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Freetopia Calls for Aid


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We have recently been attacked by a rogue nation who goes by the alliance name Freetopia. His recent post -HERE- states that he believes that we have sent peace terms to his alliance. This is false.

This carries more weight. I was referring to your false claim to a prior peace offer. Not any that are currently commencing due to your incessant whining and complaining about your enemies being aided.

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This carries more weight. I was referring to your false claim to a prior peace offer. Not any that are currently commencing due to your incessant whining and complaining about your enemies being aided.

LOLS, well in that case, you should refer to my initial post and assuming you retain the ability to read you will see it quite clearly right before your eyes, as for whining and complaining, incessant or otherwise may i suggest that you don't read posts which bore you, or bore me by replying to them :-).

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check the recent worldfed announcement, it was edited to include offer of talks http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=78879

Ok well i have something to ask you. Seeing as how this so called one man freetopia is no more. Ie you left and joined someone else,So how could you have peace with said Freetopia, Or as that matter how could a Freetopia that is no longer ask for aid. Have you asked for thus Thread to be colsed or are you trying to con the good people in here to help something that is no more?

Edited by USOFAA
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Ok well i have something to ask you. Seeing as how this so called one man freetopia is no more. Ie you left and joined someone else,So how could you have peace with said Freetopia, Or as that matter how could a Freetopia that is no longer ask for aid. Have you asked for thus Thread to be colsed or are you trying to con the good people in here to help something is no more?

I'm not sure what you're getting at really, obviously I can't have peace with 'said freetopia' on account that we are one and the same. Perhaps you should direct your other queries to your government... or ya could send me some more funny in game messages :-).

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I'm not sure what you're getting at really, obviously I can't have peace with 'said freetopia' on account that we are one and the same. Perhaps you should direct your other queries to your government... or ya could send me some more funny in game messages :-).

http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=372309 Thats you (Incase anyone else outside of WF wants the link for aid or something :P) Freetopia was a Alliance that can not be found anymore becuse it is gone. I don;t see the The Freetopia Moralist Front Or the The Moralist Front of Freetopia, Its not your Nation name. Where does Freetopia fit into this now.

Oh you must of did a pact with The Moralist Front like the other alliances do,Oh wait no i am sure you are a member of The Moralist Front? Who is this Freetopia i can't seem to find it anywhere i want to put in my 2 cents for talks.. But really that would be hard to do Whats this Freetopia's NS rateing please. Or a link anything?

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http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=372309 Thats you (Incase anyone else outside of WF wants the link for aid or something :P) Freetopia was a Alliance that can not be found anymore becuse it is gone. I don;t see the The Freetopia Moralist Front Or the The Moralist Front of Freetopia, Its not your Nation name. Where does Freetopia fit into this now.

Oh you must of did a pact with The Moralist Front like the other alliances do,Oh wait no i am sure you are a member of The Moralist Front? Who is this Freetopia i can't seem to find it anywhere i want to put in my 2 cents for talks.. But really that would be hard to do Whats this Freetopia's NS rateing please. Or a link anything?

I'm sure its as apparent to you as anyone else why I changed by Alliance Affiliation. If not, then i suggest you firstly read recent forum posts connected to the subject and if that doesn't help, message me and I can talk ya through it step by step.

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I'm sure its as apparent to you as anyone else why I changed by Alliance Affiliation. If not, then i suggest you firstly read recent forum posts connected to the subject and if that doesn't help, message me and I can talk ya through it step by step.

Hahaha i know i seen them i want to know how we are in peace talks with this so called Freetopia that is no more? Could you please give me here ns rateing so i can put my two cents in. I want to see if they are even worth are time for peace talks have they broke 1 Mil NS yet?

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Hahaha i know i seen them i want to know how we are in peace talks with this so called Freetopia that is no more? Could you please give me here ns rateing so i can put my two cents in. I want to see if they are even worth are time for peace talks have they broke 1 Mil NS yet?

To avoid any doubt, i got the point you were making the first time you made it. The point is however mute, what I am called is irrelevant, who I am remains the same, surely if my AA name matters so much then since Freetopia doesn't exist anymore this whole issue goes away and there is not need for war, talks, reps or anything else that your Emperor and I will be discussing tomorrow?

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To avoid any doubt, i got the point you were making the first time you made it. The point is however mute, what I am called is irrelevant, who I am remains the same, surely if my AA name matters so much then since Freetopia doesn't exist anymore this whole issue goes away and there is not need for war, talks, reps or anything else that your Emperor and I will be discussing tomorrow?

Yes for my point if i was the Mods i would colse the threads, Just a newbie trying to get Drama going.If i was WF leadership i would not give you the time of the day let alone peace talks. Just let you know the little game you played is over, Your not worth the time really will you even be in this game in 4 weeks or by that point will your drama be over and we will never see you again?

Meh what ever i am done with this, Your geting what you want my time your a joke like i told you before in PM's. You come on and spam a alliance go to war with people that you should not have. Come on here and whine some more trying to turn it from that your a (Troll) what was your hope to save CN everyone that is not in a alliance bow to Freetopia he is here to save you by going to war with alliance members and then spaming them. To: Allen Demary From: Yersinnia Date: 1/20/2010 10:36:03 AM

Subject: Attention World Federation

Message: World Federation Members, the war enters its 5th day. Ask yourselves, how can a single nation stand alone against so mightier alliance? Your leaders have failed you, your comrades are anarchied, your government silent, renounce this false assembly of failure and embrace your true destiny. Long Live Freetopia.

Lol do i have to say more. Are silent goverment that you got on here crying for aid to live from?

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Yes for my point if i was the Mods i would colse the threads, Just a newbie trying to get Drama going.If i was WF leadership i would not give you the time of the day let alone peace talks. Just let you know the little game you played is over, Your not worth the time really will you even be in this game in 4 weeks or by that point will your drama be over and we will never see you again?

Meh what ever i am done with this, Your geting what you want my time your a joke like i told you before in PM's. You come on and spam a alliance go to war with people that you should not have. Come on here and whine some more trying to turn it from that your a (Troll) what was your hope to save CN everyone that is not in a alliance bow to Freetopia he is here to save you by going to war with alliance members and then spaming them. To: Allen Demary From: Yersinnia Date: 1/20/2010 10:36:03 AM

Subject: Attention World Federation

Message: World Federation Members, the war enters its 5th day. Ask yourselves, how can a single nation stand alone against so mightier alliance? Your leaders have failed you, your comrades are anarchied, your government silent, renounce this false assembly of failure and embrace your true destiny. Long Live Freetopia.

Lol do i have to say more. Are silent goverment that you got on here crying for aid to live from?

lol, well that was nearly as good as your best in game message. no need to be bitter, the key word is 'game', why shouldnt i start my own alliance and post in the forums, you are and i'm not condemning you :-) if ya dont like your governments stance toward me change alliance, as you've seen, its possible. If ya dont like that the mods arent going all Hitler on my freedom of speech, then talk to them, not me.

Edited by Yersinnia
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After all I have seen and read from WF's announcement to your numerous stories in this topic and watching your nation you should be ZIed by now because if you ghosted Sparta I would have you destroyed completely. 1 war fine ok! But 5 wars there doesn't need to be any discussion about it! I don't see how peace talks are even being considered atm. If you get peace all I would have to say is wow!

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The World Federation, in their recent post have sentenced our people and alliance to utter destruction. The infrastructure of Freetopia is necessary for the lives of its people. Freetopia implores all free nations and alliances around the globe to come to our aid in any way they can, even if its just speaking out against this gross breach of the rights of our people.

I will definitely support you! There are no nations I enjoy sending my hardly earned funds to than partially literate, third-person speaking ghosts! Send me a message in-game, and I'll send you troops, funds, and everything you could possibly need to win this! ^_^

Edited by Silvio Arjunza
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Two things:

1. Alliance Announcements is In-Character. There should be no references to CN being a "game".

2. Mod issues such as thread closure are just that. Mod issues. The discussion on it isn't needed.

Please keep this in mind when posting henceforth. Thanks.

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I will definitely support you! There are no nations I enjoy sending my hardly earned funds to than partially literate, third-person speaking ghosts! Send me a message in-game, and I'll send you troops, funds, and everything you could possibly need to win this! ^_^

Excellent, I, similarly enjoy receiving "hardly earned funds", from hardly literate posters who ask me to message them in game and forget to fill out their forum profile. What exactly is a hardly earned fund? You mean you hardly have any funds or you didn't really earn them to start with?

And, of course, this being in character, a third person narratory would be appropriate, wouldn't it? If you were to open your eyes I'm sure you would see that in the real world, the third person referral point is commonly used when referring to nations, afterall, a nation is a group.

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After all I have seen and read from WF's announcement to your numerous stories in this topic and watching your nation you should be ZIed by now because if you ghosted Sparta I would have you destroyed completely. 1 war fine ok! But 5 wars there doesn't need to be any discussion about it! I don't see how peace talks are even being considered atm. If you get peace all I would have to say is wow!

Thats exactly the point, once you get to over 6000NS this isn't cybernations anymore, its cybernations + alliance, why should one have to register with and join an alliance in order to continue playing a game where alliances are OPTIONAL? I suppose one could simply enter peace mode all the time but we all know what that does to productivity.

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Thats exactly the point, once you get to over 6000NS this isn't cybernations anymore, its cybernations + alliance, why should one have to register with and join an alliance in order to continue playing a game where alliances are OPTIONAL? I suppose one could simply enter peace mode all the time but we all know what that does to productivity.

Alliances are not optional.

Try again.

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Alliances are not optional.

Try again.

Not optional, lol what absolute tripe. Check here:


The CN definition of an alliance: Alliances - Alliances are player created groups managed outside the game. Alliances offer player protection during wars, organized strategies in game, increased player interaction, and often offsite forums and communities of their own. There are no hard coded benefits in the game to being part of a player created alliance. Many of the player created alliances attempt to gain “control” over particular teams. This gives the various alliances a color identity and an opportunity to gain happiness by trading with one another in the game. There are a few in game screens in the World Statistics page that provide statistics and detail player created alliances. Alliance score is determined by the following equation:

((alliance nations / total nations * 1,000) + (alliance strength / 100,000)) / 3

and here:


The CN wiki definition of an alliance: Alliances are player created and maintained and function almost completely outside of the game mechanics (excepting the Alliances statistics screen). They are primarily defense (and sometimes agression) pacts between nations. Any player may ask to join any alliance, but it is up to the individual alliances who they admit. Many of the player created alliances attempt to gain "control" over particular teams, but not all. This gives the various alliances a color identity and an opportunity to gain population happiness by trading with one another in the game. Single color alliances also have the ability to gain Senate seats on their team, giving special bonuses to their top nations. Most teams have multiple alliances within them.

The one word you'll notice is completely missing is mandatory. Players CAN join an alliance they don't HAVE to. If your gonna talk rubbish, try and make it rubbish that isn't well..... such rubbish.

Try Again.

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Well that's 7 minutes I'll never get back. What a thoroughly ridiculous, boring and pointless thread.

I demand the 5 minutes I spent laughing at your taking the time to reply to my pointless thread back.

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BACoN Hears your request and summarily dismisses it.

Next time, don't ghost, poach and rogue a sovereign alliance.

Good sir, would you please tell me what exactly you have against poach? And why are you grouping poach in with ghosts and rogues?


Government of Poachland

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