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Three Power Talks

Captain Enema

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Dellion, fresh from the shower and in a clean uniform takes a seat at a large oak conference table. In front of him are several files containing much different information. His face is tense and his demeanor suggest that much has been happening in his world since last week when he last saw Nyani and Ada Elios at the ball. During that week he has spent a painful two days flying back to Sudan and another painful two days to return to Australia.

He also learned of the capture of Denard.

He also viewed the gruesome photos of Denard's torture.

He also learned that the fighting was not going well in terms of breaking the Kickapoo defenses.

With these in mind he's been empowered to offer certain concessions and been ordered to make a very specific request of the Queendom. He double checks his talking points one more time as he waits. "This ought to be shatteringly interesting," he mutters to himself as he can't believe he's about to ask what he's been ordered to ask.

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With the added presence in the Oceanic Sphere by Novak led to an immediate challenge of power to the Asgeirsson Doctrine that upset Hannah almost as much as having to deal with the Cochinians and the Chinese, that was stressful enough, but the fact that Novak who was also allied to Greater Pacifica was in the region, just made things more complicated. However, with the rise in relations between the nations of Sudan, Nod, and the Queendom, this offered something quite interesting, if the Africans were going to deliberately challenge Oceania, it only made sense to push right back and after the bases were set up, if they wanted her to leave, they would have to leave Oceania. After all, the scenario was exactly the same. She suspected the motive as well. At the same time, Hannah liked Nod and the Sudanese, so she was happy to advance their civilizations as best as she could, as such making sure their militaries were up to date, their cities were prosperous and anything a concerned friend would do. So when she walked into the conference room with Prime Minister Eliso and Duke Jameson in tow, she was happy to begin the meeting with the Sudanese and Nodics.

"General Dellion, Lady Nyani. I suppose we've all met before." Hannah said taking her seat, Ana and Theodore taking seats beside her. "Lets get right down to business. Ana, if you would begin."

"Of course Majesty. Excellencies, the Queendom realizes the need to compete with the world on a level of building up our allies, while other countries build up those who oppose us and our doctrines. This is a problem in Oceania with the new presence of Novak as the principles of our doctrine have been violated. Of course this has led to other options, if Aphrike can violate their principles, moving to other lands for colonial and economic purposes, we can do the same. As such, Australia would like the ability to aid both Nod and Sudan as much as possible through the creation of military and civilian bases in your territories. From that point we can train your respected militaries, aid in the local economies, anything that your countries need from Australia, we can provide, simply for using the land. Trust me, there is a great deal that can be gained by all of us from this move. Military presence, economic and military development, and cultural exchange."

"So." Hannah smiled. "This would be possible?"

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Dellion looks thoughtful before responding with, "The Sudanese Republic agrees to these terms, but requests that we be allowed to speak to a representative of the Promised Land population before signing any documents. A rather unique opportunity for reconciliation exists that we wish to make available to them. As you are probably aware the Sudanese Defense force and attached units are currently in the midst of a campaign against a renegade state of persons who have established a slave state in the midst of our nation."

Dellion opens the first folder in front of him and hands out a map showing the combat zone within the heart of Sudan. He then says, "As you'll note the location of the Kickapoo renegades is in the middle of very dense forest and mountainous terrain. This sort of fighting is difficult to say the least. Two days ago we were on the verge of cracking their defenses on the Eastern front when we received a message from Denard who is being held hostage inside the Kickapoo zone of occupation."

"As I'm sure you are all aware Mr. Denard's helicopter was shot down while transporting him to the front when it inadvertently wandered into Kickapoo controlled territory," Dellion says as he opens a second folder and takes out an aerial photo of the building Bob is being held in and passes it out before saying, "The message sent by Mr. Denard allowed us to pinpoint his location due to a poorly aimed 500 pound bomb blowing up the wrong building, truly the fog of war does benefit the just at times. Mr. Denard was also able to relate to us the intentions of the Kickapoo renegades to murder all of the slaves, which prompted us to halt our offensive to explore other alternatives."

Dellion then reaches for the last folder, which is the one he's most reluctant to open. Inside it contains some of the explosive documents he's ever handled. Even if he doesn't want to open the folder he still does because he's been ordered to do so. He looks around the room for a brief moment before opening it and passing out a packet to each of the participants. Once this chore is complete he then says, "This is a propose mission packet for the liberation of not only Mr. Denard by every single slave held captive by the Kickapoo renegades. Page one, and I apologize for this ahead of time, is one of several photos released by one Greenly Morris, the self styled Leader of these renegades. The photo will demonstrate to you the callous contempt these men hold for human life as it is of Mr. Denard himself enjoying some of the so called hospitality of Kickapoo."

Dellion opens his packet and displays Bob's brutalized face for the crowd. He turns it to the second page and says, "Operation Turner, named for a failed slave revolt on the North American continent in 1831 will need the cooperation of three governments to succeed." Dellion looks to Queen Hannah before saying, "From the Queendom we need a team of men experienced in rescuing hostages. The SDF does not have this sort of capability. Your team will be dropped in to rescue Denard and hold the position until relieved, that is if you choose to accept this mission. Once they've knocked out what we believe is the Kickapoo renegade center of government and throwing them into chaos we will deploy a picked force of paratroopers to arm and lead the slaves in an revolt. Once this is underway the SDF and attached forces will aggressively engage on all fronts to ensure maximum success for the slaves and paratroopers."

Before continuing he lays down the folder and takes a drink of water. He looks back at Queen Hannah and resumes with, "We specifically request a unit of Promised Landers for the obvious historical implications. My President feels that this action will settle any blood debt the African Legion feels it is owed for a specific past unpleasantness that I doubt I need to mention."

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Jameson shifted in his seat as he listened to the exchange. He stared almost unblinkingly at Dellion--which might have been unnerving to the Sudanese man under other circumstances, as Jameson was anything but small. But he radiated a sense of calm, as befitted his former status as head of the diplomatic corps. He'd been picked as the perfect representative of his portion of the Queendom not only for that reason...but his ancestry as well. His coal-black skin was indicative of his Aboriginal and African progenitors.

"Honorable Sir..." The Duke cleared his throat politely, "unless you mean you wish to speak to a military representative of the Western Duchies, I believe I will suffice as a Promised Lander. Or would you prefer to speak with the Grand Duke? In any case, yes, I am aware of the brewing situation in Sudan, as much as it is possible for a foreigner to be."

He glanced at the map that Dellion handed out, but studying it wouldn't do him much good. He wasn't good with maps. On the other hand, put him in an area with a general idea of where he was and where to go, and he could navigate.

What Dellion was saying grabbed his attention more anyway. "Murder? Slaves?" he whispered to himself. He'd missed that broadcast. He was almost afraid to look at the photo in the packet handed to him, but he forced himself to anyway. His own experiences with such attitudes had never been quite so bad as [i]that[/i]. He'd been roughed up a few times, but that was it. It certainly put him in the mood to support this.

"I have a few friends in the military who would be more than happy to help in this situation, should the Queen permit it."

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Hannah and Ana both nodded at each other. "Well anything that would push the advancement of our relations I would be accepting of." Said the Queen. "And as to Promised Land and Sudan, yes, that is something that must be improved in time and while this is going on and the internal strife is pacified, Australian and Sudanese and perhaps even Nodic blood will have been shed in bonds of brothers and sisters. Yes, I believe there is nothing better than that to build bonds that will last forever. But as this is going on, I will said Captain du Musline after the Promised Landers arrive to begin the construction, she will be acting as Military Governor over both bases, while I still have to select my other captain for the base in Nod. As to the civilian governors, if Your Excellencies are familiar with the wealth of the Pacific Trading Company then both of your nations have a bright future ahead for them. I greatly look forward to the reports from Africa."

"But yes, you have full authority to end this rebellion, at least from our end."

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"With the Promised Lander participation assured we now only need the assistance of NoN for the last few details. If you will turn to page four of your packet you'll see the outline for a specific side operation that will require NoN's assistance. Our helicopter fleet is insufficient to carry out the operation, we require a heavy lift squadron to transport a battery of 105mm howitzers to the position designated on the map as Firebase Gloria, named after the President's wife who by the common description can level half a square block with one of her screams of rage," Dellion points out as he looks towards the NoN delegation.

"You'll see that the Firebase is in such a position that the howitzers will be able to drop their fire right into the Eastern passes thus giving our own force excellent fire support. Further, we wish to inquire if you would care to send that daring squadron of pilots of yours, I believe they are named the Death Crusader Squadron. Such skill and daring would be helpful in clearing the way for the Promised Lander attack by suppressing any A/A sites that remain," Dellion concludes with that portion of the discussion.

"The arrangements for the civilian and military bases seem appropriate, your men and women will be well received in the Sudanese Republic. We'll be placing your facility down the coast from Port Sudan nearly on the border with NoN. This will allow you ease of transport through NoN to Sudan should the Red Sea be cut off as it appears that it may well be with the Asian situation prompting Novak to close it for whatever reasons they have. We will immediately dispatch engineers to the area to begin repairing the Port facilities of the city, which has been abandoned for quite sometime. You'll have the place more or less entirely to yourselves and more importantly its on a direct spur line with Port Sudan and the old branch line runs directly into Khartoum as well. This connects you by rail to all of Sudan and NoN, which ought to go far in terms of interior bulk transportation that is easier done by train," finishes Dellion.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' date='25 March 2010 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1269573182' post='2236964']
"Of course Majesty. Excellencies, the Queendom realizes the need to compete with the world on a level of building up our allies, while other countries build up those who oppose us and our doctrines. This is a problem in Oceania with the new presence of Novak as the principles of our doctrine have been violated. Of course this has led to other options, if Aphrike can violate their principles, moving to other lands for colonial and economic purposes, we can do the same. As such, Australia would like the ability to aid both Nod and Sudan as much as possible through the creation of military and civilian bases in your territories. From that point we can train your respected militaries, aid in the local economies, anything that your countries need from Australia, we can provide, simply for using the land. Trust me, there is a great deal that can be gained by all of us from this move. Military presence, economic and military development, and cultural exchange."

"So." Hannah smiled. "This would be possible?"

Nyani was dressed in her usual attire. A black double-breasted tunic, matching trousers and stilleto-heeled boots. She sat, back straight, leg crossed over the other and had her hands clasped infront, a dossier held between them. A noticable energy was given off of her, the result of a refreshing bath the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=82913&view=findpost&p=2237012"]night before[/url] and the prospect of a fundamental diplomatic breakthrough between Nod, Sudan and the Oceanic Union.

[b]"Your Majesty, as was said earlier to your Prime Minister the Right Honorable Ana Elliso, the Executive Minister himself has deemed the province of Sidamo, located south of the Nodic capital city, Addis Ababa to be at the disposal of the Oceanic Union, especially Australia. You may utilize any part of the province to your wishes, within reason of course. We recommend the former capital of Sidamo, [/b][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awasa"][b]Awasa[/b][/url][b], as a start. As it is a cultural and economic center second only to and rivaling Addis Ababa itself. Located on the shores of Lake Awasa, a notable fishing grounds, Awasa has benefited from enormous revenue streams from Sidamo Province's numerous Coffee plantations. Its people are a strong, lively bunch with a passion for social activism."[/b]

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='25 March 2010 - 11:41 PM' timestamp='1269574858' post='2236979']
Dellion looks thoughtful before responding with, "The Sudanese Republic agrees to these terms, but requests that we be allowed to speak to a representative of the Promised Land population before signing any documents. A rather unique opportunity for reconciliation exists that we wish to make available to them. As you are probably aware the Sudanese Defense force and attached units are currently in the midst of a campaign against a renegade state of persons who have established a slave state in the midst of our nation."

Dellion opens the first folder in front of him and hands out a map showing the combat zone within the heart of Sudan. He then says, "As you'll note the location of the Kickapoo renegades is in the middle of very dense forest and mountainous terrain. This sort of fighting is difficult to say the least. Two days ago we were on the verge of cracking their defenses on the Eastern front when we received a message from Denard who is being held hostage inside the Kickapoo zone of occupation."

"As I'm sure you are all aware Mr. Denard's helicopter was shot down while transporting him to the front when it inadvertently wandered into Kickapoo controlled territory," Dellion says as he opens a second folder and takes out an aerial photo of the building Bob is being held in and passes it out before saying, "The message sent by Mr. Denard allowed us to pinpoint his location due to a poorly aimed 500 pound bomb blowing up the wrong building, truly the fog of war does benefit the just at times. Mr. Denard was also able to relate to us the intentions of the Kickapoo renegades to murder all of the slaves, which prompted us to halt our offensive to explore other alternatives."

Dellion then reaches for the last folder, which is the one he's most reluctant to open. Inside it contains some of the explosive documents he's ever handled. Even if he doesn't want to open the folder he still does because he's been ordered to do so. He looks around the room for a brief moment before opening it and passing out a packet to each of the participants. Once this chore is complete he then says, "This is a propose mission packet for the liberation of not only Mr. Denard by every single slave held captive by the Kickapoo renegades. Page one, and I apologize for this ahead of time, is one of several photos released by one Greenly Morris, the self styled Leader of these renegades. The photo will demonstrate to you the callous contempt these men hold for human life as it is of Mr. Denard himself enjoying some of the so called hospitality of Kickapoo."

Dellion opens his packet and displays Bob's brutalized face for the crowd. He turns it to the second page and says, "Operation Turner, named for a failed slave revolt on the North American continent in 1831 will need the cooperation of three governments to succeed." Dellion looks to Queen Hannah before saying, "From the Queendom we need a team of men experienced in rescuing hostages. The SDF does not have this sort of capability. Your team will be dropped in to rescue Denard and hold the position until relieved, that is if you choose to accept this mission. Once they've knocked out what we believe is the Kickapoo renegade center of government and throwing them into chaos we will deploy a picked force of paratroopers to arm and lead the slaves in an revolt. Once this is underway the SDF and attached forces will aggressively engage on all fronts to ensure maximum success for the slaves and paratroopers."

Before continuing he lays down the folder and takes a drink of water. He looks back at Queen Hannah and resumes with, "We specifically request a unit of Promised Landers for the obvious historical implications. My President feels that this action will settle any blood debt the African Legion feels it is owed for a specific past unpleasantness that I doubt I need to mention."

Nyani took a look at the photographs. The other delegates would notice a visible disgust at the them, and with a shake of her head accidently muttered,

[b][i]"Comtemptable! Blunt force trauma? How inefficient!"[/i]
Noticing the stares from the other delegates, and a slight sound from her guard that almost sounded like a cautious warning covered by a loud cough, she cleared her own throat and began.

[b]"Mr Dellion, I must confess, the emergence of this... Kickapoo Confederacy is most-likely due to previous actions of the NoN. You see, Sudan was formerly a large part of the Islamic States of Africa, a nation that had a historical animousity with us. After our [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=61706&view=findpost&p=1644447"]Invasion of the ISoA[/url] and its subsequent collapse, our [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=61706&view=findpost&p=1646073"]termination of that regime[/url] left a power vacuum. I am afraid that this Christian fundamentalist front had taken over this vaccum along side the just Sudanese Government after the area was removed from Nodic control. We wish to assure everyone in this conference that the NoN does not condone slavery, nor racial superiority. We beleive both are terribly inefficient- if one wishes to have their nation running towards its full potential, every member of its populace must be actively working towards that goal by choice, by desire, by duty. If one is coerced into action, the results are sub par."[/b]

[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='26 March 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1269583913' post='2237140']
Jameson shifted in his seat as he listened to the exchange. He stared almost unblinkingly at Dellion--which might have been unnerving to the Sudanese man under other circumstances, as Jameson was anything but small. But he radiated a sense of calm, as befitted his former status as head of the diplomatic corps. He'd been picked as the perfect representative of his portion of the Queendom not only for that reason...but his ancestry as well. His coal-black skin was indicative of his Aboriginal and African progenitors.

"Honorable Sir..." The Duke cleared his throat politely, "unless you mean you wish to speak to a military representative of the Western Duchies, I believe I will suffice as a Promised Lander. Or would you prefer to speak with the Grand Duke? In any case, yes, I am aware of the brewing situation in Sudan, as much as it is possible for a foreigner to be."

He glanced at the map that Dellion handed out, but studying it wouldn't do him much good. He wasn't good with maps. On the other hand, put him in an area with a general idea of where he was and where to go, and he could navigate.

What Dellion was saying grabbed his attention more anyway. "Murder? Slaves?" he whispered to himself. He'd missed that broadcast. He was almost afraid to look at the photo in the packet handed to him, but he forced himself to anyway. His own experiences with such attitudes had never been quite so bad as [i]that[/i]. He'd been roughed up a few times, but that was it. It certainly put him in the mood to support this.

"I have a few friends in the military who would be more than happy to help in this situation, should the Queen permit it."

Nyani nodded her head.

[b]"Indeed, it appears that only military action is the only way to retrieve Mr. Denard. We caution, however, against conventional tactics. If you would be so kind as to hear a recommendation?"[/b]

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' date='26 March 2010 - 02:44 AM' timestamp='1269585848' post='2237159']
Hannah and Ana both nodded at each other. "Well anything that would push the advancement of our relations I would be accepting of." Said the Queen. "And as to Promised Land and Sudan, yes, that is something that must be improved in time and while this is going on and the internal strife is pacified, Australian and Sudanese and perhaps even Nodic blood will have been shed in bonds of brothers and sisters. Yes, I believe there is nothing better than that to build bonds that will last forever. But as this is going on, I will said Captain du Musline after the Promised Landers arrive to begin the construction, she will be acting as Military Governor over both bases, while I still have to select my other captain for the base in Nod. As to the civilian governors, if Your Excellencies are familiar with the wealth of the Pacific Trading Company then both of your nations have a bright future ahead for them. I greatly look forward to the reports from Africa."

"But yes, you have full authority to end this rebellion, at least from our end."

[b]"Our Brotherhood is always ready to shed blood for a cause they deem worthy. You too have our support, both verbal and with your permission, military."
She looked at her guard, a member of the Nodic Militancy, and he nodded his head in agreement.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='26 March 2010 - 04:43 AM' timestamp='1269593011' post='2237206']
"With the Promised Lander participation assured we now only need the assistance of NoN for the last few details. If you will turn to page four of your packet you'll see the outline for a specific side operation that will require NoN's assistance. Our helicopter fleet is insufficient to carry out the operation, we require a heavy lift squadron to transport a battery of 105mm howitzers to the position designated on the map as Firebase Gloria, named after the President's wife who by the common description can level half a square block with one of her screams of rage," Dellion points out as he looks towards the NoN delegation.

"You'll see that the Firebase is in such a position that the howitzers will be able to drop their fire right into the Eastern passes thus giving our own force excellent fire support. Further, we wish to inquire if you would care to send that daring squadron of pilots of yours, I believe they are named the Death Crusader Squadron. Such skill and daring would be helpful in clearing the way for the Promised Lander attack by suppressing any A/A sites that remain," Dellion concludes with that portion of the discussion.

"The arrangements for the civilian and military bases seem appropriate, your men and women will be well received in the Sudanese Republic. We'll be placing your facility down the coast from Port Sudan nearly on the border with NoN. This will allow you ease of transport through NoN to Sudan should the Red Sea be cut off as it appears that it may well be with the Asian situation prompting Novak to close it for whatever reasons they have. We will immediately dispatch engineers to the area to begin repairing the Port facilities of the city, which has been abandoned for quite sometime. You'll have the place more or less entirely to yourselves and more importantly its on a direct spur line with Port Sudan and the old branch line runs directly into Khartoum as well. This connects you by rail to all of Sudan and NoN, which ought to go far in terms of interior bulk transportation that is easier done by train," finishes Dellion.

[b]"We are willing to assist in this capacity. Our [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59602&view=findpost&p=1640213"][b]Harbinger Assault Transport[/b][/url][/b](OOC: bottom)[b] crafts will be well suited to the mission parameters, however we caution against the use of Heavy Artillery in conjunction with this search and retrieve mission.

Furthermore, the Crusaders are currently on standby from Adahunat airbase, which is conveniently close to the NoN-Sudanese border. I will notify the base commander to inform Angel Leader of this new operation. He is eager to redeem himself after his [/b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80873&view=findpost&p=2187371"][b]err[/b][/url][b] during the begining of the Second East African War, as he actually returned from a complete victory* over Sarnungian Airspace. The mission was of a penal nature, and he was not expected to return."

[/b]Nyani hesitated for a moment. She had some rather... serious skeletons that she needed to air out of her proverbial closet. She quickly contemplated what the Sudanese reaction to what she was about to say and decided to go through with it. This conference was about becoming friends, and there must never be secrets between friends on a magnitude of what she was about to disclose.

[b]"I will be blunt, and I will tell you the complete truth. I realize this news might come as a bit of a shock to some of the more naive in this conference, to others nothing more than a confirmation. Nevertheless, the main priority is about building bonds with one another, bonds that are build upon truth... not lies."[/b]

He heard a creaking sound behind her as her guard, arms crossed, leaned forwards with an air of surprised intent.

Nyani sighed, and closed her eyes for a moment before she began.

[b]"Our main focus as of right now is to secure the safe release of Mr. Denard, as such we will need all levels of discretion, all assets to be brought to bear on this enemy. I have been recently informed that the NoN currently has one of its 'Fate' Assassin operatives in Sudan. She is alone and not part of a group. Fate Squads are Nod assassin teams that are used to remove enemies of Nod, regardless of their affiliation or combat status.

This is a blatant violation of Sudanese sovereignty and something much worse. She was sent to [/b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79872&view=findpost&p=2153547"][b]assassinate[/b][/url][b] Mr. Mad Dog Denard in the Sudanese state's infancy.

I will not lie, nor blame any of you for regarding us differently after this disclosed fact. This mission was of utmost secrecy and placed 'very close to the chest' so to speak. The only thing I can say to even attempt to defend these actions was that nation of Somal, ruled under Denard posed a serious threat to our existence at the time, attempting to invade us during the Invasion of the ISoA. We now know that they pose no more of a threat to us than Australia.

I offer my utmost apologies, and speak on behalf of the Ministry I serve- rest assured, no attempts on any National belonging to our agreement will be carried out any longer.

Our operative is a skilled ex-Italican national. I cannot disclose much, but she is very fluent in the languages of the region. Furthermore, her training in infiltration, espionage and all forms of combat will prove to be a deciding factor in this pocket war, should she be utilized by the Sudanese government. Being an Italican, she is white, which unfortunately will allow her some level of advantage over any other forces in the region.

Our last known communiques with her place her within walking distance of the Kickapoo compound currently being besieged by the SDF.

I offer her complete and total service to you, as well as those of Death Crusader squadron and an additional squadron of [/b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77405&view=findpost&p=2144914"][b]Ravager Heavy Gunships and Black Mamba Light Attack/Reconnaissance Helicopters[/b][/url][b] as a show of goodwill.

I pray all of you will forgive us."[/b]

*OOC: Sargun hadn't responded in 10 days, well over the courtesy threshold. My planes defeated his and all returned home, minus the previous losses during the battle.

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"Well, first the issue of the mission for the Heavy Lift Craft. They'll be dropping howitzers onto a mountain that will be used to attack the Kickapoo forces in the Eastern passes well away from the location of Mr. Denard. The altitude and the location of the proposed Firebase also gives the weapons a clear line of fire right down into the Kickapoo homeland, which might come in hand should artillery support be needed by the Promised Land forces or our own paratroopers. However, the primary role is for the howitzers to deliver precision fire right into the rear of the Kickapoo Eastern flank lines of defense," comments Dellion as he wets his throat with a drink of water.

"As for your assassin," he comments as keeps an absolutely straight face at the news. He waits a long moment as he collects his thoughts. By all rights he should be infuriated, but the situation calls for some delicate handling as there is a great deal at stake. He opens a file folder in front of himself and slides over a photograph of one Greenly Morris and says,"Should your agent find this person within her sights we'd be most obliged that she pump a slug between his eyes. We suspect he spends most of his time at Denard's current location. Advise her not to attempt a rescue of Denard as we believe he is crippled from the torture and isn't able to walk or we would have detected signs of his departure by now by following the trail of fires via aerial photography. Tell her to waste this piece of trash and ex-filtrate with the Promised Lander rescue force. Should she see any attempt to massacre the slaves we ask her to notify us immediately. We have a last ditch force prepared to drop in under heavy fire to attempt to rescue them."

"We'll allocate runway space out our nearest airfield for your aircraft along with forces to guard them and refuel them. I suggest sending along your own technicians and armorers though, we'll put them up in our barracks and feed them for the duration of their stay," Dellion concludes.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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"Very good Lady Nyani." Hannah smiled. "I'm glad this could be set up. Guard!" The Queen called out of the conference room of the palace as a young Lillian Guard walked in and bent down near the Queen's mouth as she whispered into the guard's ear. "Tell Captain du Musline that she should begin to gather her contingent together because they will be shipping out towards Nod in a few days and I want everything to go smoothly, is that understood?"

"Of course Highness." The girl bowed and walked out of the room as suddenly as she had come.

However, as both Dellion's and Nyani's conversation continued over the status of Eastern Africa, it was worse than both Hannah or Ana had thought. For the most part, the Australian thought of Eastern Africa were the people that deemed the most support because they were not Aphrike and Nod because they had been against the Sarnungians who had been the loudest of opposition for much of the Hanseatics or Australians in recent years. But it seemed that Eastern Africa was nearly almost as divided as Europe historically was and the fact that both Nod and Sudan had been each other throats until the recent Nodic-Sarnungian War, was almost humorous, it had only taken the Sarnungians to unite the two enemies together to one force and a force that was most definitely friendly to Australia. Whether Nod or Sudan was fascist or radical it didn't matter, principle had long since ceased to exist in this world. In Hannah's mind, it had died with Tintagyl's retirement, Australia now had to turn to those who were friendly rather than those who were just similar in philosophy or government. Though perhaps, as Sarah's comments had rung a year ago, they could lessen Nod's barbarism.

"If this operation requires the finesse of the Lillian Guard or any other Australian special forces, of course, we will do everything to make sure that Sudan can be stabilized. It is the least we could do of many things for your gift to our people. As well as the forgiveness of Promised Land."

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='26 March 2010 - 10:28 AM' timestamp='1269613680' post='2237333']
"Well, first the issue of the mission for the Heavy Lift Craft. They'll be dropping howitzers onto a mountain that will be used to attack the Kickapoo forces in the Eastern passes well away from the location of Mr. Denard. The altitude and the location of the proposed Firebase also gives the weapons a clear line of fire right down into the Kickapoo homeland, which might come in hand should artillery support be needed by the Promised Land forces or our own paratroopers. However, the primary role is for the howitzers to deliver precision fire right into the rear of the Kickapoo Eastern flank lines of defense," comments Dellion as he wets his throat with a drink of water.

"As for your assassin," he comments as keeps an absolutely straight face at the news. He waits a long moment as he collects his thoughts. By all rights he should be infuriated, but the situation calls for some delicate handling as there is a great deal at stake. He opens a file folder in front of himself and slides over a photograph of one Greenly Morris and says,"Should your agent find this person within her sights we'd be most obliged that she pump a slug between his eyes. We suspect he spends most of his time at Denard's current location. Advise her not to attempt a rescue of Denard as we believe he is crippled from the torture and isn't able to walk or we would have detected signs of his departure by now by following the trail of fires via aerial photography. Tell her to waste this piece of trash and ex-filtrate with the Promised Lander rescue force. Should she see any attempt to massacre the slaves we ask her to notify us immediately. We have a last ditch force prepared to drop in under heavy fire to attempt to rescue them."

"We'll allocate runway space out our nearest airfield for your aircraft along with forces to guard them and refuel them. I suggest sending along your own technicians and armorers though, we'll put them up in our barracks and feed them for the duration of their stay," Dellion concludes.

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' date='26 March 2010 - 10:56 AM' timestamp='1269615342' post='2237351']
"Very good Lady Nyani." Hannah smiled. "I'm glad this could be set up. Guard!" The Queen called out of the conference room of the palace as a young Lillian Guard walked in and bent down near the Queen's mouth as she whispered into the guard's ear. "Tell Captain du Musline that she should begin to gather her contingent together because they will be shipping out towards Nod in a few days and I want everything to go smoothly, is that understood?"

"Of course Highness." The girl bowed and walked out of the room as suddenly as she had come.

However, as both Dellion's and Nyani's conversation continued over the status of Eastern Africa, it was worse than both Hannah or Ana had thought. For the most part, the Australian thought of Eastern Africa were the people that deemed the most support because they were not Aphrike and Nod because they had been against the Sarnungians who had been the loudest of opposition for much of the Hanseatics or Australians in recent years. But it seemed that Eastern Africa was nearly almost as divided as Europe historically was and the fact that both Nod and Sudan had been each other throats until the recent Nodic-Sarnungian War, was almost humorous, it had only taken the Sarnungians to unite the two enemies together to one force and a force that was most definitely friendly to Australia. Whether Nod or Sudan was fascist or radical it didn't matter, principle had long since ceased to exist in this world. In Hannah's mind, it had died with Tintagyl's retirement, Australia now had to turn to those who were friendly rather than those who were just similar in philosophy or government. Though perhaps, as Sarah's comments had rung a year ago, they could lessen Nod's barbarism.

"If this operation requires the finesse of the Lillian Guard or any other Australian special forces, of course, we will do everything to make sure that Sudan can be stabilized. It is the least we could do of many things for your gift to our people. As well as the forgiveness of Promised Land."

[b]"Excellent!"[/b] Nyani was more than relieved that Dellion was willing to look past the NoN's... past transgressions.

[b]"Now that such... unpleasantness has been addressed and is behind us, how should our newfound coalition go about ending the Kickapoo insurgency?"

[/b]OOC: Should I just post the movements of my helos and assassin in the thread?

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"This will prove an unprecedented level of cooperation between our three nations. Though I wish the circumstances could have been better, I am glad to think that ties will be strengthened for this."

OOC: So posts in this thread or the other? And I'll need cues, of course.

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OOC: Yeah lets get rolling on the Operation Spring Cleaning thread. Start arriving at Port Sudan International. Your team will be transported to a Forward Airbase from there. EM can station his air assets out of the same forward airbase. I'll make an IC post later today, I'm at work at the moment, giving him the location and such.

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  • 2 months later...

OOC: TBM, if you want to help wrap this up, it's fine, and it can take place just before the 'merge' If not, it can be just after. Just let us know either way.

[b]***Following Operation Spring Cleaning***[/b]

Upon their return to the staging point, the Crimson Shield units found they were no longer the only Australians present in Sudan. Captain du Musline had only arrived that morning to confer with their new African allies, and later to survey the proposed sites for the bases and supervise construction once they had begun.

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