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Operation Crackdown


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"Well, if we are going to strike a deal, we must find a way to trust each other. What would you recommend, John?" He heard a chair being pulled up and the creaking of it as someone sat in it. "You know there's a GLPS agent just a few doors down in this very same structure that is just waiting giddily for word of what happened to you and your associates. If you help us.. you get a win. If you don't help us you lose. Either way we win. You may as well help yourself as well."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='27 May 2010 - 11:53 PM' timestamp='1275022404' post='2314297']
"Well, if we are going to strike a deal, we must find a way to trust each other. What would you recommend, John?" He heard a chair being pulled up and the creaking of it as someone sat in it. "You know there's a GLPS agent just a few doors down in this very same structure that is just waiting giddily for word of what happened to you and your associates. If you help us.. you get a win. If you don't help us you lose. Either way we win. You may as well help yourself as well."
"I will not list my friends' names, though I do have a 1 GB flash drive containing TUO's research information in one of my house's sewage pipes. Obtaining it might be a little hard, extracting the information, well, it depends on how desperate you are. As for TUO's servers and databases, all of them have been seized by Disparu, FSA, and possibly GLP.

Also, I want to see my lawyers."

The suspect used the flash drive as a bait to see if the USA agents can be trusted. The 1 GB flash drive might seem to contain a lot of information, but half of it consist of heavy unknown encryption that GLP still hasn't cracked without exploiting a glitch, and all of the research information inside the flash drive are vastly outdated and obsolete by about 10 years compared to TUO's current research files. On top of that, the flash drive's port was incompatible with any other connection ports in the world except for TUO's computers. Any mismatched port connections will trigger a auto data corruption.

And GLP has TUO's computers...

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John was isolated again for a few hours as the device in question was retrieved from the location he indicated. It was examined, and what was described had been proven to the agents. John was then brought back from isolation again blind folded and sat back in his chair where he heard Joe pull up again.

"Clever..." Joe said. "This flash drive is worthless to us. Completely incompatible and with complex defense mechanisms. We can probably reverse it in time but the high bit encryption could take decades to break. Let me make this clear to you John. Right now the rest of the world isn't even aware if you are alive or not. You have no rights.. you are incognito.. do not exist.. are not even a legal or illegal registered person inside of the United States. You have no lawyer because no lawyer even knows you exist. You are right now attempting to give us a reason why we should let you continue to exist. If you cannot give us that reason, then we will have a brief discussion with GLPS' agent.. and if they agree and I see no reason why they shouldn't... you will not exist much longer. "

"You have one more hour to provide us useful information. Use it wisely. I'll be sitting in the corner drinking coffee if and when you are ready to talk." He heard the chair being pulled away and a cup of coffee being poured.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='28 May 2010 - 11:55 PM' timestamp='1275108910' post='2315290']
John was isolated again for a few hours as the device in question was retrieved from the location he indicated. It was examined, and what was described had been proven to the agents. John was then brought back from isolation again blind folded and sat back in his chair where he heard Joe pull up again.

"Clever..." Joe said. "This flash drive is worthless to us. Completely incompatible and with complex defense mechanisms. We can probably reverse it in time but the high bit encryption could take decades to break. Let me make this clear to you John. Right now the rest of the world isn't even aware if you are alive or not. You have no rights.. you are incognito.. do not exist.. are not even a legal or illegal registered person inside of the United States. You have no lawyer because no lawyer even knows you exist. You are right now attempting to give us a reason why we should let you continue to exist. If you cannot give us that reason, then we will have a brief discussion with GLPS' agent.. and if they agree and I see no reason why they shouldn't... you will not exist much longer. "

"You have one more hour to provide us useful information. Use it wisely. I'll be sitting in the corner drinking coffee if and when you are ready to talk." He heard the chair being pulled away and a cup of coffee being poured.
"I have one of TUO's computer inside my attic. Give me a piece of paper, pencil, and take off my blindfold if you ever wish to crack the encryption inside the computer and flash drive."

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"Very well." Men were sent to retrieve the machine. The man was given a piece of paper, a pencil.. and his blindfold was removed. When it was removed... he would note he is in a room with heavily armed men dressed head to two in heavy black armor with goggles on including neck coverings. They interpreted everything they gave him as a potential weapon. None of them were identifiable beneath their equipment.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='29 May 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1275176138' post='2315946']
"Very well." Men were sent to retrieve the machine. The man was given a piece of paper, a pencil.. and his blindfold was removed. When it was removed... he would note he is in a room with heavily armed men dressed head to two in heavy black armor with goggles on including neck coverings. They interpreted everything they gave him as a potential weapon. None of them were identifiable beneath their equipment.
He then wrote down the 10 passwords and PIN codes for both the flash drive and the computer. "Not sure if it is correct, but it should work." he said after finishing writing down the passwords and PIN codes. The computer they would retrieve would only have the OS and the basic programs, no other files.

Information inside the flash drive:
[code] Word Document: TOP SECRET, CLASSIFIED

Date last accessed: Feb 1st, 1998[/code] (OOC: 12 RP years ago :OOC)

[code]Rapid Demolisher:

Armoring type: .7 cm thick layer of depleted uranium mesh (filled in with steel-boron alloy), depleted uranium plates, steel-boron alloy sheets, and large amount of bullet proof shock absorbent gel. Insulators are also included. The entire covering of the tank is extremely sloped.

Body and turret's average armoring thickness: 14 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 10 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Tracks' front, back, and side armoring: 14cm

(Note: Extra armoring are used around the shatter/bullet resistant tempered windows.)

Max speed: 39 mph (with ammo)

Operational range: Up to 210 miles

Total weight: About 70 tons (with ammo)

Engine system: 6 Gas/diesel and electricity hybrid engines. It gets some of its electricity by converting heat (from exhaust/engine/cooling systems) into electricity with thermoelectric generators.

Suspension systems: Designed to lock down on powerful impacts to reduce damages to it.

Weapons: 150mm cannon (can rotate, but can't reload or fire while rotating) with and an anti-low flying aircraft missile launcher, all have automatic loaders and computers to correctly point the weapons toward the direction where the tank operators want to target. Multiple circular saws are attached to the front, powered by their own separate batteries (only equipped when the tank will engage enemy infantry). Weapons can be replaced but it would require rewiring and reprogramming of the tank with the expectation of the circular saws since they only need to be glued onto the armoring.

Firing rate of the cannon: one shell per 7 seconds (due to recoil from the large shells)

Advantages: Despite having weaker cannons than the demolisher tanks, they have the speed to out-maneuver and chase enemy tanks and pound them in their weak spots, usually the back and side. They still have the armoring to withstand point blank shots with AP shells, enabling them to stick close to enemy vehicles. Plus, they can out-speed enemy infantry, allowing them to run over and demoralize enemy soldiers.

Disadvantage: Weaker armoring means they are easier to kill if hit. Plus, if their armoring is punctured, then much of the bullet proof shock absorbent gel would leak out, resulting in a fatally weaken armor.

Demolisher (obviously larger than the Rapid demolisher tanks):

Armoring type: 2 cm thick layer of depleted uranium mesh sheet (filled in with steel-boron alloy), steel-boron alloy sheets, depleted uranium plates, and large amount of bullet proof shock absorbing gel. Over half of it is gel and carbon nanotubes. The entire covering of the tank is extremely sloped.

Body and turret's average armoring thickness: 16 cm

Bottom side's average armoring: 12 cm, bent slightly in a V shape to funnel explosions outward.

Tracks' front, back, and side armoring: 16cm

(Note: Extra armoring are used around the shatter/bullet resistant tempered windows.)

Max speed: 24 mph (with ammo)

Operational range: Up to 200 miles

Total weight: 110 tons

Engine system: Four small diesel or gas engines, two on each side.

Suspension systems: Designed to lock down on powerful impacts to reduce damages to it.

Weapons: Fixed 200mm cannon (can adjust its degree of firing, but not its rotation) and an anti-low flying aircraft missile launcher, both have automatic loaders and computers to correctly point the weapons toward the direction where the tank operators want to target. Weapons can be replaced but it would require rewiring and reprogramming of the tank so it won't try to use an automatic shotgun to shoot down a helicopter two miles away.

Firing rate of the cannon: one shell per 11 seconds (due to recoil from the large shells)

Advantages: Can knock out enemy tanks from long range and punch through their strongest armoring spot, usually the front side.

Disadvantage: Slow speed makes it hard to chase down fast enemy vehicles and easy target against powerful missiles and heavy carpet bombing.

-Smart AA active homing missiles:

Notes: A "smarter" version of the standard active homing missiles. They don't chase their targets in a fairly straight line and stalk them from the rear. Instead, they are programmed to fly erratically such as making useless turns, flying in a circle around the target, fly away right before slamming into the target, faking engine failures, randomly fly over, around, or under the targets, and etc. They are designed to scare the crap out of enemy pilots and distract them from other AA missiles or enemy aircraft. After a few minutes of screwing around or running low on fuel or received damages, they would finally decide to finish their targets off for good.

-Fireworks AA missiles:

Notes: They come in four types, their main purpose is to reduce enemy aircraft's survivability and make them easier to be killed by AA missiles or our aircraft:

1. Flash bang: Instant powerful light generation means instant stuns if the enemy pilots are close enough.

2. Slow flash bang: The chemicals linger in the air, rapidly reacting. It will last between 3-4 seconds to extend the time the pilots will be blinded, but the light generation isn't as strong.

3. Sticky flash bang: The slow flash bang's chemicals are combined with another type that is extremely sticky, distort light waves, absorbs some of the light that passes through the windshield, and will ruin enemy aircraft's engines by clogging up the intake fans. The end result is extremely bright globs that will last between 4-5 seconds. If they land on the windshields, it will extend the time the enemy pilots will be blinded and will give the enemy pilots a more difficult time seeing through the windshield. If they are inhaled through the aircraft's engines (which will mostly will occur), then the end result will be clusters of falling aircraft with engine failures while being chased by AA missiles.

4. Revealer: Just like the sticky slow bang, except without the quick light generating chemicals in them. Instead, it has a much weaker light generating that last up to 24 hours in a total darken room before running out of reactants to generate light. It glows neon green during the dark, the darker the surrounding area is, the brighter the glow in the dark chemical glow. The brighter the surrounding area is, the darker the sticky goo gets. It also has the ability to reflect radio waves very efficiently and can even emit its own radio waves due to small radio wave emitter capsules in the goo, giving other AA missiles or allied aircraft a better chance of tracking and shooting down the marked enemy aircraft.
Military technology development progress:

XM25 counter defilade target engagement system (completed) : [url="http://www.popsci.com/bown/2009/product/xm...gagement-system"]http://www.popsci.com/bown/2009/product/xm...gagement-system[/url]

It is designed to fire explosive programmed shells at enemies who are hiding behind cover and explode over their head, showering them with shrapnel and shockwave from the explosion.

Ears Gunshot Localization System (completed): [url="http://www.popsci.com/bown/2009/product/ea...lization-system"]http://www.popsci.com/bown/2009/product/ea...lization-system[/url]

It is designed to pinpoint the exact location of snipers by tracking where the bullet's sound is coming from.

CornerShot (assault pistol rifle, 40mm grenade launcher, anti-tank, and sniper rifles) (completed): [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CornerShot"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CornerShot[/url]

It allows soldiers to fire at enemy soldiers, without even exposing their face.

Trophy active protection system (completed): [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trophy_active_protection_system"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trophy_active_protection_system[/url]

Enables vehicles to defend themselves from rockets, missiles or shells by firing their own anti missile/rocket/shell missiles.

Mobility Denial System (completed): [url="http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/mds.htm"]http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/sys...nitions/mds.htm[/url]

Denies access to blocked off area by making the ground more slippery than ice, guarantee to be a headache for ground force enemies.

Modular Disc-Wing Urban Cruise Munition (completed): [url="http://www.livescience.com/technology/060907_death_disks.html"]http://www.livescience.com/technology/0609...eath_disks.html[/url]

Basically a robotic frisbees loaded with explosives or other stuff that will teach enemy soldiers or vehicles a lesson through the hard way, destruction and death.

Helmet mounted radar (completed): [url="http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2009-10/army-seeks-helmet-mounted-radar-giving-soldiers-360-degree-awareness"]http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2...egree-awareness[/url]

It allows soldiers to see from all sides, so none of those pesky enemy soldiers try to get smart by flanking and attacking from the rear.[/code]

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='29 May 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1275187527' post='2316070']
"Thank you, John. Before we set you free.. is there any other information you wish to reveal to us?" Joe asked.
"No. That is all I can tell." he replied.

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Four scauds(ooc: spelling, its late at night. D:) of quick attack teams came in swiftly via C-130 airdrop and proceded to attack their target. The team opened fire in the building, using simunition to take down enemies non-leathly. Officers stormed the building, and a man with a shotgun was quickly neutralized. They then proceded to the upper floors before knocking down an intern and forcing her into a helicopter out the window. Flares were being thrown into the upper rooms as helis tried to cover the top of the building in a layer of netting to make sure no one jumped. This may have seemed silly=, but it was easy. Pretty soon the whole building was cleared and everyone was safely either arrested or being question, with only minor injuries.

A similar situation was happening in the other building. A letter containing the details of the event and when to ship the men were sent to GLP.

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[quote name='HHAYD' date='29 May 2010 - 11:32 PM' timestamp='1275190341' post='2316120']
"No. That is all I can tell." he replied.

"Very well. We have to move you again. Sorry for this." He is blindfolded.. taken outside. Put into a vehicle. A few hours later a unmarked black sedan pulls up out front of the GLPS Internal Security Agency with what appears to be fully legal registration markings for the GLPS. It opens its doors outside of the GLPS Domestic Security Offices (don't know what the name of your agencies are). The man is told to get out, and exits onto the street, .. still blindfolded and hand-cuffed.

A file is thrown out on the ground next to him for GLPS officials who are guarding the DSO office to read explaining who he is.. and as those officials are moving to react.. the black sedan drives away. Any analysis of the paper indicates it was made somewhere in Europe. The ink, also Europe. There is no hint of any of the materials originating in the United States.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='29 May 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1275194655' post='2316249']
"Very well. We have to move you again. Sorry for this." He is blindfolded.. taken outside. Put into a vehicle. A few hours later a unmarked black sedan pulls up out front of the GLPS Internal Security Agency with what appears to be fully legal registration markings for the GLPS. It opens its doors outside of the GLPS Domestic Security Offices (don't know what the name of your agencies are). The man is told to get out, and exits onto the street, .. still blindfolded and hand-cuffed.

A file is thrown out on the ground next to him for GLPS officials who are guarding the DSO office to read explaining who he is.. and as those officials are moving to react.. the black sedan drives away. Any analysis of the paper indicates it was made somewhere in Europe. The ink, also Europe. There is no hint of any of the materials originating in the United States.
OOC: GLP Homeland Security:

The GLPHS officers arrested the blindfolded and handcuffed suspect, and as soon as they took off his blindfold, they realized he was one of the people living in USA that was wanted by GLP.

"Those damn USA -bleep-! Oh well, they get to use obsolete crud that are inferior to GLP military's prototype tanks. They are also going to find a nice surprise when my buddies figure out what happened." the suspect thought to himself as he is dragged into an elevator, brought down to the lowest level, and shoved into the interrogation office...

"-bleep- YOU! I DON'T WANT TO -bleep- TALK YOU -bleep- -bleep-BAGS! YOU -bleep-!" the suspect screamed at the surprised interrogator who didn't even get a chance to introduce himself. "Guard, put him into the "party" room." the interrogator shouted over the now out-of-control suspect to the guards.

The suspect was then thrown into a padded room with four speakers inside, where he gets to listen to "I'm a Barbie Girl, in a barbie world..." lyric set on a loophole for the next 24 hours, and he will later be interrogated.

Edited by HHAYD
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