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OOC: I really do not understand what the problem is here. I'm asking you to fight an actual war, I know that is a new and exciting concept in CNRP, but you make it seem like I'm asking you to give your first born. But anyway, cool deal yawoo, I take it you have no need for spy rolls and SDI rolls then? Surely you don't need us when another player utilizes abusive practices against you as well? If Deschaine engages in god moding, the rping of your casulties, and other unacceptable practices we are expected to not interfere right?

Regardless of how this lovely situation ends, Sargun's proposal seems quite reasonable. And I think all parties will be more or less satisfied with it.

Of course that is a :ZOMG: change of the rules.

Edited by iamthey
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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1283234518' post='2436778']
OOC: I really do not understand what the problem is here. I'm asking you to fight an actual war, I know that is a new and exciting concept in CNRP, but you make it seem like I'm asking you to give your first born. But anyway, cool deal yawoo, I take it you have no need for spy rolls and SDI rolls then? Surely you don't need us when another player utilizes abusive practices against you as well? If Deschaine engages in god moding, the rping of your casulties, and other unacceptable practices we are expected to not interfere right?

Regardless of how this lovely situation ends, Sargun's proposal seems quite reasonable. And I think all parties will be more or less satisfied with it.

Of course that is a :ZOMG: change of the rules.


Luckily for me, Sargun seems to be an unofficial 4th GM, though since he seems to be doing the job that the current GMs are failing to do - he should be an official one. If he is not available, it is the Moderation staffs responsibility as the Moderators of this area of the forum to assist me. If that fails, I will naturally turn to the community - as the community's ruling is binding. The fact is, IaT, you and the rest of the GMs have failed in your impartial rulings, you all need to be replaced by a new crop of GMs who can actually do the job the way it is supposed to be. Naturally, I will inform all RPing participants that I no longer recognize the GMs, so they will have to work with me as is my right to do so.

Now, since your posts are off topic and not relevant to the situation any longer, GTFO of my RP, IaT.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1283213705' post='2436301']
Actually, GMs were appointed specifically so that Moderators like yourself would not have to come and directly interfere in the RP forums. They were created in order to enforce publicly stated and followed community rules and have their status as a GM to back it up. The point was to have a person with (artificial, mind you) power tell both sides that they need to sit down, shut up, and listen. But they are also supposed to be fair and impartial. They right egregious wrongs and provide [b]compromise[/b] where there is any grey area. In such a situation as this one, where a GM is not fixing somebody who just completely destroyed a rule, he should not be interpreting the allegedly broken rule and then applying his new interpretation but find a solution where both parties are happy.
And how does a GM prevent the necessity of mod interference? By settling disputes, compromising.

I must congratulate you on the compromise you have provided. I am more surprised that you denizens of CNRP managed to settle a dispute on your own without official arbitration.

[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1283214185' post='2436307']
The GMs don't have the facts, Vx3. Not once did they consult with JED or I on our side of the story, but rather took DeSchaine's word and ran with it and refused to recognize that he is not in lock mode, but rather tried to contest the validity of his lock. GMs may be appointed by the Moderation Staff, but it is by the community that gives them the power. DeSchaine did not consult with us prior to going to the GMs, therefore we were unaware that there was even a "dispute" to begin with.

[b]That said, as of this moment I no longer recognize the current GM's authority to govern my actions nor those of the community. This GM staff can not simply make rules up on the spot like they are doing. Wipe me from the map if that is the will of the community, I will not abide by a GM staff that simply says they're right and ignores all prior precedents and rules.[/b]

10 days is acceptable to me. Thank you for proposing a suitable compromise instead of automatically taking DeSchaine's side.
I see that JEDCJT himself admits that he talked to a GM prior to any...(you call it an autoadvance, I believe?)...made, attempting to get clarification on the matter. If that is not consulting, what is, pray tell?

In any case, I'm glad you players have settled this amongst yourselves...except for one thing. GM's are mod-appointed. if you'd rather we mods came to settle it, that can be arranged, but I guarantee more warns on average will end up being handed out as a result. Next time, perhaps you [color="#ff0000"](and I'm [i][b]not[/b][/i] speaking to just Yawoo here)[/color] can try to hash it out in a private message, or at the very least, politely explain all facets of your case in the OOC thread where it belongs.


I now wash my hands of this thread.

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