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SDI - 60%?


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I think I have been sold a dud SDI. I've been nuked almost every day since I began war 9 days ago and my lovely SDI has only stepped in once. I believe I have eaten 7 nukes, so that's 1/8 effectiveness (12.5%). Now, when attacking its completely different. I had to send 7 nukes this morning to deliver 2. One guys SDI worked 4 times in a row.

Is there anything else that affects the effectiveness of an SDI? Why is my SDI so poor? Surely it's not 'luck'?

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Its fairly random as far as I know -- I've seen SDIs eat several of my nukes in a row -- and I've seen one that went several days without stopping one. (The one that stopped very few had a lower tech level than I do, if that means anything.)

And they appear to operate in streaks -- blocking many in a row, and letting many in a row through.
(What do you expect with a pseudo-random number generator?)

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The SDI is random. There have been tens of thousands of nukes fired just within the past week or two; with that many nukes flying, chances are that even extremely improbable events such as an SDI failing to thwart 6 or 7 nukes in a row, will occur.

Edited by Moridin
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[quote name='Moridin' date='16 February 2010 - 11:34 AM' timestamp='1266316498' post='2185352']
The SDI is random. There have been tens of thousands of nukes fired just within the past week or two; with that many nukes flying, chances are that even extremely improbable events such as an SDI failing to thwart 6 or 7 nukes in a row, will occur.

Half of my alliance seems to experience such intense bad luck streaks at least every week. Almost everybody reports having a crappy SDI that barely works, while losing lots of nukes to enemy SDIs. Personally mine has never worked well ever since I got it 2 years ago. I'd say it has only blocked 40% of all the nukes launched at me, which number into the hundreds. blocking 7 nukes in a row is something that only has like a 0.5% chance.. and yet streaks like that are seemingly very common, you hear about them everywhere. Maybe the global number of nukes blocked is 60% of those that are launched, but I don't think it's as random as simply a 60% dice roll per nuclear launch. The RNG seems to be flawed in some way, producing lots of epic streaks of blocked nukes and also many days of blocking no nukes in a row.

People should properly collect all the nuclear data of their alliance to see what it looks like. I'm curious.

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