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Moon/Mars wonders questions

Jack Shepard

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Am just wondering;

#1. Can you move your wonders when you have 2+ days of bills owing or do you have to pay bills first?
#2. If you have your wonders stacked on top of each other, and on the hotspot for 100% efficiency, and the wonder 'on top' is unable to be moved for a few days, is there any way to move the one on the bottom?

I suspect #2 is just tough luck, I was tempted to try and fiddle with some URL manipulation to take a stab at it but thought I'd ask here.

Edited by Jack Shepard
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1. You can move the wonders regardless of bills payment.
2. I don't understand what you mean with the hotspot part (and why you would want to move a wonder which is already on the 100% spot), but you if a wonder is unmovable, you cannot reach those wonders beneath it and drag them (from my experience, the base is at the bottom, then comes the colony, then the mine is on top).

I have never tried your idea for URL manipulation.

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[quote name='Jack Shepard' timestamp='1283331227' post='2438068']#1. Can you move your wonders when you have 2+ days of bills owing or do you have to pay bills first?[/quote]
I think that you don't need top pay your bills, but you need to have the cash. From the CN Index:
[quote]A nation must remain up to date on their bills in order to perform certain transactions in the game which includes the ability to make purchases of infrastructure, land, technology, improvements, and wonders, the ability to spy on another nation, the ability to purchase all military equipment, and the ability to perform battle attacks (except ground attacks).[/quote]

[quote name='Jack Shepard' timestamp='1283331227' post='2438068']#2. If you have your wonders stacked on top of each other, and on the hotspot for 100% efficiency, and the wonder 'on top' is unable to be moved for a few days, is there any way to move the one on the bottom?[/quote]
You can manipulate the URL.
Moving a wonder implies using the following, where everything but VALUE is pretty intuitive:

I think that VALUE identifies your session.
You can get it from your In-Game Trade screen: click on your [url="http://www.cybernations.net/trade_information.asp?"]Trade Agreements[/url] link and copy any of your "Cancel" (Trade) links: it contains a VALUE value that you can use in the above URL template to move your Space Wonders (I've just done it and it works).

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[quote name='Jack Shepard' timestamp='1283331227' post='2438068']
#2. If you have your wonders stacked on top of each other, and on the hotspot for 100% efficiency, and the wonder 'on top' is unable to be moved for a few days, is there any way to move the one on the bottom?

I suspect #2 is just tough luck, I was tempted to try and fiddle with some URL manipulation to take a stab at it but thought I'd ask here.

Actually it's pretty simple. You can just drag the top ones off that you need and don't confirm their movement. A dialog box will pop up asking "Relocate ****" and just ignore it or close and the movement won't be saved.
Edit: Nvm, yeah you can do with URL. I suppose it's easy if you copy the link for relocation of each mine and save it on ur notepad or something

Edited by thedestro
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[quote name='thedestro' timestamp='1283359190' post='2438290']Actually it's pretty simple. You can just drag the top ones off that you need and don't confirm their movement. A dialog box will pop up asking "Relocate ****" and just ignore it or close and the movement won't be saved.[/quote]
If the top one was moved in the last 7 days you [i]can't[/i] move it.

[quote name='thedestro' timestamp='1283359190' post='2438290']Edit: Nvm, yeah you can do with URL. I suppose it's easy if you copy the link for relocation of each mine and save it on ur notepad or something[/quote]
Saving the link is good but he'll need to get a fresh VALUE for the link to actually work.

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Yep see what happened was I bought my Mine on the 26th and put it ontop of the Base, both on the hotspot.

Now on Sep 1st I can't move the Mine as its been moved in the past 7 days, but I also can't move the Base (whcih hasn't been moved in the past 7 days) as it is stuck under the Mine and I can't move it off it to get to the mine etc.

Thanks jerdge for info on how to get the Value param, I might try it, though if I don't have to pay bills before moving them I can just wait until my 7 days are up and move the Mine first and then the Base over, I just wasn't looking forward to having to pay bills with my Base at 50% if I couldn't move it right now, as I would be over the 2 day bill limit by the time I can move the Mine off the top.

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