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Operation Northern Shield


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All commands had been placed on high alert as Northern Shield was too get underway. Air traffic and ship traffic would be ordered to follow specific paths during the exercise in the North coast of the United States of China and Taiwan. Operation Northern Shield had been announced on the news as one of the largest the country had conducted.

"The Vauleyos and Japanese have been instructed to move their forces within the next 48 hours but they have also been given instructions not to notify us when." said Kou briefing X as they sat in the war room. "We've ordered 6 Crane AWACs airborne and they are being escorted by 3 squadrons of F-50s broken up into flights of six, supplementing that is a squadron Tu-160S, a pair escorting an AWAC, they've been equipped with anti ship and long range anti air missiles. This force is monitoring the West Pacific for a flanking manuver as well as they sea of Japan, avoiding the enemy anti-air perimeter. These forces are providing active monitoring and jamming. Additionally in the air we've deployed patrols of stealth high altitude observation craft, to act as eyes and ears on enemy movement.

In the North following instructions and moving below radar 3 Squadrons of F-65s are airborne in the Taiwan Straits, 8 Viper Squadrons are patroling our northern Mainland coast, and 4 Viper Squadrons are patrolling the Straits of Taiwan and the Main Island.

At sea fishing boats from the intelligence agencies have been ordered to be extra alert for any movements they may see. Ghost squadron units not on assignment elsewhere in the world have been ordered to sea from the underground pens in Kiaoshiung, its moving out to the Pacific equipped with dummy anti-ship SLBMS. The Third High Seas Fleet and Second Fleet Group have been launched from port and are being positioned towards the Southern edge of Taiwan to bring them out of play for Phase 1, Tiger Squadron has also been launched and is in silent mode in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea performing reconnaissance.

Operation Northern Shield is ready. "

Edited by Triyun
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For these operations, Minister of Defense Minori Chihara would be in control. Directly under her would be an advisory staff of naval tacticians and high-ranking naval officers among them. The entirety of the Imperial Japanese Navy would be participating in this exercise, due to it's small size in comparison to most world-class navies. Leading the charge would be the RO-35 and RO-37, the Navy's prized submarines. Behind them in the formation would be the Asashio-class destroyers, followed by the Tenryuu-class frigates, Hiei-class corvettes. Behind them, the Tone-class cruisers and Yamato-class battleships. Behind them, the Imperial Navy's favorites: the Shokaku-class carriers. On them were brand new, freshly assembled, Hikari Enterprises Hi-3's. Bombers wouldn't be needed in this exercise.

As the ships moved out of dock, they only anticipated the Vauleyo-Buryatian South Siberian fleet, so they could meet up and begin the exercise together against the navy of the United States of China.

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The Vauleyo-Buryatian South Siberian Fleet moved quickly into position to rendezvous with the Japanese Navy. The ships from the South Siberian Fleet that were ordered to participate in the exercise were given the moniker [b]‘Task Force Alpha’[/b]

[b]Task Force Alpha[/b]
[u]Aircraft Carriers:[/u]
BNS Ourumov
BNS Natalya
BNS Sophitia

BNS Regulus
BNS Zenn

BNS Volga
BNS Vojvodina

BNS Yekaterina
BNS Sofia
BNS Liberty
BNS Mikhailov

BNS Imperator
BNS Stalingrad

Each Aircraft carrier in the Task Force would carry 5 squadrons (60 aircraft) for a total of 15 Squadrons (180 Aircraft).

Each Aircraft Carrier would be allocated:
20 MiG 31 Interceptors
5 Bu-24Z( Su-24MR) Reconnaissance
35 Su-33 Fighter Aircraft

Three A-50M AWACS aircraft and two B-2081 (Based on the Il-78) refueling aircraft would be deployed from the B.S.N. for the duration of the exercises. All ships and aircraft were refitted with dummy missiles, and any nuclear weapons were transferred to the B.S.N.

Once the South Siberian Fleet rendezvoused with their Japanese counterparts, the Vauleyo-Buryatian Task Force Commander, Admiral Anatoly Kalinin radioed the Japanese fleet as he prepared to move the remainder of his ships into position.

[b]EDIT[/b]: Fixed squadron numbers for aircraft.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: Imperator you know for first world nation squadrons are 12 not 6 planes?

Satellites moved over the the Sea of Japan searching for the images of a enemy naval forces. High altitude UAVs were moving to locate the enemy fleet using a monostatic long range radar net. Analysts in the central command center in Taibei would be pouring over real time imaging and radar images to locate the enemy force. ELINT would be working to intercept and decode enemy cables to locate the enemy force.

[b]In the Sea of Japan[/b]

The Dragon Class Attack Sub [i]Jiang Jie-shi[/i] moving in the Sea of Japan was operating on absolute silence. The sonar man hear the sound of propellers, subs and destroyers were heard, but thats not what he was smiling about. The Shokaku Carriers. Attacking them while their escorts were undistracted would be suicide, but they were found. Unfortunately with the attack subs of the enemy operating in the area meaning they had to remain at maximum stealth drill.

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[b]OOC:[/b] I adjusted the aircraft numbers.

After encountering the Japanese fleet, the Vauleyo-Buryatians divided into three groups and moved into separate positions.

-Alpha=Yellow, Beta= Red, Gamma= Green

[b]Group Alpha:[/b]
BNS Ourumov (AC)
BNS Regulus (SUB)
BNS Yekaterina (BTL)
BNS Sofia (BTL)
BNS Volga (DST)

[b]Group Beta:[/b]
BNS Sophitia (AC)
BNS Liberty (BTL)
BNS Imperator (FRG)
BNS Zenn (SUB)

[b]Group Gamma:[/b]
BNS Natalya (AC)
BNS Vojvodina (DST)
BNS Mikhailov(BTL)
BNS Stalingrad (FRG)

Two of the three AWACS aircraft took off on schedule and headed towards the coast of Taiwan each escorted by 6 MiG 31 Interceptors launched from the B.S.N. The first aircraft would attempt to fly through the Taiwan Strait in a risky opening move to locate the enemy’s naval assets. The second aircraft would plot a relatively safer course opting to fly over each of the naval groups in succession heading closer to Taiwan before settling into a patrol route taking it towards the Chinese coast (Shanghai) then back towards Japan and to the B.S.N.. Although they would approach each of the coastlines, they would stay at least 15nm from the coast to reduce the chance of an unfortunate encounter with shore based AA systems.

The third AWACS aircraft would remain near to Group Beta as all three groups (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) headed due west.

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"We have bogies in the West Pacific." one of the AWACs said as they picked up the fighters on radar, "engaging targets."

"Tu-160S Hydra system authorized. Engage." mission control responded.

The closest flight patrols would have each of their Tu-160S fire three long range air to air missiles at the interceptors as they made an attempt to locate enemy naval assets. The search would of course be quite unfruitful as the enemy fleets had been moved into the Southern zone of play, with the sole exception of submarine assets. Instead what would be found would be the air force.

At mission control the vectors of enemy air assets was being tracked, indicating a launch over the West Pacific, to go back around Japan and then down for enemy aircraft would be a costly maneuver, and require a lot of fuel. These assets were surmised to most likely be carrier based. Satellites recon assets and high altitude drones were now being heavily focused on the West Pacific to find enemy carrier air groups.

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The escorting interceptors and the AWACS aircraft were surprised to be engaged by the enemy so quickly. Without warning, the MiG 31s broke off from the AWACS aircraft and spread out in several directions while rapidly gaining altitude. The MiG 31 immediately in front of the AWACS aircraft stood no chance despite the pilot’s valiant attempts at deploying countermeasures and evasive flying techniques. Within a second, the MiG 31 registered a fatal hit from the first of the enemy missiles. The pilot expertly dropped altitude and returned to the B.S.N. leaving the exercise.

Three of the other MiG 31s managed to fire two R-77M1 long range missiles each before being hit. Two of the MiGs registered fatal hits, while the third aircraft registered moderate damage. The two remaining MiGs rapidly climbed to 17000 m and rapidly advanced on the nearest enemy aircraft. The AWACS aircraft, now a virtual sitting duck appeared to shift course only slightly towards the south as it attempted to locate any other enemy aircraft or naval assets in the immediate vicinity. The AWACS plane radioed a short coded message to the BNS Ourumov (AC) specifying their location and that they had been engaged by the enemy.

In response to the message, Task Force Alpha shifted their course from due west, to west-south-west and began to launch 12 MiG 31s, 5 Bu-24Zs (Su-24MR) and 20 Su 33 aircraft from the Ourumov (AC). The air group would head towards the skirmish while remaining at a high altitude. Once in range, they would attempt to surprise the enemy with a powerful volley of long range air to air missiles (R-77M1) in an attempt to overwhelm them. The other task forces remained on course and made no discernable changes to their readiness or their alert status.

The second AWACS aircraft on patrol near Taiwan (OOC: the one that would head towards Shanghai and back towards Japan) only shifted its course slightly to ensure that it would be further away from the Chinese coastline while on patrol. It’s escorts watched closely for any sign of enemy activity as they flew in close formation near the aircraft.

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