated by the SDP.”[/i]-General Pushkov

Seeing his chance, Marshall Karpov chimed in:
[i]“Perhaps the Parliament could be…removed temporarily and replaced by a military administration loyal to the throne and to the Constitution. This would enable us to purge the communist filth from our nation regardless of if they hide in the halls of government.”[/i]

Almost immediately one of the two Imperial Advisors spoke:

[i]“A pre-emptive declaration of martial law would be difficult to defend Your Majesty. We would have to hope to have the trust of the people or we would have to publicize classified intelligence. Perhaps we should wait on the coup conspirators to act.”[/i]-Advisor

Pyotr rose from his seat and walked towards the exit. Just before leaving the room, he turned around and replied:

[i]“I have decided on a course of action. In less than an hour, I want all OZ troops placed on standby. Rest of the military will remain at DEFCON 4 unless otherwise ordered. Our intelligence agents inside of the Sygh-Varthys military barracks should be able to alert us when they decide to make their move.

Inform the President of the situation and let us see what happens.”[/i]-Pyotr

Without another word, Pyotr let the room.

[b]***Great People’s Khural***[/b]

The leader of the Social Democratic Party Vladimir Kalinin sat in his office on the second floor of the Parliament building. He studied the prepared draft of his speech carefully for several minutes. Chairman Kalinin looked out of the window of his office. If all went according to plan, he would be the leader of a new age for Vauleyo-Buryatia. At last he could inaugurate a new era of Vaulian Communism. He was certain that he could fix the mistakes of the former Soviet Union.

At exactly 2:10 pm, he picked up the phone in his office and dialed a number.

The person on the other end picked up the phone and replied:
[i]“Sygh-Varthys Military Barracks, Commander’s Office. How may I assist?”[/i]

[b]***Office of the Imperator of Vauleyo***[/b]

As soon as Imperator Pyotr returned to his office, he picked up the phone and sent a message to the Imperial Spokesperson. The Spokesperson released a pre-drafted message to the public.

[i]"As is customary for this time of the year, His Most Orthodox Royal Highness Imperator Pyotr has requested a meeting of the Vauleyo-Buryatian Senate. The Imperator wishes to discuss several matters with Senators (both elected and hereditary nobles) and to discuss the possibility of restoring the activity of the Vauleyo-Buryatian Senate. His Majesty therefore extends a formal invitation to all current Senators and individuals who hold titles of nobility in Vauleyo-Buryatia to attend a conference at the Imperial Palace tomorrow afternoon."[/i]

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[u][b]BCNA News: Imperator summons the Senate[/b][/u]

[i]“With the country coming to grips with the worst economic crisis in a decade, Imperator Pyotr has taken the unexpected step of summoning the members of the Senate, as well as all individuals with Imperial Titles to a meeting at the Imperial Palace. While the members of the Senate meet with the Imperator on a yearly basis, the meetings have never before been extended to non-Senate members and have never been held behind closed doors before. The meeting, as we understand it, will involve a spirited debate about the future of titles of nobility in Vauleyo-Buryatia as well as the best way for the government to speed up the rebound of the economy. Some political analysts believe that Imperator Pyotr may intend to restore the Senate as a legislative body after its 10 year suspension which coincided with the Treaty of Union. Imperator Pyotr is widely expected to extend an invitation to President Andropov and several government ministers.

Many political analysts believe that the sudden and unexpected announcement of the meeting is, in part, the Imperial Palace’s response to legislation to be proposed by the governing Dawn Coalition which would eliminate titles of nobility and the privileges granted by those titles. While the legislation would comfortably pass through the Great People’s Khural unobstructed, the Imperial Palace is signaling that Imperator Pyotr will not sign it.

In other news, the B$ 320 billion economic stimulus plan, put forward by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) leadership has been defeated in the Great People’s Khural. The Opposition and the United Nationalist Front (UNF), the SDP’s coalition partner, voted against the bill. After the vote, the leaders of the SDP and the UNF went immediately to a closed door meeting at the Presidential Palace.”[/i]-Reporter

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[b][u]BCNA News: SDP challenges the monarchy [/b][/u]

[i] “The leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Vladimir Kalinin, today introduced a controversial bill challenging the Vauleyo-Buryatian monarchy and those who hold titles of nobility in the country. The bill, which has received the vocal support of the majority of MPs in the Social Democratic Party (SDP), has faced vehement opposition from the Vauleyo-Buryatian Democratic Party (VDP) and even from the United Nationalist Front (UNF), the junior coalition partner of the SDP. The bill has also faced opposition from President Dmitri Andropov, who has called it ‘an attempt to undermine the institutions of state under the guise of democratic reforms’ and stated that he will oppose the legislation if it is approved by the Parliament. President Andropov notably declined to state if his opposition to the legislation would extend to a legal challenge.

The proposed legislation, called the ‘Democratic Reform Act’ (DRA), is currently under discussion in a rare closed session of the Great People’s Khural. The Speaker of the Khural, Naranbatarin Ivaanjav (Ind.) has stated that his preliminary results indicate that a razor thin majority of MPs in the Khural have indicated their support for the legislation, but that no recorded votes have yet been held. According to the Speaker, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) has gained the support of the Buryatia Liberation Party (BLP) and has managed to secure a commitment from the United Nationalist Front (UNF) that their MPs will abstain from the vote. It is believed that this decision was reached without consultations with the leadership of the United Nationalist Front. The Speaker also suggested that 15 MPs from the Democratic Party have privately defected to the government side. If the claim is proven, it would give the Social Democrats enough votes to approve the DRA.

As soon as the Speaker made his announcement, we have learned that several government officials have tendered their resignations. We can confirm that leader of the United Nationalist Front (UNF) and Foreign Minister, Dr. Yuri Petrovic has tendered his resignation with immediate effect. The Minister of Communication Aleksandar Trubachev, the Minister of Labor Batukhan Yu and Minister of the Interior Mikhail Chuluunovich have also tendered their resignations. At this time we are unable to determine the reasons behind these resignations. We will continue to monitor the situation and will issue updates as soon as we have them.

The response from the Imperial Palace has so far been uncharacteristically strong. In a statement sent to the People’s Khural by the Palace, Imperator Pyotr has openly stated his opposition to the ‘Democratic Reform Act (DRA)’ and has suggested that if it is approved the Imperial Palace would take action against the Khural."[/i]-Reporter

[b] Statement from His Most Orthodox Royal Highness Imperator Pyotr I[/b]

The fundamental pillars of any state are its Institutions and its Constitution. The Constitution of Vauleyo-Buryatia is a document to which each Institution of government is bound. With the power of legislature vested exclusively in the Great People’s Khural and the Members thereof, it is indeed a shame that any member of the Khural, invested with power by the people of the country would seek to undermine the institutions of the state under the guise of Democratic Reform.

Under the duties granted to the Imperator of Vauleyo-Buryatia, I am required to defend the state, the institutions thereof and the welfare of the people therein. I therefore state my unflinching opposition to the proposed Democratic Reform Act (DRA). Regardless of the decision of the Great People’s Khural on this matter I state clearly that I will not approve enacting the DRA into law.

Should the Great People’s Khural approve the DRA, then the Great People’s Khural shall be held to account for its actions. The Imperial Palace is prepared to utilize all powers afforded to it under the Constitution of Vauleyo-Buryatia to prevent this legislation from being enacted into law.

[b]***20 minutes later***[/b]

[b]BREAKING NEWS: Vote underway[/b]

[i]“We have received the following breaking news bulletin from our Khural correspondent. The Great People’s Khural is now voting on the Democratic Reform Act (DRA). I repeat, the Great People’s Khural is now voting on the Democratic Reform Act. We are unable to carry the full text of the Democratic Reform Act as it includes security legislation, however we are able to provide the following excerpts”[/i]-Reporter

[quote] [b]Democratic Reform Act 8620100110[/b]

[b]Article 17: People Power[/b]
It is in the interest of the people of Vauleyo-Buryatia that the powers of government reside with them. Therefore we declare that a timeline for a transition from an Executive Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy be given. Such a transition would result in a transfer of power from unelected to elected and democratically accountable officials.

[b]Article 18: Restructuring Security[/b]
In a truly democratic regime, the security institutions of the state are, without exception under the command of elected civilian officials. We therefore declare that all security forces of the state of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall be under the civilian command of elected government officials who are in turn accountable to the people of the nation.

[b]Article 19: Increased representation[/b]
We declare that in the interests of furthering democracy, the number of Members of the Great People’s Khural be increased from 900 to 1420 to reflect the changes in population which have occurred over the last few years.
Article 20: Separation of Church and State[/b]
We declare that no religious group or entity shall hold precedence over another. We declare that the Institutions of the State shall be secular in order to best serve the interests of the people of Vauleyo-Buryatia.

[b]Article 21: Titles of Nobility[/b]
We declare that the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall cease to award Titles of Nobility and privileges thereof. In a democratic society all citizens should have equal voice and equal influence.

[b]Article 22: Referendum[/b]
After a one year period of transition of government institutions, this Act shall be placed before the people of Vauleyo-Buryatia in a free and democratic referendum.

[b]***Sygh-Varthys Military Barracks (Classified)***[/b]

As soon as the voting began in the Khural, the Commander of the Sygh-Varthys Division placed his soldiers on alert. The soldiers armed themselves and filed quickly into several waiting APCs and troop transports. As soon as they were ready, seven APCs left the base heading towards the Presidential Palace.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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[b]BCNA Breaking News: Khural approves Democratic Reform Act (DRA)[/b]

[i]“We have received breaking news from the Great People’s Khural. The extremely controversial Democratic Reform Act has been approved by a majority of just two MPs. The Speaker of the Great People’s Khural confirmed moments ago that the legislation was approved. The Speaker has also revealed that the resignations of the Foreign Minister, Communication Minister, and the Labor Minister were due to their strong opposition to the Democratic Reform Act (DRA). The standoff between the Imperator and the Social Democratic Party has now moved to the next level.

While there has been no official word from the Imperial Palace, we understand that the Imperator has summoned President Andropov to a meeting and indicated that he will be making an address to the nation in exactly one hour. Sources at the Palace have refused to comment on the nature of the Imperator’s address or what action will be taken by the Palace as a result of the passage of the DRA.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) Vladimir Kalinin congratulated the Khural on its approval of the legislation and praised what he called the ‘next step of an ever advancing socialist democracy in Vauleyo-Buryatia’. Mr. Kalinin also vowed to continue the ‘transformation of Vauleyo-Buryatia’s political and economic systems’ to ensure that they ‘better serve the interests of the people of the nation’. Mr. Kalinin’s statement made no reference to the opposition of the Palace or the concern being raised by the Democratic Party of Vauleyo-Buryatia.

We will now wait for the Imperator’s address to the nation to determine if…[/i].[b]*static*[/b]


Without warning, all television and radio stations in Vauleyo-Buryatia are taken off the air and replaced by static. Cellular phones across the country suddenly become unusable as the cellular network is shut down. Access to the internet also slows to a crawl. The power grid in some parts of Sygh-Varthys also suddenly went offline covering the capital in a blanket of darkness.

[b]***Imperial Palace, Sygh-Varthys***[/b]

As Pyotr looked out across the skyline of the capital, he turned in the direction of the Parliament building and said quietly:


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"What the..."

The people of the city itself were not the only ones affected...the Australian embassy was affected. Fortunately they had emergency backup generators, but that did nothing for the internet and cell phone connections.

Jesse Hendrikson stared at the secretary, who had a landline connected to the Palace. "Get me the President or the Imperator, now. I want to know why our power went out..."

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1289245454' post='2506418']
"What the..."

The people of the city itself were not the only ones affected...the Australian embassy was affected. Fortunately they had emergency backup generators, but that did nothing for the internet and cell phone connections.

Jesse Hendrikson stared at the secretary, who had a landline connected to the Palace. "Get me the President or the Imperator, now. I want to know why our power went out..."

The efforts by the Australian Embassy to contact the government would be unsuccessful as all phone lines to government offices were either busy or disconnected. Attempts to contact the Imperial Palace would be just as unsuccessful. As if miraculously on cue, a single official from the Vauleyo-Buryatian Diplomatic Corps would appear outside of the embassy and request to speak with the Ambassador.


[b]***Meanwhile*** [/b]

Twenty minutes after the sudden blackout, the electricity was suddenly restored, but the phone networks remained offline. As soon as anyone switched on their TVs they would notice something strange. Every single channel displayed the logo of the state run Buryatian Central News Agency (BCNA) and a 10 minute countdown timer. As soon as the countdown timer reached zero a broadcast began.

The camera panned across the news studio and moved towards a nervous looking newscaster sitting at the news desk.

[b]***BCNA Breaking News: Martial Law Declared***[/b]

[i] “At 9:12pm tonight, His Most Orthodox Royal Highness Imperator Pyotr has declared Martial Law across the entire country. We understand that as soon as the declaration of Martial Law was enacted, all communication media across the country were simultaneously shut down and electricity to the capital was disconnected by order of the military. We have confirmed reports that it is now nearly impossible to use a cellular phone or to use the internet inside of the country. We have not yet been able to determine the reason for the interruption. A press release from the Imperial Palace has confirmed that a curfew has been declared in all Federal Cities for the next 30 days, and that the state of Martial Law is extended to all autonomous regions and overseas territories. In the press release it stated that the Imperator will be addressing the nation in the next ten minutes about the security situation, and further developments.

While several States of Emergency have been declared in the past few decades this is the first time that a Constitutional Declaration of Martial Law has been made by a reigning Imperator since 1827. Unlike in a State of Emergency, the current declaration requires the resignation of all senior members of the Executive branch of the government for the duration of the declaration. Accordingly we can confirm that President Dmitri Andropov has submitted his resignation and that of his entire cabinet to the Imperator. The Imperator has accepted these resignations and is expected to appoint an Interim President and Interim Ministers shortly. According to the standing precedents established in Vaulian Common Law, it is widely expected that the Highest Ranking Officer in the Vauleyo-Buryatian Army will be sworn in as Interim President and that the Highest Ranking Officer in the Vauleyo-Buryatian Air Force shall be sworn in as Interim Minister of the Interior.

Under the Declaration of Martial Law, several government bodies have been dissolved or suspended and some Constitutional Provisions have been suspended. According to the press release from the Imperial Palace, the Imperator has dissolved the Great People’s Khural, as well as all regional legislative bodies until further notice. The Supreme People’s Court of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall continue to function, however the writ of habeas corpus has been temporarily suspended. The Constitutional rights to freedom of movement and freedom of assembly have been suspended. We have been informed that all Executive Governors of Autonomous Regions and Overseas territories shall remain in office and shall temporarily exercise the powers that were previously held by their respective local legislatures. The Territorial Border Forces have confirmed that all land borders have been closed and that all flights have been either grounded or diverted away from Vauleyo-Buryatian airspace as a precautionary measure. We can also confirm that the Declaration has invoked the temporary power to censor the press, but that the use of this power shall be overseen by the Judiciary to ensure that it is not abused.

The most worrying sign so far is that the Declaration of Martial Law also includes a special provision which has declared the [b]Social Democratic Party (SDP)[/b] a banned organization and has included an arrest warrant for the leader of the party Vladimir Kalinin. We understand that a military operation has been launched to arrest Mr. Kalinin and several of his allies however we are prohibited from broadcasting the specific details of this operation. We have received several reports that military checkpoints have been erected on all roads leading to the Sygh-Varthys Football Stadium. And there are alleged reports from the area which suggest that the stadium is being used as some kind of mass detention center by the military.

We will continue to keep you informed of the latest developments and we will carry the Imperator’s speech from the Palace live in ten minutes. Please stay tuned to BCNA. [/i]-Reporter

[b]*** (Classified) Across Western Vauleyo-Buryatia***[/b]

The Organization of the Zodiac, assisted by the Vauleyo-Buryatian People’s Police Force, begins mass searches of the homes of several SDP party members and their close associates. In the first two hours of Martial Law 1,522 people are arrested including 500 party members and senior officials and 601 party organizers and supporters. As soon as they are arrested, the individuals are transported to the Sygh-Varthys Football stadium for detention. As soon as they arrive they would see heavily armed guards manning all entrances, and military snipers positioned on the roof of the stadium which was illuminated by several large floodlights.

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[b][u]BCNA: Imperator addresses the nation [/b][/u]

“Citizens of Vauleyo-Buryatia,

Due to the unprecedented and dangerous threat to the unity and stability of our nation, I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that order shall be maintained and that those who wish to destroy the nation shall face the full extent of the law. Several days ago, the Imperial Palace received credible evidence of a plot by a group of radicals inside of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). This group has conspired to destroy the institutions of the state so that they can rebuild the nation as a Communist dictatorship. Given this threat to the state, and the nightmare of the last Communist government in our nation’s history, I could not sit by and allow this coup to succeed.

At my direction, the Organization of the Zodiac Intelligence Directorate (OZID) launched a wide reaching investigation into this plot. Their investigation yielded several vital pieces of information about the plot against the government. The investigation revealed that the plot included several senior civilian and military officials as well as diplomatic personnel. These individuals would use the rejection of the so-called Democratic Reform Act (DRA) as a cause to drum up anti-monarchist sentiment. These individuals would then, using their allies in Parliament force through an amended bill dissolving the institutions of the state.

In the ensuing chaos, these traitors hoped to use their military allies to seize control of the state and entrench themselves in power at the expense of the citizens of the nation. As the sovereign of the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia I had no choice but to take action against this threat.

This is the reason why I had to declare Martial Law to better equip the loyal forces of the state to confront the most dangerous threat in our nation’s history. We are determined to confront this threat with all necessary force and to ensure that the rights of citizens of Vauleyo-Buryatia, though restricted for the moment, shall be maintained and shall not be infringed upon.

For the duration of the declaration of Martial Law, the Constitution of Vauleyo-Buryatia requires the resignation of the Executive branch of government and its replacement with an Interim Executive branch that will exercise the Constitutional powers of the Executive. Accordingly, President Andropov has submitted his resignation from the Office of the Presidency along with the resignations of his government ministers. I have accepted these resignations, and I thank President Andropov for his service to the country thus far.

To replace these officials, I have, after consultations with the Judiciary, decided to make the following appointments:

Sr. Marshall Mikhail Kharpov (Commander of OZ) shall serve as the Interim President of Vauleyo-Buryatia.

Lt. General Grygory Zelin (Commander of Military Intelligence Unit) shall serve as Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs and Second Deputy President.

Commander Natalya Vache (Commander of Unknown Military unit) shall serve as Interim Minister of the Interior and First Deputy President.

General Bayar Khan (Commander of the Vauleyo-Buryatian Air Force) shall serve as Interim Minister of Defense and National Security.

Collectively, these individuals shall, until the declaration of Martial Law ends, act as the Executive Branch of the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia with all of the powers allotted thereto.

During any period when the government of a state is forced to take up additional extraordinary powers it becomes necessary to increase oversight of the government in line with these new powers. I have therefore consulted with the Judiciary and several members of the legal community on how best to address the situation of government oversight. I have therefore authorized the creation of a non-governmental body, the [b]Committee for State Security (CSS)[/b] that will have the authority to monitor the government and all who act on its behalf to ensure that the government does not exceed its powers and that the rights of citizens are respected.

This Committee shall be chaired by Patriarch Pavlovich of the Vaulian Orthodox Church and Dr. Mikhail Kalinovic of the Humanitarian Aid Division. These individuals shall be directed to select five other individuals who are not government or military officials, who shall serve as the members of the Committee.

I understand that many of you are worried about these developments, but I can only give you my word that we will prevail against the threat of Communism and we will march forward united and with firm resolve. I give you my word that when the time comes that these extraordinary powers are no longer needed, the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall surrender these powers without hesitation.

I thank you for your understanding at this time. May God bless you and your families and may we march forth to brighter days.

[i]Par Vauleya![/i]"-Pyotr

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OOC: Just Checking, You just declared martial law and more or less an authoritarian regime(Military Junta) yes?

IC: Private-The United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana has been kept abreast of the situations in Vauleyo-Buryatia through the efforts of the Intelligence Ministry.

IC: Public- We in the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana feel deeply concerned for the citizenry of Vauleyo-Buryatia. While we support monarchies throughout the world, The Kingdom is still concerned for the democratic rights of the citizens.-Statement from Dr. Phillip Roger Stroud, Director of Foreign Affairs for the Kingdom.

Edited by graniteknight
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[quote name='Imperator Azenquor' timestamp='1289542043' post='2510996']
The efforts by the Australian Embassy to contact the government would be unsuccessful as all phone lines to government offices were either busy or disconnected. Attempts to contact the Imperial Palace would be just as unsuccessful. As if miraculously on cue, a single official from the Vauleyo-Buryatian Diplomatic Corps would appear outside of the embassy and request to speak with the Ambassador.
"Well, don't let them just stand out there! Let them in!" was the rather frsutrated reply of the ambassador to the guard who informed her of the waiting official. The efforts to get through had met with little success, and though understandable, had still frayed the nerves of one Jesse Hendrikson.

She had been following the news, but it still left no explanation for the power outages, and she still wanted to know the establishment's take on this whole affair.


"Sorry to keep you waiting, come right in," the guard said, opening the door for the official and escorting them to the ambassador's office. "The Ambassador would appreciate speaking to you as soon as possible."

Jesse turned in her chair, offering the visitor a seat as she turned to face them. "Would you care for a drink or some other refreshment before we talk, or during?" No trace of the earlier frustration remained, she was the cool, calm diplomat. The guard waited for her command before departing the room...

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[b]***Australian Embassy, Sygh-Varthys***[/b]

[quote] Jesse turned in her chair, offering the visitor a seat as she turned to face them. "Would you care for a drink or some other refreshment before we talk, or during?" No trace of the earlier frustration remained, she was the cool, calm diplomat. The guard waited for her command before departing the room...[/quote]

Without hesitation, the diplomat took the offered chair then spoke:

[i]“I feel it best to get straight to the point, if you don’t mind Madam Ambassador. Due to the current situation in Vauleyo-Buryatia, the government has appointed a diplomat from the Diplomatic Corps to serve as a special liaison to all foreign embassies for the duration of the current emergency.

I have been appointed as the official liaison to the Australian Embassy and will therefore answer any questions that you may have, and I will relay any vital messages to and from the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia. I am Lt. Arkady Mikhailov.”[/i]-Diplomat

Lt. Mikhailov paused for a moment, allowing the Australian Ambassador to process the information, before he spoke again:

[i]“I am certain that your government has many questions about the last 24 hours. Feel free to ask them and I will do my best to answer them.”[/i]-Mikhailov.

[b]***Sygh-Varthys South***[/b]

The Sygh-Varthys military division continued their advance towards the Imperial Palace as planned. The soldiers were on edge, but remained calm as they moved rapidly through the city and towards the Imperial Palace. Their task was simple, seize control of the Imperial Palace and arrest the Imperator. The division kept up a steady pace until the outline of the Palace came into view.

Suddenly snipers in nearby buildings opened fire on the division. The snipers targeted several of the soldiers who were marching alongside the APCs, with lethal results. Almost simultaneously OZ troops advanced towards the division from the north and opened fire. The Sygh-Varthys division quickly halted its advance and attempted to counter attack. The soldiers broke formation and took cover, sporadically returning fire in the direction of the advancing OZ troops. Soldiers in the APCs launched short range mortars at several of the buildings suspected of housing snipers.

As the sounds of gunfire and explosions echoed through southern Sygh-Varthys, 3 BS-021Z Buddha’s Eyes unmanned drones flew overhead. The first of the drones took high quality images and video of the troops from the Sygh-Varthys Division and their locations. As the first drone flew overhead, the second and third drones armed their weapons and took aim at the enemy forces below.

[b]***Severnaya Zemlya***[/b]

Three transport aircraft carrying the 3rd and 4th Paratrooper Brigades took off from Severnaya Zemlya and headed straight for Sygh-Varthys. As soon as they reached the boundary of Sygh-Varthys airspace, they were joined by 4 MiG 25 Interceptors.

OOC: Sorry for the delay in updating again :)

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[b]BCNA News: SDP declares martial law illegal, vows protest [/b]

[i] “Leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Vladimir Kalinin, who remains on the run from the authorities, has declared the actions of the Imperator as being [b]‘illegal’[/b] and that the SDP remains the [b]‘sole elected government of the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia’[/b]. Mr. Kalinin made this statement from an undisclosed location in the east of the country. His statement, which was immediately endorsed by the Executive of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), was released to the BCNA Studios a few moments ago. As required under the current state of martial law, we have relayed the statement to the government and have sought and obtained permission to air the statement.

Mr. Kalinin has claimed that the recently declared state of martial law and the replacement of civilian officials with their military counterparts constituted an [b]‘illegal and immoral action by a monarchy seeking desperately to cling on to power at the expense of the people of the country’[/b]. The declaration has, according to Mr. Kalinin, allowed the Imperator to hold unchecked power and to eliminate any form of political opposition. Accordingly, Mr. Kalinin revealed that the SDP, with the backing of its junior coalition partner the United Nationalist Front (UNF) will defy the state of martial law by reconvening the Great People’s Khural in Yakutsk. The so-called Khural will petition the Supreme People’s Court to declare the state of martial law in violation of the Constitution and to remove Imperator Pyotr from office.

Until the petition is filed with the Supreme Court, Mr. Kalinin has announced that his illegally-convened legislature will [b]‘carry out its constitutional duties’[/b] from Yakutsk rather than from the city of Sygh-Varthys. Regarding the newly selected Executive, the SDP has refused to recognize the appointments to the Presidency and government ministries as they [b]‘were undertaken in an illegal manner by the monarchy’[/b]. Instead, the SDP insists, all civilian officials must be restored to their posts, or new elections for the Presidency held without delay. The Imperator and the government are unlikely to agree to either demand.

Adding to the current tension, Vladimir Kalinin has called on SDP supporters to take to the streets in protest at the removal of the civilian government and to [b]‘demand the abdication of Imperator Pyotr and the return of civilian government’[/b] without delay. This, Mr Kalinin claims is necessary to force the Imperator to [b]‘listen to the will of the people’[/b] rather than the [b]‘will of his advisers’[/b]. Mr. Kalinin has also announced that he will be seeking the recognition of the international community as soon as possible to add more [b]‘pressure to the illegal government installed by the monarchy’[/b].

In response to the SDP statement, Interim President Sr. Marshall Mikhail Kharpov declared that the government has acted within the bounds of the Constitution for the duration of the crisis and that it would only be a matter of time before Mr. Kalinin and his [b]‘co-conspirators’[/b] are brought to justice. President Kharpov also urged the public to [b]‘see through the façade of the SDP claims’[/b] and to realize that they are nothing more than the [b]‘desperate tactics of a subversive organization eager to regain its lost power’[/b]. President Kharpov revealed that the government consulted with the Judiciary [b]'at the highest levels'[/b] when deciding how to respond to the [b]'unprecedented threat against the state'[/b]. The President also declared that an organization which has sought to [b]'by use of force and mutiny, overthrow the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia'[/b] is deserving not of negotiations and compromises, but of the full force of the law.

Regarding the attempt by the SDP to gain the support of the international community in it's quest, President Kharpov has stated that he does not believe that any self respecting nation in the international community would seek to support an organization that has undertaken a coup d'etat against the state. He also took the opportunity to urge the SDP and those loyal to them to surrender immediately in order to avoid more civilian strife. [/i]-Reporter


[b][u]Message from the Office of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) of Vauleyo-Buryatia [/b][/u]
(Sent to all Foreign Embassies, governments and the press)

In light of the Imperial coup d'etat which has taken place in Vauleyo-Buryatia in the past 3 days, we the elected representatives of the people of Vauleyo-Buryatia, convened under the powers of Constitutional articles 17 c, 23a, 46k and 71a hereby reiterate the following:

-The unilateral declaration of a State of Martial Law by Imperator Pyotr I, is an illegal and unconstitutional act and an attempt by the monarchy to remove the elected government of Vauleyo-Buryatia without consulting the people who voted for said government.

-We remain committed to Constitutional reforms that would see the creation of a system of democratic accountability of the Office of the Imperator to the people of the nation as a check to unbalanced Imperial power.

-As the declaration of the State of Martial Law is illegal, we declare it null and void and we call upon all members of government and the armed forces to remain loyal to the elected government of the nation at this crucial time. We call on the military to do it's constitutional duty.

-We declare that we shall continue to exercise our Constitutionally guaranteed duties in the Great People's Khural.

-We demand the immediate and unconditional abdication of Imperator Pyotr I from the thrones of Vaule and Buryatia.

-We demand that Presidential elections, supervised by the international community be held in Vauleyo-Buryatia to replace the civilian officials who resigned upon the illegal declaration.

-We demand the release of all members of the public, including members of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) who have been held without charge since the illegal declaration of martial law be released immediately.

-We demand that the process of illegal and arbitrary arrest being carried out by the forces of the Organization of the Zodiac (OZ) cease immediately.

-We demand that the illegal government cease its censorship of the press, and lift all restrictions on the movement of journalists.

-We demand that the fundamental constitutional rights of the citizens of Vauleyo-Buryatia be respected, including the right to protest and assemble as well as habeas corpus.

-We humbly request the support of the international community as we the elected government of Vauleyo-Buryatia seek to confront this threat.

[*Signatures of all SDP MPs of the People's Khural*]

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[b][u]BCNA News: Protesters support SDP, election postponed [/b][/u]

[i]“For the first time since its creation, the military led interim government has issued a series of legislative decrees. Due to the current state of martial law, each of the decrees shall become law once approved by the Supreme People’s Court. The first of these legislative decrees will postpone the Presidential and Parliamentary elections which were constitutionally due next week. This decree did not give a new date for these elections, but stated that the elections would be held [b]‘once the security situation permits’[/b]. This decree has drawn heavy criticism from political groups including the Vauleyo-Buryatian Democratic Party (VDP). The VDP released a statement in which they cautioned the interim government against unnecessarily prolonging the state of martial law. The party acknowledged that the elections would have to be postponed, but has demanded that a specific date be provided by the interim government.

The second of the legislative decrees approved by the interim government authorizes the immediate and total closure of Vauleyo-Buryatia’s land and sea borders to all traffic, both cargo and civilian. The closure also extends to all areas of Vauleyo-Buryatian airspace, resulting in the grounding of many flights and an increase in security at the borders. This decree also means that the government will cease to issue entry and exit visas immediately.

In other news, the illegal session of the Great People’s Khural called by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) has begun in Yakutsk. Several members of the SDP and the United Nationalist Front (UNF) attended the meeting, however all other parties boycotted the meeting, citing the illegality of the move. Despite this, the SDP leadership proceeded with their agenda, approving several pieces of legislation. The first bill approved by the illegal assembly has called for the Supreme People’s Court to [b]‘uphold the Constitution of Vauleyo-Buryatia against the threat posed by the illegal declaration of martial law’[/b] and to [b]‘launch a wide ranging investigation into the actions of Imperator Pyotr I’[/b]. The illegal assembly also declared that it was its [b]‘paramount duty to resist the illegal government and the Imperator who is the chief architect of the illegal government’[/b]. This declaration urges the citizens of the country to [b]‘resist using all means available’[/b].

-Illegal pro-SDP protest in Yakutsk

In the Federal City of Yakutsk, thousands of supporters of the illegal SDP assembly took to the streets in support of the declarations. The supporters, organized by the S.V.A.R.Y. organization, converged on the Great People’s Khural building in Yakutsk and vowed to defend the illegal assembly at all costs. Several of these protesters carried anti-monarchist posters calling for the dissolution of the monarchy and the abdication of Imperator Pyotr. The response by state authorities to this protest has been almost non-existent given that the Yakutsk Police Authority (YPA) and 4 of the major military divisions based in the Buryatia Military District have declared their support for the SDP. In addition, three national unions, the Union of Oil Industry Employees (UOIE), the Union of Miners (UM) and the Union of State Employees (USE) have declared their support for the SDP and their opposition to martial law. The three unions signed a joint statement calling on the Imperator to [b]‘immediately abdicate the throne’[/b].The Interim government has responded with a strongly worded statement declaring the actions of the Yakutsk Police Authority (YPA), and the three unions as [b]‘treason against the state’[/b] and has stated that strong action will be taken against them.

As we end our newscast tonight, we can confirm reports of heavy gunfire in the southern district of Sygh-Varthys.”[/i]-Reporter


[b]***Southern Sygh-Varthys***[/b]

Several hours after the first shots were fired, the battle between the military and OZ forces continued with no end in sight. The advancing soldiers of the Sygh-Varthys division were halted by the sheer number of OZ troops positioned against them and the OZ UAVs flying overhead. After delivering several damaging blows to the enemy soldiers, the OZ UAVs were forced to land to rearm.

As the UAVs withdrew to base, the 3rd and 4th Paratrooper Brigades, and their escorts entered the airspace over the capital city. The task force plotted a course which allowed them to approach the combat zone from the east, giving them the opportunity to attack OZ positions on two fronts. The aircraft of the 3rd Paratrooper Brigade moved into position first and began unloading its complement of troops. Suddenly, the entire AA network of Sygh-Varthys was brought online. Acting in concert, guided and unguided AA systems fired barrage after barrage into the night sky.

Now under heavy AA fire, the 4th Paratrooper Brigade’s aircraft deployed countermeasures as it moved into its final position. As the first paratroopers jumped from the aircraft, two guided AA missiles hit their mark. The aircraft exploded killing all on board. Carried by its forward momentum, the largest pieces of the aircraft crashed into downtown Sygh-Varthys.

-AA Fire over Sygh-Varthys

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[b][u]BCNA News: Three front offensive begins[/b][/u]

[i]“Government forces today have started a massive offensive against the SDP led illegal regime based in Yakutsk. An undisclosed number of forces have begun a massive push into enemy held territory. This push was led by the Vauleyo-Buryatian Air Force with support from the Royal Rocketry Brigades who attacked key enemy positions ahead of a massive advance. Due to restrictions placed upon reporters, we are unable to report from the front at this time.

In response to the government offensive, the forces loyal to the Kalinin-led government have rallied together calling themselves the Army of the People’s Liberation or APL. The APL has vowed to [b]‘defend the bulwark of the workers from the invasion of the bourgeois capitalists’[/b] and the monarchy. APL forces have deployed against the government and have begun to entrench themselves around Yakutsk. At this point the line of control between both forces is just east of the federal border between Vaule and Buryatia. There is also a second line of control between the Yuktobania autonomous region, which remains loyal to the government, and Buryatia.

We will continue to report on these developments as soon as we are able to do so.”[/i]-Reporter

[b]***Skies over the Line of Control***[/b]

Two fleets of F22s lead the government assault on the APL. They immediately begin bombing runways, bridges and military bases along the line of control. Taking the APL by surprise with the speed and ferocity of the assault, it takes them several minutes before they respond with heavy AA fire and artillery barrages.

Several military divisions deployed to the Line of Control push their way into APL controlled territory, meeting stiff resistance as they advance. Civilians living in villages and towns near the Line of Control begin fleeing to the south en masse as the violence escalates. OZ forces spearhead the government push against the APL and gradually take more command over non-OZ troops.

[b]***Near the Yuktobanian Line of Control***[/b]

Loyalist forces in the Yuktobanian Autonomous Region begin an almost simultaneous attack against the APL from the east. Despite being detached from the rest of the country by a huge swathe of APL held territory, forces in Yuktobania launch a massive offensive.

[b]***East Ingushetia Autonomous Region***[/b]

SDP political leaders in East Ingushetia, who enjoyed a wide range of emergency powers in the province due to the previous war against the separatists, begin to consolidate their control and ally with the APL to the dissatisfaction of most of the local population.

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[b][u]BCNA News: APL continues to resist as LAES enters conflict [/b][/u]

[i] “As the conflict between the state and the APL reaches a critical phase, separatists have stepped up their activity significantly. The Liberation Army of East Siberia (LAES), though a shadow of its former self, carried out three coordinated bomb attacks against three Vaulian Orthodox Churches in the East Ingushetia Autonomous Region. A small group of LAES rebels attempted to attack a military supply convoy but were quickly repelled and forced to retreat into the nearby Kajina Forest, near the border with Marscurian Siberia. As we understand it, the military fired artillery at the retreating rebels and parts of the forest are ablaze. Several rebels were killed and two civilians were injured in the exchange of fire.

So far the LAES has not issued any statements other than claiming responsibility for the attacks on the churches. With the previous leadership of the LAES either dead or behind bars, it is unclear at this time who is leading the organization and if the recent events are related to the civil conflict with the APL. The regional government in East Ingushetia has deployed several police units to the affected areas and has reported making 32 arrests so far.

Back to the main news, neither the APL nor the government appears to be willing to agree to a compromise solution to end the rapidly escalating conflict. The government has deployed additional military hardware to the front line between government and APL controlled territory and has stepped up air attacks significantly. According to a reporter who is inside APL controlled territory, the Vauleyo-Buryatian Air Force has expanded its bombing campaign to political as well as military targets. Last night, he reported that the air force ad bombed several military bases held by the ALP as well as the Yakutsk International Airport and the SDP Party Headquarters in Yakutsk. According to initial reports, there were 381 military casualties and 24 civilian casualties in the bombing campaign; however we are unable to verify the accuracy of these numbers at this time.

Once again the rebel SDP government has sought recognition and assistance from the international community and is urging the nations in the region to intervene to prevent what they termed [b]‘political and social cleansing’[/b] which is allegedly being undertaken by the government. On the other side, the government has permitted the Vauleyo-Buryatian Humanitarian Aid Division to move to the front to provide assistance to those affected by the conflict. After an initial assessment, the Humanitarian Aid Division announced that it is in need of additional humanitarian supplies in order to keep up with a massive influx of internally displaced persons fleeing the zone of conflict. Dr. Mikhail Kalinovic, who heads the Humanitarian Aid Division is expected to petition neighboring states, as well as the government, for the provision of additional supplies.”[/i]-Reporter

[b]***Southern region of East Ingushetia***[/b]

A small group of rebels, armed with rifles and RPGs hid themselves in the nearby foliage and waited for the next military convoy to arrive. Their mission was simple, do just enough damage to the supply convoy to force the government to move troops away from the ALP front. The rebels, 90 in total, broke into several 8 man groups and waited for their target to arrive. Two minutes later than scheduled, the first APCs of the convoy rolled through the area. Behind them were what appeared to be 10 supply trucks. Simultaneously, the rebels attacked, using both small arms and RPG fire to attack the APCs guarding the convoy. Although caught by surprise, the soldiers responded quickly and returned fire at their attackers. In the first 10 minutes of the firefight, 4 soldiers were killed and 8 were injured, while 30 of the rebels were killed. The rebels managed to destroy 3 of the supply trucks before the soldiers gained the upper hand. Two soldiers emerged from their positions and ran rapidly to the other ‘supply trucks’, they grabbed hold of the tarp covering them and ripped it off to reveal two BM-30 V MRL artillery batteries cleverly modified to resemble supply trucks.

With the soldiers pushing back, and their secret weapon revealed, the rebels retreated into the nearby forest in disarray, puzzled that the soldiers did not pursue them. Suddenly several thermobaric artillery rounds struck their positions, setting the surrounding forest ablaze in a spectacular orange glow. The 50 rebels who had managed to flee into the forest were killed instantly, while their remaining 10 comrades found their avenue of escape cut off, sandwiched between the Vauleyo-Buryatian military and a now burning forest. Seeing the situation as hopeless, the 10 rebels threw down their weapons and raised a white flag. As they moved slowly towards the soldiers’ position with their white flag in hand, the soldiers opened fire.

As soon as the convoy was ready, it resumed it's course leaving the local police and fire department to fight the forest fire.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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[b][u]BCNA: Oil strike begins as APL seizes pipeline [/b][/u]

[i]“Thousands of workers employed by the state-backed East Asia Company have announced a one week strike in protest of the non-payment of salary benefits owed to workers of the company’s oil division. We understand that the East Asia Company, which is bound by a contract to give the workers a salary allowance for health insurance and a salary increase of 2.1% , has urged the workers to forgo the increase in the interests of the company. The Union of Oil Workers (UOW) rejected this response and has called a weeklong national strike. The union has vowed to shut down several of the vital oil and natural gas pipelines which transport the precious commodities to their respective refineries in the south and southeast of the country. As a result of the ongoing conflict with the APL, several of the pipelines on the eastern grid are either damaged or are under the control of the rebel forces. This has reduced the national output of oil and natural gas by a staggering 31%, and has caused a $0.12 rise in the prices of petroleum nationwide.

The government’s response to the strike has left no room for compromise. In a short statement released from the Presidential Palace, Sr. Marshall Kharpov announced that ‘workers have 24 hours to return to work or face the consequences for undermining national security at a time of conflict’. Marshall Kharpov also suggested that any workers who do not heed the government’s warning should be immediately terminated from their positions at the discretion of the East Asia Company. He also suggested that if the situation was not resolved within 48 hours, that the military would seize control of the oil pipelines.

In other news, the Humanitarian Aid Division has submitted another desperate appeal for additional humanitarian aid for those displaced by the ongoing conflict. The Humanitarian Aid Division has harshly criticized the government for what it sees as an apparent bias in the selections of zones to allow HAD officials to enter. The Division has stated that it has been denied entry into some parts of the East Ingushetia region where people have been displaced.

On the battlefield, the government has stepped up its military campaign against the rebel forces with hundreds of additional air attacks reported in the last 24 hours. We can confirm that the Vauleyo-Buryatian Air Force bombed the East Siberia Regional Power Station, the Headquarters of the SDP as well as the main grain storage depot for the east of the country. There are unconfirmed reports that the air force has also bombed an oil refinery near Yakutsk, but we are unable to determine the validity of this claim. As combat continues against APL forces, we understand that several senior leaders of the rebel forces have withdrawn to bunkers in Yakutsk to entrench themselves against the growing momentum of the government forces.”[/i]-Reporter

[b]***Underneath the Presidential Palace in Yakutsk***[/b]

Vladimir Kalinin, flanked by a cadre of his closest allies, stood in the bunker underneath the palace as they planned their next move. Kalinin realized that the tide of the war was rapidly turning against him, but he refused to concede. He admitted to himself that he had underestimated the reaction of the international community, but he vowed to continue.

[i]“Chairman Kalinin. Enemy forces are continuing to push forward on two fronts. We have only limited supplies and weaponry remaining, and if our supply routes are completely cut off, then it will only be a matter of time before we will be overrun.”[/i]-???

Without missing a beat, Kalinin replied:

[i]“Then we must strike first. We must strike their advancing forces with a weapon powerful enough to halt their advance in its tracks. Fortunately we have such a weapon, but we need the codes to use it.”[/i]-Kalinin

A collective gasp echoed through the bunker as another official leapt to his feet:

[i]“Chairman….you cannot mean the nuclear weapon?”[/i]-????

Kalinin nodded before speaking again:

[i] “We will not be able to fire the weapon from its silo based missiles, however if we can secure one of the warheads, it can be fitted for use on a surface to surface missile system. Fortunately we do know the location of a nuclear storage facility in the territory under our control however it is heavily guarded and has several layers of security.

I have dispatched 3,000 of our best soldiers to secure the facility while our scientific teams determine how best to get through the security systems. Once this is complete we can halt the enemy advance and negotiate.”[/i]

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[b][u]BCNA News: 8 killed as military takes control of pipelines[/b][/u]

[i] “We can confirm that the strike ordered by the Union of Oil Workers has been broken up by the government earlier today. The workers and the union announced their intention to ignore the government set deadline to return to work shortly after the government’s initial response. At 4:52pm, the first deadline expired and the Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) of the East Asia Company announced that 1,254 of the employees on strike were terminated from their positions with immediate effect. As the worker’s anger reached its height, soldiers from the Central Siberian Military District (CSMD) moved in to take control of the three main pipelines and four of the offshore drilling platforms affected by the strike. Angry workers lobbed missiles and Molotov cocktail bombs at the advancing soldiers.

A group of more militant workers attempted to occupy the main control facility for the south eastern pipeline. These militant workers are said to have procured firearms and are said to have opened fire on the advancing soldiers. The soldiers returned fire killing 8 workers and injuring at least 27 others. The Humanitarian Aid Division dispatched medical staff to rush the injured to hospital while the soldiers consolidated their control over the facility. At this time we are unable to ascertain the extent of their injuries. Meanwhile the military has announced an investigation into the incident.

Once the buildings and facilities were fully secure, hundreds of police officers arrived on the scene and arrested the remaining workers. These workers were charged with [b]‘undermining the state’[/b] and [b]‘undertaking illegal strike action’[/b] and were sent to the main detention facility in Sygh-Varthys. Several Union of Oil Workers officials were also detained without charge by the police. The Union released a statement condemning the arrest as [b]‘the state undermining the rights of the workers’[/b] while taking advantage of the emergency powers held by the government.

In other news, a group of three lawyers representing 13 individuals held without charge for the past two and a half months have presented their opening arguments to the Supreme People’s Court. The lawyers have claimed that the government does not have the authority to detain their clients indefinitely without charging them with a crime and that doing so constitutes a major violation of human rights. On the other hand, the Chief Government Prosecutor will seek to argue that indefinite detention is one of the powers granted to the government under the Emergency Powers and Martial Law Act (1710) and does not constitute a legal or human rights violation of any kind. If the lawyers manage to win this case it would force the government to either charge or release all of the more than 10,200 people who are being held in detention since the start of the conflict.

As the financial toll of the ongoing conflict continues to grow, the government is expected to either raise income taxes or opt to borrow funds to supplement a potential budget deficit. Initial reports suggest that the government will need to raise an additional B$400 million in order to avoid deep spending cuts or a shortfall in funding to the military during the conflict. The reduction in oil and natural gas production, as well as the loss of resources in APL controlled territory has also contributed to the budgetary shortfall for this quarter. For this fiscal quarter, the government is predicting an economic contraction of 3.7% of GDP, and an even deeper contraction of 5.2% for the next fiscal quarter.”[/i]-Reporter

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[b]***Yakutsk Autonomous Region (YAR),Vauleyo-Buryatia***[/b]

[u](At the Zhukov IV Military Base: 20:00)[/u]

Three B-2A Leviathan (C-130 Hercules) transport aircraft taxied to the ends of three separate runways and waited for clearance to take off. Each Leviathan carried 64 paratroopers from the OZ Irregular Warfare unit.

[u](At the Zhukov V Military Base: 20:02)[/u]

Two squadrons of F-22s were scrambled and loaded with a full complement of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry. The F-22s took off, one after the other, and headed for the Zhukov IV base to rendezvous with the transport aircraft. Two Bu-160 Angel (Tu-160M) bombers would also follow a short distance behind the F-22s.

[u](APL Controlled City of Yakutsk: 20:03)[/u]

All APL forces that were not devoted to the frontlines were ordered to fortify their positions within the city of Yakutsk. In total, 51,000 soldiers, 210 APCs and 12 tanks remained behind in the city. These forces were complemented by Soviet-era AA guns and anti-aircraft missile positions surrounding the city.

APL checkpoints would be created at every entry point of the city and would be manned by loyal police officers who would prevent civilians from leaving the city and enforce a mandatory curfew.

[b]*3 hours later*[/b]

At exactly 23:03, all hell broke loose over the skies of Yakutsk. The initial wave of F-22s targeted and decimated several enemy AA positions and troop fortifications, clearing the way for the bombers and transport aircraft. Simultaneously, government forces on the two main fronts started a massive new offensive against the APL.

As soon as the F-22s had exhausted their complement of bombs, the Bu-160 bombers move into range and begin hitting several targets across the city. In just under 20 minutes, all bridges, tunnels and power stations are reduced to piles of rubble. In what would be some of the more controversial decisions of the conflict so far, the Bu-160s bomb the offices of two regional TV stations BTV and ETV, and the local headquarters of the United Nationalist Front (UNF) party, killing at least 94 people.

Once the wave of bombings began, the transport aircraft moved into position near to the Presidential residence in Yakutsk and begun unloading their complement of paratroopers onto the roof of the residence. The soldiers immediately proceeded into the residence shooting at any person they encountered while en route to the Presidential bunker.

[u](Southern Checkpoint, Yakutsk: 23:56)[/u]

Crowds of civilians, frightened by the bombing, defy the curfew and flee to the southern checkpoint. The angry crowd refuses the order to return to their homes, and charges at the APL checkpoint. The soldiers panic and open fire at the crowd, killing 20 civilians and injuring 34 before they are overrun.

[u](Vauleyo-Buryatia/Marscurian Siberia Border: 01:20)[/u]

Thousands of civilians fleeing the city of Yakutsk end up at the border with Marscurian Siberia and plead for entry with the Marscurian border guards.

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The Cheonlian Reconnaissance Satellite System had observed the chaos in Vauleyo-Buryatia, sending all data to Korea and UFE.

At the Korean Combined Forces Command, there was a collective facepalming: [i]'Those stupid Siberians are at it again. When will they stop and actually get down to carrying out their petty threats? Let's hope this goes nuclear so we can pick up the pieces.'[/i]

Edited by Kankou
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On the Northern Border:

The legal border crossings were all roadblocked, with military vehicles stretched across the route. In the hills outside the roads, mounted units patrolled for any refugees who tried to sneak in. At the crossings, things were getting desperate. The number of refugees became larger and larger, and as people were squeezed, they became desperate.


Finally, they rushed the fences that were swiftly erected. Kicking and ramming the fences, the crowd began to move forward. Finally, in an unknown fashion, a hole was opened up, and people began to stream in.


"PHALANX," the commander yelled, and a wall of riot shields moved to the vehicles. The crowd hit the officers, and people could be seen in the back screaming for mercy. Slowly the line was pushed back, and people began to escape down the road. The rear guard pulled out their weapons and began firing into the air. Nobody was hurt, but this only caused more panic. With a final surge, the crowd overwhelmed the line, and people began pouring across the border. Police officers were tackled, and many huddled under their riot shields to avoid being crushed.

It was a good 20 minutes until reinforcements could arrive, and by that time the crowd had subsided. Thousands were now refugees in Marscurian Siberia, and thousands more hoped for asylum. In a final order, the refugees were to be marched to Marscury in the south. The old, the young, and the sick would be stuffed into vehicles commandeered from refugees. Once at Marscury, the refugees would be loaded onto airplanes and flown to the Empire of the Twelve Gods, who have graciously accepted to house them.

The march was 40 miles, and would take over a day. The thousands of people were shepherded by Marscurian Siberian police and soldiers. When night came, they made camp. Hundreds of fires were set up in a large field, and whatever food could be found was distributed. Snow was gathered in large pots and melted to get the drinking water of the party. As they sat around the fire, hundreds of the refugees who illegally streamed into the country joined their kinsmen. Everyone huddled close to stay as warm as possible. Luckily the temperates hovered around freezing, and didn't dip too low. It would be an uncomfortable night, but they would survive. The people marched southward again with the rising of the sun. Activity kept everyone warm, and children were seen running between the adults in a game of tag. In the early afternoon, the skyline of Marscury could be seen. As the people entered the city, they received gifts of warm bread and drinks. People shared what little they had with the people who now had nothing. When they reached the airport, everyone was moved into the airport terminals, and could finally enjoy some heat. When the planes from the Empire of the Twelve Gods arrived one by one, they were loaded with refugees and shipped off to their temporary homes.

As for the thousands of illegal immigrants roaming the countryside, there were signs placed up all over that instructed them to head to Pyotrgrad. This city had a majority Vauleyo-Buryatian population, and the refugees would be well taken care of.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[b](Marscurian Siberia/Vauleyo-Buryatia border: 1:30)[/b]

The first groups of refugees who managed to make it through to the Marscurian side of the border were the lucky ones. Those who were either unwilling or unable to cross the border could only stand and watch as the others pushed through. The initial tide of people attempting to rush across the border slowed to a trickle almost ten minutes after the initial tidal wave began.

Suddenly gunfire erupted from the Vauleyo-Buryatian side of the border. Seven trucks carrying heavily armed men pulled up to the border. Each man was clad in a black uniform with a ski mask covering his face. One by one they leapt from the vehicles and cocked their weapons. With machine like precision, they picked targets out from the crowd, aimed and pulled the trigger. As soon as the first shots were fired, the crowd panicked. Those closest to the border frantically tried to push through it, while those further away tried to find cover from the onslaught. A few fell to their knees and prayed.

A lone woman pushed her way through the crowd at the border and slipped through into Marscurian Siberia. No sooner had she stepped across the border than a bullet struck her from behind. She collapsed onto the snow and attempted, futilely to crawl to safety. The masked men continued to fire round after round at the crowd, stopping only to reload their weapons.

Fifteen minutes after the shocking ordeal began, the feint sounds of police sirens could be heard approaching the scene.
(City of Yakutsk, 4:31)[/b]

The relentless bombing campaign continued throughout the night and into the early morning as target after target would be struck by high altitude bombing. The south of Yakutsk, where most civilians had already fled, was almost entirely reduced to rubble by the assault. Any APL forces that emerged from hiding in the south of the city would be struck from above by patrolling UAVs.

In northern and central Yakutsk, hundreds of terrified civilians defied the orders of the APL and fled to the east seeking shelter. The APL forces in the sectors of the city not devastated from the initial assault broke away from their standard formation and readied themselves for a prolonged urban guerrilla warfare campaign. They dispersed themselves across huge areas of the city taking advantage of nearby buildings and piles of rubble.

[b](Presidential Palace, Yakutsk: 24:00)[/b]

The OZ units parachuted down onto the roof of the Presidential Palace and moved quickly onto the 3rd floor of the building. As they reached the staircase to the 2nd floor, they met heavy resistance from the APL units in the building. The APL ‘Red Guard’ held their position at the base of the staircase while their fellow units rushed through the 3rd floor in an attempt to surround the OZ forces.

With a surprising ferocity, the OZ units pushed forward, launching several RPGs at their opponents. The Red Guard, at a disadvantage in such a small corridor, quickly retreated in disarray after sustaining heavy casualties. The newly emboldened OZ irregular warfare units pushed forward carefully, searching each room before proceeding. The Red Guard relocated to the 2nd floor ballroom and re-established their defense lines to halt the enemy advance.

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The soldiers on the Marscurian Siberian side of the border were shocked at what they saw. Once people started falling in their territory, something must be done. A few of the rear guard were summoned by the commander. "M2 IL GO! GO! GO!" With that, the five men ran to the back of the truck and unloaded their M2 81mm mortar. The first round was an illumination round, and the night sky lit up enough to be able to see the terrorists. On top of one of the vehicles, a sniper used his scope and his map to gain the coordinates of the gunmen. "Victor 9, X-ray 9," he yelled out. The mortar team went to work adjusting their gun, then loaded a high-explosive round. The round landed behind a tree, and 2 men in all black flew out. One was clearly missing some limbs, and was surely dead. The other man rolled around, and when he struggled to sit up, he was met with a bullet in the chest. "Keep this up," the commander yelled, "or else we'll have a hundred bodybags to fill by morning!"

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[b][u]BCNA News: Recession deepens, inflation rises [/b][/u]

[i] “A spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance today revealed the worsening state of the nation’s economy as the civil conflict drags on. The Finance Ministry has revealed that the nation is now in the worst economic recession in more than three decades, and is unlikely to emerge from a recession this year. With the conflict with the APL preventing access to the resources east of the frontier, the impact is being felt most by the Finance Ministry.

In the Finance Ministry’s report it has been revealed that the government is losing B$9.8 billion in tax revenues each month that the conflict continues. This huge sum consists of taxes from citizens living in APL controlled areas, taxes on businesses and income generated in APL held areas, and revenue generated from resources which are now inside of APL held territory. This figure does not include the cost of B$1.2 billion that has been set aside to provide humanitarian relief to those persons displaced by the conflict, as well as providing emergency medical and humanitarian aid.

It has also been revealed that the government has so far spent approximately B$91 billion to fund the current military campaign against the combined forces of the APL and the LAES. This astronomical amount includes funds to arm, equip, supply and deploy the approximately 70 thousand soldiers currently engaging the APL, as well as funds for heightened security procedures, material, and increased border patrols along the southern borders of the nation. The funds have also been used to contract private security firms to cooperate in guarding vital national assets.

Adding to the deadly economic mix, the stock market dropped by 8,100 points after the rumor emerged that the government has expended the entire National Reserve Fund (NRF) in an attempt to defend the value of the Vauleyo-Buryatian Ruble (B$) from significant decline as a result of the conflict and the unbalanced spending by the government. A noted economic analyst explained that it is ‘common knowledge that you can not have the military running economic policy for too long as they will simply run the entire economy into the ground’ and expressed his concern that the military led government is ‘too focused on defeating the APL to realize that our national economy is going to hell’.

Adding further speculation to the economic woes of the nation, the Finance Ministry confirmed that unemployment and inflation have risen ‘significantly’, but said that the ‘precise figures will be released in due course’ earning an angry response from the public. Unofficial estimates of the unemployment and inflation rates suggest 12-14% and 9.8-10.4% respectively. A noted former Finance Minister, who elected to remain anonymous, has said that the nation’s spending pattern over the last two years has been ‘so disastrous’ that the current fiscal budget is ‘unsustainable’ and that the government will likely have to raise taxes, or agree to lift the restriction on borrowing more than 6.2% of GDP. If this is not done, he said, the government will have to conduct the largest spending cuts to services since the 1950s.”[/i]-Reporter

[b](Marscurian Siberia/Vauleyo-Buryatia border)[/b]

As the mortars landed, most hit their mark, killing several of the militants. Those who remained directed their fire across the border to the Marscurian forces. The militants, who had two Katyusha launchers nearby, unleashed a salvo of 24 rockets in less than 10 minutes. At least 15 of these rockets made it across the border into Marscurian Siberia, while the rest exploded harmlessly on the Vauleyo-Buryatian side.

As several police officers from the East Ingushetia Police Division arrived on the scene, they were clearly outgunned and immediately called for assistance. 3 officers died and 8 were injured in the initial exchange of fire between the two sides. With the situation rapidly deteriorating, 12 more militants appeared and took potshots at the Marscurian forces on the other side of the border.

Meanwhile, a single UAV flew along the border recording the events as they occurred. The UAV video was immediately sent to the Military High Command in Vauleyo-Buryatia. The High Command ordered troops to be sent to the border however they would not arrive for at least 20 minutes and would have to fight their way through the hostile territory that was Southern East Ingushetia.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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[b](Western frontline)[/b]

Hundreds of APL forces continued to defiantly defend their fortified positions along the line of control between the government and the APL. The soldiers made no attempts to launch an offensive against the government forces, instead remaining entirely on the defensive. The APL’s morale rapidly began to decline in the face of a renewed onslaught from the government.

All across the line of control, APL positions would be hit by surface to surface missiles and heavy aerial bombardment for several hours before the second wave of the offensive began. Almost simultaneously, government forces pushed forward breeching the line of control and advancing rapidly to the east.

[b](Eastern frontline: Yuktobania Autonomous Region)[/b]

Along the eastern frontline, the APL managed to stand their ground and halt the advance of forces from Yuktobania. Both sides took heavy casualties, but the frontline did not move in either direction. The APL elected to deploy the few modern AA assets it had that were not ordered to Yakutsk, along the border with the Yakutsk Autonomous Region.

For several hours, both sides exchanged heavy artillery fire, but neither advanced.

[b](Undisclosed nuclear facility, Central Buryatia)[/b]

A team of 24 scientists and 800 technicians worked tirelessly to force their way through the multiple layers of security guarding the weapons bunker. Their orders were to gain access to three nuclear warheads and the missile systems to launch them against the city of Sygh-Varthys.

Although time was against them, the scientists had managed to assemble four Soviet era missiles for launch against the capital city; however they had been unable to gain access to the warheads themselves.

[b](Presidential Bunker, Yakutsk)[/b]

Almost immediately after the government forces stormed the Presidential Palace, an aide rushed to the bunker to speak with SDP Leader Kalinin. Without waiting for an acknowledgement, he shouted:

[i] “Chairman Kalinin. We have a security breach. Enemy forces have entered the Palace!”[/i]

Without glancing up from his newspaper, Kalinin replied:
[i] “Seal the bunker. Issue orders to all APL forces informing them not to expect further communications from the Palace.”[/i] – Kalinin.

Minutes later the senior leadership of the SDP and their immediate families were assembled in the bunker. Twenty Red Guard soldiers, armed to the teeth, joined them before sealing the bunker off from the rest of the Palace.

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