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[b]To:[/b] Austrian Foreign Legion, Cajun Federation, Royaume de la Lumiere, Selenarctos, Japan, Vaule
[b]From:[/b] People's Liberation Army Air Force Proving Grounds
[b]Subject:[/b] F-36 Performance


The F-36-A Super Joint Strike Fighter has completed Low Initial Rate of Production and begun testing. We are now ready to invite pilot for combat evaluation and field trials.


The F-36-A represents a revolutionary 5++ aircraft capable of highly adaptable missions. Based on the X-36 design of the Boeing Corporation, the aircraft offers a clear improvement from the original JSF.

The aircraft features a tail less design providing extremely low drag and radar cross section as well as extreme instability. This gives the plane excellent agility and survivability against threats it could face in both air suppression and air to air missions. Further its instability and agility give it a key advantage in getting angles of attack on other aircraft. Lastly utilizing thrust vectoring to stabilize the aircraft, the aircraft also enjoys a substantial increase in maneuverability

The F-36-A is equipped with two types of RAM coating. The first is a low maintenance highly durable honey comb schiff salt RAM material. Its performance is superior to that of the ferrous based coatings featured on most fifth generation fighters. Additionally at significantly higher maintenance cost we do offer a nano-technology based RAM which is effective both against RADAR and has significant optical and infrared masking abilities.

The F-36-A features an ultra low probability of intercept AESA/Synthetic Aperture Radar system with 360 degree scope. Built in skin sensors help amplify the picture of the F-36-A's capability. Further this energy can be concentrated to conduct jamming, cyberwarfare, and directed energy attacks. The plane's radar power has been highly improved over the F-35 through the use of meta materials to construct radar receptors. Additionally the plane offers a advanced electro-optical IR forward looking sensor, capable of engaging targets at long range on the IR spectrum and boasting significant IR counter-counter measure capability.

The plane is controlled by an advanced fly by light system which heavily compensates for the instability of the aircraft. Further the pilot has further ease of handling by much of the instruments displayed on the heads up display with AI and voice command capability. Through the advanced AI the pilot needs to worry about less variables when controlling such an aircraft and merely killing the enemy.

The plane is capable of carrying 1 25 mm ETC cannon, 2 internal weapon pylon IR missiles, and 6 internal weapons pylon full size missiles or guided bombs.

Each aircraft due to lower drag has an extended combat radius of 710 nmi, further the aircraft is capable of Mach 1.5 super cruise giving it significantly enhanced capability in covering the radius.

Please let us know if you have further questions or wish to evaluate these aircraft for testing in your air force.

-Boeing Chongqing Group

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[b]Encrypted Response:[/b]

Understood. We expect the first production models to be completed in a month. We extend an invitation to your pilots to evaluate these fighters when they are done in the Ryukyus.

OOC: Feel free to fast forward to begin evaluation. The F-36-B will have a slightly slower speed but higher angles of attack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Project Updates:

The UFE has begun testing for final systems integration on the prototypes of F-1 and F-2 Block 3 fighters.

Testing on new weapons for the MCS has also begin, but as progressed to field test. MCS Gen 3 Combat System features an extremely advanced and highly redundant target acquisition and fire control system, designed to defeat the latest in electronic warfare and cyberwarfare. At the same time it incorporates considerable capability of its own. An advanced battlefield durable embedded sensor skin provides a capability of providing additional battlefield awareness as well as massive jamming capacity to the weapon system. This means it is capable of simultaneously jamming enemy guided weapons across the entire battle space. The new MCS is also equipped with a new gun, which has gun designed of newer composite materials reducing friction of the ammunition, providing medium increase in kinetic energy and range. Additionally the decrease in heat, and improved heat sinks allow for the weapon to enjoy a significant increase rate of fire. The MCS Gen 3 is also equipped with a high powered microwave device, capable of disabling even many hardened vehicles core system. Lastly with its increased sensor capability the new MCS is projected to be a significantly more powerful active defense platform.

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[b]Office of Ordinance Procurement:[/b]

All UFE high explosive warheads are to be phased in reserve status, as stockpiles are rebuilt with new more advanced reactive explosives which increase each weapons energy with a mission variable yield of up to 5 times their former strength. This highly classified upgrade is to be carried out with secrecy.

Replacements are to be done, 'as warhead is ready' and shall use existing delivery mechanisms. Software patches shall be made available for the new weapons as well as continue backwards compatibility.

[b]Office of Advanced Research:[/b]

In joint development with the Burmese, the UFE would begin research into designing an explosive .50 caliber round based on reactive technology, and incorporate it on a composite based fire arm, that infantry could reliably deploy in field to counter emerging threats, especially the wide proliferation of some exo-suits.

[b]Office of the Grand Vizier:[/b]

Taking note of the failure of the Holy American Empire to attempt to revive our alliance after they suspended it during war, except for one brief attempt when it was only convenient for them. The United Federation of the East hereby considers the alliance completely void and no longer merely suspended. If the Holy American Empire wishes to change this, they must take steps of actually working on the alliance.

Edited by Triyun
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3rd People's Liberation Army Amphibious Forces Rapid Response Army is ordered to begin immediate redeployment to European/North African Theatre for near future operational plans. It will be joined by reinforced air presence. North American Fleet is ordered rerouted to the North Atlantic.

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[b]TO:[/b] People's Liberation Army Air Force Proving Grounds
[b]FROM:[/b] L'Armée de l'Air du Royaume de la Lumière, La Marine Royale du Royaume de la Lumière


As the we have matured economically and militarily we are looking to expand our military capabilities. In particular our air force, with a strong focus on defence of national airspace would benefit from some expansion.

We would like to request evaluate the F-36A and F-36C for inclusion in our forces. Additionally we would like more information on the cost and requirements of the nano-RAM, specifically it's feasibility on the carrier variant.

Additionally we are interested in purchasing a small number Block-3 F-1 and F-2 units to round out our capabilities.

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The United Federation of the East can fulfill the first order immediately. The block 3 units are just now being deployed. We can send one over each.

Additionally, the nanotechnology is a more complex system, but it requires a lot more maintenance than the schiff salts, this is especially true in carrier weather conditions.

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[b]Highly Classified[/b]:

UFE Production has been ordered on the following procurement for classified usage, money was forwarded via the Imperial Treasury. Production was ordered to be concentrated in Southern Zones, to help act as fiscal stimulus for the sagging economy:

48 F-1 Quantum Fighters
36 F-3 Dagger Interceptors
120 F-2 Fighters
240 F-36 Fighers
64 Tu-160 Sinos
12 Tu-160 Rudolphs
82 B-9 Mark III Grim Reapers

120 A-47 UCAVs
24 Skyhawk C AWACs UAV
24 Skyhakw C Battlfield Control UAV
50 Next Gen Air Borne Tankers
120 C-130s
20 An-225s
20 Boeing PELICANs

450, 000 Xenias Combat Armor Kits
4000 M-13XX Variable Armored Personnel Carriers
1000 Expeditionary II Fighting Vehicles
3000 Stryker II Variable Infantry Fighting Vehicles
1800 Juggernaut II Tanks
2000 MCS IIIs
200 Fury Super MBTs
1500 NLOS-C Cannons
1500 NLOS-M Mortars
400 MLRS Launchers
1200 NLOS Hydra AA Guns
1200 S-500 SAM Launchers
120 MH-60 Direct Action Penetrators
120 XH-60 Stealth Black Hawks
120 RCS Gunships
80 CH-53 Super Stallions

Additionally three systems for mid sized integrated air defense systems and theatre based sonar systems were ordered, along with quantities of anti shipping missiles, and 30 rail guns.

Edited by Triyun
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Chinese News Service:

The United Federation of the East's People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs has announced that it has successfully identified the body of Kang Shao, the now deceased CEO of Triyunican Heavy Industries as well as the Secretary of the Zeon Party's Policy Committee. Kang Shao attempted a treasonous attack upon the life of the Imperial Couple, and was slain by the Imperatrix herself after fighting both the Imperator and the Imperatrix. The Imperator and Imperatrix received some injuries but are both safely recuperating and involved in their duties.

It has also been confirmed that Kang Shao was a conspirator in the Southern Uprisings, and may have been involved in the kidnapping of the Princess Xuehua.

Further, disgustingly, it appears that Kang Shao and Neo Triyunican Industry were involved in the development of a biological argicultural weapon and is largely responsible for the food crisis created in the South. Further it appears that before releasing this weapon NTI and Mr. Kang had a cure for the disease effecting rice production, and intended to use it to enhance their own political clout.

Under these disturbing facts, August Imperator Yuan Jia at the urging of Grand Vizier Wei Hai has nationalized Neo Triyunican Industries entirely, and granted the Grand Vizier's government the ability to place it under custodianship. Further General Secretary Wei Hai has also purged those associated with Kang Shao within the Zeon Socialist Party.

Most importantly it is estimated that the biological weapon will be completely eradicated before the next harvest.

August Imperator Jia has issued a statement:

[quote]This tragic incident reminds us of the dangers of fascism even within the United Federation of the East. We must all participate both in criticism and self criticism.

I promise, the Government and the Party shall do what is necessary to keep the powerful within the Federation as working for the people and not for themselves.[/quote]

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[b]Dispatch from the United Federation of the East:[/b]

The United Federation of the East shall be activating two fleets, which will be responsible for patrolling the Indian Ocean beyond the UFEs territorial waters as well as the South Atlantic in force. Additionally we shall be reactivating the People's Liberation Reserve Army.

These forces shall be used to further reinforce global stability.

Fleet Admiral Gao Zhao shall lead these commands.

[b]Highly Classified Internal Operations Memos:[/b]

All forces under this command shall be equipped with a nuclear deterrent but shall require dual launch authorization from the August Imperator.

As always these forces shall swear oaths, receive civics and loyalty training, and follow the chains of command as all UFE armed forces.

OOC: These forces shall be commanded by Yawoo.

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Block III Upgrade Features:

The Block III has entered initial operating status with key features:
*Greater Radar Absorption from Nano-Tech based RAM coating, this has increased sensitivity of passive radar detection, while also further enhancing stealth and more efficiently dealing with thermal energy created by absorption. Increase in passive detection will help further build a enemy EM activity in an area so proper evasive and counter measures can be taken.
*Enhanced IR Capability- The F-1s IR Scope features an improved lens, higher resolution sensor,better processing and lens. Further a newer more efficient cryogenic cooling system has been deployed to enhance performance.
*Enhanced Processing Power- As advancements in processing design continue, the Block IIIs cloud and onboard systems continue to be advanced. Specific development has been focused around developing processing power which runs on multiple smaller processors decreasing power consumption (and thus allowing even more processing power), while better managing heat. This enhancement has also increased the F-1s multi-tasking ability increasing the overall power of the AI and the number of targets the F-1 can track.
*Increased AI Software Development- As Ai's advancement continues, the latest patch feature lessons built upon actual combat actions seen in the skies over Germany, Mogatopia, Korea, and other hotspots. The field units have focused on problems identified with Ai's capability to track beyond visual range targets, especially stealth german air superiority fighters. Where glitches were discovered or delays were found significant patching has been done. Overall key features of the newest Ai program are faster ID of enemy units, especially using passive sensors, increased active defense capabilities, increased readar evasion capabilities, and greater cyberwarfare capability.

[b]Testing on New Unit:[/b]


The proposed successor the the Tu-160 Sino has begun evaluation in the Ryukyu Islands. The unit is based on both manned an unmanned versions. While it is not the most stealth unit, it has a significant reduction in its forward radar cross section. This means that the platform, intended primarily to fire long range strike capability, will remain beyond range of detection for most units and even most radar sites. The unit is capable of deploying drone picket units to enhance its independent strike capability, or gain them from allied units. It has been equipped with smart skin unified sensors and the latest in IR scopes to increase its overall sensor tracking and capability. Most notably it employs the skins from the Tu-160 Rudolph which allow it to act as a major target acquisition and jamming platform. The large internal capacity of the unit has given it four rotary launchers, allowing it to launch an unprecendented number of volleys from maximum stealth configuration. The unit still though retains the capability of deploying hard points externally.

Edited by Triyun
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UFE has authorized spending to dramatically increase the capabilities of its Oman operating base and to use it as an HQ for stabilization operations in the Horn of Africa and Arabian Sea. This shall be complimented by construction of major radar and missile installations with stand off capabilities and strategic defense capabilities along the Red Sea an extended throughout the Western Indian region.

Military recruitment has proven fruitful. 1, 210, 000 combat ground forces now serve in the PLA regulars, 1 million of these in the PLA, 200, 000 in the amphibious forces, and 10, 000 in the newly created Joint Special Warfare Unit. The JSWU will be responsible for conducting kinetic contingency operations on a global scale as determined to provide peace and security and defeat forces of instability and terrorism while recognizing the transnational nature of these threats. As such the JSWU will do whats necessary to preserve the peace and security of the global order, as seen through the prism of national interest.

Additionally the reserve army reactivated, is expected to soon reach 840, 000 standing. This brings the UFEs standing ground forces to over 2 million, with an additional ten million on non-active reserves.

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[b]Diplomatic Dispatches from the Office of the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East:[/b]

[quote][b]To:[/b] Office of the Emperor of Pravus Ingruo
[b]From:[/b] Office of the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East
[b]Subject:[/b] Treaty Status

In regards to our treaty, at this time we've noticed that the Empire of Pravus Ingruo has had among the lowest amount of contact and coordination with the United Federation of the East amongst our allied powers. As such, we believe it is time to re-evaluate the nature of the relationship and determine whether a mutual defense and optional aggression pact is the appropriate level of treaty.

We respectfully invite you to dispatch representatives to discuss the treaty's status before we initiate and final procedure.[/quote]

[quote][b]To:[/b] Office of the People's Republic of Africa Foreign Ministry
[b]From:[/b] Office of the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East
[b]Subject:[/b] Treaty Status

In regards to our treaty at this time, the People's Republic of Africa and the United Federation of the East have had next to no contact in quite some time. We at this time invite you to visit the United Federation of the East to discuss our treaty status before we make a final decision on its overall status.[/quote]

[quote][b]To:[/b] Office of the Queen of Zargathia
[b]From:[/b] Office of the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East
[b]Subject:[/b] Treaty Status

We hereby consider MDOAP between us void, replaced by the terms of peace signed recently.[/quote]

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[quote]To: Office of the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East
From: Office of the Queen of Zargathia
Subject: Re: Treaty Status

Understood. As this will include the addendum that gave the UFE permission to mine our rare earth resources given that it was connected by the same treaty, we expect operational status to be handed over to the Zargathian government within one month.[/quote]

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The United Federation of the East does not consider commercial and military assets linked. The treaty we are refering to and specically cited are the Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression pact parts, the addendum, this has been replaced by an updated arrangement agreed to by both parties under your terms of peace. This is because the terms of peace specifically outline new defense obligations regarding Zargathia.

Attempts at revision of other areas directed against the Federation by Zargathia shall be taken as an active hostile action directed at the United Federation of the East.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote]Lu Empire shall send the

1st Lu Infantry Division:100,000

And the

2nd Lu Infantry Division:100,000

Following in the Armor division will be the

800 Juggernaut II's,256 Ratel IFV's and 300 M109 howitzer's

To aid the UFE, in South Africa, but they shall be in need of the UFE ships to cross such a great sea.

And for air support

We shall send 12 F-15 Eagles.12 F-47-C Sino-Fighter Multi-Role Fighters, and 12 Tupolev Tu-160's. To help you in this coming battle.[/quote]

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"Be that as it may, we need not remind you that the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95038&st=0&p=2522473&#entry2522473]addendum to the Tianjin Agreements[/url], being the MDOAP you have just declared void in favor of the current terms, does make specific mention of the mining rights to these rare earth resources. The [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88811]original Tianjin Agreement[/url] makes no mention of these mining rights whatsoever, and neither does the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104355&view=findpost&p=2784666]Qingyuan Diktat[/url] the addendum is replaced by.

Zargathia is not revising anything, the decision to void the addendum was made by the United Federation of the East. If this is to be seen as an active hostile action, we strongly advise you direct your efforts at the section of [u]your[/u] government responsible for this oversight."

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The entire Marscurian Siberian 1st Army (51,000 soldiers along with thousands of 60,81,120mm mortars and 105mm and 155mm towed artillery pieces), 700 MBT-84 main battle tanks, 250 M-18 tank destroyers, 50 MHT-1 heavy tanks, and all 58 MF/A-21 jets and both MB-1 bombers were transported to Vladivostok by rail for transport to the UFE West African territory.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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