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Roman Empire Announcement


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I'm not one for long stories that touch heart strings. Never really have been and, most likely, never will be. So, here are the facts. For those who are on IRC and who visit/idle in the public IRC channel, you might have noticed my activity has greatly declined. This is due in large part to college having started and in a smaller part, due to my interests being drawn elsewhere. That is why I am resigning from being the Emperor of the Roman Empire and turning the reigns over to ADude. I will be remaining a member of the high government, though, likely not an active member. I really haven't even decided if I'm going to keep my TE nation. Well, that's all I have to say. It's been fun.

Former Emperor, Carpatus

o/ Emperor ADude
o/ The Empire
o/ TE

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Congrats, ADude - I suspect you'll do just fine.

Well Carp, I'm hoping you're still gonna stick around and play.
If you aren't gov, you'll be amazed at how much time that frees up.

It only takes a couple minutes every now and then to stay active.
... and keep on kill' stuff.

Edited by Clash
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