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I was wrong


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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' date='26 June 2010 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1277561128' post='2350946']
To be fair there wasn't anything he could do to prevent that. Being on the losing side doesn't necessarily mean you're awful at war. It's a numbers game coupled with activity. If you're active you'll dish out damage, if you're on the winning side, you'll dish out even more.

Nearly everyone gets wrecked, but those with a warchest recover to fight another day. There's no finer example than Matt Miller.

Well done. ;)

However, others do not come out and one minute say they took hardly any damage and the next say they fought valiantly for the cause until their final breath.

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[quote name='Shovel' date='27 June 2010 - 12:21 PM' timestamp='1277655644' post='2351930']
Well done. ;)

However, others do not come out and one minute say they took hardly any damage and the next say they fought valiantly for the cause until their final breath.

Quote me saying that. I took plenty of damage, put out plenty more, and absorbed it and rebuilt - because I had enough warchest.

Before the war, Arexes had roughly twice my infra. Now things are a bit different.

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[quote name='Shovel' date='27 June 2010 - 05:21 PM' timestamp='1277655644' post='2351930']
Well done. ;)

However, others do not come out and one minute say they took hardly any damage and the next say they fought valiantly for the cause until their final breath.

And some others do not have such a terrible reading comprehension but what can you do.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='27 June 2010 - 05:43 PM' timestamp='1277656979' post='2351952']

Quote me saying that. I took plenty of damage, put out plenty more, and absorbed it and rebuilt - because I had enough warchest.

Before the war, Arexes had roughly twice my infra. Now things are a bit different.

I have done already but if you really need me to point out your contradictions again I will do...

[quote]All I stated was that I got triple-teamed unnecessarily, entirely by small iFOK nations which stood absolutely no chance of doing damage to me, except for nukes and CMs.

Heck it was because of the triple-team that I got out of my zero land situation.

You got triple teamed and took little damage even gaining land from them.


[quote]Are you really kidding?

I fought six on one for a week (five of my opponents had WRCs; I was nearly at zero land afterwards), and then was triple-teamed for the rest of the war. During this one single alliance war, I got roughly seven times as many casualties as iFOK's #1 nation has acquired in its 904 days of existence.

At my low point, I was at 1.4K infra. I rebought to 2K infra multiple times during my first week in order to preserve my navy.[/quote]

Here we have you trying to play the poor little boy who got bullied and beaten (by the same people you first said caused little damage).

Which one is it?

Edited by Shovel
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[quote name='Haflinger' date='27 June 2010 - 05:43 PM' timestamp='1277656979' post='2351952']

Quote me saying that. I took plenty of damage, put out plenty more, and absorbed it and rebuilt - because I had enough warchest.

Before the war, Arexes had roughly twice my infra. Now things are a bit different.

What are you trying to say? If you think I had a crappy warchest, you are wrong. I had plenty of warchest, even more than you but you know fighting strong people for over 4 weeks will diminish that greatly :P

I can't remember which targets you fought but I'm guessing all of them had a good warweek or 2 behind them. But w/e if you think I was impressed by Invicta's war effort you are wrong.

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He isn't playing the 'poor little boy' card, I don't even see how you're possibly getting that out of what he said.

It was a losing war. It happens. You can't stay at 10k infra forever.

I stayed at 1k infra the entire war, winning most everything but ground attacks. Yes, I got infra knocked away every single day by 3-6 people. Yes, it hurt my nation. However...they started with 5-6k infra and about 1k tech. The only thing I lost during the end of this entire war was tech (about 4k), and cash. I stayed at 1k infra just about the entire time.

Does this mean I lost?

Depends on how you look at it. I took a lot of damage to my infra. The problem comes when you look at how much that infra cost. When you lose 300-400 infra a day while sitting at 1k infra, it doesn't cost much. When you lose 300-400 infra per day at 5k infra, it hurts a lot more.

So yes, I ended with less tech and money then I started. I took a lot of nukes, and they won more ground attacks then I did.

But I also did a lot more (monetary) damage to their nations.

Did I win? Did I lose? Depends how you look at it.

We certainly lost the war as a whole though. :P

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[quote name='Shovel' date='27 June 2010 - 01:24 PM' timestamp='1277659455' post='2352001']
You got triple teamed and took little damage even gaining land from them.


Here we have you trying to play the poor little boy who got bullied and beaten (by the same people you first said caused little damage).

Which one is it?
Work on reading comprehension.

I fought for more than one week ;)

The first thing you quote happened after the second one.

Also, I don't feel I got bullied in that first week. lol. I fought. Sure I took damage, but not so much that I couldn't rebuild right back to the same infra level postwar.

The first quote was just my way of suggesting that I might have done a bit less damage to NV/FOK warchests with three spy missions a day (what I would have had if I'd been single-teamed by one nation firing a nuke a day to keep me in anarchy) instead of five (what I did have because I got triple-teamed by three nations, two of which could only fire 2 CMs a day).

[quote name='kriekfreak' date='27 June 2010 - 01:27 PM' timestamp='1277659638' post='2352002']
What are you trying to say? If you think I had a crappy warchest, you are wrong. I had plenty of warchest, even more than you but you know fighting strong people for over 4 weeks will diminish that greatly :P
I'd hope that you had more than I did. You had twice my infra.

[quote name='kriekfreak' date='27 June 2010 - 01:27 PM' timestamp='1277659638' post='2352002']
I can't remember which targets you fought but I'm guessing all of them had a good warweek or 2 behind them. But w/e if you think I was impressed by Invicta's war effort you are wrong.
In my first week, I only fought one iFOK nation, who was my only non-WRC opponent. I forget his name. He did nuke me one day, saving me from a WRC nuke. The rest were all either NV or FOK. Generally, my best opponents were all NV. dirkt in particular really did not seem to know what he was doing at all.

After that, I only fought iFOK nations. Their only military wonder was an MP, where I had all milwonders and I still had a navy, along with a population advantage due to wonders, full improvements and a quite large tech advantage. It wasn't a fair fight, but that's what happens when nations like mine lose alot of infra.

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