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"This is only a Rumor..."

Sarah Tintagyl

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[quote name='A letter to the Queen']
Your Royal and esteemed Majesty,

I write this letter as one of the highest standing representatives of the Dragon Cult. To my brothers and sisters, I am known as 'The First', to you and the Queendom of Australia.. I am known as Edmond Dane. We have come to attention of a rising level of political and social aggression of the Catholic Church against our faith. Like they, we merely wish to spread our word. However, seemingly unlike the Catholics, we seek to spread it in peace without intrusion into their affairs.

First, to address a recent concern we are certain you have likely heard of by now.

You may have heard of the apparent suicide of one of our members within the temple in Hobart. The Cult does not advocate suicide, however we do believe that some are called to serve a higher cause that at times mandates the giving of their lives. Such an example is when a soldier falls for the Crown in the line of duty. We call these men and women Heroes. That said, while we realize the state is Secular in nature we also recognize that many give credence to the presence of a divine creator and when they feel that that creator has given them a set instruction that they should obey regardless of said instruction's immediate affect on their well being. This means that while we do not advocate suicide for any reason, the sacrifice this man made feeling that he had received divine instruction is in fact noble and represents the epidomy of the concept of obedience; to God or to Crown. We strongly encourage our followers if they feel they have received such an instruction from their God or country to be absolutely certain of it, after all, it is their life they are giving up. They should not give it up without reason.

That said, the vast majority of our membership are fiercely loyal to the Queendom. The rest are not in the Queendom or its subjects at all!

There is no Tasmanian, cultist or not, who can forget the Queendom's benevolence in our history when it was not as of yet united under your Majesty's rule. But the people of Promised Land are still there, and still our brothers and sisters of the continent. I urge the Queen to note, there is no quarrel in Tasmania. There is no threat of insurgency or uprising, but rather our faithful are a very patriotic people. We were patriotic for the Dragon Empire when they lead us, and as our Emperor endorsed Promised Land so are we equally faithful to you our Queen. We have no desire to break away from from the Queendom at any time. The only people who fear that are the Catholics who see us as being so very foreign and are failing to understand us; by intent or not. I would urge the Queen to ask this question, if it is the Cult that is disloyal.. then why is the rebellion in Brisbane? Should not the Catholics there be examined for their actions? Perhaps the true root of extremism is not upon this island, but in that sector of the mainland.

Nevertheless, I digress. I will not raise alarm against the Catholics as they are at least worshiping the correct God even if we feel they are doing it the wrong way; they have the best intentions, I am not their judge. However, they are trying to judge us and to ask you to do the same. Unfortunately you are in a seat where you MUST judge us in order to protect the Queendom and we recognize the burden of your responsibility to the people and the defense of the Crown in this matter. That said, we are a threat to neither and love both. However, the incredibly strong insistence of the Catholics to confront, demean, and discredit us are not only non-Christian in nature and reflective of their own spiritual standing regarding their own texts, but poses a threat to the stability in this land as is evident in Brisbane. We ask you to intervene to stop the Catholic Church from its activities to oppress us. We will not raise our hand against them, but we are already fairly certain they are starting to raise their hands against us. Such actions will not end well.

Additionally, any Empire our old Emperor has now is purely spiritual in nature. When it comes to the play of nations, our members are actually instructed to Obey and Love the Crown to the best of their ability so long as the Crown does not engage in acts of oppression against us. Our old Emperor would have it no other way. He would consider defying the state a sin unless it were because the state moved directly against the faith. I truly hope it does not come to that, because we.. as a collective, love you sincerely. The blessings of the First Emperor be upon you. May your reign, as his, last forever in our hearts.

Your loving and obedient to a fault subject,
The First,
Edmond Dane

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Mr. Dane,

Your response to the recent Catholic unrest does not come at a greater time. I realize full well that the Catholic faith has no love for the Dragonisian Cult and it puts this government in a bit of a bind, due to that we are a nation of national and religious sectionalism. It brings me no good will to say that it is the case, but we must begin to piece back together the fragments of this nation that seems to want to break itself into glass pieces, no doubt in my mind that Australia is now that fragile. Because of this, I will do my best to try and balance the faiths, if and only if this uneasiness began to turn to open revolt and if blood is spilt. This government has always maintained a secular nation and I will not move way from that, however the minute that these arguments end in bloodshed, I will have no choice but to step in and quell any insurgency that develops. As loyal subjects of the Crown you fully understand that you like the Catholics are subject to the laws of the Queendom and that neither side will have prejudice from this government. In a Tintagylic fashion, this country is free to all religion and free to all peoples and so long as you remain loyal then you have nothing to worry about and will remain as such. I look forward to your continued loyalty to the Crown.

As such, a letter much like this one will be delivered to all Catholic Bishops of my nation that they are to realize that you too are loyal citizens. I do hope that this action will cause the uneasiness to drop and the Queendom can continue to function as a beacon of liberalism and freedom in the world today.


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While there was a great love for their Hanseatic bretheren, there was a bit of dissatisfaction in some members of the populace concerning what was seen as "unnecessary opulence." It wasn't outright rebellion, or even open disapproval, but there were occasional quiet mutterings from the more ascetic (though such a word might be strong, it was the closest to fitting) Hanseatics' fellow Australian bretheren. Anthony had tried to communicate this to the Queen, and he wasn't sure if she understood, but perhaps on some level he had reached her, because while there were a few such examples of the Hanseatic tendancy to excess, it was toned down by a few degrees.

But the lavishness of his surroundings were the last thing on his mind as he watched the three individuals enter the throne room. He wasn't greatly surprised when the third, previously unnamed individual was gently pushed forward to explain. If that had not been her purpose , she might not have been brought here in the first place. He quietly suppressed a sneeze as she began speaking--he'd come down with a mild cold since receiving the letter from Sarah.

As the tenets of the faith were explained, he frowned in concentration. This sounded almost like that wave of nationalist-based religions that had briefly swept the globe after the death of the Emperor. When they came to the death of the cultist, his expression grew deeper, staring at the trio of guests unblinkingly. Particularly Bishop Malkinin, who seemed lit from within by an almost fanatical fervor that seemed to match what he had heard of the Cultists, though he had yet to hear of any Catholics killing themselves. And while suicide was highly discouraged in the Promised Land duchies, and everything was done to prevent it (the sanctity of life was heavily pervasive through the culture), it had never been classified as a crime. How can you, after all, punish someone who is already dead? Encouraging someone to take their own life, on the other hand...

No, what really riveted his attenton was the apparent mass hallucination by the Dragonisian population of Tasmania. Was it really so possible that so many could believe suc an impossible thing? Then again, he had to take into account the billions of others worldwide who believed in one set of gods or another, so maybe it wasn't so hard to understand.

He hid any reaction at the mention of the pendants. He had no intention of getting rid of the last memory of his friend, but neither did he wish to concern Sarah or the Bishop. Speaking of whom...

[i]"Her Grace, the Duchess, tells me that you were quite close to the late Emperor. Her Grace has had hallucinogenic experiences because of a pendant reminding her of his death, this is dangerous to the life of this state, this is the influence I am talking about. Please don't fall for his tricks Your Grace, please don't fall for the Cult's tricks. The Queendom depends on it."[/i] She looked at him with mournful eyes. [i]"Heresy cannot exist in these high levels of the government."[/i]

"Bishop Malkinin..." he wasn't sure if that was the proper mode of address, but he was hardly going to call a woman 'father.' "I am, above all, a skeptic. If I had been the kind to blindly follow the first man or woman with a few cheap magic tricks, I would not stand before you now in the position I am in."

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[i]"Bishop Malkinin...I am, above all, a skeptic. If I had been the kind to blindly follow the first man or woman with a few cheap magic tricks, I would not stand before you now in the position I am in."[/i]

Eliisa smiled at the Grand Duke and bowed her head. "I course, I would expect no less from a man of your stature Your Grace and trust me I meant no insult to your past friend besides the fact that he seems quite discontent with the afterlife and uses every nature of matter to inflict is ideas and philosophies of the minds of his friends still on this Earth. Australia should be ruled by the Queen and yourself, not by a dead Emperor that dominated Asia in the past. But I know you are not a man to do such things and I should tell you that the Catholic population in Brisbane has absolute faith in you Your Grace, absolute faith in this government, even if we may not always show it."

"Indeed, I can assure Your Highness." Sarah began turning back to Hannah. "That this civil insurgency, if I could even call it as such will stop and be cut as soon as I return to the Duchy. It is a shame that the Dragonisians are making one of the founding nations of this Queendom look like spoiled brats, but I assure you that it will not continue."

Hannah smiled and nodded. "And as to be fair to the Hanseatics that make sure to embrace the Australian experiment in both word and deed, I will be sending observers to Dragonisia for them to do the same. I agree, while I have no problem with veneration for their people, over veneration my cause the beginnings of disloyalty, no matter what their representatives might say." She sighed. "I received a letter from one of the Cultists before your visit and they did answer for many of the rumors and the doubts we had in the Tasmanians. As to the suicide problem Bishop Malkinin, I'm afraid that until further investigation takes place, I cannot simply rely on hearsay to begin to discredit such a large portion of our citizenry."

"Of course, I would expect nothing less Highness." Eliisa closed her eyes and spoke softly to herself. "Though the world is already banning them from their borders, in due time Your Majesty." Looking back up she smiled. "I can assure you though Your Highness that the Catholic population will not make another peep about this Cult and will keep our opinions on a purely religious and spiritual level."

The Queen laid a firm hand on Eliisa's shoulder. "Eliisa, I know that you're feeling the pains from these decisions and I agree with you, I always have felt that the Tasmanians, no matter how much that they pledge their loyalty, Vortex held sway over all of Asia, I would be a fool to think that someone in the depths of those caves they live in that someone isn't thinking the same thing. But this is shaky ground and we must play our cards carefully, is that understood Bishop?"

"It is. I appreciate you taking the time to discuss this Highness."

"Of course and then Sarah, and Sister Siana, I assume neither you two have anything more to say?" They shook their heads. "Well then, the Lillians will escort you back out to your limousine. I hope you three have a pleasant right back to the Duchy. Good day." The three bent down on knees and kissed the hand of the Queen before the Lillians came in to escort them out, after the doors closed behind them, Hannah sighed and turned back to Anthony. "You realize this is getting quite out of hand, it was bad enough that Parliament has barely been able to meet without a fight breaking out, but religious insurgency, most definitely not. I will not have our homelands torn apart began of religious zealotry." A slight glare crossed her face, though she continued to smile, it was the same face that had frightened the secretary back in New Jerusalem, before the Queendom. "Not even if I have to station armies in both Brisbane and Tasmania. However, as much as hearsay as that nun might have been, if that suicide is real and I already understand that the Cult has military functions around the world, we should be careful. I will be sending observers down there, hell, I might go with them myself, just to get a glimpse of life in the underground and if it is as nationalistic as the Brisbaners say it is." Hannah sighed looked at the ground as she moved and sat back on her throne and then looked down at Anthony. "What the Bishop said, you haven't been having hallucinogenic visions Anthony, have you?"


For Eliisa, the thoughts crossing her mind on the ride back to Brisbane were anything but comforting. It wasn't the fact that she was trying to play aggressive with the cult, she most definitely was, but it was the first time that she was lamenting the Hanseatic philosophies on freedom of religion, especially the blindness of the government to what was going on. She sighed, as she would often during the night and later through the week, the Cultists were playing the silent rebellion card. They would sit in the churches, sing the hymns, but they did not do it as Catholics, they did it to prove a point that they weren't scared of persecution. It was bravery, but it was bravery misplaced. "Bravery for what..." She whispered, Sarah and Siana had both already fallen asleep. "To gawk at people you despise when they can't do anything but say thank you and turn the other cheek." She sighed. "Yes I'm sure Christ would be very proud."

They drove off into the darkness of Australia, Eliisa contemplating her next move.

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[i]"I course, I would expect no less from a man of your stature Your Grace and trust me I meant no insult to your past friend besides the fact that he seems quite discontent with the afterlife and uses every nature of matter to inflict is ideas and philosophies of the minds of his friends still on this Earth. Australia should be ruled by the Queen and yourself, not by a dead Emperor that dominated Asia in the past. But I know you are not a man to do such things and I should tell you that the Catholic population in Brisbane has absolute faith in you Your Grace, absolute faith in this government, even if we may not always show it."[/i]

Anthony raised his eyebrows, letting his face do much of the talking for him. "You and your fellow Catholics trust a man who subscribes to no religion more, I take it, because you know I will naturally be skeptical?"


Once Sarah, Eliisa, and Siana had left, it was time to confer with the Queen. And she clearly had the same idea.

[i]"You realize this is getting quite out of hand, it was bad enough that Parliament has barely been able to meet without a fight breaking out, but religious insurgency, most definitely not. I will not have our homelands torn apart began of religious zealotry."

[/i]There was that smile, the one thaty could intimidate those of a weaker will by its simple presence. He met it evenly, as he knew it was not directed at him, not really.

[i]"Not even if I have to station armies in both Brisbane and Tasmania. However, as much as hearsay as that nun might have been, if that suicide is real and I already understand that the Cult has military functions around the world, we should be careful. I will be sending observers down there, hell, I might go with them myself, just to get a glimpse of life in the underground and if it is as nationalistic as the Brisbaners say it is."

[/i]Anthony almost opened his mouth to speak, but it was clear she was not finished yet.

[i]"What the Bishop said, you haven't been having hallucinogenic visions Anthony, have you?"[/i]

He met her stare calmly, evenly. "Not since I took care of the amulet, your Majesty." Not a lie, but not the whole truth, either. He never thought he would have to use his ability to manipulate the truth on the Queen herself. But such came with the territory when you kept secrets from your Sovereign.

"However, I do no think it wise for you to go on this investigation at this time," he said pointedly. "If you feel it necessary to send someone of authority to supervise this, I'm a little more...expendable," he said bluntly.


Two days later, Eliisa would receive a letter from Darwin.

[i]So, how did your meeting with Her Majesty go? Did it prove fruitful? If not, you know I am always looking for something useful to do, to help somehow, despite my age.


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[i]"You and your fellow Catholics trust a man who subscribes to no religion more, I take it, because you know I will naturally be skeptical?"[/i]

"No." Eliisa's face contorted with sternness. "We trust you because you are supposed to be a secular ruler and would never let religious influence, either mine or that of a dead Emperor alter your judgment." She smiled slyly. "That is why my fellow Catholics trust you."


[i]"Not since I took care of the amulet, your Majesty."[/i]

"I see." Hannah tapped her foot. "And just where is the amulet Anthony? I do hope you got rid of it, if it does have hallucinogenic qualities. If Sarah had them and by God were influenced by them, that's bad enough. I'm telling you know Anthony, if you have that amulet, get rid of it before I come across it. Or I will destroy it myself. Is that understood?"

After his response, he tacked on a it more about her observations. [i]"However, I do no think it wise for you to go on this investigation at this time, if you feel it necessary to send someone of authority to supervise this, I'm a little more...expendable,"

"You would go, to Tasmania?" She nodded for a moment. "That is a thought." Though in the back of Hannah's mind, she felt as though Anthony was being too eager, far too eager. But not to show any mistrust, she smiled. "Yes, just take Valeria with you, so you're protected, I only want the best to go with you..." And before he could argue she pushed her hand in front of his face. "Understood? Good." Her grin widened. "If you need anything I will be in my personal quarters. Good day Anthony."



As it would be imagined from secular rulers and especially given the Grand Dukes ties to the old Dragon Emperor, it went as I expected it, unsuccessful. The Cultist are being allowed to continue their worship in Tasmania, however some observation team is being sent down to make sure that nothing threatening to the Queendom is occurring to the south. However, the world is continuing to lighten to our cause and not only to dispel the Cult from the world, but as well, as to the growth of the Catholic Church. I plan to make a trip to Holy America that if you would like to come on, I would be much obliged. But pressure must be applied to all peoples of this world and the Church in general so that we can continue conversion in the world. While the Australian government may not understand the need for action against the heresy of the Cultists, we do, and the world does. We will continue to apply pressure on the Crown and Parliament. However, if you could, keep a continued eye on the Grand Duke, his friendship with the Old Dragon Emperor worries me, I pray that I am overreacting, but if you find anything. Let me know.


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[i]"No. We trust you because you are supposed to be a secular ruler and would never let religious influence, either mine or that of a dead Emperor, alter your judgment. [/i][i]That is why my fellow Catholics trust you."[/i]

He allowed himself to smile. "Good answer." She had a quick mind. He would have to keep a careful eye on her...this was one he did not wish to cross swords with, but he would be better off prepared.


[i]"And just where is the amulet Anthony? I do hope you got rid of it, if it does have hallucinogenic qualities. If Sarah had them and by God were influenced by them, that's bad enough. I'm telling you know Anthony, if you have that amulet, get rid of it before I come across it. Or I will destroy it myself. Is that understood?"[/i]

"Crystal, Your Majesty. Out of sight, out of mind. It's gone, and it's not coming back unless some overzealous cult member brings it back. And that will be beyond difficult, I assure you..." he said dryly.

After reassurances came the discussion of the upcoming investigation. [i]"You would go, to Tasmania?"[/i] He nodded, managing to suppress the brief flicker of annoyance. Hadn't he just said that? [i]"That is a thought."[/i] As that wasn't a definitive answer, he waited to hear the rest of what she had to say. [i]"Yes, just take Valeria with you, so you're protected, I only want the best to go with you..."

[/i]Now he really was annoyed. There was no need to stick a hand in his face, and he brushed it aside with a small glare. [i]"Understood? Good."[/i] Her grin widened. [i]"If you need anything I will be in my personal quarters. Good day Anthony."[/i]

"Frankly I was expecting you to send more than one with me. You can't possible expect a two-person team to find everything that needs to be seen."


Gerald sighed as he read the letter. He'd hoped he could put more faith in the Queen, but even she refused to see this as more than a possible annoyance yet. Did she really think an observation team would find anything the Cultists wanted hidden?


I am saddened, but as you say, not surprised, that the Queen and Grand Duke are doing nothing more than sending a team to investigate. However, it is heartening to hear of the world opening up...especially the Holy American Empire. I never dreamed they would open their doors to us! I would love to take this trip with you.

William continues to gather political supprt from those he knows in Perth, and he has begun casting his net wider. From what I hear, he has managed to sway one of the Generals in the Army to our cause.

You can rest assured I will keep a watchful eye on Grand Duke Harlem. Is there anything else about him I need to know? If it were not for his friendship with the Dragon Emperor in life, do you think he could be trusted?


Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[color="#000000"]Anthony Harlem sighed as he reached over to flick on the overhead light...but stayed his hand. The moonlight coming in the window was enough to see his way to the bed. And after today...he suppressed a yawn, only to succomb to a sneeze. Not only had it been a long day, but he was fighting off a mild cold, so all told, he wasn't in the peak of physical condition. And the **** humiditity didn't help that either!
[color="#000000"][/color]As he began removing his shirt in preparation for going to bed, his gaze was unconsciously drawn to the jewelry box, the one where, only two days ago, he'd placed the pendant. [/color][color="#000000"]He had left it open, letting the moonlight shine down to illuminate contents of the box.

[/color][color="#000000"]It almost was enough to make him believe he actually saw...he rubbed his eyes when he made out the image of his old friend Maelstrom standing there in his humid, almost foggy room. The Amulets had been made so that if the light were to strike of the eyes at some angles an image of the Chairman would be projected, as it was being now.

[/color][color="#000000"]The Grand Duke shook his head, trying to clear his vision, but the apparition did not disappear. "What's this?" he muttered. Even in his current, less than healthy status, he was not [/color][color="#000000"]forgetful of the pendant's supposed hallucinogenic properties. "You're in my mind. You have to be." He blinked in surprise when he actually heard an answer.
[color="#000000"][/color]"Of course I am Anthony. You would never forget me, just as I would never forget you. Forgetting is a cruel thing to do to the memmory of a friend. It is worse.. than murder." The voice seemed to whisper from the deepest corners of his mind, perhaps in answer to the issues that had plagued him that day.

[/color][color="#000000"]"What is this about being forgotten?" he replied. "Who could forget the memories you left behind? For better or worse, there isn't a man, woman, or child on this planet that was not influenced in some way by you or your Empire."
"That is their crime Anthony. For good or for ill. Why would anyone want me forgotten? But that is what their campaign is about. They still fear me.. even when I'm dead." The fog moved...and so did his hallucination...as the glowing green eyes of the Emperor met his... "And you even still have suspicions I am not entirely gone.."

Anthony shifted ucomfortably, finally deciding to sit on his bed. He opened his mouth to deny this, but how could one lie to something in your own mind? He had harbored suspicions, it was true...and yet, he had heard things about the cult that made him wary.
[color="#000000"][/color]"I'll grant you that. But such suspicions, they are only natural to someone greiving a lost friend. It is called denial, refusal to accept they are gone..." It sounded perfectly rational..
And then, an answer to his unspoken thoughts, as if it was reading his mind...but that was only natural since it was all in his head, right? "You know they're wrong. I would never order my own subject to a purposeless death. Remember how I wept over Anthony? I carried his body to his grave myself." The chairman seemed to scratch his jaw as if thinking as the vapors of fog moved in the room on a slight breeze. "Yet you are not the only one who seems to have seen me. There are a few million on that Island who seem to think they see me regularly. Makes you think about how you even define.. living."

Anthony replied dryily. "So I have heard. But who is to say that what they see...is what they see? And I know you would never order your subject to a pointless death. Yet what point, really, did that man's death serve?" Perhaps the man had misinterpreted what was wanted of him...or had been manipulated by others.

"To save a lost soul of a misguided spirit. The soul has more worth than the body. I would have given my life many of times over for the lost soul." Maelstrom sighed, seeming to float towards the window as the fog shifted.

[/color]"But who is to say, really, that any soul there needed saving but his own?" Anthony protested. "I may not be a Christian, Maelstrom--" for the moment he would operate under the assumption that the former Emperor was there, whether or not such was actually true. It would make this whole thing easier to handle while it was happening. "I have read the Bible, Maelstrom, and compared it with the teachings of your followers."

"If what my cult has told you is true, then the Bible only applies to me and the other dreamers. As I dream the spirits of my following and Tasmania, someone would Dream you. If you are all truly parts of a soul and I am just the chosen visage of a Dreamer, then to be spared being forgotten...the Dreamer must remember you...Just as as you must remember me to keep the Catholics from permanently ending me as a visage of the Dreamer." He began to distort, the fog bending near the window from some draft...appearing to get wings and tail as his form elongated on the light breeze. He was also thinning out...

Anthony raised his eyebrows. "If what the cult has told me is true? You sound like you yourself are not sure of this...and even if I were to die and take my memories of you with me, plenty more would carry it on."

Anthony was not unaware of the changes in the visage of his friend, and he finally commented on it. "Are you leaving?"

"I am unsure of myself as you are of me. I am but your memmory and a dream..." He slowly broke up with the fog. "God be with you Anthony. You are sore missed, but not forgotten. Visit my home."

Anthony mused... "Your home..." immediately his mind turned to India, but no, that was where Maelstrom was buried, not where he had been born or lived. He had lived much of his life...in the underground city of Hobart...was it coincidence he'd be going there in a few days?

"Well, hallucination or not," he muttered, "I'll have to see this for myself..."

With that, he stood, walking over to the window to shut it. Shivering once, he climbed into bed. Sleep was some time in coming. In theend he had half convinced himself that it had simply been his tired mind playing tricks on him. And the light had reflected strangely off the mist...

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[i]"Frankly I was expecting you to send more than one with me. You can't possible expect a two-person team to find everything that needs to be seen."[/i]

Hannah stopped at the door and looked back. "Well I don't really want to cause a large ruckus down there, however, I will assign a contingent of guards to go with you, along with a few detectives as well, just so we cover all of our boundaries. I do agree, I would rather have all rocks over turned down there."




I would believe so, yes, that would could trust him much better. However, what bothers me is that even Lady Sarah had one of those pendants. She told me that she had hallucinated various times and had seen the Dragon Emperor in thin air, as well as heard his voice. I don't know what kind of dark art that the Dragonists are using, but it seems to be working. Sarah was caught quite off guard though when I stamped the thing into her carpet. What I fear more than anything is that Harlem, given his past, may be a perfect candidate to join the Cult and if that would happen and it would go public, I shudder to think of the ramifications. Hopefully out mistrust is displaced and this will all fade in time, I will be praying that it does.


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[i]"Well I don't really want to cause a large ruckus down there, however, I will assign a contingent of guards to go with you, along with a few detectives as well, just so we cover all of our boundaries. I do agree, I would rather have all rocks over turned down there."[/i]

"Thank you," the man replied, bowing. When he looked her in the eye again, he had a faint smile on his face. "I have to admit, I was feeling a little cooped up in here. I need to get out and do something useful. Not..." he grimaced, "paperwork."

"I think I see, now, why Subtleknifewielder recommended me to you...to punish me for some unknown transgression on his affairs." He grinned at his own joke before adopting his original, thoughtful expression.

"Now, if I may take my leave..." he turned on his heel and walked away, glancing briefly up at the windows before exiting the throne room. The sky was dark from stormclouds, so their wasn't much to see, regretfully, and he sighed as the doors closed.


This is disturbing, almost as much as the spread of the Cult abroad. I sincerely am glad there are no other former friends of the Emperor in our government, as this would pose an even serious threat to our mission.

Please keep myself and William apprised of anything else you find.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[i]Brisbane, Australia[/i]

Valeria Sangral walked down the streets of Central Brisbane, in full military dress, her sword and her pistol at her sides and not only that, her hand was steady over her pistol, she was not about to could off guard here. It had only been about an hour since the riots had ended and the district her Lillians were walking through, a commercial region that serviced both the residential homes in the Red Light District as well as the wealthier areas of North Brisbane was a mess. There were windows broken out that would need to be repaired, a few Molotov Cocktail fires were still burning on the street, and the crying of men and women on the sidewalks as ambulance crews serviced the injured. Valeria sighed and walked over to a bare piece of concrete, near a busted computer store and sat down covering her head in her arms. What was happening to the country and to the city that she had grown up her entire life in? Was the same thing happening across Promised Land? Tasmania? The news all said that it was the Hansa's fault here, that the Hanseatics had become the black sheep of the Australian Queendom. It was beginning to feel that way, but deep down, Valeria couldn't really blame them.

The problem's crux began at the rise of the Dragon Cult in Tasmania and the rise not so much in religious power, but over Dragonisian nationalism. Since the beginning of the Australian nation, nationalism had been curbed for both the Hansa and Promised Land. There were differences, the Hanseatic lifestyle being one of posh beauty and cultural pomp, the Promised Lander style conservative, strong, and decisive, the two had worked wonders together. With the addition of Dragonisian nationalism, at the beginning the Promised Landers, bar a few had welcomed the rise of Dragonisian feeling, but for the Hanseatics, who still viewed many Dragonists as a desire to recreate the Old Dragon Empire which they venerated to a great degree, the tension occurred nearly immediately. This tension resorted to Catholic and Dragonist tension, soon it began to work its way into the secular world with the world's prejudice beginning to throw the Cult from their borders. Finally sprawling over into the political arena with the world. Now reforms were being made from a monarchy that was becoming more and more unpopular, that effected not only the Dragonists, but Catholic Hanseatics as well. With the political iron grip of Darwin tightening over Brisbane, the absence and retirement of Tintagyl, and the rhetoric of Ana Eliso growing in popularity. The Reformist Movement that heralded the end of Tintagylism for a stronger more nationalistic policy had grown to encompass most of the Duchy.

What had happened now, the Aginorians, feeling the strain began to push for a second secession movement away from the Duchy, to declare their own autonomous region. This had been stomped out by Royal Forces commanded by Valeria herself and it had been done without quarter.

"What do we do from here Violette?" Valeria said sadly. "What do you do when everything has been reduced to this?"

"People desiring what they want most in their hearts Commander?"

"It just feels so strange, I used to think that Hanseatics weren't capable of such things. That everything we solved was done through diplomacy, through peace, through reason." She looked back at the dying fires. "This isn't reason, this is madness."

"No." Violette sighed. "Reason has various different ways of showing itself. This is reason, this just isn't a reason we are used to."

"Would this have happened with Sarah though? Even Hannah, why is this happening to her? Why is everything collapsing on us now?"

"The people want Sarah back, they can't have her, she's abandoned them, twice now, and that's what they feel like. As for Hannah, the same thing, she was the Hanseatic Potentate before this and I think each Hanseatic believes that darker times are ahead if they don't take action and to tell you the truth Valeria, I think there are dark times ahead for all of us as well. We've been told for so long that we should embrace Australia, embrace everything about it, but with the rise in nationalism, there is something else that they want to see. They want to see a new Hansa, a Hansa free from the idealism of Australia, of Promised Land, and of Dragonisia. We are in the midst of a revolution Commander, a rising revolution. Of that I have no doubt."

"A revolution?" Valeria narrowed her eyes.

"The Death of Tintagylism and the embracing of a new conservative philosophy, a lesser view of the world, it always seems to happen after so long here. People desire change and it is time for that change. The question lies, do we fight for that change? Do we resist that change? Do we let it pass us by and just look on with wide eyes? Or..."

"Do we embrace and love it with all our hearts."

In the distance the sound of a single drum beating along with a fife began to play. Indeed, there was a new breath of life in the air, coming from the mouths of Ana Eliso and Eliisa Malkinin, it was a change in everything the Hanseatics had ever believed or would ever believe and in secret places throughout the Duchy, the read flag of the Commonwealth began to appear once again. Slowly the pieces began to set, it would just take the first movement to set the great mechanism into actions.

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The events that had occurred were noted quickly by Imperial Intelligence on the Embassy, this combined with the international issues between Australia and the Holy American Empire had justified a quick message back to Paraíso. As the message arrived at the Headquarters of the Imperial Guard that also controlled Imperial Intelligence the priority level made sure it was forwarded to Milliardo immediately.

[quote] --- Intelligence Report ---
Case: Australia
Priority Level: Red
Subject: Increasing tensions throughout Hanseatic territories

In the last few weeks resistance to the Promised Lander and Dragonist movements has been noticed, riots on the streets of Brisbane. Combined with recent international issues the threat of an armed rebellion has increased significantly. Advise increased Diplomatic and Military presence in Brisbane, consulates to be closed and an increased Travel Threat Level.

Signature: 000-7473787-164 Black[/quote]

Keeping the record on his desk he called for a Senior Staff meeting in 30 minutes to discuss the issue, Phoenicia had never been happy with the Promised Lander part of Australia let alone the Dragonisians, this dislike had been carried over to the Holy American Empire and still enjoyed a strong influence with most departments former Phoenicians were part of. As the meeting began Milliardo seated himself at the head of the large table, he was impressed by the amount of people that had come on such short notice, Imperial Guard Commanders, Division Commanders of Imperial Intelligence, everyone was there. He had made sure everyone had the report on their datapads at the table.

“I thank you all for coming so fast, as you will read on the report from Brisbane some resistance is forming in Australia, normally we would leave nations in such a situation but Australia being an ally requires us to stay informed. I have asked you all to come here so we can discuss setting up an Intelligence Taskforce in Brisbane to provide us with more accurate information, I also feel we need more Imperial Guard at the Embassy to ensure security for our Agents and Diplomats. We will follow the advice of our local agents and abandon all non-essential consulates for now.”

The people present new they wouldn’t be able to say much, if the Chief wanted something he would get it. Within an hour the orders were transmitted and a division of 30 Diplomats, 20 Intelligence Agents acting like Diplomats and 30 Imperial Guards would be transported to Brisbane and consulates were abandoned. The Empire was preparing to stay there no matter what happened.

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OOC: Excuse me, what Promised Lander movements, Cent? I think not. In case you haven't noticed, they've agreed with the Hanseatics on just about every issue lately.

IC: [size="2"][color="#000000"]While those of Promised land had always been a little less inclined to excess or grandeur, while they seemed a little more subdued most of the time, they had the piotential to react with just as much violent emotion as their Hanseatic bretheren. They, too, were a freedom-loving, free-thinking people in most aspects of their lives.

[/color][/size][size="2"][color="#000000"]Even so, t[/color][/size][size="2"][color="#000000"]he opening words of the proclamation were greeted with little concern, though a few muttered in protest; some said it wasn't hard enough, that the Queen should have gone as far as to outright ban this ridiculaous cult, while others were unnerved by the slightest hint of religious oppression in any form. But the few harsh and scornful words were but a spark next to the bonfire of emotions that erupted in the hearts and minds of the people (Hanseatic and Promised Lander alike) across the nation, at the announcement the same restrictions would be placed on every other major religion. The reactions[/color][/size]

[size="2"][color="#000000"]While those who would have been against it all in the first place largely maintained their positions, those who would have supported such restrictions found themselves fiercely divided. Many loudly decried the equal measures, pointing to the fact that any controversies stemming from religious matters were exclusively the responsibility of the Cult. Others, equally strident in their protests, gave voice to the idea that if this reform had not been enacted, it would have only been a matter of time before someone else stepped on the wrong toes.[/color][/size]

[size="2"][color="#000000"]Over the next few days, there was a dramatic increase in the number of protests, counter-protests, and outright brawls between those of conflicting beliefs. On several occasions police had to be called in to prevent full-scale battles between supporters and detractors of the reform. On one occasion in Perth, three people were killed and two dozen wounded seriously enough to be sent to the hospital before police managed to disperse the crowds.

Once all the facts and witness reports had been gathered, the information was sent to Darwin for review.[/color][/size]

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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In stark contrast, the island of Tasmania was relatively calm. The people of the isle were settled in their beliefs and while there were attempts to propagate them from their shores the island itself was a bastion of serenity. The population of the cult had taken as much as a non-conflictual role with other demographics of the population as possible.. giving them a broad berth and demonstrating significant cultural tolerances. The same kind warmness was demonstrated to any tourists who arrived, regardless of their faith. It was an effort to show them for who they were, a very loving and caring society who only wanted the best for their members and their peers.

If you talked to a cultist about country, discussion of the Queen and a sympathy for her struggles to strike the right balance between so many peoples was quick off a cultist's lips. If you talked about faith, a discussion into the complexity of the Dreamers and their mysterious ways would follow. If you asked them which were more important, Dragonisia their Dreamer, or the Queendom their Country.. the cultist would say Dragonisia, of course.. but that the Dreamer has stated that all cultists would abide by the laws of their lands and thus neither was ever in conflict save for when the state took direct action against the faith. Even then, they were to avoid the use of violence in resolution.

It's often thought the cult gathers in deep dark places, temples which exclude the world, but that's mostly outside of Tasmania. They were slowly starting to call themselves by a new name in Tasmania where worship was out in the open, often gathering in the parks and the squares of the town. They were calling themselves the Dreamers' Faithful. The religion itself called "The Faith of Dreams."


In the diplomatic office of the Queendom, a new request was made for a political officer to accompany a team of 24 missionaries to Selenarctos. They presented pre-approved Visas from the nation of Selenarctos indicating that the missionaries are welcome there. (Ikrolm Approved)

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The news of riots and unrest caused no great deal of panic in Sydney, and already the more prescient amongst them could see what this would lead to. The Melbourne incident was still fresh on everyone's minds, and more than a few responded with a smug grin, and catchall phrases saying that the citizens of Western Victoria had done the right thing in getting out early. Regardless of the cause, the First South Wales Army was called up to reinforce the border with the Queendom, although most regarded the duty as a joke, and many would still spend their down time sharing a drink or a cigarette with their counterparts from the Queendom.

If they could only have known what was to come.

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