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Rags to Riches

Cybil de Blanc

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Even with war raging on in North America, the Northanic people uneasy due to the memories of the Coffee Wars, Cyneriice Northan had bounced back considerably. Yes, it was still developing, and yes, much had needed to be built from scratch, but it was worth it.

The ghettos that had begun to dot the northern country were systematically torn down and replaced with decent housing. Solid, sturdy houses - made to withstand the Arctic weather, and with a crude windmill-powered generator where applicable - popped up at affordable prices, small but cozy in build. In fact, this cozy quality gave them their name of "cozyhouses", and emphasis was placed on sustainable, Earth-friendly economies. Where the plant could thrive, plantations of Labrador tea sprung up, people also hopping on the idea of the timeless tradition of reindeer herding. Freecycling - that is, reusing old materials to make something new, such as the wood from benches being used to make sheds - was advocated, and trinket shops were filled with all sorts of collectibles. Then there were icebreakers, the "shiny fishers" that fished out garbage and recycling from the surrounding waters, and plans were made for more schools to be built instead of paying tutors.

On average, the population made over eighty dollars a day. To the world, Cyneriice Northan invited [i]ethical[/i] companies to take advantage of the economic boom, and find a new place in Cyneriice Northan, helping it grow and bringing the people closer to the First World tier.

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The chairman of a private Disparuean institute known as the Alternative Energy Institute would send the following message to the Northanic Government:


[b]Alternative Energy Institute
Floor 26 - 14 Main Street
Jubilife, Coronet


Greetings Queen Alysandra,

I am Lino Hatcher, Chairman of the Alternative Energy Institute. As our name states, the Alternative Energy Institute is a private Disparu-based research institute. Our main goals are to look for efficient, renewable, clean and reliable sources of energy, and to apply our research in real life problems. The Institute is well known within Disparu due to our contracts with the various levels of the Disparuean Government. You see, the Government has asked us to set up and maintain solar panels in several cities throughout Disparu, such as governmental buildings in Jubilife and Eterna. We are also responsible for our part in the construction of the Disparuean capital - Jubilife. The city was constructed with green energy sources in mind, and as a result most of the city's power comes from solar panels and wind turbines.

My Institute's sources have informed me that the Northanic economy is booming despite the war, and is quite in to renewable sources of energy. I have heard that your people uses 'crude windmill-powered generators' to power their own homes. Despite their usefulness, I would assume that they aren't efficient enough, and it will be detrimental to the Northanic people if their main source of power was taken out due to some disaster.

In this connection, I would like to offer your government a contract with the Institute. We will be able to produce more efficient devices to harness solar and wind energy to help your people, and we will be able to conduct research on Baffin Island to develop more efficient and sturdy devices that can operate well in harsh Arctic conditions. Signing a contract with us will also help your people economically, since we would obviously need workers to construct these devices. Of course, the devices would be produced in Northanic soil, so you won't have to worry about import and transportation costs.

Thank you for your time, Your Majesty. I eagerly await your response.

With regards,

Lino Hatcher
Chairman of the Alternative Energy Institute[/quote]

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[quote]- Private -

[font="Courier New"]To the Alternative Energy Institute,

But of course we will take you up on your offer. The Arctic is fragile, and my cousin wished to protect it as much as I do now. Send me your terms and I shall review them.

Her Highness the Queen of Cyneriice Northan,
Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix[/font][/quote]

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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The Genshabi Pharmaceutical Research Corporation would be interested in setting up a local headquarters in or near Cyneriice Northan. Genshabi Research Corps. is one of an international company whose products are used worldwide. They are on the forefront of the latest medical techniques, from cancer treatments, to anti-pathogen development, to medical tools, to life-saving drugs. Allowing this corporation into your community will open up jobs and encourage young adults to pursue degrees and careers in medical fields.

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[quote]- Private -

[font="Courier New"]To the Genshabi Pharmaceutical Research Corporation,

I would be most interested. However, both I and my cousin have expressed concerns about the ethics of the EE before; henceforth, I would like a tour, if possible, of your facilities. Should good things come of that, I will gladly start looking at contracts.

Her Highness the Queen of Cyneriice Northan,
Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix[/font][/quote]

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[quote]To:Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix

You need not worry about such atrocious breaches of ethics from our company. Sammy Kintober was a mad scientist who used his country's resources to play God and Frankenstein. Any research carried out by Genshabi is held to a much higher moral standard. We are more then willing to allow you to tour our main facilities just outside of Robotropolis. I will be your personal guide. Simply set up an appointment time when you'd like to visit.

David Calhoon,
C.E.O. of Genshabi Corps.

[i]Genshabi, making the world a healthier place![/i][/quote]

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[b]Alternative Energy Institute
Floor 26 - 14 Main Street
Jubilife, Coronet


Greetings Queen Alysandra,

Thank you for your interest in the Institute, Your Majesty.

The Institute would need a large plot of land in Northanholde for a regional office, several factories, warehouses, worker centres and development facilities. It would be appreciated if we could legally acquire the land at a discounted price, so we could focus our resources on more important things, such as the construction and deployment of solar panels and wind turbines in Cyneriice Northan. We would also need a permit to construct small research centres throughout Baffin Island and any surrounding islands. We would also need to be able to import machinery, supplies and other resources from other nations (such as Disparu) without any import taxes in order to save us money.

In return, the AEI will provide hundreds, if not thousands, of new jobs in Cyneriice Northan and improve the living conditions of the Northanic people. The AEI and it's employees will strictly adhere to the laws and regulations of Cyneriice Northan. We will limit our production of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and we will try to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

Thank you for your time again, Your Majesty.

With regards,

Lino Hatcher
Chairman of the Alternative Energy Institute

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[quote]To the Government of Northan,

Tricell International would also like to set up shop in Northan.
We are a Pharmaceutical company based in the Canadian Empire, we operate in the specialist fields of drugs manufacture and research.
Drugs such as penecillin, paracetamol or "Asprin" as you may know it as and cancer treating drugs such as tamoxifen, Abraxane IV, Aredia IV, Arimidex Oral Aromasin Oral, Cytoxan Oral, Epirubicin IV, Faslodex IM, Femara Oral, Gemzar IV, Herceptin IV, Ixempra ,Neulasta SubQ, Neupogen Inj, Procrit Inj, Taxotere IV, Toremifene Oral, Vinorelbine IV, Xeloda Oral, Zoladex SubQ and Zometa IV.

Alice Wesker[/quote]

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[font="Courier New"][quote]

Dear Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix,

Prime Minister Smith is trying to get your nation $500 million in aid, though we would have to have strict knowledge that it was going to go to things that would benefit your nations's economy. Please give me a list of what you'd do with the $500 million.

Jack Neer (Blue Heaven Minister of Fiance)
[/quote] [/font]

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[i]- Private -[/i]

A geographic [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/Wfm_baffin_island.jpg"]map[/url] of Baffin Island was sent to the Alternative Energy Institute, with an offer of $10,000 dollars Northan per hundred square kilometres of land. The appropriate paperwork would be filed for the company, sent to their headquarters for review and signing. Although these documents were long, the gist was that the research stations would respect human rights, not cause any harm to the wildlife, pay appropriate fees, not be used for foreign military purposes and to not run anything illegal in their operations.

[i]- Also Private -[/i]

[quote][font="Courier New"]To Pharmaceutical Research Corporation,

That's great! Mark me down for your next opening. I'd be happy to meet you in Robotropolis.

Her Highness the Queen of Cyneriice Northan,
Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix[/font][/quote]

[i]- Private and Classified -[/i]

[quote][font="Courier New"]To Jack Neer, Blue Heaven Minister of Finance,

Infrastructure, building places like factories and banks, research into technology and improving our cargo ships is Northan's top priority. The majority would be spent on this, with a *VERY* small portion saved for military purposes. This would solely be to construct places for aircraft, both civilian and military, to be made, and work on opening up more jobs in military/civilian sectors, such as cold-weather nursing. If you feel the government would splurge it all on special trips and fancy feasts, I will tell you now that I cook my own waffles in the morning, with a second-hand toaster in my own room, and personally repair my room and office with tips from "Generalissimo's Guide to Winter Survivial".[/quote]

Her Highness the Queen of Cyneriice Northan,
Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix[/font]

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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[quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='17 April 2010 - 05:34 PM' timestamp='1271540036' post='2264232']
[i]- Private -[/i]

A geographic [url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/Wfm_baffin_island.jpg"]map[/url] of Baffin Island was sent to the Alternative Energy Institute, with an offer of $10,000 dollars Northan per hundred square kilometres of land. The appropriate paperwork would be filed for the company, sent to their headquarters for review and signing. Although these documents were long, the gist was that the research stations would respect human rights, not cause any harm to the wildlife, pay appropriate fees, not be used for foreign military purposes and to not run anything illegal operations.


After consulting it's own scientists and scientists working for the Disparuean Ministry of Science and Technology, the AEI would select thirteen locations throughout Baffin Island and two outlying islands. Each location had exactly one hundred square kilometres of land. The locations were marked in red at the map provided.

[i](OoC: Click on the map for a larger version of it.)[/i][/center]

Unsure if Cyneriice Northan had any banking machines that could accept encrypted transmissions, or at least connect to the Internet, the Institute decided to send briefcases containing enough Disparuean dollars equivalent to 130,000 Northanic dollars instead.

The Institute also purchased a plot of land in Northanholde large enough to accommodate a regional office, three factories, three warehouses and a worker's lodge.

All paperwork sent to the Institute's headquarters in Jubilife were filled out and sent back to Northanholde. The Institute agreed to respect human rights, not cause any harm to the wildlife, pay the appropriate fees to the Northanic Government and/or the necessary authorities, not to use the facilities for foreign military purposes and to not run anything illegal operations.

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To: Queen Lacroiz
From: Albertson Housing

We have heard about Northan's recent economic boom, and that arctic suburbs are sprouting up around the major cities, er, towns, and we wish to help. We here at Alberton Housing are experts at constructing houses, and due to the IHR's subarctic climate, we prefer building structures that will endure the cold winters, and we hope that our efforts will further boost your economy as well as further expand Northan's population and make housing more easily available.

In addition, with your permission, we wish to set up a headquarters in your modest capital of Northanhole. And finally to top it off, Albertson does not only handle housing, we are also able to construct other buildings as well (Save for specific types, such as power stations), and if you wish, we will begin construction on office buildings, gas stations, stores, and other buildings of that nation. I anticipate your response.

Fred Polinsky, CEO of Albertson Housing

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- Private -

A quick note sent back to Disparu showed that they had made an error in their locations. Baffin Island proper was Northanic territory; the outlying islands, save those that would like tiny scraps connected to Northan on a map, were CAN Protectorates.

- Also Private -

[quote][font="Courier New"]To Genshabi Research Corps,

I'll drop in in the next two weeks. I look forward to the visit!

Her Highness the Queen of Cyneriice Northan,
Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix[/font][/quote]

- Again, Private -

[quote][font="Courier New"]To Albertson Housing,

You sound like a reasonable man, Mr. Polinsky. What are your terms, and are you willing to pay $10,000 per one hundred kilometres of land? We can haggle if that's unacceptable.

Her Highness the Queen of Cyneriice Northan,
Queen Alysandra of House Lacroix[/font][/quote]

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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To Queen Lacroix


We are FirstHand, a large NTR company, the creators of NTR public internet and also the creators of the game system and game Evolution. We revolve around the idea of completely new creations and ideas, thus being the "First Hands" to touch them. We invent eveything from super bouncy balls to, as we stated earlier, public internet. We would like to set up a factory in Cyneriice Northan. We can easily create "green" products, and are currently inventing a small solar powered GPS, which may or may not be released soon. We would love to know if we could create a foriegn factor. Please reply,

John Wine, FirstHand CEO[/quote]

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='17 April 2010 - 09:05 PM' timestamp='1271552735' post='2264450']
- Private -

A quick note sent back to Disparu showed that they had made an error in their locations. Baffin Island proper was Northanic territory; the outlying islands, save those that would like tiny scraps connected to Northan on a map, were CAN Protectorates.


Lino Hatcher facepalmed when he read the note. He quickly typed a reply and sent it:


[b]Alternative Energy Institute
Floor 26 - 14 Main Street
Jubilife, Coronet


In that case, we will only be establishing research facilities within Baffin Island. We have nine planned facilities in Baffin Island in total.

You may keep the extra cash we sent you. Don't worry, it really isn't that much. That money would be put to better use if it was used to help the Northanic people, instead of being locked away in the Institute's coffers.

With regards,

Lino Hatcher
Chairman of the Alternative Energy Institute

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