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Announcement from Légalement Coupable


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Hello, I hereby recognize PU in State ofDeclare War on PU.

To answer Nascar's question it isn't a tech raid.

The reason we are doing this is because we have a Mutual Defense Peact with The Society Live with it enjoy it live it.

Listen up people i'm sick of the confusion wether TS called me in or not it doesn't matter we have a MDP I chose to follow it through so live with it.

P.S. you're right i forgot to post the DoW i wasn't on my computer at update sorry.

Edited by marcus the great
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My god you are a coward, you hide behind your newbies and your puppets in the hopes that you stay safe, it is very sad when a leader has to lie to his own people,send in his newbies under false orders to enter a war. I have spoken to TS and was informed that they had no idea that LC was going to attack, again just another one of your puppets.

May I suggest changed your team color to yellow (no offense to any yellow team members) if fits you very well.

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My god you are a coward, you hide behind your newbies and your puppets in the hopes that you stay safe, it is very sad when a leader has to lie to his own people,send in his newbies under false orders to enter a war. I have spoken to TS and was informed that they had no idea that LC was going to attack, again just another one of your puppets.

May I suggest changed your team color to yellow (no offense to any yellow team members) if fits you very well.

Whoa Tiger, I am second in command of TS, I don't recall anything of the such being said.

Why don't you check your facts before posting next time?

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My god you are a coward, you hide behind your newbies and your puppets in the hopes that you stay safe, it is very sad when a leader has to lie to his own people,send in his newbies under false orders to enter a war. I have spoken to TS and was informed that they had no idea that LC was going to attack, again just another one of your puppets.

May I suggest changed your team color to yellow (no offense to any yellow team members) if fits you very well.

Next Time get your !@#$ straight before posting.

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My god you are a coward, you hide behind your newbies and your puppets in the hopes that you stay safe, it is very sad when a leader has to lie to his own people,send in his newbies under false orders to enter a war. I have spoken to TS and was informed that they had no idea that LC was going to attack, again just another one of your puppets.

May I suggest changed your team color to yellow (no offense to any yellow team members) if fits you very well.

Marcus offered to help us. We knew he was coming Ok?

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alright lets get this straight.. TS and LC had a secret MDP but really it was up to them if they wanted to come. I never asked them to but i had a hunch that they would. So marcus isn't a band wagoner or a coward he is an ally that follows through on treaties.

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you should talk to marcus before you speak for him he has already told me that you indeed did "kinda ask for their help"

Adude, you really need to pick a better class of friends, liars never make good allies.

edit spelling

Edited by Thom98
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