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Two different wars


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[quote name='skokie' date='31 January 2010 - 11:47 AM' timestamp='1264956433' post='2147742']
I have to say, i am sorry dear TOP/IRON but you are at a political disadvantage, you and all you friends raise really good hypothetical points, you try hard to compare your situation to Japan (nice try but... NO) and to other historical events in CN, but unless you can present a screen shot or a hard piece of evidence which suggests that C&G was going to attack you, you are at a disadvantage and you are the offensive player. It's rather simple.
Somehow I doubt a screen shot would effect anything.

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[quote name='Jinnai' date='01 February 2010 - 03:10 AM' timestamp='1264993852' post='2149284']
^^This. Even if one came up we'd just here shouts of photoshoped.
then not a screen shot but some sort of evidence aside from personal opinion, if you cant provide that, then stop trying to make up stuff that this was a preemptive war, just say it as it is, top and iron started a war on C&G

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[quote name='Instr' date='31 January 2010 - 09:28 AM' timestamp='1264955326' post='2147718']

So, by your logic, sanctions placed on North Korea and Iran justify their nuclear program and general belligerence towards US allies?

If the conspiracy theories are correct, TOP was tricked into attacking into an unfavorable war. If anyone is at fault here, to begin with, TOP declared outside the normal rules of war. I personally don't believe in any rules of war, but the Cyber Nations community does and attacking without a legitimate casus belli is a major faux pas. TOP must have thought they could have gotten away with it, in the way many other alliances have managed to get away with falsified casus belli, in the sense that they could dictate the rules of the game after winning the war and then declare themselves the winner. Then there is the matter of Polar, who, according to TOP, gave them the idea of executing an illegal war. Polar bears some of the blame for instigating TOP's crime, but in the end, it was TOP who accepted the concept and started an illegal war.

Regarding Bob Janova's desire to see this war's end, TOP has shown itself to be a security threat to Complaints and Grievances in a way that Complaints and Grievances has not shown TOP. We are the victims of unjustified aggression by a major world power, which, we have seen, is severely paranoid. Mushroom Kingdom may joke amongst ourselves about rolling all the alliances we don't get along with, but we are not the ones who tried to "roll" TOP. TOP is trying to roll us.

1. The belief that TOP attacked without a CB is silly at best, frightening at the worst. I presume the theory behind "no CB" lies in their lack of treaties to those on NpO's side? Fail. What undermined TOP's valid CB was their bantering about "getting CnG before CnG gets us." Had that not been in there, the conversation being held would be different.

2. Well, of course TOP has shown itself as a threat to CnG in a way CnG has not shown to TOP. They attacked you. That's about the only difference. Anyone who intends to sit here and claim there to be no reason TOP would feel threatened by SuperComplaints after the Karma War is being willfully ignorant.

Roq, keep it in your pants. :P

Edited by Nizzle
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The \m/-NpO war will always be the main contributing cause of the current situation.

So it could be argued that the two wars are related to a degree that has never been seen before with the later war being the immediate result of the first one.

In short, its complicated and it could easily be argued either way.

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