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57th Overlanders DoW's BC 2.0


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Are we now turning this thread into who hates who more?

I wasn't going to, but now that you mention it..... :v:

Seriously, let's all sing Kum-by-ah until Veneke gets on and we can have a lovely chat about where to go.

I wasn't really a fan of this war when it started and would like to see it not escalate any further.

However, if it did, it might give all the whiners out there something to be happy about. :v:

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First of all I want to tell this:


And now some advice for our enemy's:



And some general information:




Made by: Evilsquirrel (Chuck Norris and facepalm) / Theoroshia (the granade advice) / feestaap1 thats me (all the rest)

I'm sorry Patton but there is a copyright on your picture

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From this point on, I'll remember that the military behemoths Norway and Nationalist China support the 57th, and that if I see a giant flag flying towards me, it's already to late. :P

OOC: Nice work though, and a good first effort, certainly.

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So you're declaring war on Browncoats, because you somehow got screens of their alliance, and thought they might use their treaties to attack you in a global war if you joined?

That's certainly what seems to be happening.

The stupidness of the Athens-TPF war appears to be contagious. <_<

Browncoats, CoJ, etc, voted against going to war against the 57th anyway. The votes and such were in case the war that just ended, ended up going to our allies, which it didn't so this didn't matter much anyway.

Well, I'm glad the vote failed. The arguments in the screenshot that Nintenderek gave for going to war I thought were pretty heavily outweighed by the other side.

Regardless, you guys have made your choice, hopefully you can live with it.

I kinda hope they can't.

Nemesis, who has $%&@-all to do with 57th or BC decide to attack the 57th

Yeah looks like it.

Also, their amazing blitz consisted of two wars right before update, 21 after. So far anyway.


What an interesting application of the Moldavi Doctrine.

The issue is this, wars to end alliances are not cool. Ever.

Thanks Voodoo. :)

what avatar insanity is going on


Also, Cairna :wub:

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We are treatied to CoJ who requested our help. That and we are treatied to LoSS.

Since the group was already together for the hypothetical plans.

Also we were requested 5 minutes before update to help them out. 4 minutes before update the trium of nemesis had decided we would go in with them.

You try getting an update blitz done in 4 minutes -_-

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We are treatied to CoJ who requested our help. That and we are treatied to LoSS.

Since the group was already together for the hypothetical plans.

Also we were requested 5 minutes before update to help them out. 4 minutes before update the trium of nemesis had decided we would go in with them.

You try getting an update blitz done in 4 minutes -_-

My response in the circumstances would have been "Talk to you in 22 hours." :)

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Well lucky for our allies we aren't you

Eh, is screwing up the update strike really worth getting an extra 2 wars in?

For the other wars, it doesn't really matter if nation damage happens at 2 a.m. server or 11:30 p.m. server. You skipped doing the blitz in order to get 2 whole wars in.

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Eh, is screwing up the update strike really worth getting an extra 2 wars in?

For the other wars, it doesn't really matter if nation damage happens at 2 a.m. server or 11:30 p.m. server. You skipped doing the blitz in order to get 2 whole wars in.

It wasn't about the blitz. We could beat them with or without a blitz easily. It was about showing them that we were serious.

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Well, that's fair enough. IMO though LoSS being serious should be enough to get them to pay attention in this war.

LoSS are diplomatically superior to us i suppose

And a small secret, LoSS were going to DoW with us, but their MoFA forgot to give us his sigs so we put it up because we couldn't wait any longer lol

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LoSS are diplomatically superior to us i suppose

It's not so much diplomatic superiority as NS. When you're leading a 600K alliance and a 3M alliance declares on you, you wake up and Pay Attention. :)

And a small secret, LoSS were going to DoW with us, but their MoFA forgot to give us his sigs so we put it up because we couldn't wait any longer lol

Yeah, once again I say it's not so much diplomatic superiority. lol.

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In typically Irish fashion, I arrive late to the party.

In typically 57th fashion, I re-iterate the facts to cut through the amount of spin going on here.

Browncoats made plans to attack the 57th Overlanders (see screenshot).

They had planned on doing so through an ODP treaty with Cult of Justitia (see screenshot and wiki with link - both confirm the ODP).

Cult of Justitia had planned on using their oA clause with Nemesis to hit the 57th in the larger TPF war which has recently ended (for the record, we would have no trouble with Nemesis or CoJ acting in this manner had they done so during the conflict).

Nemesis it would appear, based on what makes the most logical sense off of those screenshots, had planned to hit us after we defended Veritas Aequitas. This is a small amount of speculation, but is the only possible way in which CoJ and BC 2.0 could possibly attack us to begin with. This last point however, is beside the point of our CB.

Browncoats were planning to attack us, via an aggressive clause in their ODP treaty with CoJ that doesn't exist, along with Nemesis and possibly LoSS too. I, and the 57th, have no problem with Nemesis hitting us in that context, nor even with CoJ. I have trouble with BC 2.0 doing so. To head off the logical counter that they would move alongside LoSS, I point you to the screenshots. They were planning on moving with CoJ, and not LoSS. In fact, they couldn't even be certain of LoSS's support. Nemesis alone is more than capable of engaging the 57th, CoJ merely adds to this. BC would merely be bandwagonning.

Browncoats wanted a war against the 57th, we gave it to them, actually allowing them to keep what little honour they may feel they have, intact.

Nemesis engaging the 57th took me by surprise, I expected better. I was waiting for CoJ to engage as per their ODP with BC, and LoSS to move in defence. What Nemesis have to do with this war at this point in time is quite lost on me.

I will take this time to reply to the "negotiations" that my Lieutenant, Kodiak, partook in, in which the now apparently famous line "We seek to end the alliance, BC2, that schemes to attack us." appears. In short, those "negotiations" were a farce. CoJ/Nemesis/BC2.0/LoSS were involved, with NSO moderating and only Kodiak there from the 57th. Kodiak has a history with BC, and the logs show CoJ/BC 2.0/LoSS and Nemesis clearly demanding an answer Kodiak was uncertain on. He was clearly already flustered by the people he was facing, who outclass him in political experience and diplomacy. The answer he gave was a poor one. Although, if Nemesis had managed to look at our DoW, they will see that has already been answered. BC wanted a war with the 57th, this they received. Our goal here is to give BC this. Not in the manner they would like perhaps, but the lads weren't up for getting jumped on by opportunistic tools. I know, we're not much fun like that. Next time maybe, we'll see. Of course, now it appears that Nemesis jumped on us because they can't keep it in their pants for the length of time it takes for CoJ or LoSS to issue a DoW means that whether we're up for getting jumped on by opportunistic tools is a somewhat moot point.

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