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A Brave New World


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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' date='11 February 2010 - 04:20 AM' timestamp='1265890858' post='2174558']
Hi PM Johns, how you doing? I been around the whole time. Playing it my way, keeping my word and doing my duty as always. How about you?

So do something about that instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater and making it stupid for everyone instead of just stupid for most?

Also not *all* drama is behind closed doors, some really good stuff leaks out sometimes despite the best efforts of those involved ;)

That's not true at all really. Even if you arent in politics, arent in leadership, and your leaders dont tell you what's going on in politics (if that is the case, and you are unhappy about that, why not choose to follow different leaders?) it's still a lot more than a (very poor) war simulator. Nation building and community building, remember those? We used to do a bit of both together back in the day.

We also had a good deal of war-related contact as I remember, but I also remember those wars had a purpose. We were defending our community from attack. Without that context would you have cared? I certainly wouldnt have.

oi Sigrun, glad to see you're around and doing well too. :)

I too think average CN'ers get plenty a lot of drama, the Grub-TOP thing was drama, and very good drama IMO. I would never want to take that out of the game.

I didn't intend to trivialize the drama and politics that envelopes war. In my mind war and drama go hand in hand, so I think of the two as being one. So I agree with you there. :)

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[quote name='Moridin' date='11 February 2010 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1265918457' post='2175348']
It's originally a quote from Shakespeare, with positive rather than negative connotations:

[i]How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world! That has such people in't![/i][indent] [/indent]

Off topic, here, but also on topic I guess...

You are right that these words were first spoken by Miranda in [i]The Tempest.[/i]

However, I think you might be mistaken in how you characterize them.

Miranda sees things not as they are, but as she believes them to be.

Huxley chose Miranda's words for a reason in writing his books.

/food for thought :)

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='10 February 2010 - 02:04 AM' timestamp='1265767455' post='2171629']

I hope that one day the concepts of harsh surrender terms, reps and large military MDAP/oAP blocs will go the way of the dinosaur. This will make way for a new world that is not ruled or influenced by a singular philosophy or military force. Instead it is replaced with a myriad of viewpoints, credos, and beliefs, weaved into the tapestry of PB’s culture.
Oh, so you want to take us to the world of pre-GWI?

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I think the problem with that would be if everyone decided to untangle the web and stop bloc-centric politics, then what would eventually happen is people would realize that creating a bloc when everyone else was untied to blocs themselves would be a massive strategic advantage, and we would eventually find ourselves back in this place. We are here because human nature and the nature of the game have taken us here. I am sure there will be some sort of evolution (de-evolution?) from this point, but it would be very hard for there to be too much untangling.

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='09 February 2010 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1265767455' post='2171629']
After more than 1000 days of CN I find my nation in a world where raiders roam the wastelands, rogues cruise alliances’ shores like hungry sharks, espionage around every corner, and wars being waged in every direction. It’s finally getting good(Again?)! Freedom of speech is prevalent; gag orders are becoming a thing of the past. Alliances are engaging each other at more or less even odds and individual nations are bravely throwing whatever they have at their opponents with little regard for their infra stats. White peace is becoming the new norm. Wars ending with a handshake and a ‘good job, it was fun’ then off to rebuild and/or fight again.

Admin has blessed us with a military system for a reason. Reps and terms do nothing more than deny a nation’s right to use the war system. Terms are a tool of oppression and implemented out of fear by the victors as means to extinguish the possibility of a rising . Either that or it’s punishment for possessing a different set of ideals which is equally as sordid. After which point we find ourselves sitting in long stretches of boredom, albeit another curb-stomp here or there to keep the minions from falling asleep and to prop up the ever so important hollow culture of winning.

As I see it [b]large[/b] MADP/MDoAP blocs are archaic. By nature large blocs are oppressive, cumbersome and inactive. Whether it’s their intention of not these hulking relics create stagnation, they slow down change, discourage diversity, promote apathy and keep us at bay with their ideals and influence. Very few are willing push the boundaries of a large bloc thus they sit there…Like hibernating dinosaurs until the bloc finally implodes.

I hope that one day the concepts of harsh surrender terms, reps and large military MDAP/oAP blocs will go the way of the dinosaur. This will make way for a new world that is not ruled or influenced by a singular philosophy or military force. Instead it is replaced with a myriad of viewpoints, credos, and beliefs, weaved into the tapestry of PB’s culture. Change is the only constant; expanding, contracting, joining and splitting. Differences are celebrated. This I hope, will be the future. A PB that is dynamic, and accelerating beyond boundaries without restrictions.

As Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard would say...
[img] http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/geek-to-me/assets_c/2009/11/picard-thumb-450x300-37338.gif[/img]

I've never agreed so much with a member of iFOK. Right on, man, right on.

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[quote name='SonOfHoward' date='09 February 2010 - 06:04 PM' timestamp='1265767455' post='2171629']
Rogues cruise alliances’ shores like hungry sharks.

One man's rogue is another man's freedom fighter.

However, congrats on 1,000 days. Onto 2,000?

Edited by Mr Damsky
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