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Ideas for the Aether Empire


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So, within a short while, a few things are going to change within the Aether Empire: Ships and Nukes... return to basics.

All the same, I am RPing an evil organization (of doom) and so if I just happily sit in Tanzania instead of roasting the everglades, everyone will be rather bored. I never really entered CNRP to play a more traditional nation and I'm afraid that is exactly what I am becoming, a status quo guy that sits back and plays it out civilly (not to say there is something wrong with this, there is just something wrong with the way I do this). I always stated to myself that I did this because I was waiting to become one of the big boys, well... medium sized boys, being a super-power is and always should be out of reach for an evil organization, but the point is if I can't achieve it with 1500 tech, nukes and ships- when IS enough? Especially if I am to admit that I will fail time and time again with an occasional success here and there.

So there are two things I want to do with my RP future.

1. Rework the Aether Empire from a nation owning Tanzania to an organization with bases of operation on various continents around the world whose size and scope of operation is mostly limited to a single landmark mountain, island ect. Particularly on protectorate land if possible. Zarfef and the Aether Empire will then work out various nefarious deeds in these locations to give the world some story and do some world-building.

2. The other thing I would like to do is produce the opposite aspect of Zarfef, an organization known as The Human Salvation Committee, an organization dedicated to heroes instead of villains. This not only restores some psychic balance to my own life in RPing, but also gives me a chance to do good deeds around the world as well. The first plan of which is to rebuild Procintia with later plans to remove poverty and stop disasters impacting humanity around the globe. This will be lead by my former character Ziggy.

This of course, isn't something I'm really "planning" it's just what the characters are demanding from me... Zarfef is holding me at Tesla-coil point and Ziggy is on his knees looking pathetic at me. In either event, I am in no position to deny them their desired fates. But both will be regulated to a far smaller infrastructure then my nation (Zarfef may have about 5 submarines, a couple of squadrons of fancy looking air-craft and a secret base full of about a couple thousand soldiers... and Ziggy may be the same with a destroyer and- well the opposite face of Zarfef).

So that leaves the rest of my army and things, I would ultimately like to try combining Ziggy with another nation. I can't say who, I don't know who and even if I were to suggest someone, there is no real proof they would even want to be put in such a predicament. So I'm going to post this here and ask what my other RPer's think of my ideas (I'm open to any criticisms) and to see if anyone would be interested in doing a joint RP. I will note ahead of time, that due to complexities in the issue, I will never have Ziggy interfere with Zarfef nor Zarfef with Ziggy - as this just complicates the matter. That is unless someone else wanted to take control of Zarfef in which case vendettas galore, have fun with him but just don't get him killed (you know, without reviving him with cybernetics and placing a metal plate on the right hand side of his face).

Edited by Zarfef
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In the next week here, I'll have to get Aperture up and running as well and then we can do insidious things around the globe together; all the while backstabbing and plotting against each other :awesome:. The only difference is that they'll have a nation, albeit a small one, backing them up.

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So that makes an excellent idea, mutant donkeys imported from Australia modified by Tensor and Aperture to fall from the sky like giant statues in order to crush an unsuspecting party of worms! Wait- I think that's already been done...

I'm liking all of these suggestions -- although the mutant donkeys may be a bit above my current or even near-term future tech levels. Perhaps we'll have to just settle for imbred ugly looking sea-bass... which aren't so ill-tempered... in fact, it's because they are ugly imbred sea-bass and they are rather [i]friendly [/i]that should make you feel uncomfortable, no... not [i]that [/i]type of friendly, rather because they smile at you, they follow you and smile with a huge mouth full of fangs all the time while wagging their tails, as though you were somehow a giant steak, but only giving you wet slobbery kisses if you fall in the water.

As far as Australia? Hmm, a Zarfef base of doom on Tazmania (you know, to compliment the ones in Tanzania) or perhaps a base on top of Ayers rock? Or perhaps Ziggy could have an underwater base near the Great Barrier Reef? There are a lot of interesting aspects down under that could really interest both of these characters. I definitely like the idea!

As far as working with Aperture. Yes. Yes. And yes, but only if we can bake our cakes and eat them too. What would Aperature like to plan by the way?

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1285782855' post='2468484']
So that makes an excellent idea, mutant donkeys imported from Australia modified by Tensor and Aperture to fall from the sky like giant statues in order to crush an unsuspecting party of worms! Wait- I think that's already been done...

I'm liking all of these suggestions -- although the mutant donkeys may be a bit above my current or even near-term future tech levels. Perhaps we'll have to just settle for imbred ugly looking sea-bass... which aren't so ill-tempered... in fact, it's because they are ugly imbred sea-bass and they are rather [i]friendly [/i]that should make you feel uncomfortable, no... not [i]that [/i]type of friendly, rather because they smile at you, they follow you and smile with a huge mouth full of fangs all the time while wagging their tails, as though you were somehow a giant steak, but only giving you wet slobbery kisses if you fall in the water.

As far as Australia? Hmm, a Zarfef base of doom on Tazmania (you know, to compliment the ones in Tanzania) or perhaps a base on top of Ayers rock? Or perhaps Ziggy could have an underwater base near the Great Barrier Reef? There are a lot of interesting aspects down under that could really interest both of these characters. I definitely like the idea!

As far as working with Aperture. Yes. Yes. And yes, but only if we can bake our cakes and eat them too. What would Aperature like to plan by the way?
Ugly inbred sea-bass zombie fish? Guess those wet slobbery kisses might be a little dangerous. :P I kid, the technology only works on humans ATM.

Sorry, but they lied about the cake. It's really a party with a [i]lake[/i] ;). But there could be drunken cake throwing too...

Well, Aperture's main goal as an evil organization is a basic one: destroy the world. BUT they do not intend on dieing with it; just killing it off so they can re-start society in their own perfect image. So they're all for plans to kill everyone in the world, so long as there's a way for the company to survive. That's why they made the zombie disease and attempted to zombify the continent of South America. But I don't want to say any more than that ATM, at least on the boards anyway.

Edited by JerreyRough
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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1285782855' post='2468484']
So that makes an excellent idea, mutant donkeys imported from Australia modified by Tensor and Aperture to fall from the sky like giant statues in order to crush an unsuspecting party of worms! Wait- I think that's already been done...

I'm liking all of these suggestions -- although the mutant donkeys may be a bit above my current or even near-term future tech levels. Perhaps we'll have to just settle for imbred ugly looking sea-bass... which aren't so ill-tempered... in fact, it's because they are ugly imbred sea-bass and they are rather [i]friendly [/i]that should make you feel uncomfortable, no... not [i]that [/i]type of friendly, rather because they smile at you, they follow you and smile with a huge mouth full of fangs all the time while wagging their tails, as though you were somehow a giant steak, but only giving you wet slobbery kisses if you fall in the water.

As far as Australia? Hmm, a Zarfef base of doom on Tazmania (you know, to compliment the ones in Tanzania) or perhaps a base on top of Ayers rock? Or perhaps Ziggy could have an underwater base near the Great Barrier Reef? There are a lot of interesting aspects down under that could really interest both of these characters. I definitely like the idea!

As far as working with Aperture. Yes. Yes. And yes, but only if we can bake our cakes and eat them too. What would Aperature like to plan by the way?
I personally favor the underwater GBR base... :awesome:

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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I would be honored to make that GBR base Subtle, in fact, I think I eventually will if you'll still accept me. This might be just a short while though, my friends could use just a bit more of Zarfef - and so I'm going to keep him up in Tanzania until it gets wiped out. That will give me time to boost up my tech and other stats anyways to make a more interesting game play when I get to that point.


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Or, Pascal, you could play Zarfef as he was meant to be played, Last Emperor of Pacifica and heir of the Ishtar-een, Servant of the Light and slayer of Fenris, eater of the sun and Lord of Chaos. In fact, you could just be Pascal and lead the Temuopolis-state to a new, brighter, better day!

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You can have a base in GLP, but be warned that as soon as GLP figures something is odd, it won't stop trying to kill the terrorist organization until either GLP or the organization is good as dead.

For the kicks and giggles, you can have a base right next to the government sector in Toronto, the capital city of GLP. :awesome:

Edited by HHAYD
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[QUOTE]Or, Pascal, you could play Zarfef as he was meant to be played, Last Emperor of Pacifica and heir of the Ishtar-een, Servant of the Light and slayer of Fenris, eater of the sun and Lord of Chaos. In fact, you could just be Pascal and lead the Temuopolis-state to a new, brighter, better day! [/QUOTE]

Who is this Pascal you speak of?! By [B]Scepth[/B]! You are surely insane! Zarfef is whom he was always meant to be... the servant of light... [I]nuclear[/I] light! Mwah ha ha ha!

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1286255232' post='2475596']
I would be honored to make that GBR base Subtle, in fact, I think I eventually will if you'll still accept me. This might be just a short while though, my friends could use just a bit more of Zarfef - and so I'm going to keep him up in Tanzania until it gets wiped out. That will give me time to boost up my tech and other stats anyways to make a more interesting game play when I get to that point.

Heck yeah I'm still up for it! :awesome:

[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1286268573' post='2475751']
Who is this Pascal you speak of?! By [b]Scepth[/b]! You are surely insane! Zarfef is whom he was always meant to be... the servant of light... [i]nuclear[/i] light! Mwah ha ha ha!

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