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Disciples of Abaddon


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[b]IRC:[/b] #cndoa
[b]FORUMS:[/b] [url="http://www.cndoa.com"]www.cndoa.com[/url]

[i]Welcome to Disciples of Abaddon; (DoA). Here at DoA we pride ourselves on being a chill group of people willing to do whatever it takes to bring the alliance to the next level. We are currently looking for new and old nations alike with the desire to take on new challenges within the alliance to help us grow and prosper for many months/years to come.[/i]

[u][b]What you can expect from DoA when you join;[/b][/u]

[i]-A friendly community willing to help all members of DoA and her allies.
-Proper education on how to build your nation from the ground up.
-Security from raiders or any other type bullies that may be lurking in your back yard. We like to call these people cookie monsters. After all that's what they want, cookies...
-A very active member base with a general support time of 24hrs or less.
-The teachings in the art of war.
-Proper aid when needed to help your nation in a time of need.
-Friends; most of us at DoA go by our first names. We like to keep it that way, nice and personal.[/i]
-Did I mention we are chill, and that we only give cookies out to our closest friends?[/b][/i] :smug:

What are you waiting for? Check us out today; [b][url="http://www.cndoa.com"]http://www.cndoa.com[/url] [/b]

[quote]Disciples of Abaddon Charter


Rules and Regulations
Decleration of War and Use of Nuclear Weapons
Disciplinary Proceedure

Section 1: Government
Article 1: The Triumvir Oligarchy

Disciples of Abaddon's government shall be ruled by 3 officials, those being the King and 2 Regents.
All decisions must be discussed between the 3 members with the King being able to make the final
call unless both Regents disagree with his decision.

In cases of emergency, the King may make a decision without consulting the Regents but he must
confer with them both as soon as possible. If the King is absent, the Regents may make a decision
without consulting the King so long as they both agree and confer with the King upon his return.

Article 2: The Seat of Chancellor

There shall be 3 Chancellors to oversee the daily activities of the alliance. While they have no official
power to influence the alliance's policies, each Chancellor will be given control over their area of the
alliance. They are required to host regular counsel with the Regents and seek guidance before
implimenting any new programs to ensure their focus is aligned with the over all focus of the alliance.

Article 3: The Title of Lord

Each department within the alliance shall have its own Lord. Lords are to be the eyes and the ears of
the Chancellors, helping to impliment their programs and steer their department towards the
Chancellor's goals.

Article 4: Removal and Replacement of the King

If the performance of the King is found lacking due to mismanagement or lack of presence, a vote may
be held to replace the King. The participants in the vote will be the Regents and all 3 Chancellors. In
order for the King to be replaced, both Regents and 1 Chancellor must vote for it.

Only the 2 Regents have the right to claim the throne. If both Regents feel they should be King, the
Chancellors must hold a vote. The Regent who receives 2 of the 3 votes then inherits the throne. If
only one Regent wishes to claim the throne, the vote may be passed over.

Article 5: Openings in Government

All Government positions will be given at the discretion of the Triumvir. Chancellors may be asked to
make a recomendation however if it is to replace the Lord under their command or to replace the
Chancellor if he is willfully stepping down.

Article 6: Government Responsibilities

1. To ensure the strength and well being of the alliance.
2. To help counsel and encourage new nations on their growth.
3. To create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere where people make friends as well as dicsuss game issues.
4. To work towards building a strong and stable influence in CN politics.
5. To foster and nurture friendly relations with our allies both in peace time and war.
6. To provide military support to all nations in DOA as well as all allies we are treatied with.

Section 2: Rules and Regulations

Breaking any of the following rules or regulations will result with you being brought before the Triumvir for possible
disciplinary action or expulsion.

Tech raiding is not allowed under any circumstances.
Declaring war on a nation without prior authorization during peace time is not allowed.
All tech deals must be completed as agreed upon by all parties involved.
All Disciples are required to follow the wonder outline.
All Disciples must be on the black team.
Any Disciple posts on the CN forums must be respectful of those involved.

Section 3: Membership

Article 1: Privledge of Membership

Getting a membership to DOA is a privledge and should be treated as such. All members are required to
follow DOA rules and regulations as well as stay active on the forums to maintain their membership.

Article 2: Rights as a Member

All members are guaranteed the right to protection provided by fellow alliance members and allies. If the
member needs protection due to their own action which breaks any DOA rules or regulations, this right
is null and void.

Every member has the right to take part in all programs ran by the alliance as long as they meet the
program's set requirements.

All members are guaranteed the right to express their opinions, whether positive or negative about the
alliance's inner and outer workings so long as they do so in a respectful manner. Name calling or use of
abusive language makes this right null and void.

Any member accused of breaking any rules or regulations has the right to defend themselves before the
Triumvir before receiving any disciplinary actions. If they disagree with the Triumvir's decision, they may
appeal to the Chancellors. All 3 Chancellors must agree against the Triumvir's decision for it to be revoked.

Section 4: Allegiance

Article 1: Alliance Comes First

All Disciples acknowledge and accept that the alliance as a whole comes before any individual nation.

No treaties may be entered into that could put DOA's sovereignty at risk.

Article 2: Allies

All allies are to be treated as if they are one and the same as DOA. The well being of their nations is just
as important as the well being of our own. If called upon, DOA will go to war to defend an ally as if DOA
itself has been declared upon.

DOA promises to keep in close contact with their allies and work to build a friendly and long lasting
relationship at all times.

Section 5: Decleration and Execution of War

Article 1: Acceptable DOW Reasons

Attacks made against a Disciple with the opposing alliance refusing to resolve the issue peacefully.
An alliance poses itself as a threat to DOA's sovereignty over its own nations.
A nation is caught sending spies to a Disciple's nation with the approval of their alliance's government.
An alliance is caught actively poaching DOA members.
A rogue nation has declared on a Disciple.

Article 2: Approval of War

Individual wars may be approved by any member of the Triumvir. Alliance wide wars must be approved
unanimously by all 3 members of the Triumvir.

Article 3: Use of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are not allowed to be used unless the other alliance involved in the war uses them first.
Even then, the Triumvir must give the go ahead before any Disciple can launch a nuclear missle.

Section 6: Disciplinary Proceedings

Article 1: Minor Infractions

All minor infractions will be handled with a warning. In the event that a minor infraction is commited twice
by the same member, (even if they are not the same infraction) the consequences may be those of a
moderate infraction, depending on the ruling of the Triumvir.

Article 2: Moderate Infractions

A moderate infraction will be handled with a warning and a possible suspension from participating in any
alliance backed programs. It could also result with a suspension from the message boards. In the event
that a moderate infraction is commited twice by the same member, (even if they are not the same infraction)
the consequences may be those of a severe infraction.

Article 3: Severe Infractions

Severe infractions will result in removal from the alliance and possibly an attack, depending on what the
consequences were of your infraction. Nations removed for a severe infraction will not be allowed to return.

Section 7: Amendments

Amendments can be made to this charter when it is deemed necessary. In order for an amendment to be placed into
effect, all 3 Triumvirs and 1 Chancellor must agree to it.

Signed October 14, 2010

Fear2012 - King
Empress Kiley - Regent
Howlin Mad - Regent [/quote]


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[quote name='Demonic' timestamp='1287769550' post='2490705']
you haven't tried a cookie till you tried DoA's cookies
Yes....our cookies are extraordinary!!! Other AAs only have ordinary ones, the difference between ordinary and extraordinary, is that little extra.

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We are a tight knit group always looking for new members to join our ranks. We can offer you advice, back up and help growing your nation all in a friendly atmosphere. If you're looking to make new friends as well as play the game and grow strong, DOA is an excellent alliance to join.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You should join us. We got this lulz thread and it's pretty awesome. Plus we're a lot of fun. No, really, I read drmcninja and everything. And we can talk about zombie survival plans. Everyone should have one!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Not only do we have the largest beer fridge on Planet Bob, but our beer supplies are also far larger then any other AA in the game. So come on, join us, and you too will get an all-access pass to the all you can drink beer fest!!!


Edited by Thegloved1
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[quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1293337242' post='2554027']
Merry Christmas wishes and a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, Successful New Year 2011 to all of you and a safe one in CN !!
Thanks Alexandros! To you as well....and thanks for the holiday bump!!!

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