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From the Heavens

Zoot Zoot

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Forty days and forty nights passed as they rained from the heavens, thousands a day, thousands a night, green and red streaks across the inky blackness of space down to the blue and green haven of Bob.
Military analysts were at a loss and had no explanation, militaries began mobilising, preparing for the worst, civilians fled cities and the media span up a hysteria never before seen by a human.

Satelights tracked them from outer space, radar followed them on the first night before they became too many to track. No point of origin.

Over a million of these orbs crashed into the Canadian Tundra, into its oceans, and settlements. Many, larger than warehouses, metallic, sleek objects burrowed into large craters from the crash landings, but they didnt seem to be crash landings. They congregated where they crashed, crashed in groups of a thousand or more. Entire plains as far as the eye can see, full of these orbs. Orbs sat sat silently until the fourtieth day.

The largest field in the tundra was several miles out from New London, which was now a ghost city, save for the 45,000 Imperial Guardsmen and their vehicles, Marshal Lannes looked out from the Colossus maintenance room built into the head and observed the field of craters, snow and wind swirling across the plains began to obscure his vision. Looking away, Lannes ordered an overflight by an SR-71 on station, the pilot oblighted and flew overhead, and then radio contact was lost.

Out in the tundra the SR-71, callsign "Eyes" lowered its altitude due to weather conditons and switched on the Infra red cameras. It was -30C outside, but the orbs showed heat, to much heat, lowering down even further he inspected the field. His cameras showed movement, thousands of moving objects. His heat sensors picked up a large flare, his cockpit filled with light, and then the plane vapourised around him, killing him in the process.

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The SR-71 was just the begining, soon after, the edge of the field nearest to the city began to expand, growing outwards, the snow cleared briefly allowed Lannes to see what was happened.
Green, as far as the eye could see, streaked with red, a field of crystals slowly advancing on the city, spreading out, growing high into the sky and seemingly burrowing down into the ground.

"Get the flyboys on the line, I want some ordenance dropped on that field, a FOAB should do it, we must do everything to stop the growth, destroy it."

Minutes later a B-2 spirit glided over the area, its sensors going haywire, its RADAR completley going completley off the scale. Flying high, the B-2 dropped down a few thousand feet before opening the bomb bay doors releasing its payload on the growing field of green crystals.

Lannes watched as a speck of black collapsed down to the ground and exploded amungst the crystals, but it did no damage, the crystals sped up, grew larger, faster and more agressivley than before. Wherever the fireball touched the Crystals expanded. A beam of light shot up from the center of the field, striking the bomber, which exploded in another fireball high in the sky, but the beam kept going, up and up into space. A bright Blue light streaking back into the heavens, a scene repeated across the globe, in Rebel Army, Scotland, France, Slavorussia, Vaule and the USC all around the world these blue streaks shot out into space.

[i]In the depths of outer space[/i]

"Korashi, the Armada is ready, the signal has been sent from the human planet"
The creature Korashi turned its head sideways, brilliant blue eyes glowing slightly through its facial apparatus:
"Good, send the Armada, crush the Humans, kill them all"

Minutes later an armada of warships left their stationary position around a dead planet, with one ship, the largest of them all, one quarter of the human moons mass in size. An Ark.

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The curious penomenon happened in two different places on the Australian continent. As they were currently at war...the most that would be ordered to observe was a satelite from space, which was, admittedly, already in geosynchronus orbit. The crystals were, at the present time, in the middle of the desert, and if they were a threat, only as such to the few aboriginals and the wildlife, and the occasional traveler between cities. So far, Australia remained unaware of the dangers. That would change soon enough...

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In GLP, it was a different story...

A cluster of orbs landed right in the middle of the financial sector (demolishing or damaging buildings that were in the way) of their new capital city, Toronto. Obviously GLP went into instant DEFCON 1, deployed a massive chunk of their military force to the city and evacuated everyone out of it. They didn't know what the orbs contain and the team that they sent to capture one of the orbs for the various scientific labs that want to study the unusual orbs disappeared without a trace.

The GLP military had no idea what they were up against until the crystals started growing and fired lasers at a cruising F-29 Eagle stealth fighter jet, vaporizing it.

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In UI, it was complete madness. Entire swarms of orbs landed in the middle of Cleveland, and shot light into the sky. Cars were crashing trying to avoid the odd objects, and troops were being destroyed by flares.
AC-130s were no match for the orbs, as even the Howitzer cannon did no damage. Both of UIs two precious AC-130s were destroyed, and it was hopeless to send in the five Stratofortress, as they were also disappearing. The beam shot sent millions of civilians runnign for their lives, and traffic was clogged up, civilian jets crowded with passengers and being held up by one that had crashed, along with troops storming the city.

What just happened?

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This Armada arrived in orbit above earth roughly a month after it departed the dead planet and cruised lazily above the white surface of Antarctica.

"Korashi, what are your orders?" came the same.. drawling alien voice as before.
"What have the humans done in the time its taken us to get here Skruzo?" replied Korashi in a commanding tone which oozed malevolence.
"Nothing, they sit in their bunkers, their caves and their huts they call homes shaking like a whipped [i]rrrgkh*[/i]

[i]*It should be noted a [i]rrrgkh[/i] is a form of household pet commonly found with most intergalactic species[/i]

"Good Skruzo, deploy the reavers, I want any defences they have suppressed."
"Yes Korashi, it shall be done"

The creature Korashi turned to face the observation window and it stared long and hard at Antarctica, its blue eyes gleamed beneath the face mask, leathery hands groped at its slim body before locating a small device, no larger than a cell phone.

"Prepare the Tachyon Beam laser, aim at the magnetic south pole, raise the sea levels. Order the ark to prepare the Giga Pulse Laser battery its target is the human city known as Sydney. We need a show of force."

Korashi watched as the Tachyon laser began to melt the Antarctic ice, and he watched as blue beam of light, forty miles across decended over Sydeny before a pulse of brighter light shot down the beam, resulting in an explosion visible from space.

"Perfect" were the only other words Korashi hissed that fateful morning.

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The sea level rapidly rose, according to UI professionals, and a major state of panic was induced. The water seemed to have gotten over a small amount of Isara and Kreigland, but nevertheless farmers on the west border were not going to be needing to water their crops for a bit of a while.
Military jets and C-130s were picking up civilians and evacuating them to mountain bunkers, but alas of the 100 C-130s sent, only 57 made it back. Cleveland was to be hit with chemical weapons, and the rest of UI was going to also be attacked sometime soon. O-1 superheavy tanks bombarded cities, and bomber and fighter strikes were ruthless and destructive. Any civilians who had not yet left were most definitely dead by now, but that was not the same for the orbs. They were completely unharmed. Except for one that had a little bit of a dirt mark on it.


Poya Raiz, Jim McGu, Leo and Oceana all stood in a bunker,along with top military officials, Emily Zen and the men and women running for the Seventh Council, and everyone's children. Sadly, John was killed in an AC-130 attack.
"My friends, it is the end. Drink all the wine you want and watch or play anything you want."

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"-bleep-! FIRE YOUR GODDAMN WEAPONS!" a sergeant screamed as the crystals begin to rapidly grow. Above ground, ten heavily armored B-45 Brutalizer close air support aircraft (larger than AC-130s) were firing hundreds of shells (40-105mm) and missiles (4-8inch diameter) at the growing crystals. They were blown out of the sky in less than 30 seconds just as helicopters begin to take off and open fire. 20 AAH12 Tank Hunter (anti-tank) and 30 GSH19 Hornet (ground support) helicopters open fired at the crystals while the ground vehicles were being boarded and fired up for action.

The helicopters were swatted out of the sky, faring no better than the B-45 Brutalizer aircraft. The tanks, IFVs, Rapid Assault, and Rapid Anti-tank Assault vehicles soon joined the meat-and-steel grinder.

The first ground vehicle casualty was a Mobile Fortress tank. Its massive 190mm cannon, 4 missile launchers, and two 40mm cannons fired at the still growing crystals. The tank was fried and exploded in a cloud of shrapnel and fire before its main cannon got a chance to reload. It soon became chaotic as soldiers along with their vehicles were being roasted left and right. Air support was non-existent, 12 B-77 Heavy bombers (OOC: packs a lot of bombs and missiles :OOC) were shot out of the sky.

"Everyone retreat, we are going to drop a massive fuel to air bomb onto the crystals." General Tromp ordered when he realized that it would be suicidal to keep on fighting.

"If those crystals don't -bleep-ing die, we are going to need nukes..." he mumbled

OOC: Info about the vehicles: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=86327&view=findpost&p=2308539

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[i]In Cleveland[/i]

Eachtime the crystals and orbs were struck, the green crystals acellerated their growth, aggressivly invading buildings and bringing them down as the shards shattered the concete.
Reavers screamed out of the sky, vapourising all [i]visible[/i] resistance in the cities, and yet they were not invunerable they could be brought down just like any other aircraft.

Nothing stood in the way of the green fields, expanding exponentially from the ammount of firepower they received, and still receiving, expanding to well over fifty miles in diamter and growing, killing everything in its path and polluting the air it grew around.

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[i]In GLP[/i]

The crystals stopped growing, the beams of light ceased firing and all was silent with the exception of human gunfire echoing through the smoke.
The sky tore itself apart as thousand of reaver fighters dropped from the clouds and opened fire on the defenders.

Human ordenance shot up into the sky shooting down several reavers, causing them to dive out of control and smash into the ground.

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The military officially declared a nuclear like hit on UI, and mass amounts of civilians were being owned by the moving green light, By the time it grew 50 miles in diameter before stopping. The casualty count was estimated at 8 million, about half of the population. Two hundred thousand buildings were destroyed, and the remaining 124 Dagger and Bomber aircraft were sent to fly into Kriegsland all the way to Disparu, after a few stops in France. UI radio equipment was gone, except for a small broadcasting station. Jim McGu charged with a bayoneted AK-47 towards the crystals, around 10 miles away from Poya and the gang.
An emergency broadcast was announced:
[quote]UI s under atta----ple---help we---are sending mil----planes are being fl---- two Dispa---stoppng in Fra---civilian je---will soon f---ow the militar----please HEL--[/quote]
2 Daggers flew away from the group and to the light, trying to destroy the aircraft, although they were unsure if they could even HARM them, let alone destroy them.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='01 June 2010 - 07:01 PM' timestamp='1275436857' post='2319799']
[i]In GLP[/i]

The crystals stopped growing, the beams of light ceased firing and all was silent with the exception of human gunfire echoing through the smoke.
The sky tore itself apart as thousand of reaver fighters dropped from the clouds and opened fire on the defenders.

Human ordenance shot up into the sky shooting down several reavers, causing them to dive out of control and smash into the ground.
"I NEED -bleep- AIR SUPERIORITY AND ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUNS! NOW!" General Tromp screamed in his radio. Hundreds of F-29 Eagle (stealth), F-79 Giant Flying Fortress (Ultra heavy fighter), F-10 Interceptor (Interceptor), and F-10 Falcon (Heavy fighter) fighter jets screamed toward the alien aircraft a few minutes later and open fired. Thousands of AA missiles, 20mm, and 40mm shells flew toward the alien aircraft. The F-10 Interceptor aircraft roared toward the alien aircraft and sprayed hundreds of 40mm shells from their triple gatling cannons and missiles at close range. Anti-aircraft missile launchers were being transported around the city. Some had already been secured, connected to 20mm anti-bomb/missile/rocket turrets, and started firing AA missiles.

Many soldiers and vehicles were slaughtered in the sudden attack. They all attempted to take shelter in buildings or flee from the city.

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The reaver that was being chased was too slow on its controls and took a direct hit, causing it to explode in mid air, the rest of its squadron lopped in midair and destroyed both aircraft.

A flash.
A blinding light.
And four hundred Reavers vanished...

Korashi was furious, the humans thought they could win, and the crystals were now stopping their self defence mechanisims.
"Yes Korashi?"
"Use it"
"What? no I thought we wanted to live on this world?"
"We do, but that is a continant we do not need, FIRE THE GRRNSHH ACCELERATOR!"

[i]*GRRNSHH is the Alien word for an F-BOMB[/i]

Beneath the ship blast doors opened, and a large metal ring deployed, supported by four metal frames. The ring span to a speed not seen by man, glowing white hot over Europe, over Venice to be exact, and then it was over.

A small red and black ring appeared where venice was, and grew in diameter until Europe, North Africa, Rebel Army held middle east were all engulfed in flame.

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"WOAH THERE? WHAT THE *BEELP---" The head C-130, four hundred miles ahead of the rest was destroyed in fire. The rest of the squadrons decided to head towards PRC, but being too far away the mountains of VB seemed better. They set off, guarded by 122 jets and bombers.

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"No." Poya said to the ships via radio, "We are heading to Disparu. Please. God help us all"

The ships reentered the flight path to Disparu and began flying over the Asian continent, going to their new home of Disparu.

OoC: If you don't mind keeping Disparu and at least 4 ships alive that would be great zooters. :)

EDIT: I mean alive until i reach Disparu. :o

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OOC, thats fine, im taking a back seat for the rest of tonight,
RP as you will, but the mothership actions are my own.
reavers, crystals and etc etc are all down to you fellas, do what you want with them.

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GLP Military Command:

Everyone was silent as they watched the live video feed of Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa completely explode into flames being broadcast on a gigantic TV screen. "What should we do?" one of the commanders asked. "We fight to the bitter end!" President HI shot back. "That would be suicidal!" another commander replied. "I rather die honorably rather than die cowardly or enslaved. We will show the invaders that we will not back down without a fight if threaten." President HI stated.

"The civilians?" General Roger asked. "Not much we can do about them except pick a few and put them inside our newly built bunkers." President HI replied.

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OoC: Thanks for the spoiler. D:


The C-130s were being chased by Reavers, all 57 of them. The daggers opened fire on them, taking down four instantly. Around 8 million citizens were in just half the jets, and the military rode in the rest.
The Daggers managed to take down most of the Reavers, but not without 40 planes, 4 of them civilian and 36 military, lost.

They were only a half an hour away. Oh thank god.

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Above Toronto:

It was a brutal massacre for both sides. The Reavers obviously had the numbers in their advantage, but GLP's fighters could take a few shots before their armoring are fried. The F-10 Interceptors were mowing down Reavers left and right, and to make it a bigger headache for the Reavers, shooting down the F-10 Interceptor jets would risk friendly fire. However, the F-10 Interceptor jets had the highest casualty rate, many were point-blank shot and blown or were hit by massive debris.

GLP's pilots soon discovered they had reinforcements, their AA missile launchers on the ground. Some of the Reavers started firing at the missile launcher vehicles and easily blew up the targeted ones since the GLP's AA missile launchers' 20mm turrets couldn't shoot down or even recognize lasers.

Suddenly, all of GLP's aircraft retreated outside of the city but kept on fighting. A hypersonic FTA missile screamed through the air and was prematurely ignited when it smashed into a Reaver, setting off a fairly weak but destructive explosion that destroyed dozens of Reavers and damaged even more.

The GLP stood a tiny chance of holding off the invaders' aircraft, assuming they don't get turned into the next Europe, a burning ruin.

Everyone are to take shelter. We are being invaded by aliens. Requesting assistance.

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