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Vauleyo-Buryatia to introduce Kalinin Doctrine

Imperator Azenquor

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[u][b]BCNA News: Parliament to approve Kalinin Doctrine[/b][/u]

[i]“The Great People’s Khural is set to approve the [b]Kalinin Military Defense Doctrine (KMDD)[/b] put forward by the Dawn Coalition. The terms of the doctrine were the subject of prolonged negotiations between the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and its coalition partner the United Nationalist Front (UNF). Although some of the terms of the Kalinin Doctrine have already been enacted, the governing Social Democratic Party (SDP) has felt the need to codify these procedures in the form of a public doctrine. The Kalinin Doctrine will govern the use of Vauleyo-Buryatia’s military assets.

With the Dawn Coalition’s majority, the Kalinin Doctrine is expected to be approved by the Khural without major opposition.”[/i]-Reporter

[b][u] Kalinin Military Defense Doctrine (KMDD)[/b][/u]

The government of the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall hold paramount it’s duties to defend the territory and the people of Vauleyo-Buryatia against all threats.

[b]Article 1: Defense of Citizens of Vauleyo-Buryatia[/b]
The government of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall at all times defend the rights and safety of our citizens be they at home or abroad.

[b]Article 2: Acts of Espionage[/b]
The government of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall, as a matter of law, execute any individual or group of individuals who are found guilty of committing an act of espionage against the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia regardless of the citizenship or nation of origin of the individual/s found guilty of espionage.

[b]Article 3: Corporate Espionage[/b]
Any company or corporation that is based in Vauleyo-Buryatia, or any foreign company that has been given permission to operate in the country shall not engage in any form of corporate espionage against the state or any agency thereof. Companies found in violation of this declaration shall be punished to the full extent of the law.
Article 4: State Secrets[/b]
Any citizen of Vauleyo-Buryatia who knowingly hands classified information to any individual, group, or foreign government will be charged with treason and sentenced to 8 years hard labor and execution. Should a citizen of Vauleyo-Buryatia accused of passing on state secrets evade justice, it shall be the duty of the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia to seek the return of the citizen to face justice under Vaulian Law. (Classified addition: Should the process of seeking the return of the accused citizen fail, the military shall be authorized to execute the individual via covert means)
Article 5: Airspace Security[/b]
The airspace over the capital regions of Sygh-Varthys, Yakutsk and Petrograd shall be closed to all non-military air traffic at all times. Any civilian aircraft that strays into this restricted airspace shall receive a single warning failure to comply with the warning will result in the aircraft being shot down at the discretion of the local military commanding officer.

The airspace over the rest of the nation shall be open to civilian air traffic (both local and international) provided that each aircraft lodges a flight plan with Vauleyo-Buryatia’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) prior to entering Vauleyo-Buryatian airspace.
Article 6: External Aggression[/b]
Should any foreign power or military bloc commit an act of aggression against the territory of the Socialist Union of Vauleyo-Buryatia, the government shall not be required to submit a Declaration of a State of War in response to the act of aggression.

The military of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall, in response to an act of aggression, utilize all military deterrents available to the state at the discretion of the Military High Command. In such situations, the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia shall not hesitate to make use of all weapons at the disposal of the state, be they atomic, biological or chemical in nature, as well as all regular use weaponry.
Article 7: Amendments[/b]
This doctrine may be amended by order of the majority of the sitting members of the Great People’s Khural.
Article 8: Cancellation[/b]
This doctrine may only be withdrawn/canceled with the approval of 2/3 of the Great People’s Khural, along with a Presidential and Imperial Decree.

[b]OOC: tl;dr[/b] Attack me and I nuke you :)

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1283800502' post='2444188']
Please clarify, are you unilaterally exerting extraterritoriality in regards to your citizens?
"We are not claiming extraterritoriality for our citizens. We simply are reaffirming the longstanding procedure that the government of Vauleyo-Buryatia, acting either directly or through our embassies shall at all times seek to ensure the safety of our citizens and that their rights are respected. Should a Vauleyo-Buryatian citizen commit a crime in the People's Republic of China (for example) they shall obviously be dealt with under Chinese law, however our government will seek to ensure that diplomatic staff at the embassy would monitor the proceedings and ensure that the rights of that individual are not being infringed upon. Our paramount concern, like that of any other nation, is to ensure the safety of our citizens abroad, and it is not our intent to enact any legislation that would seek to grant a blanket immunity to non-diplomatic personnel in a foreign country."[/i]-Diplomatic Corps Spokesperson

[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1283805957' post='2444288']
"Those who commit a crime or an offense on Pacifican soil shall be dealt with under Pacifican law." - Thomas Devereaux, High Magistrate of Greater Pacifica

[i]"And of course those who commit a crime or an offense on Vauleyo-Buryatian soil shall be dealt with under Vaulian Law. Nothing stated in the doctrine suggests that any steps would be taken to undermine the jurisdiction of the nation that a crime or offense took place in."[/i]-Foreign Minister Dr. Petrovic

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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