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Return of the Exiles


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Christopher Khendon II, heir of the Margrave's throne, uncrowned Lord of the Marchar, was irked. It wasn't a royal emotion; it wasn't a feeling many men of noble heritage would admit to...but it fit the situation exactly.

The issue was rather simple; as the Summit failed to reach any suitable results for the Hansa or the Marchar, Natalia had been at something of a loss. Frustrated by the short-sightedness of the delegates, and the outright hatred from a fellow Finn, Natalia Elizabeth Pons had vented for a few hours with him over a bottle of scotch. "We're this close, Chris....This close to taking back our home, and what does the Trumped-Up Hussy of Finland do? Attempt to throw us out and threaten us with starvation and death. Does the message of Peace and Diplomacy find so little purchase in the heart of Mankind that they must kill all things that do not resemble them?"

It had continued on in that general way for quite some time, till, in a quiet moment, Christopher had spoken up. "Nat...There is more to be done than what happens to present itself to your eyes. We have the guarantee's of the city proper, yes? We have done things your way in regards to all of these matters...since they have been met with man's intemperate spirit and hate of the different, I suggest we...do it the other way."

She'd given him a look then, her usually mocking eyes cautiously optimistic. "You're suggesting what, exactly? We don't even have the assets to safely enter the city, much less defend it against that ego-centric #$*%! when she bombs it into the next century."

Christopher shook his head, pulling out his cellphone with a smirk. "Oh no, we have exactly the means to not only get there, but keep that land...never-mind it being bombed." He showed her a number logged into the phone, with the name "Artemis" attached to it. "In fact, all it takes is one phone call. I'll put it on speaker so you can chip in."

So it was now, in the cold early morning of the Baltic, that Chris and Natalia stood freezing along with a few thousand other souls, all waiting for the flight that would take them home. But where was it...and how long would it be before they finally touched Finnish soil once again?

OOC: Hate to spoil any hopes and dreams, but this is all pre-arranged with Zoot and other people of interest. Still, I think y'all will like this rp, pre-planned or not.

Edited by Margrave
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Adnan had picked up the little red phone that served as the "nobody else listens in on this phone call" phone. The number was familiar and he was certain that if the man really needed to call then there would be another man there. "Artemis Global is listening, Christopher."

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The young man smiled, frost and cold be damned. "The mission is go; as of right now, myself and Ms. Pons have authorized our agreement on behalf of the Hanseatic Nation. You can look forward to receiving what I spoke of; in return, we will be hiring you on an extended, indefinite contract...and I have the financial backing to make sure we can make good on our end. That being said, we need extradition from Copenhagen ASAP; the area has become unstable and Helsinki is open for taking. No armed transports in German air-space, but we are requesting an escort force and some kind of ground presence until we can formally arrange things ourselves. You will have the Hanseatic Nation's thanks....and all that we have promised and more. We'll be setting down at Helsinki International, and moving out from there; we will need an extending security bubble and some logistics guys to help map out the new city and aid us with supply distribution...And if you can provide us with surplus weapons and ammo, I've got a twenty-year old bottle of scotch and a night out on the town in reserve for you. So, do we have a deal?"

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"Of course. Your will be done."

As soon as Adnan sent the order, Artemis' famed Logistics Fleet rose in the sea and the air and, despite their incredible numbers, moved swiftly north in an efficient and well-organized manner. The only arms aboard the transports were the pilots with their small arms, and the only armed planes stopped far away from international waters and airspace. Literally close to two thousand planes of different kinds would descend and move to Helsinki in the coming days. The operation made the evacuation of Dunkirk look like an amateur job. After the majority of the occupants landed in Helsinki, the defense shipments - flown by large transport aircraft with no security through the German air-space - would touch down and Artemis Emergency Relief Troops (AERT) would spread out. The AERT immediately took to the job of getting maps and blueprints of various buildings, imagery of the area and applying designations for civilian, military, and industrial areas. The city for the most part was designed nicely but slightly haphazardly after the war, and so the AERT would request permission from the Hanseatics to apply minor construction to make a more efficient city. In the meantime, citizens were still being flown in while food and water were being shipped as well. "Emergency" desalinization plants popped up quickly and helped to reduce the need to ship water and increase food supply. The AERT started distributing food and water on the second day and after a few long lines were going very smoothly. After the first week of movements, heavy armor was brought in to the border and more heavily armed troops were put on the border to oversee the hostility of the neighbouring nation.

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The Finnish engineers building the wall which was now nearing completion noted the military activity inside Helsinki and then realised ontop of the massive Slavorussian garrison, vehicles marked with "Artemis" were rolling around on the border. Not that it mattered because the border was shut and the wall was almost complete. Once the wall was up tensions would lower.

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In recent days Slavorussian air traffic controllers had noted steady rise in travel to Helsinki. Since Helsinki was currently occupied as a special military administrative division fire arms of any kind were tightly regulated by the army and by Helsinki’s own custom services. Thorough security and background checks of anyone carrying or hoping to register to carry a firearm was standard practice. In general they would be treated much the same way normal tourists are treated in cities from Moscow to Yekaterinburg.

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