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End of an Era

Ryan Milley

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[i]Alaska News Network[/i]
I have just learned of a small rebellion in Yukon. A group of rebels wanted their independence. They were put down within a week, and the fight was unheard of do to closing off emigration and power lines in Yukon. However, Yukon can no longer be supported as a part of the Alaskan Union due to the falling economy. It has been granted protectorate status. Campaigning for Senate seats will not be held for some reason. The Full story at ten.

[b]Private to US[/b]
Our nation as taken crumpling hits to the economy and we had to remove Yukon from our nation. In order to keep Alaska in peace, we were wondering if you would consider annexing us.

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[quote name='Ryan Milley' date='21 July 2010 - 07:38 AM' timestamp='1279723118' post='2382536']
Yukon is becoming a protectorate of the Alaskan Union, to possibly have it's own country one day. But only the future shall tell.

And what exactly does becoming a protectorate of the Alaskan Union entail for the Yukon? I assume not much because you're claiming that you can no longer support them.

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[quote name='graniteknight' date='21 July 2010 - 11:14 AM' timestamp='1279723476' post='2382538']
So why is the AU dying?
There is no gaurentee it is dying. But the falling economy, lack of patriotism, the Yukon rebellion, and being a third-world nation doesn't help. However, the conference with Yukon is over, and it appears that they will not become a protectorate. They shall remain a full part of the AU.

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The North Pacific Commonwealth vehemently opposes this move, capitulating itself to a nation with no regional ties and no prior regional interest.

OOC: Is this the level of RP that is expected by this community? Poor show. There is no precedent, no reasoning, and I can only see 3 lines of spontaneous RP that has no continuity.

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ooc: There is a precedent. Alaska is a former state of the United States. They are coming home. I have RP'd an annexation vote previously in the senate as an example to how such things happen. I don't feel it necessary to go through immense levels of detail every time it happens that someone petitions to join the U.S. and is accepted by the senate. Otherwise, I'd like to ask you to rp every road you build and every building you construct for validation purposes that they are actually there. Let me guess? You won't do that. Very well. Then you understand my point.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='21 July 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1279742890' post='2383109']
ooc: There is a precedent. Alaska is a former state of the United States. They are coming home. I have RP'd an annexation vote previously in the senate as an example to how such things happen. I don't feel it necessary to go through immense levels of detail every time it happens that someone petitions to join the U.S. and is accepted by the senate. Otherwise, I'd like to ask you to rp every road you build and every building you construct for validation purposes that they are actually there. Let me guess? You won't do that. Very well. Then you understand my point.

OOC: No, you don't understand mine. Out of the blue there is a rebellion in the Union and a nation that has had no economic trouble before is suddenly collapsing and petitions the U.S. for annexation? I don't expect every detail of the RP to be played out and the fact that you brought that up serves nothing to counter the point I'm making. I wasn't really referring to your post anyway, I'm referring to Ryan's.

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ooc: Ah, Alright. All I can say to that is people have their own right to RP internal disasters with little or no notification. When I gave Cochin India many many months ago I rp'd a category 9 earthquake hitting West India and let his stronger government annex India. That said, states have and do collapse for many reasons. Some countries do not want to broadcast their troubles, especially when they've had recent trouble with neighbors. I understand your desire to see more detailed RP, I do as well, but it isn't always something that is required and should not always be required because then you have people RPing the most trivial nuances and the fantasy forum gets junked.

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When asked for comment, one of the senators from Texas replied, "I am opposed to the annexation to the Alaskan Union. Our FA is in danger because of the South Tahoe controversy. In addition to this, we don't even have a land link to Alaska. I wouldn't mind it becoming a protectorate, but I don't want it annexed."

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ooc: Ryan, they're asking for a little more RP regarding your internal problems leading up to the events which are causing your annexation, which I don't feel is an unreasonable request. Could you do something like release a news report from the financial times in your country or a political journal indicating the level of disarray your economy is in that would require the U.S. to come save you? I mean, are you under a tremendous debt burden, are we having to bail you out? That sort of thing.. and if we are... that's fine, in the long run it's a sound investment.

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OOC:Of course it's always good in the long run, nothing's better than black sticky liquid (oil). But here's an in-depth anylysis of my economy.

IC:[i]The Fall of the Economy[/i] by Dick Redcoat
"The Recession began when an oil tanker dissapeared in the Pacific. It hold millions of dollars worth of oil. A serach party was quickly sent out, and also dissapeared, costing even more money. It later turned out to be a forming hurricane. Then things went haywire with billions falsely invested in mortages. There massive foreclosures and the economy crumpled. It was well hidden because of the oil we have, but it showed in the lack of consumer spending. After a tax cut and stinulus it countinued to falter under rigged stocks by the fat cats trying to break even. Unemployment rates climbed to 13% as the economy buckled under the pressure. Banks failed, many small bussinesses and some large ones collapsed. The government tried to keep everyone feed, but then they owed the remaining banks billions of dollars. Then talks with the US began of being annexed. And that brings to to today with the US annexation of Alaska and the Yukon territory."

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ic: Meteorologists would annotate the The Fall of the Economy indicating the Hurricane Dick Redcoat had thought occurred was actually a non-tropical, but massive storm in the Bearing Sea. The largest on record, it is believed to have been correlated with this year's unusually high pacific ocean temperatures.

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"We find it to be a shame that rather than continue to be sovereign and accept foreign aid the Union feels like annexation would be the best route, a costly and slow process which will ultimately change the domestic culture of your nation and forfeit your national sovereignty. What I find more troubling is the fact that the Union was participating in talks of an NAP with our Commonwealth and during the meeting simultaneously announced its annexation.

Regrettable that you did not bring up your plight with us. We were looking for a way to befriend you and would have come to your aid. Now any talks that have to do with Alaska partnership will only be done with US federal representatives, superseding regional Alaskan government. We are still open to an NAP with the power on our North, now based out of D.C."

-President Sullivan

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Given that the Yukon is not an historical American state, the people of the Yukon have already demanded their independence from the incompetent Alaska government, and that government previously sought to abandon them, Canuckistan suggests a referendum be held in the Yukon to determine whether or not these people actually want to be annexed by the United States. It seems clear that the buffoons running the Alaskan Union don't speak for the people of the Yukon.

OOC: also, if this merge loophole you've come up with isn't abusing the system, then there really isn't any reason to have merge rules in the first place. how many nations are there now in the United States?

Edited by Sal Paradise
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"The United States would love to see a NAP offering out of the North Pacific Commonwealth, we definitely have no reason to be at odds with you, our brothers in the north. Feel free to send a proposal our way at your convenience." Regards, John Nelson, Foreign Minister over North Pacific Affairs. "Also if Canukistan carefully listened to words of the Alaskan delegation, they just granted the Yukon their freedom and their protection. They are more free than when they were part of Alaska."

ooc: It's not a loophole, tis as legitimate as a very well organized MADP. 6 players if you count him. There were 50 originally in RL.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: Now it's a protectorate again? But this time without an IC post. You previously said it stays as a part of the Alaskan Union, then you merged with the US. Make up your mind.

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='21 July 2010 - 06:12 PM' timestamp='1279761111' post='2383701']
ooc: It's not a loophole, tis as legitimate as a very well organized MADP. 6 players if you count him. There were 50 originally in RL.

OOC: An MADP in which you become a single nation, can't secede from, abrogate executive power to a single player, OOC a single player can change the conditions of on a whim, and IC that same player forces everyone else to be "beholden" to his RP. I take it back. It's not a merger loophole. It's a you taking over 6 other players loophole.

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ooc: Actually Sal, it is more like they are taking me over. In a very short time, I will no longer be the voice for the United States other than people shouting in the streets.. the Justice Department, part of the war department, and general nationwide sentiment. I almost intend to completely let them all run the show long as they stay within the laws of the Actual U.S. BTW, the whole not seceding thing, that's not my idea. You can blame Lincoln and the Supreme Court for that one.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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