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The Iberian Campaign

Sarah Tintagyl

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[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wVG-VF9C-M"]La Marche Imperial (Therese's Theme)[/url]

There was once a time in Europe's distant past when the French flag, the flag of revolution, of liberty, fraternity, and equality fluttered across the continent. The tricolor flew above cities as close to the French state as Amsterdam and as far away as Moscow and Berlin, it was the reign of Napoleon the Great, conqueror of Europe, and it was undoubtedly the golden age of French military and political power, and it had been centuries ago, nothing more than a nice glance in the past. France since that time had become almost non-existent in World and even European affairs. From various embarrassments, the Franco-Prussian War, the Second World War, and finally to the point where France itself existed only in history and not even in name, this was the fate that Europe and Earth had driven the nation to. As time continued, France was divided further, German states formed in the east and north, Anglo-Scottish states in the south and west, while only piecemeal French nations as Normandy, Languedoc, and Mamare's French Republic attempted to erase the embarrassment that had been suffered in decades past. They had all failed, whether because of strength, corruption, or aggressive neighbors prevented their greatness from occurring. However, that was to end now.

From the rise of Aquitaine, a true French nation held promise. First ousting the Burgundian Pretenders from the north, merging with the welcoming Bretons, and finally after a brutal revolution, the proclamation of a new French Empire. Therese Zelle had fought for the advancement of the French people since her coming to power in Bordeaux, but the time of passive politics and sitting idle was over. France had been a great power because of her Empire and Therese, as Empress, had every intention of bringing back the glories of the French people and culture across the world. Therese's ambitions were great, already the Empire had footholds in North America with an environment for further expansion and while in Asia the feuding of the Chinese states had curtailed French relations, there was still promise for friendship in the East. But besides these small footholds, Imperial Power was still small compared to the influence held by other nations throughout the world and in Europe in general.

Europe...Mother Europa...She was a weak maiden, full of herself, battered from centuries of inner warfare and half destroyed by the madmen of the previous decades. Nowhere was this more prevalent then in the divided states of Iberia, the Iberian Peninsula was home to five relatively small states, the Scottish possession of Portugal, Galicia, Spain, Euskara, and Valencia. If there was anywhere that France could hurriedly expand her influence, it would be the sheer domination of the peninsula, not as a state of the Western European Union, but as Imperial France and thus the Empress' ambitions turned to the small coastal state of Galicia, this being a fully neutral country, ripe for influential command and providing France with a permanent foothold on the peninsula in which to expand from. Thus the reach of expansion extended her arm....


[i]Brest, France[/i]

Eighty thousand men, the First and Second Corps of the First Army of France had been mobilized for what would be Therese's first imperial expansion in Europe. They stood shoulder to shoulder as the massive amount of transport vessels stretched out in front of them. Along with the First and Second Corps, the First Armor Division would be coming in support of the invasion, bringing a division of four hundred tanks, as well the Third Artillery Brigade, comprising of one hundred M198 Howitzers. They moved slow, loading onto the ships, while in the background, fife, trumpet, and drum corps accompanied their movements, whilst on the roads overlooking the packed harbor, the Empress herself, clad in military garb, showing her rank as Supreme Commander of the French Army, Navy, and Air Force, sat on horse back along with Generals Tavernier, Rougemont, Blondel, Allard, and Paquet of the Artillery Brigade overlooking the movement of troops.

"There should be no problem with moving supplies and landing, intelligence reports from Admiral LeVan have said that neither Galicia or Spain have a navy constructed at that moment and I only mention Spain Empress because they are not at least friendly with the Western European Powers, given the Louisiana incident a few years back. Though the Admiral has said to be prepared for any chance that the Union may move to block our attack on Galicia." Said Tavernier.

"I don't see why they would, it will be clear in a few days that there is no measure of expansion going on here." Therese paused. "Well per se, autonomy is a strange thing, the way it is manipulated and all. But the Galician capital is to seized as quick as humanly possible. Their new government will be much more understanding about the desire to join the Empire. LeVan did receive my orders for the deployment of vessels."

"Half deployment of the entire 1st Fleet, under Commodore Cédolin, two battleships, two cruisers, two frigates, two destroyers, two corvettes, two aircraft carriers, and two submarines. The rest will remain under his command as a reserve force. Of course my brother has been alerted as well, if the reserve fleet must be used, to begin deployment of the Second Fleet at Marseilles."

"You other four." Therese turned to the other generals. "I trust the landing expedition is where our troops will be able to breathe a bit?"

"From what we understand, Galicia has no real coastal defense system." Began Rougemont. "Razo, in northwestern Galicia has a smooth beach that we will be able to land on, hopefully without resistance, take the town and march south towards the Galician capital. Since the state is in a weakened and developing state, the strategy, I'm afraid Empress is not as in depth as you might have liked. But at the moment we foresee no real problems from the Galician army, if they put up a stronger resistance than expected, I trust that myself and General Blondel can make the proper adjustments from the field."

"I sure as well hope so Rougemont." Therese took out a pocket watch attached to her uniform and sighed. "I believe it is time gentlemen." She tapped her horse for a moment and leaned in sweet talking the animal for a moment before trotting down towards the harbor with her generals behind her. As they neared the legions of French soldiers, the men and women of the Imperial Army raised their helmets and hats into their air with a loud cheer as the Empress rode through their ranks, a grin on her face and an almost surreal feeling as the trumpet corps began to play the [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ambwOmta5CQ&feature=related"]Imperial Fanfare[/url]. She turned on her horse, sitting proudly and drew her sword.
"Brothers and Sisters of France!

We have made it to this point for the first time in more than two hundred years. For too long the people of France have been subjugated by the various historical states of Europe. Our people and our culture near pushed to the brink of extinction. However, our luck has since changed, we have forced the pretenders from France, we have built a strong Republic and now it is time to embrace our God-given right for the return of an Empire that once crossed the world's oceans. It begins here, across those seas lay the divided states of Iberia, harassed from ages of inner rivalry and bloodshed and from them will be the first salute to Mother France. You have all come from many walks of life, some poor, some rich, some young, some old. All French. You rode with me against the Pretenders, ride once more for Empire. Ride once more for France!

Vive l'Empire!

Vive la France!"[/i]

A great cheer when through the crowd as Therese continued to watch as they marched aside her, hundreds piling into the transport ships. A great armada and in hours the people of Brest watched as the fleet, commanded by Commodore Cédolin, Eighty thousand men, four hundred tanks, and one hundred howitzers sailed towards the shores of northern Galicia. Aboard the Aircraft Carriers, each with five squadrons of the newly designed F-22 Raptors.


[i][b]To: The Head of State of the Kingdom of Galicia
From: HIH Therese I, Empress of France[/b][/i]


With Iberia in a state of decline, the French Empire looks southward to expand its influence to your shores. As we speak an armada of a great number is heading towards your shores. We do not wish for bloodshed, however French influence on Iberia must be achieved for our foothold to advance. Surrender the government to the advancing army and this battle can end quickly. Until then, I look forward to meeting the people of Galicia on the field of battle. May your soldiers be strong and may your people be hearty.


[i]Therese Zelle[/i]
[b]Empress of France[/b]

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OOC: I apologize, my internet died on me while attempting to post here.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlhdZQWmteI"]Final Fantasy IX OST-Terra[/url]

Despite the victory in the Galician Prime Minister elections, the majority of the Galician people contest Anxo Quintana's victory. Protests were rampant in the capital of Santiago de Compostela, which was kept from turning violent by the efforts of the Police. Despite efforts from the BNG, who did not gain a 66% majority vote in the elections were forced to establish a coalition government. Unfortunately, no party wished to help form a coalition government with the right-wing Nationalist Bloc. These Partisan politics also hurt the credibility of the head of state, King Duarte Pio.

Galicia had only achieved independence for barely a month and already a united government was made impossible. Thus when the King received the letter from the Empress of France, this was made the cause of worry and confusion.


The Royal Galician Armed Forces were frail in comparison to France. There were only 30,000 infantrymen, and a good majority does not have modern rifles. Because of this fact, many of them had bought hunting rifles, some of them based on World War II era firearms like the Mosin-Nagant, Karbiner 98k, the Mauser C96 Pistol and the MP-18 Sub-Machine Gun alongside modern G-36 assault rifles and USP Pistols.

Supporting the Infantry were 60 tanks of the Galician Armored Corps. All of them were modern Leopard 2 tanks, but the troopers were poorly trained, and thus would probably be ineffective compared to what the French had to muster.

The Air Force was largely nonexistent, consisting of no more than 4 aircraft, a Yak-9, a P-51 and 2 Apache Helicopters.

The defense doctrine was centered on the defense of the capital city, using guerilla warfare and street-by-street fighting with sporadic surprise attacks by armor. With the Galician army at a decrepit style, this style of fighting would be to delay the inevitable.


The evening the message was sent, Prime Minister Quintana, amidst protests by the Galician people, met with King Duarte Pio and high-level Galician politicians to discuss what their plans are. Because the French are the main leaders of the Western European Union, this ensured that it would be impossible to get much needed support for months, and with most of the defenses centered around the capital, the military would hold out for a week at most.

A decision was made to discuss whatever terms the French delegation wishes. As much as he would want to defend the Kingdom’s sovereignty against the French Empire (I assume the Third) he wanted to avoid as much bloodshed as possible. He feared that this may lead to him abdicating the throne. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister and the Military leaders would stay behind in Santiago de Compostela to coordinate its defense.


To: Empress Therese Zelle of the Third(?) French Empire
From: King Duarte Pio of the Kingdom of Galicia

I do not want to risk any blood, your peoples nor mine on Galician soil. Instead, I am willing to negotiate your terms in order to ensure that no one gets hurt and yet retain some degree of soveriegnty for my nation. We may negotiate in the city of A Coruna. I look forward to personally meeting you there.


Duarte Pio
King of Galicia

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[b]MWN - PARIS, FRANCE[/b] - INVASION. Citing a weak and ineffective government and a country in chaos following recent elections, the Empire of France has declared war on Galicia. Response has so far been muted from the international community. Unnamed sources from within the French military command tell us that peace terms have already been offered in an attempt to avoid bloodshed. We'll have a report from embedded reporter Chip Talentino with the first French troops to hit the beaches as soon as possible. Stay with MediaCorp World News for this breaking story. MediaCorp: Your first source for news from around the world.

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[i]Versailles, France[/i]

Charles Talles, the Foreign Minister of France walked briskly through the corridors of the darkened Palace of Versailles to the Empress' private quarters, the drawing rooms on the upper floors of the palace. Finding one of the doors slightly ajar, he knocked and walked in, there Therese stood looking over a map of Iberia along side General Claire Delacour and Marshal Jean-Phillipe St. Croix. He bowed for a moment and took the missive from the Galician government out of his suit pocket. "My apologies for disturbing Your Excellencies, but a private missive has been delivered from the Galician King for Her Highness."

"A peace offering already?" Claire looked up from the map. "We may have our foothold faster than previously anticipated."

Therese walked over and took the letter from Talles hand's and read over the contents and smiled. "Pio wants to come to the table before blood spills. I told you Jean, the Galicians aren't fools and yes Claire, perhaps we will have our foothold. Have the troops landed at Razo yet?"

"They should be today actually Highness, Commodore Cédolin sent word earlier this morning that they had been approaching the shores."


"Nothing so far, but General Rougemont said that they are expected either organized or guerrilla resistors the closer we come to the capital."

"That's to be expected." Therese returned to the map. "Well he wants a cease fire, so I want Tavernier radioed and told to hold the advance at Razo. Charles?"

"Yes Highness?"

"You will be going to A Corona to represent the Empire, Claire, you as well with the Imperial Guard, have your bags ready in two hours, you will be leaving tonight. Until then you are all dismissed, I have to prepare a letter to Pio. I will see you all in two hours."

"Of course Highness." They bowed in unison and left Therese in the drawing room. Once alone, Therese walked over to the windows overlooking the courtyards of Versailles and rubbed her eyes. "Perfect, it could not have gone anymore perfect."


[i]Your Highness,

I appreciate your sudden letter to begin talks with the Empire as to the fate of Galicia. Bloodshed no matter would be a horrible price to both Galicia and France and as such I approve of a meeting in A Coruna with your government. Charles Talles and my Imperial Guard Commander, Claire Delacour will represent France, I trust that their protection will be promised as a cease fire has been called. My men will land on the beaches of Galicia and nothing more and I hope that these talks will defuse all probability of death on either side. Until then, God Speed and Good Luck.


Therese Zelle[/i]
[b]Empress of France[/b]


[i]The Beaches of Razo, Galicia[/i]

The first vanguard of French soldiers began to pull towards the beaches in their landing crafts, it was late in the evening as this occurred and the Empress' wishes for the creation of a ceasefire had already been relayed to Tavernier and Cédolin not to move any further than securing the beachhead. Of course it was important to make sure that in the event that peace and the French demands were not reached that the offense that came immediately after would be both swift and decisive. Therefore, they began pulling to the beaches, battalions of men crossing the beachheads slowly, cautiously, for even if there was a ceasefire, they did not want to be surprised. If the French forces secured the beaches east of Razo without problems, then in addition to the infantry deployments, armor and artillery battalions would also unloaded onto the beaches and if possible, began to make the necessary defenses. Setting up across the beaches, aimed at the hillsides in front of them in case of Galician attacks would come down from the high ground.

Meanwhile, as the forward vanguards of the French infantry brigades and divisions moved to secure the beaches. The French navy on the coast kept the surrounding countryside at a constant watch for movement to unleash a heavy barrage, whilst the air force was also ready for deployment off the carriers, for support of the infantry and armor divisions. Needless to say, if the Galicians counter-attacked before or after the conference, France would be able to return fire immediately and hopefully with no chance of further retaliation.


After meeting with the Empress and listening to the demands that France was to make for Galicia, Charles Talles, Claire Delacour, and one hundred Imperial Guards sat on two jets as they took off from Paris to the city of A Coruna for the meeting with Pio and hopefully an end to the war before it even started.

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We condemn this blatant aggressive invasion. Will any nation in Europe rise up to stop this? Surely the Western European Union which proclaims peace in Europe will stop one of their members from engaging in this bloodshed.


Monaco has been placed on a heightened sense of alert. All border checkpoints are being heavily monitored and if French military/security forces being moving towards the border they will be closed completely. The 5,000 marines stationed in Monaco are to remain vigilant and a further 2,000 marines are being dispatched to fortify the territory.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' date='22 May 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1274576003' post='2308590']
The Republic of Finland condemns this aggressive act by a member of PEPTO. War of aggression is not our core values and France should remember that such aggression is not acceptable in the modern age.

All you will do is condemn their actions, nothing more? That is but a small slap on the wrist that will not stop France. If PEPTO truly was concerned with ridding Europe of aggression they should stop a member from engaging in such a blatantly aggressive war.

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[quote name='Californian' date='22 May 2010 - 05:57 PM' timestamp='1274576219' post='2308598']
All you will do is condemn their actions, nothing more? That is but a small slap on the wrist that will not stop France. If PEPTO truly was concerned with ridding Europe of aggression they should stop a member from engaging in such a blatantly aggressive war.
As member of PEPTO has not been attacked, no military action can be taken. The highest order of action we can do according to our charter is expulsion.

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With the news being sent Duarte seemed pleased with himself, however Prime Minister Quintana scorned him.

"Your highness, surely you are not thinking of abdicating the throne to this...this fool!"

However the King was solemn in his statement.

"I will do whatever I can to ensure that my people are safe."

"By risking our sovereign right to be independent. How do you know the French will not subjugate our people as the Spanish did. Don't you realize by history what they did to the Corsicans, or the Algerians, or even the Africanos (Africans) in Haiti. Sire, we must fight for our..."

"That is enough, Señor Quintana!" The King snapped back with anger and regret in his eyes. "You do not seem to understand that this is just as hard to me as it is to you. Plus need I remind you that your Extreme-right policies have already made you unpopular with both the people of this country as well as with its Parliament."

This shut the Prime Minister up. He understood when he was put in his place.

"Right now, I plan on meeting the French delegation with the Foriegn Minister. I believe your presence will only serve to worsen matters. If we do walk out of this with our independence intact, I will see that we have a recount in the elections." Duarte Pio walked out of the palace, leaving the Prime Minister in the palace.



The King and the Foriegn Minister arrived in the port city of A Coruna. There limo was driven to A Croruna-Alvedro Airport, where they were to meet with the French delegation.

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As the plane landed in A Coruna, Claire and Charles stepped out breathing in the damp air of the Galician countryside, it had rained the night before and a mist still held over the ocean in the distance and over the city itself. Walking off the aircraft, Claire took a deep breath and smiled. "Nothing but good news to report from the front as well, I got word this morning that Tavernier landed the majority of his army on the beaches, hopefully we won't have to move them at all if the discussions go well." She sighed. "Though given the Empress' demands, I can't see Galicia accepting."

Charles rubbed his eyes and yawned, he hated plane rides and he hated early morning visits, in Galicia he was getting the best of both and it annoyed him to no end. "Therese was rather straightforward, but I think given the Galician situation, they would be wise to accept. In reality, the people aren't getting a bad deal, in fact, in a round about way, this will probably benefit them in the long run. Just from being aided as much by French economics and technology. Pio and Quintana's abdication is nothing compared to what most nations do in war and destroy the entire country. So I guess, Her Highness is being reasonable, albeit, in an aggressive manner."

"Well one can hope."

Seeing the Galician limousine approach and the delegation come out, Claire and Charles both bowed, Charles as the official representative of the Empire moving forward. "Excellencies, it is a pleasure to be here in A Coruna. The Empress sends her well wishes to those who are about to fight for their country as France does the same for her Empire. But it is her hope that war can be avoided as well. Is there a place where we may begin to discuss the terms of war?"

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[b]MWN, RAZO, GALACIA[/b] - **TELEPHONE REPORT** This is Chip Talentino with MediaCorp World News, and I am embedded with the first French troops to hit the beaches in Razo, Galacia. There has been no resistance thus far and the citizens in Galacia have actually been treating the French troops almost as liberators instead of invaders. I've had numerous citizens come up to me asking if this is bringing change for them, considering the recent discord and uprisings following elections that many citizens here feel were fixed. Obviously this is a war zone, so many are being told to take shelter in their homes, but without the tanks you wouldn't know it. Many here seem to feel as if a new and better future is dawning for them. I'll have more as the operation continues. Chip Talentino, out.

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OOC: Sorry for short post.

I am glad to meet with the people of the French Empire. I hope that any terms that you require of us will be made to agreeable to the both of us. If you will, we already have a meeting place planned at the town hall.

The Foreign Minister, nodded and entered the vehicle, followed by the King of Galicia. The French delegation will be driving in the same car, to avoid any terrorist attack on them and causing mistrust between the two parties.

A Ten Minute drive and both parties arrived at the town hall, an intricate piece of Romansque Architeture. Unlike most leaders who would like to have them tour the city and see all the beautiful sights, this was an important matter in the future of Galician politics.



Meanwhile, back in Santiago de Compostela, Prime Minister Quintana, who was told not to make any moves, defintly disobeyed, and began planning to take back the Razo Beaches using Guerilla tactics. While most of the generals refused to support him and obeyed the ceasefire, 2 Generals were willing to support him in the effort to remove the yoke of imperialism.

"Our snipers are ready to move in on Razo beaches." General Lacorte spoke.

"Excellent, set them up on all major and side roads between them and us. We will ensure that they will be demoralized and vulnerable when we are ready to launch our attack." The Prime Minister spoke.

The General saluted, then left. Quintana then turned to General Cisneros, Commander of the Galician Army Air Corps.

"Ready your aircraft, I want you to patrol the skies over the city." He then saluted then headed off to do as he was told."

[i]"I don't care what you think of me your majesty, I will do whatever it takes to ensure that Galicia will remain free. Even if it means getting rid of you."[/i]

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Arriving at the town hall of A Coruna and moving to a conference room within, Charles and Claire sat down and wasted no time in laying out the Empress' demands. "Essentially." The French Foreign Minister began. "There is no doubt that this is an imperial move, however, in return for blood not being spilled, the Empress' demands are not as unruly as one might think. The Empire is expanding Your Excellencies and Galicia enters the stage as possibly the first state that France can encompass, however our plans are not just subjugation and destroying your autonomy, no, not at all in fact. The aim of the Empress is to establish Galicia as a French Satellite State, a Dukedom of the Empire, whose subjects will enjoy all benefits as a subject of the Empire of France. You are a reasonable man Pio, Her Highness would rather work with you then against you and it is her firm belief that if Galicia submits now, France can transform the Galician state into a true power, a partner of the Empire and in fact as King of Galicia with a constitutional system, perhaps we can even solve your people's problems as well."

"Our intelligence." Claire started. "Has shown that your current Prime Minister is wildly unpopular, under our Satellite laws, the Empress would appoint a Prime Minister and you can be sure that she will do everything in her power to make sure that it is a man of both your people and of ours. Quintana, while being Pro-French and Pro-South German embodies none of our ideals and with French economic support and technological support, the quality of life is sure to take a turn for the better as well."

"We do not want war Pio." Charles looked at he Galician King firmly. "But this is a new Age of Imperialism and France offers the best deal she can muster for the movement of expansion. I can assure you that being an ally of whatever size, there will be gains for Galicia and your country will prosper. Your acceptance into the Empire is as easy as lowering your weapons and preventing any and all bloodshed to all of our families."


There was movement...

"Something, something on the hillside beyond the first ridge." Lieutenant Cecile Villette stared through a pair of binoculars across the barren no mans land that separated the beaches of Razo to the small hills that separated the French army from the towns of Razo and Arnados. "I can't make it out. Henri." She turned to the Corporal at her side. "Can you see anything over that way." Cecile pointed at the hillside.

He took the binoculars and scanned the terrain. "Well, nothing now. You think you might have seen an animal or something?"

"It was blurry and it was sneaking around, but I don't think it was an animal, I thought I saw a gleam."

"You think their forces are starting to muster?"

She shook her head. "Damn, they should send a patrol over head, but I know the Commodore refuses to commit anything until the negotiations are done. I'm not worried that we'll suffer a loss, but not when human life can be preserved full out. You know what I mean." Cecile sighed and pulled back under the trench she had Henri had sheltered under. The entire French position on the beaches had been fortified with earthen trenches, it was not much, but the battle wasnt' expected on the beaches either. "Radio over to Captain LaRoche and tell him to tell General Blondel that we should send out skirmishers first, if they hadn't already thought of that. There's no reason to move towards the capital blind."

After Blondel and Rougemont had received word that there was possible movement on the other side of the ridge by their field officers, five squads of ten men each were assembled to post as vanguards, that if negotiations broke down, they would advance slowly across the ridges and fields and if possible secure objectives before the main army would move in. Glorified scouts to be sure, but they could see on the ground what planes could not see in the air. As well to the vanguards, the air craft on board the carriers were prepped for take off the minute that word would reach General Command if communications broke down. They would scout the countryside and make the advance less costly if possible.

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Although the idea of improving the living standards of his people can be assured. He still seemed skeptical about the French Empress's demands.

"Although I would love to see the betterment of the Galician people, how can I assure that the Galicians are under more capable hands than either me or the Prime Minister?"

He paused, he at first thought the French would probably backstab him, but they were calm and sincere. Still he had to make sure.

"I know the people definitely deserve better than Quintana, heck, they probably deserve better than I, but I do not want to leave them worse off."


A Pair of WWII vintage fighter aircraft took off from Santiago Airport. Tasked with safewguarding the skies of the city. Their goal was to perform ground attacks against enemy armor. Although vintage and carrying Unguided Bombs and rockets, they were still effective in doing damage.


Seargeant Ramirez was looking down on the scope of his Mosin-Nagant Sniper Rifle. The Mosin-Nagant, while a vintage WWII design, was still an effective weapon, using the 7.62-mm round used in the AK-47 Assault Rifle. He feared that he would have been heard, but fortunately, the enemy passed them off as an animal. Little did they know. The Sniper had his sights on one of the leaders, a man in uniform next to a female.

As much as the female may be working with the enemy, the rules of chivalry, despite being antiquated, was still in effect in his mind, and that meant he would not have any desire to kill the woman. Still, it would be best to send her a message.

The scope still trained in on the second in command, he silently said, "Good night, ya !@#$%^&" Before pulling the trigger.

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[quote] The Eggman Empire is sicked by another display of "might makes right" bullying that has become all too common as of late. The Eggman Empire refuses to recognize the government of France as a legitimate government, will deny any attempts at a treaty, and declare a total embargo on French products. The selling and/or distribution of any and all products made in Eggman Empire or by companies based there, to France, are prohibited and if caught will be met with a ten year jail sentence. Also, all French vessels and aircraft will be denied berth in Eggman Empire. Should they do so, their cargo will be seized and crews held for questioning.

The Eggman Empire will continue these policies until France backs down and removes it's presence from Galicia. Further more, if France uses excessive force of any type against the Galician people, the Eggman Empire will start considering military responses of our own. It's time that the countries of the world stand against this vulture-like preying on weaker nations. This "Well it's not in my backyard" mentality that the majority of the world has will be the end of us all.

Isaac Muskalov Kintober; Emperor

Jack Ulysses Kintober; Head Senate Chancellor

Blyzar Dreth; Head Minister of External(foreign) Affairs

Phil Ryst; Head Minister of Defense

[quote]PRIVATE message to King Duarte Pio
Dear King,
The Eggman Empire has taken note of your plight. We are willing to sell you modern weapons and equipment at discount prices, as well as send you military 'advisors'. Please reply soon.

-Eggman Government

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"I assure you that would not be the case Your Highness. In fact, the Empress has no plans to remove you, yourself from power. As part of the new, Duchy of Galicia, so long as you swear fealty to Therese of France there will be no problems of stating on your throne. Also provided that if we have no plans to hurt your people, you will not hurt our people under the Empress' rule. The Prime Minister will be French appointed and you of course will be obliged to defend the Empire, but Galicia will be protected and it is our belief it will prosper as well. Galicia of course will administer all its own domestic affairs, of course advised by French officials, French National Tax will be implimented, and your foreign policy will be directed by Paris. But other than that, you have total autonomy. For the price of peace, I don't believe it is such a horrible deal and I would pressure you Your Highness, for your sake and the sake of your people as well."


"...The captain said that the skirmishers were made a few moments ago Cecile, he offered both of us to go along if we wa-..." Henri never finished the sentence, Cecile had been staring at him one minute, the next moment he fell to the ground, a gaping hole in his head as blood exploded into the girl's face. Immediately her entire body began to shake as she started to scream. She screamed louder than she ever had before and went down to wrap her arms around the corporal. "No! No! You $%&@!" She got ready to stand up, to fire blindly into the emptiness of the ridge, but before Cecile could get to her feet, another infantryman knocked her to the ground and held her there.

"Stop! What do you want to do! Get yourself killed!"

She held back the tears forming in her eyes and bit down on the scream trying to escape her mouth, but nothing could be heard. Only the sounds of chaos around her.

"Sniper! Sniper!" Men shouted as they ran for cover behind the earthen trenches they had erected, while radio messages were immediately sent back to the fleet stationed off the shore line. The Galicians were showing the French that if the nation was to be taken, it would obviously have to be taken by force.

A ways back on the beach, Colonel Robert Danis, Commander of the skirmisher squadrons reviewed the maps that were in front of him. His vanguards would move first advancing into the towns of Razo, Arnados, Cambre, Castrillon, Alegesa, Sambade, Imade, and Algara the squadrons had been increased and each town would receive five squadrons marching towards it, a total of four hundred men. They would be the first advance to scout for larger amounts of troops, snipers, and hidden ambush movements that the Galicians may have planned and so, taking advantage of the chaos of the sniper attack, who French snipers were also looking for at this point, the vanguard forces began to advance towards their positions.

Following the movement of the skirmishers, two squadrons of twenty four planes took off from the Carrier [i]Jeanne d'Arc[/i] to survey the landscape around their region. It wouldn't be hard given that the area was probably no larger than twenty square miles. If the planes did not turn up any larger forces, then the skirmishers after clearing the immediate area could give the regular army reason to advance towards the city of Catebello, the first major objective on the way towards the Galician capital. Already, infantry, armor, and artillery had been prepared to move out and following the skirmishers were ready to move into the small towns around Razo.

For Cecile, the sight of the dead Henri was almost too much for her to bear as she tried to stand up again, but inside all that she had now was hate and the desire to avenge her fallen comrade's death. It was something that had to be dealt with in war, as she joined up with the rest of the advancing regiments as they marched towards Razo and beyond.


Meanwhile back in A Coruna, Claire as she sat listening to Charles and Duarte argue back and forth about the future of Galicia her radio buzzed as Tavernier came on the transmitter. "Claire, our ground troops just got attacked by sniper fire, we've started to advance towards Razo and secure the immediate area. Tell Duarte that either he's trying to trick us or there is a rebellion going on for this cease fire that the Empress will not accept. Understood?"

"Crystal." Claire looked over at Pio and cleared her throat. "Your Majesty, Charles, forgive me for interrupting, but these negotiations may have to be cut short. Our ground forces were just attacked by Galician sniper fire."

"What?!" Charles looked at Claire wide eyed and then at Pio. "What...what is the meaning of this Duarte, I thought we agreed to a cease fire? What is going on? You mean to make a mockery of this entire negotiation? My life and the life of General Delacour may very well be in danger now. I demand to know what is going on and if this is your doing or not."

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"What?!?" The King said in shock, "I set up a cease fire in hopes of ensuring no blood would be shed, who the hell..." He then realized who he believed to be the one responsible.

"QUINTANAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" The now irate King slammed his fist on the table, "I'll have his head for his treachery."

"Be careful, your majesty." The Foreign Minister spoke "Don't risk raising your blood pressure, you do not need to spend the next few months in the hospital."

"I know, but that fool has no right trying to interfere with a matter of peace and respect."

After taking a moment to calm himself, Duarte Pio turnesd his attention to the French delegation, "I apologize for my tirade, but it appears that my Prime Minister has gone rogue. My hands are now tied and I'm sorry I cannot avoid bloodshed due to ignorance."


Ramirez, his objective complete decided to fall back and meet up with the rest of the group. They've set up a set of booby traps, and ambushes featuring the use of sub machine gunners and snipers. However to do this, he would have to avoid French checkpoints. The Galician ran headlong into the forests, hoping to avoid detection. Unfortunately, this would prove to be a fatal mistake on his account.

Down the road, in a barn, a Leopard 2 MBT, hidden by hay was located there. They were guarded by Galicians posing as farmers. The moment they got close enough, the Tank would engage and destroy French infantry. This Guerilla Campaign, Quintana hoped, would be effective in disorienting the military.

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"Damn." Claire hit the table with her fist. "This isn't good at all, but if that's the case then we need to know exactly where he is so that our military can end this before its too late. Listen Duarte, we can still avoid bloodshed here, get in contact with as many of your generals and commanders as you can, if their are any loyalists at all and tell them to lay down their arms. We can take care of rogues, that we can most definitely do. Phillipe!" She called out to one of the Imperial Guards at the door, he turned and saluted. "Have the Guard secure all entrances into this building, I'll radio Tavernier and have him send a contingent our way while they move to secure the capital, we should be okay. I hope." Claire walked over to Pio and laid a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Everything will be fine, nothing is happening that we weren't prepared for, you will be fine, I promise you that."



General Tavernier, on board the [i]Jeanne d'Arc[/i], reached over grabbing the radio off the console in front of him as he watched another one of the F-22s take off from the carrier runway in front of the bridge. "What is it Claire, speak to me."

"The attack is rogue, apparently we've entered right into a civil war between those loyal to the current Prime Minister, Quintana, and the King, Duarte Pio."

"That or we caused it." Tavernier rolled his eyes. "So what's going on?"

"Pio wants to continue talks but I'm afraid that Quintana might target A Coruna next and get rid of the royal government, we can't allow that to happen and..." Claire paused for a moment as she listened to the hum above her and ran towards one of the windows. "They have air support over the city, but I don't know if they're hostile or friendly right now. Send over a squadron of the raptors and secure the skies. It shouldn't take much."

"I can launch another one sure and I'll tell Blondel to push the Second Division under his command to march toward A Coruna and secure the city."

"Okay, sounds good. God speed."

"God speed Claire."

Almost immediately after Tavernier had finished talking to Claire, one more squadron of F-22s sped off of the runway, it would only take a matter of minutes, with the fleet stationed only a few miles away from A Coruna itself and not much sooner, the Galician planes flying above the city would get a communication from Commander Jean Gaucher, of that specific squadron. "Galician air support, this is the French Air Force, Commander Jean Gaucher speaking, a rogue force has attacked our positions and a state of war exists between the Empire of France and Galicia, if you do not ground you planes in the next minute you will be destroyed." The guns were armed and the planes targeted, if they refused, it would be a pea shoot above the cityscape.


Meanwhile the skirmishers and the main forces advanced outside of Razo, after they had secured the towns around the landing site. Marching through the countryside and along the road towards Catebello, Cecile Villette found herself, still covered in the blood of her comrade, on the furthest flank of her regiment's force. They had just left Razo and were crossing farm fields near Vilar de Cidre, when in the corner of her eyes, Cecile had spotted movement. Holding up her hand, she brought her company to a halt and turned in the direction of the movement. He was heading towards the forests that lay after the farmsteads. Putting her binoculars up to her eyes, she could see he carried a sniper rifle with him and that he was in range of her own shot. "!@#$%^&." Throwing off her binoculars, she brought the rifle to her eyes and aimed as the sniper continued through the trees. She pulled the trigger and watched him drop.

And at about the same time, as the first infantry began to cross into the forests separating the coastal region with the low laying plains leading to Catebello, a farmhouse came into sight and at first glace the Galician individuals seemed almost friendly to the French advance. But as the infantry kept moving there was a sudden explosion from the farm house as a tank shell blasted into the French lines moving down the road. Hitting a squadron of infantry, killing ten instantly and wounding at least fifteen others. The attack would prove disastrous for the Galicians however, as tank crews that moved along with the infantry advance, along with the infantry that had been gathered around the road and surrounding the farm house from the countryside, immediately moved to neutralize the enemy threat. Two French tanks, T-90 Designs, turned their turrets to the barn and open fired hopefully destroying the enemy tank in one clean strike.

This happening while infantry at the ready began to advance towards the barn spread out, moving cautiously in individual squadrons. Opening fire on enemy fighters if they fired back, prisoners of war of course would be taken. But with the farmhouse already nearly surrounded by French troops, the attack would not take long before the objective would be secured and the advance would continue towards Catebello.

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The Holy American Empire is indifferent to this matter.

[b]**Classified to the French Empire**[/b]
Weapons and Vehicles have been allocated for your use on a lend-lease agreement, should it prove necessary. This include prototype weaponry we are eager to have field-tested; such as the FOB mentioned previously. Additionally, a battalion of soldiers can be sent over as military advisors should the need arise.

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